Video Playlist: A More or Less Perfect Union

Contact Your Elected Officials

A More or Less Perfect Union explores the most contentious issues in American history and today through the lens of the U.S. Constitution. The groundbreaking, three-part public television series tells the story of how the Framers put freedom in writing; how amendment after amendment finally spread freedom to all of “we the people”; and how we still struggle today to preserve the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution.

Our guide is Douglas H. Ginsburg – a national authority on the Constitution, with 30 years of experience on the federal court of appeals in Washington. Throughout the series, experts of all stripes – conservative, progressive and libertarian – debate key issues of liberty: freedom of religion and press, slavery, civil rights, the 2nd amendment, separation of powers, and more.

About Free To Choose Network

Free To Choose Network is a 501(c)3 global media company, producing thought-provoking documentaries and online series endorsing personal, economic, and political freedom through its production company, Free To Choose Media. Programming began in 1980 with the production of Milton Friedman’s landmark series Free to Choose. Over the ensuing three decades, FTCN has produced more than 500 hours of intelligent, thought-provoking documentaries for public television and the weekly online series, Dead Wrong.

Our most recent films include: Sweden: Lessons for America?, The Price of Peace, Work & Happiness: The Human Cost of Welfare, School Inc., Is America in Retreat?, Trailblazers: The New Zealand Story, The Real Adam Smith, India Awakes, Power to the People, Walter Williams: Suffer No Fools, Unlikely Heroes of the Arab Spring, Free or Equal, The Ultimate Resource, The Power of the Poor, and many more.

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