New Campaign Calls for Protection of U.S. Olympians – Not the Interests of the Chinese Communist Party

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Open Letter Urges U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee to Intervene

WASHINGTON, D.C.— The Genocide Games Task Force, a team jointly sponsored by the Committee on the Present Danger: China (CPDC) and Women’s Rights Without Frontiers (WRWF), launched a new campaign via the new Align Act platform enabling the public to make an urgent appeal directly to the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC). The object is to encourage America’s Olympians not to attend next month’s Winter Games in Beijing. The letter makes clear that the health – and possibly the lives – of these athletes may be in peril as a result of diseases currently raging in the People’s Republic of China.

Highlights of the Open Letter include:

  • “We petition you and the other members of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee to appeal for your urgent intervention on behalf of our Olympians and Paralympians who now risk serious harm if they participate in the Winter Games in Beijing next month. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has announced that there will be no change in the schedule for these games – despite the mounting evidence that China is experiencing dangerous outbreaks of Covid-19 and perhaps other deadly diseases.”
  • “Chinese assurances that arrangements to protect foreign athletes and support personnel – and for that matter, sponsors – ring hollow given the lies the PRC regime has consistently promoted from the moment it was caught disseminating the Covid-19 virus around the world. What matters is what China’s government is doing.”
  • “In recent days, huge Chinese cities have been subjected to forcible lock-down, including the 13 million residents of Xi’an. Their confinement is reportedly being enforced by 40,000 police officers and many thousands more undercover cops and informants. Some of those thus effectively imprisoned are said to be famished and starving.”
  • “This draconian response seems to reflect the dire nature of the Covid-19 threat in China at the moment, prompting speculation that a new, more dangerous strain of the disease is involved. There are also reports that the Chinese are contending with deadly hemorrhagic fever.”
  • “But for the evident desire not to prompt harsh retaliation by the Chinese government, it seems clear that neither the USOPC nor the IOC would contemplate sending the world’s athletes and their supporting staff into such an environment. Fear of the CCP’s bullying, however, must not take precedence over the safety and wellbeing, to say nothing of the lives, of our Olympians.”
  • “Consequently, we call on the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee to act immediately to recommend that America’s premier athletes and their coaches, trainers, etc. not participate in the Beijing Winter Games. Such a recommendation should be accompanied by a commitment by the USOPC to make every effort to find an appropriate alternative location, hopefully in the near future, for these Olympians to compete with their international peers.”

The Open Letter is, in part, a response to the assertion of some who profess to have the best interests of the athletes at heart and, therefore, insist they must participate in the Chinese Communist Party’s Genocide Games. Under these circumstances, they should instead be insisting they do not participate.

Everyone who truly cares about America’s Olympians is invited to sign the Open Letter at

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