Jan. 6 Detainee at Risk of Dying from Lack of Medical Care, Attorney Says

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A January 6 defendant being held in Virginia is extremely ill and at risk of dying because the jail refuses to provide proper medical care and a special diet for his celiac disease, New York attorney Joseph McBride alleges.

“They’re starving the guy out,” McBride told The Epoch Times. “They have moved him six times since he’s been detained. We can’t send him to a facility that’s not going to be able to take care of him.”

Quaglin’s case is the most recent in a series of allegations that January 6 defendants have been beaten, tortured, and denied food and proper medical care in federal custody. A group of 14 lawmakers on Jan. 3 sent a letter (see PDF below and here) to Michael Carvajal, director of the federal Bureau of Prisons, demanding “you use your authority to investigate this abuse or we will use our authority to investigate your failure.”

“Many instances of physical and psychological abuse, denial of medical care, 24-hour solitary confinement, denial of basic personal hygiene, denial of access to legal counsel, destruction of records, and general abuse of rights and mandated standards for prisoners have been brought to our attention,” the lawmakers wrote. The letter was organized by Rep. Clay Higgins (R-Louisiana) and Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia).

Christopher J. Quaglin of New Jersey is charged in federal court with assaulting multiple law enforcement officers during rioting at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. He is being held pending trial at the Northern Neck Regional Jail in Warsaw, Va., the sixth facility to house him since he was charged in April.

McBride said the jail has not provided the gluten-free diet Quaglin needs to survive, and exposed him to inmates and guards with coronavirus that caused him to develop COVID-19. He was then placed in solitary confinement, McBride said.

“If somebody has celiac disease, the food has to be prepared the same way a Jewish person’s kosher food would be prepared: separate,” McBride said. “Everything needs to be separated, because if there is cross-contamination you can kill him. He lost close to 20 pounds now since the 21st of December.”

By Joseph M. Hanneman

Read Full Article on TheEpochTimes.com

Letter to Bureau of Prisons on January 6 Detainees


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