Gosar Sponsors 10-year Moratorium On All Immigration

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WASHINGTON D.C. – This week, Congressman Paul A. Gosar, D.D.S (AZ-04) issued the following statement after introducing legislation providing a 10-year moratorium on all immigration into the United States:

“America is a nation of laws. And like every country on earth, it has laws limiting how and when, and who, can come into our borders. Not just to visit, to live and work.

The current regime is ignoring and actively assisting the violation of our federal laws. The Biden administration has literally and figuratively opened the gates and is waving hundreds of thousands of criminals into our country. We are looking at 2 million criminals being let in this year alone. On top of over 30 million already here. 

Then to harm our people more, the Biden administration uses tax money to pay for transportation, fancy hotels (one in Scottsdale, Arizona), food and health care for these illegal aliens. Meanwhile Americans suffer with inflation and low wages.

We can’t have legal immigration when we have rampant illegal alien invaders. This is a threat to our national security and our economy and to our citizens. 

With the destruction of President Trump’s solid immigration enforcement, and current disregard and violation of existing federal law, Mr. Biden has unleashed the most severe border and humanitarian crisis in United States history. No other nation, save England and Germany, has willingly participated in its own economic and cultural destruction. No American voted for this desecration. The laws have not been changed. This is lawless criminality.

With millions of Americans including our veterans who are now unemployed, homeless, or living in poverty we need to take care of one another before we allow millions to migrate here. Time to pause migration to America and figure out how to put the American people first,” said Rep. Paul Gosar.


Currently, the United States is experiencing an enormous surge of illegal aliens entering at an exponential rate. In the months of May and June alone of this year at least 369,470 migrants were encountered by United States Customs and Border Protection. During the height of the pandemic, Representative Gosar stood in support of President Trump’s executive orders to halt immigration in the United States including the suspension of visas to ensure that American citizens do not experience employment discrimination. Mr. Biden is reversing all of President Trump’s policies and is looking to end Title 42. By pausing the admission of aliens to America it will give the United States an opportunity to figure out how to end illegal immigration and put Americans first in line for jobs, education, and other opportunities. 

A copy of the bill text can be found here.

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