Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene Issues Statement On The Media’s Cover Up Of Democrat Anti-Semitism

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Washington D.C. – Today, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene issued the following statement:

“The media and Democrats and everyone feeding into it is allowing them to hide the truth, which is the disgusting anti-Semitism within the Democrat Party.

At a time when the Socialist Democrats and the Jihad Squad are supporting terrorist Hamas, and their supporters are attacking Jewish people on the streets of America, it’s never been more important than now to stand up against forced vaccinations and mask mandates that the left is using to discriminate against Americans who refuse to comply.

Their attempts to shame, ostracize, and brand Americans who choose not to get vaccinated or wear a mask are reminiscent of the great tyrants of history who did the same to those who would not comply.

And everyone feeding into it is allowing them to hide the truth, which is the disgusting anti-Semitism within the Democrat Party.

The Democrats are the party of division, hate, critical race theory (pure racism), discrimination, totalitarianism, socialism, globalism, gender destruction, BDS, defunding our police, and ANTIFA / BLM terrorists.

I’m sorry some of my words make people uncomfortable, but this is what the American left is all about.

And they are America last in every single way.”


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