Everything you Need to know about Abortion for Teens

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In the United States and around the world, women and girls are told they need legal access to abortion to be successful and liberated. Everywhere they turn, today’s youth are bombarded with the pervasive message that abortion is normal, healthy, and even good.

These dangerous lies are exposed for what they are in Everything You Need to Know About Abortion – For Teens. Janet Morana, a thirty-year veteran of the pro-life movement, with a direct but compassionate tone, introduces readers to the unborn child and to the brutal methods used to kill this most innocent victim. Her impactful and practical message, forged and sharpened through decades of meticulous research and passionate service on the frontlines, conveys some of the most important but often overlooked truths about this issue that defines our times, including:

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  • a detailed look at the development of the unborn baby, showing how science makes evident the humanity of these children;
  • the risks of taking contraception that pharmaceutical giants try to hide;
  • a sweeping historical review of the legal battle over abortion in the United States and the dishonest tactics used by pro-abortion activists and lawyers;
  • the hijacking of language and weaponization of euphemisms to confuse young women;
  • the harmful psychological effects abortion has on men and women, as well as the physical dangers abortion procedures can have on women; 
  • the personal story of Janet’s friend, Norma McCorvey (“Roe” in Roe v. Wade), who became an avid supporter of the pro-life movement late in her life.

Perhaps most powerfully, Janet shares heart-wrenching testimonials from women who have made the choice to abort their children, taking readers where few have gone: into the hearts of so many who live with the pain of regret.
Built upon the foundation of every child being made in the image of God, Janet appeals to our Christian faith but also just as strongly to human reason, science, legal arguments, and personal testimonies to teach young people about the tragedy of abortion. Still more, she champions the virtue of chastity and shows what power and happiness can flow from a life lived in purity to our vocation.

Includes an appendix of pro-life resources and organizations spread throughout the country who fight valiantly against abortion and offer counseling support and healing to women (and men) who have been touched by the tragedy of abortion.

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“Janet Morana’s book Everything You Need to Know About Abortion – For Teens is a compelling personal journey of how Christ touched her heart to become the pro-life warrior she is today. This book is a must read for all those who even question the thought that ‘abortion is the answer to all my problems.’ Hearts will be transformed reading this excellent book.”
—Sr. Deirdre (Dede) Byrne, POSC, Little Workers of the Sacred Hearts

“I applaud the focus of Janet Morana’s book, Everything You Need to Know About Abortion – For Teens. Her no nonsense approach directed toward teens addresses a critical need for today and for the future. It is a reminder that every life is precious. We mourn the loss of the aborted children, but we also need to remember that today’s teens are survivors in a culture of death. Although they survived to be born into this world, they often find themselves in empty lives. I believe Janet’s book will help them to not only learn why abortion is evil but also learn that they are always precious in the sight of God. Let us pray that Janet Morana’s work will impact the value of every life in wondrous ways.”
—Bishop Joseph E. Strickland, Diocese of Tyler, Texas

“The abortion industry preys on vulnerable teens, establishing a dangerous relationship that normalizes risky sexual behavior and offers abortion violence when this inevitably leads to pregnancy. It is the prerogative of all concerned Americans to put a stop to this abuse. Standing between Big Abortion and the nation’s youth has been a primary objective of Students for Life of America for over fifteen years. I am incredibly grateful for Janet Morana’s stalwart commitment to protecting American teens and their preborn children from abortion violence.”
—Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America

“Whether you are a teen or a parent of a teen and you still have a scintilla of doubt that abortion is the intentional taking of an innocent human life, then you want to dive deep into this amazing pool of data, facts, and science that is Janet Morana’s gift to us.”
—Joan LewisEWTN Rome special contributor and host of “Joan’s Rome” and “Vatican Insider”

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Everything You Need to Know About Abortion – For Teens has accomplished something crucial for the Church’s ministry: it speaks directly to young people not only about abortion but about the many threats to their health and happiness that exist when they turn away from God and into the darkness of our culture. This is a message every young person needs to hear. Parish youth groups will find this to be a valuable resource!”
—Bishop Joseph L. Coffey, Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA 

“There is an old saying that rings so very true when it comes to abortion: ‘What you don’t know can hurt you.’ A vast majority of those who call themselves ‘pro-choice’ know so very little about this hot-button issue. Whether it is concerning the initial Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade, which gave us abortion on demand through nine months of pregnancy, or the research that shows a majority of women don’t actually ‘choose’ abortion but are instead pressured into one, too many know very little about the reality of abortion. That’s why Janet Morana’s latest book is a such a timely and valuable resource. Through not only the latest statistics and medical research but also through personal stories of those connected to abortion and the culture of death, this book further educates and affirms members of the pro-life community and provides a way to quietly witness to those who for whatever reason believe that abortion is still necessary.”
—Teresa Tomeo, syndicated Catholic talk show host and best-selling Catholic author

“It is the young who most hear the siren-call of the secular society. It is they who are pulled into the widening chasm between moral realities and the group-think of popular culture. Their thinking and emotions are shaped by the media, entertainment, and their peers. But just as the young are more vulnerable to being misled, so too are they more open to being well led. Janet Morana walks teens through the moral and scientific nonsense that, like rickety stilts, supports the abortion industry. By giving them facts and appealing to basic human reason, and by sharing so many personal stories from her decades spent in the pro-life movement, she will no doubt influence the next generation of those ready to become pro-lifers.” 
—Dr. Ray Guarendi, host of EWTN’s “Living Right With Dr. Ray”

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About the Author

Janet Morana is Executive Director of Priests for Life and Co-Founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, the world\’s largest mobilization of women who have had abortions.

Born in Brooklyn, NY, she holds a Master\’s degree in Education and was a full-time public school teacher. She is a national pro-life leader and assists the Vatican on pro-life matters.

She co-hosts the Defending Life and the Catholic View for Women series on EWTN, and is a frequent guest on other TV and radio programs. In 2003, she addressed the Pro-Life Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives on life issues. She is the recipient of Legatus\’ Cardinal John O\’Connor Pro-Life Hall of Fame Award.

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