Malone: Signs Point To Highly Infectious New Variant That Doesn’t Respond To The Vax

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Steve Bannon and the “War Room” are back to square one as “War Room: Pandemic” prepares for a potentially dangerous new variant of the Covid virus that has been identified in South Africa. Nations around the world, including the United States, are shutting down travel from South Africa to fight the new variant, which is apparently resistant to the existing vaccines (See Part 4).

Part 1: Italy Stops Italians From Entering Italy, Allows Migrants

Part 2: ‘Nu’ (Omicron) Super Covid Variant Originated Out Of Botswana

Part 3: We’re Back To Square One Right Now

Part 4: Malone: Signs Point To Highly Infectious New Variant That Doesn’t Respond To The Vax

Part 5: The Vaccine Has Possibly Created Recent Mutation

Part 6: The Naturally Immune Could Potential Have More Protection Against New Variant

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