Video Playlist: Huckabee’s Breakdown

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Mike Huckabee brings you inspirational stories, encouraging words, entertaining people and honest discussions of issues that matter to you. This is Huckabee’s BREAKDOWN.

LIBTARDS Lose Their MINDS Over Melania Trump, Abby Johnson, And Nick Sandmann | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Melania Trump, Abby Johnson, and Nick Sandmann took the Republican National Convention by storm! First off, Melania Trump showed class and charm with her RNC speech. Then came Abby Johnson’s powerful presentation of the pro-life movement that drove the media crazy. We also witnessed Nick Sandmann’s speech praising Trump’s battle against cancel culture. Here’s Gov. Mike Huckabee’s BREAKDOWN of the Republican National Convention 2020!

BUSTED: 9 Pervasive Myths About Trump You’ll Hear Before November | Huckabee’s Breakdown

President Trump is headline news all day, everyday. This is what you’ll hear before the November 2020 election. Here are 9 pervasive myths about Trump, and why you need to know the facts before listening to fictional assumptions. Don’t miss the LATEST breakdown.

New BOMBSHELL Evidence Should Have Hillary Clinton SHAKING In Her Pantsuit! | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Believe it or not… we are down to less than 100 days till the 2020 election. It’s critical to continue to uncover what was hijacked in the last election, and you won’t believe what we found. New BOMBSHELL evidence shows that Hillary Clinton and her goons are up to no good again. This includes Adam Schiff.

Taking STUPID To A New Level: BEING POLITE Is An Aspect Of WHITENESS! | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Being polite is an aspect of whiteness? This is stupid to a new level. Learn why Nick Cannon gave an anti-semitic comment, and how the country grows more divided with racial prejudice.

Understanding The ENEMY We Face: The First Step to SAVING America | Huckabee’s Breakdown

We need to understand the enemy we face. The dismantling of the United States of America is at hand. The Democrat party does not care about YOUR rights. We need to stand against Marxist ideology and its infiltration. Learn more now!

Another One Trump Got RIGHT! But The Media Keeps Lying | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Remember when President Trump said Hydroxychloroquine WORKED?! Well, the media did not highlight this news. Instead, they bashed Trump for even claiming that Hydroxychloroquine helps with the coronavirus. Learn about the success of this drug.

Dem Lawmaker ADMITS Joe Biden Is A Trojan Horse! | Huckabee’s Breakdown

A Democrat lawmaker ADMITS that Joe Biden is, in fact, a trojan horse. And the media creates a frenzy over President Trump’s Mount Rushmore speech. Honestly, this speech is as patriotic as it gets. As we head towards the 2020 presidential election, let’s BREAKDOWN the facts!

CNN’s Don Lemon Reveals The REAL Agenda Behind BLM | Huckabee’s Breakdown

CNN’s Don Lemon reveals the REAL agenda behind BLM. Apparently, not every black life matters. The hypocrisy in this showcases what the BLM movement is all about. Let’s BREAKDOWN the latest news!

Tired Of LIES? Trump KNEW About Bounties & Justice Roberts Is Good At His Job | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Are you tired of the lies coming from fake news? The silent majority is rising up, President Trump allegedly knew Russia was putting bounties on American soldiers, and Justice John Roberts delivers another deadly blow to the Constitution.

Project Veritas EXPOSES Facebook & Gov Whitmer Gets Shut Down | Huckabee’s Breakdown

There’s proof Facebook is censoring you. Learn what Project Veritas did to expose the social media network. Governor Whitmer gets schooled in court, and gets shut down for her ideas. And Democrats continue to lie, but what else is new?

Pelosi Just Can’t STOP Being Terrible & Facts On Trump’s Tulsa Rally | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Nancy Pelosi gives outrageous accusations again by calling the GOP murderers. She just can’t stop being terrible at her job. And here’s the truth regarding Trump’s Tulsa Rally. Even AOC played apart in the Tulsa Rally lies.

DACA Still On The Chopping Block & Even ADAM SCHIFF Is Mad At Bolton | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Supreme Court creates a bogus DACA ruling. And even Adam Schiff is mad at John Bolton’s revolt. Learn why Bolton wrote the memoir in the first place.

MORE Deep State Treachery Brought To Light & Hillary’s Gettin Her Day In Court | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Here’s the latest: – More Deep State Treachery – Celebrity BAILOUT fail – Hillary’s Day in Court Amidst protests and riots, the media won’t highlight these stories! Don’t miss the political BREAKDOWN of the week!

Is Pelosi FINALLY Admitting She’s The Problem? | Huckabee’s Breakdown

What DEFUNDING Police Means For The “Privileged” & The Times Has Passed Away | Huckabee

I’m Gonna Get CANCELED For Sharing This Stat On Police | Huckabee’s Breakdown

They’re LYING TO YOU About The Riots & Another DEEP STATE Swamp Creature GONE! | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Democrats Receive TERRIBLE Good News & Pelosi CRUMBLES On FISA Bill Vote | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Kayleigh McEnany Gets ROUGH With The Media & China Threaten US With COLD WAR! | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Obama And Biden Get “JUSTICE” & And Spies SPIED On Flynn | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Are The Walls Closing In On OBAMA? & Elon Musk Threatens To LEAVE California | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Making Joe Biden PRESIDENT & Why The Iran Nuclear Deal Was So BAD | Huckabee’s Breakdown

The DEEP STATE vs General Flynn AND Ever Seen A Flipping Democrat? | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Well, Nancy Pelosi Did It AGAIN! Why You’re A BAD Person For Wanting To Work | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Is It Time For Dr. Fauci To GO? Trump Instigates CNN Meltdown | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Here’s An Idea, Send CHINA The Bill! And Another DEEP STATE Stooge GONE | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Pelosi Was Trying To Put WHAT In The Bill?! In Ca-WHO-ts With CHINA | PILOT | Huckabee’s Breakdown

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses