Matt Gaetz reveals how threat on his life was ignored by DOJ

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Matt Gaetz: I thank the gentleman for yielding because I think someone may be trying to kill me and if they are successful, I would like my constituents and my family to know who stop their arrest.

Madam Speaker, on October 8th 2021 a Twitter handle styled CIABobIsAtYourDoor tweeted to @RepMattGaetz, “lookie here pal, I lived in Portland. Portland has ordered a hit on you. I accepted the contract. Have a good day.

Following this tweet, this individual traveled to Washington DC and the Capitol Police recommended his arrest. That’s information that was just shared with me by the Investigations and Threat Assessment section of the Protective Services Bureau and specifically George Diseso. And George shared with me that the Capitol Police recommended the arrest of this individual and that the Department of Justice refused to do so, decline to do so.

And on the eave of the Attorney General testifying before the Judiciary Committee tomorrow, it is just yet another example of the Department of Justice having a double standard. If my name weren’t Gaetz, if it were Omar or Talib, you bet this person would have been arrested, because that’s what the capitalist police recommended. But the Department of Justice doesn’t seem to care so much when it’s Republicans.

I thank my colleague and I yield the time back to him.

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