Brian Kemp Is Hiding Something In Georgia

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Vernon Jones, the former Democrat who backed Donald Trump in 2020 and is now running for governor as a Republican, appeared on “War Room” today and talked about how his primary opponent, Gov. Brian Kemp, appears to be hiding something about the Nov. 3 election results.

“Brian Kemp caved in to Stacey Abrams with that special settlement agreement. Brian Kemp caved and allowed these drop-off boxes to be put in place, which in fact the  Legislature did not write drop-off boxes into law, so actually any ballots received through these drop-off boxes are illegal. And he has been forceful in not wanting an independent audit… He was more afraid of Stacey Abrams than he was supportive of President Trump…. Brian Kemp has failed Georgia. Brian Kemp is hiding something.”

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