CNN & NBC paid an ‘insurrectionist’ John Earl Sullivan $35,000 A PIECE for video footage of the Capitol insurrection

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Court documents filed by left-wing filmmaker John Sullivan’s attorneys have claimed that CNN and NBC each paid  $35,000 for his footage of the violence during the Capitol riot that took place on January 6, according to the latest reports.

Sullivan’s defense attorney filed invoices with the court that proved CNN and NBC each paying Sullivan’s firm $35,000 last month for the video rights to the video he filmed during the riots. 

According to the report, a federal magistrate judge allowed Sullivan to keep Twitter and Facebook accounts, “but ordered him to end his involvement with a business he founded that the Justice Department says promotes and glorifies violent protests.”

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

However, prosecutors contend that Sullivan actively participated in the riot. His own videos provide evidence of that as the footage includes him wedding people on, encouraging violence and yelling, “we did this together” and “let’s burn this s**t down”. Apart from that, reports also add that he is seen telling viewers how to make Molotov cocktails and evade identification by police.

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NEW: John Sullivan, charged for his participation in the Jan. 6 riots, was paid $35,000 apiece from CNN and NBC for his footage inside the Capitol. More on his detention hearing from @joshgerstein

CNN Invoice of Payment to John Sullivan for footage of the Capitol Breach (Court Document)

NBC Invoice of Payment to John Sullivan for footage of the Capitol Breach

NBC Invoice of Payment to John Sullivan for footage of the Capitol Breach (Court Document)

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses