Are we paying more than 20 times production cost for the COVID-19 vaccines, thanks to Biden deal?

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American taxpayers have bought one billion COVID-19 doses from Pfizer Inc. and partner BioNTech SE.

Our government has also purchased 500 million vaccine doses from Moderna.

That’s enough prevention for two doses to every U.S. resident, plus two jabs to all the citizens of Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Burundi, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Greece, Guatemala, Guinea, Honduras, Hungary, Israel, Jordan, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania, Rwanda, Somalia, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Taiwan, Tunisia and Zimbabwe – combined!

Should our government actually treat those countries, there would still be about 841,000 doses remaining – just in case of an under-count or lost shipment.

Since there are no such plans to help Australia or Austria, the excess vaccine quantity may just be another payoff to appease the bosses at Big Pharma and their white shirt lobby troopers.

Besides having so much vaccine, President Joseph Biden paid an even higher price for the most recent 200 million shots – about $24 each, versus the $19.50 earlier price. As they say in the White House: it’s only taxpayer money!

Which raises the question: how much does it actually cost to produce these “miracle” jabs, and have we  been paying too much, even before the recent 20% price hike?

The folks at People’s Vaccine Alliance (PVA) say they have the answer. The international organization is ultra-liberal, so criticism of the current White House leadership is about as non-partisan as it gets.

The cost of vaccinating the world against COVID-19 could be at least five times cheaper if pharmaceutical companies weren’t “profiteering from their monopolies” on COVID-19 vaccines,  according to the PVA.

Oxfam, an international left-wing organization founded in 1942, has praised the PVA for their vaccine stand:

New analysis by the Alliance shows that the firms Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna are charging governments as much as $41 billion above the estimated cost of production.

Colombia, for example, has potentially overpaid by as much as $375 million for its doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, in comparison to the estimated cost price, Oxfam said.

Despite a rapid rise in COVID cases and deaths across the developing world, Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna have sold more than 90 percent of their vaccines, so far, to rich countries – charging up to 24 times the potential cost of production, according to PVA.

By Fred Donaldson

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