What can be cut from Biden’s COVID Bill? All of this!!!

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The Biden Regime has been working continuously to get Congress to pass it’s American Rescue Plan Act, Biden’s coronavirus “relief package”. Biden is not interested in bipartisan support. The Bill is not a pandemic “relief package” for America, but the bill includes billions of dollars of support for all kinds of left-wing programs which will leave America in deep debt and American’s will be paying off that debt for generations to come. In a recent speech given at the Pfizer vaccine plant, Biden asked Republicans, What would they have me cut?” Below are ideas for cuts that Republicans should demand from Biden’s COVID Package. $420 billion of potential savings was found.

Credit goes to @Oilfield_Rando on Twitter and Joanna Miller at The National Pulse who created this more concise list:

  • $350 billion to bail out badly-run Democrat states which managed to kill thousands of small businesses with onerous lockdowns and allow rioting, looting, and chaos to run rampant since June of 2020;
  • $1 million for a “Vaccine Confidence Program,” to “improve rates of vaccination throughout the United States” and to “improve vaccine confidence in the United States, its territories, and possessions,” despite the fact that over 450 people in the United States have died after taking the vaccine, including an individual just 23 years old;
  • $91 million for outreach to student loan borrowers, domestically and internationallyas well as$35 million for Howard University, and $19 million for Gallaudet University;
  • $1.5 million for the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation;
  • $50 million for “environmental justice” and “tackling the climate crisis,” and $50 million for the Clean Air Act;
  • $10 billion for the Homeowner Assistance Fund to run all the way until 2025;
  • $40 million for “administrative costs” for the Department of Treasury to simply oversee and administer the Homeowner Assistance Fund program;
  • $1.5 billion for “businesses enterprises owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals,” and an extra $1 billion for states that “demonstrate robust support” for the same kinds of businesses. One has to ask how the left will evaluate which business owners qualify as “socially disadvantaged?”;
  • $15 billion for airlines alone, while Democrats simultaneously GUT the Keystone Pipeline, which provides crude oil for jet fuel production. (Keep the industry, but kill the thousands of American jobs that support it);
  • $852 million for the Corporation for National and Community Service through 2024;
  • $570 million for “Emergency Federal Employee Leave” to pay for government employees to take leave in light of the pandemic, while millions of families across the country are working tirelessly to make ends meet;
  • $77 million to the Government Accountability Office to ensure that the “Coronavirus response” funds are being allocated to respond properly to the “Coronavirus pandemic.” Looks like GAO will have its hands full, then!;
  • $30 billion for Federal Transit Administration;

(H. R. 1319, H.R. 1319, HR1319, hr 1319, hr1319)

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