Arkansas Governor Allows Bill That Bans Agencies From Training Employees Critical Race Theory

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The Epoch Times

On Monday, Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, a Republican, allowed a bill that prevents government agencies from training employees on divisive concepts of race and sex to become law without his signature.

The law S.B. 627 prohibits agencies from teaching employees, contractors, or any other group “divisive concepts” during racial and cultural sensitivity training. These concepts include teaching employees that the United States is fundamentally racist or sexist, or that one race or sex is inherently superior to another race or sex.

The measure was introduced as an effort to push back on “critical race theory,” which is a doctrine that redefines America’s history by claiming the nation was built through the struggle between “oppressors” (white people) and the “oppressed” (everybody else). The doctrine parallels Marxism’s reduction of human history to a struggle between the “bourgeoisie” and the “proletariat.”

It has also been heavily promulgated throughout academia, entertainment, government, schools, and corporations in recent years and rose to new prominence following activism triggered by the police-involved death of George Floyd.

In a statement to the Associated Press, Hutchinson explained that he didn’t sign the bill because he believes the measure “does not address any problem that exists.”

“And the paperwork and manpower requirements are unnecessary,” he added.

Hutchinson’s press office did not immediately respond to The Epoch Times’ request for comment.

The law does not apply to public schools, colleges, and universities, law enforcement training, or local governments. It also states that agencies are not precluded from promoting racial, cultural, or ethnic diversity or inclusiveness as long as those efforts are consistent with the law.

This comes as a line of Republican-led states are considering or have passed measures that prevent the instruction of critical race theory in schools. The Oklahoma state legislature voted to pass a similar bill last week. Meanwhile, lawmakers in a Tennessee House Committee have sent a proposal preventing critical race theory instruction in classrooms to the House floor.


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