Waltz Introduces the PAINTER Act Seeking White House Transparency

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – On Wednesday, U.S. Congressman Mike Waltz (FL-6) introduced the Preventing Anonymous Income by Necessitating Transparency of Executive Relatives (PAINTER) Act that would require the President and Vice President of the United States to report the same financial disclosure information of their non-dependent children as currently required for their spouse and dependent children under Section 102(e) of the Ethics in Government Act

“Under this administration, we have witnessed shameless attempts to profit off Joe Biden’s presidency that jeopardize the integrity of the White House,” said Rep. Waltz. “Despite the Biden Administration’s silence on this issue, American citizens have a right to know who is attempting to purchase access to the White House through an ‘artist’, Hunter Biden, with no established credentials to warrant such enormous profits. The PAINTER Act will put transparency first in the White House and shed light on the actions of the adult children of the President or Vice President that can be used to influence their parent’s position of power.”

Under this legislation, the President and Vice President would be required to report the following financial information for their non-dependent children as they are currently required to report for themselves and their spouses:

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  • The source and type of earned income exceeding $1,000;
  • The source and amount of any honoraria received aggregating more than $200;
  • The source and type of income from dividends, rents, interest, and capital gains exceeding $200 and the value of the amount;
  • The source, description, and value of any gifts received due solely, or in part, to the non-dependent child’s relationship with the President or Vice President; and
  • The source, description, and value of any reimbursements received due solely, or in part, to the non-dependent child’s relationship with the President or Vice President.

You can view the bill text here.


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