‘The People’s Convoy’ Heading to Washington, Organizers Unveil Their Plans

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A trucker-led convoy will kick off on Feb. 23 from the Barstow area in California, and head eastbound toward the capital of the constitutional republic—Washington D.C.—to peacefully protest to end the federal government’s emergency powers (pdf) declared since March 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and restore freedoms protected by the Constitution.

Barstow is a city about 100 miles from Los Angeles where truckers often converge since it’s a major crossroads.

The large convoy goes by the name “The People’s Convoy” and will be non-partisan and cross-cultural in nature.

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At the start of the convoy, an estimated 500 to 1,000 trucks will gather and depart eastward for Kingman, Arizona. The next morning, they will depart from that location and head east on Interstate 40 toward Lupton, Arizona. On Feb. 25, they plan to arrive at Glenrio, Texas.

The exact locations have not yet been specified due to the need to maintain operational security and to leave time to coordinate with local municipalities.

More details on the routes will be released two or three days in advance “as safety dictates, but you can expect us to travel along I-40 and work our way up towards D.C.,” Brian Brase, one of the core truckers that are organizing The People’s Convoy, told The Epoch Times.

Brase has been involved with various protests against over-regulation in the trucking industry for five years already.

Multiple groups will be joining the convoy as they drive toward the capital.

“It might be truckers that started it—standing up. But this is ‘The People’s Convoy’ for a reason. This is for every American, no matter where you come from or your personal background,” Brase said. “This is for every person to be a part of. This is not a left issue or a right issue. This is an American issue. And this convoy is for everyone. Moms in soccer vans, to motorcycles, to buses full of hippies, it [doesn’t] matter. This is for everyone that believes in their personal freedoms as a human being, and as an American, their personal freedoms that are protected by the Constitution of the United States.”

“It [doesn’t] matter what you drive, bring the golf carts, bring the mopeds, bring everybody, this is for everyone,” he added. “It’s the people’s convoy! It’s for the people.”

Brase said that official updates will be posted on thepeoplesconvoy.org, as well as their Facebook page and their Gettr page.

By Enrico Trigoso

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American “The People’s Convoy” Stands with Canada Freedom Convoy

The Canadian Freedom Convoy has inspired American’s to do the same. Maureen Steele is an organizer of The People’s Convoy. The convoy starts at Barstow, California, in Feb. 23, and will head cross-country to Washington, D.C. They have announced stops in Kingman, Arizona, and in the panhandle of Texas.

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