Arizona Senate resolution threatens arrest of Maricopa County board for failing to comply with subpoena regarding election fraud evidence

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The AP reported that the Arizona Senate introduced a contempt resolution on Wednesday, February 3, 2021 finding Maricopa County has failed to comply with a subpoena demanding access to elections equipment and ballots cast in the November election. Timing on a full Senate vote is unclear, but all 16 Republican senators are listed as sponsors, meaning it is virtually certain to pass.

If the resolution is enacted, the five members of the Maricopa County board could be arrested for failing to comply. It authorizes Senate President Karen Fann to take “all legal action” needed to enforce the subpoena.

The county board on Tuesday continues to refuse to comply with subpoenas lawmakers issued to find evidence of election fraud or other election misdeeds which led to Democratic President Joe Biden’s win in the state.

The contempt resolution SR 1005 demands:

That the President of the Arizona Senate take all legal action pursuant to section 41-1153, Arizona Revised Statutes, to enforce the subpoena.Section 41-1153 states:

A. If a witness neglects or refuses to obey a legislative subpoena, or, appearing, neglects or refuses to testify, the senate or the house may, by resolution entered in the journal, commit him for contempt.

B. A witness neglecting or refusing to attend in obedience to a subpoena may be arrested by the sergeant-at-arms and brought before the senate or house upon authority of a copy of the resolution signed by the president or speaker, and countersigned by the secretary or chief clerk.

Read SR 1005 PDF below:


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