The Coming Age of Scarcity (and Hunger!)

MAGA News Central: Making American Businesses Great Again
War Room Header published a story today headlined “Age of Scarcity Begins With $1.6 Trillion Hit to World Economy” which led Steve Bannon to go on a rant about how this should be an Age of Abundance, and it was — under President Trump! He’s joined in the first segment by economist Dave Brat, the dean of the Liberty School of Business, for an explanation of how we got here. In Part 2, watch energy consultant Dave Walsh talk about how the crisis is just getting started. Just wait until fall when our farmers take in the harvest, which will be devastated by the fertilizer shortage that’s under way now.

Part 1: Dave Brat on the Coming Age of Scarcity

Part 2: Dave Walsh: The Fossil Fuel-Agriculture-Logistics Connection

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