Experts demand CDC reveal the science behind mask U-turn after Fauci claimed vaccinated people infected with Delta variant have SAME viral loads as unvaccinated

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  • Experts are calling on the CDC to release the data underlying its recent backtrack on mask guidance 
  • Vaccinated people infected with the Indian ‘Delta’ variant have the same viral levels as the unvaccinated infected with this variant, Dr Anthony Fauci said, citing this unreleased data
  • This means vaccinated people can easily spread Delta, Dr Fauci said
  • People infected with Delta may have 1,000 more copies of the coronavirus in their bodies compared to those infected with older strains, one study found
  • But the CDC has yet to publicly share the new research behind its guidance and experts are calling for the agency to show them the data 
  • ‘In my opinion it is criminal to sit on data during a pandemic,’ one epidemiologist told

Experts are calling on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to release the data underlying its recent backtrack on mask recommendations for vaccinated Americans.

Recently, the nation’s top infectious disease expert says the Indian ‘Delta’ Covid variant has the same viral levels in vaccinated people who have breakthrough infections as in those who are unvaccinated, citing unreleased data.

Dr Anthony Fauci told MSNBC on Wednesday that means vaccinated people can spread Delta, backing up the recent guidance change.

Previous research has indicated that people infected with Delta have 1,000 times more copies of the coronavirus in their respiratory tracts compared to those infected with older strains of the virus.

But the CDC has yet to publicly share new research on Delta transmission among the vaccinated that would back up its new mask guidance and outside experts are calling for the agency to show them the data.    

‘Yes, CDC should release all data in a timely manner,’ Dr Ali Mokdad, an epidemiologist with the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, told

‘In my opinion, it is criminal to sit on data during a pandemic.’


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