‘Steel barrier’ of state trooper SUVs line border in move to stem tide of Haitian migrants after Biden made mockery of pledge to send them home by RELEASING thousands into America

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  • Texas Gov. Abbott praised officials for creating a ‘steel barrier’ of state-owned vehicles that stretch along the border to deter Haitian migrants from crossing 
  • The ‘steel barrier’ is the latest method border officials are utilizing to deal with the surge of thousands of Haitian migrants crossing into the United States
  • The vehicles are lined up outside Del Rio in Texas, which has seen an influx of 14,600 migrants who crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico into the US 
  • An estimated 8,600 remained and about 1,000 have been deported back to Mexico  
  • Thousands of Haitian migrants have already been freed into the US on a ‘very, very large scale’ rather than being flown out on deportation flights as the Biden administration promised 
  • They are handed notices to appear at immigration office in 60 days, source said 
  • Abbott took shots at Biden for not doing enough to secure the border and said the state of Texas would add $2 billion toward border security funding 

Texas Governor Greg Abbot has been forced to use ‘unprecedented’ methods to prevent more Haitian migrants from entering U.S. by creating a ‘steel barrier’ of hundreds of vehicles at the border.

Abbott visited the U.S.-Mexican border on Tuesday and praised DPS and Texas National Guard for creating the barrier by using hundreds of state-owned vehicles, almost all of which appear to be bulky SUVs.

The vehicles are lined up outside Del Rio in Texas, which has seen an influx of 14,600 migrants who crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico into the US. An estimated 8,600 remained in the town of 35,000 people as of Tuesday night, with 1,083 so far deported back to Haiti. 

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Thousands of Haitian migrants have already been freed into the US on a ‘very, very large scale’ rather than being flown out on deportation flights as the Biden administration promised, according to officials. It’s estimated as many as 5,000 migrants have been allowed in. 

‘They have created a steel barrier preventing people from being able to cross the border,’ Abbott said Tuesday.

 ‘One day there were countless people coming across the border, then the DPS put up all these DPS vehicles, and suddenly, in an instant, people stopped crossing the border in this location. That strategy is working.’ 

Two US officials with knowledge of the situation in Del Rio said they have been released into the US with notices to appear at an immigration court in 60 days’ time under the so-called ‘catch and release’ scheme. Others have been sent on buses and planes to other parts of the US to be processed by Border Patrol agents there, they said.  

Deportation flights began on Sunday, and by Wednesday morning, over 1,000 migrants had been flown back to Haiti, a source with knowledge of the matter told DailyMail.com. 

The ‘steel barrier’ is the latest method border officials are utilizing to deal with the surge of thousands of Haitian migrants crossing into the United States from Mexico by walking over a dam in the Rio Grande river.


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