Ted Cruz on Xavier Becerra: “Woefully UNQUALIFIED to lead our country out of this pandemic”

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Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz slammed HHS nominee Xavier Becerra on the Senate floor Wednesday, saying, “Xavier Becerra has zero experience in anything related to health care and is woefully unqualified to lead our country out of this pandemic.”

Xavier Becerra Would Be The Most Partisan HHS Secretary We’ve Ever Had, And He’s Not Even Qualified

If Democrats have their way, Attorney General Xavier Becerra’s reign of terror won’t be limited to just California. The U.S. Senate is set to vote any day now on whether Becerra will be confirmed as the next Health and Human Services Secretary. Becerra was voted out of committee last week in a tied vote along party lines. 

Supporters celebrate how Becerra would be the first Latino HHS Secretary, that his parents were Mexican immigrants. Becerra referenced this in his opening statements. That may be touching, but it doesn’t say anything about how he would lead the HHS.

Don’t let this inspiring story get you too excited. If such partisanship doesn’t raise concerns, perhaps Becerra’s record will. If there’s anything we can say about Attorney General Becerra’s healthcare experience, it’s that if you dare to disagree with him on what constitutes women’s “healthcare,” you can expect to be sued. It’s hard to find someone more hellbent on forcing non-profit pro-life pregnancy centers to promote free abortions, or for Catholic nuns to provide free birth control. 

Becerra followed Kamala Harris in becoming attorney general. Notice how our Catholic president Joe Biden isn’t as devoted to practicing his faith with his policies as he is to stuffing his cabinet with those who would demean that faith. In the 5-4 Supreme Court case of NIFLA v. Becerra, pro-life pregnancy centers managed to fend off an aggressive fight from the Attorney General’s office which forced these centers to promote free, state-provided abortions.

Speaking of the Supreme Court, there’s plenty more to be said about the Little Sisters of the Poor. After years of litigation, the Court ruled in favor of Catholic nuns who didn’t wish to have to provide for or refer for birth control. The Trump administration stepped in to protect the Little Sisters, but Becerra was relentless, emphasizing in a complaint that such a rule would mean “millions of women in California may be left without access to contraceptives” and that it would cause “immediate and irreparable harm.”

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