The Revivalist Manifesto: How Patriots Can Win the Next American Era

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The Revivalist Manifesto might just be the seminal political book of this coming era.

On November 2nd, 2021, an earthquake hit American politics. A massive red wave materialized in Virginia and New Jersey—a pair of reliably Democratic states that had voted in the double digits to make Joe Biden president—and ultimately swept Democrats from power in the state house. Then, voters nearly removed New Jersey governor Phil Murphy, who was previously thought to be impregnable.

What brought on this red wave?

The American people are thirsty for something new in politics. They’ve rejected the establishments of both parties, but aren’t quite sure what the future of the nation should be. The Virginia and New Jersey upsets indicate a great opportunity for a redefined, and newly refined, center-right movement to seize the moment and forge a new American consensus. The Revivalist Manifesto defines that movement, which includes Donald Trump but is larger and longer lasting, and explores the moment we’re in.

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Advance Praise for The Revivalist Manifesto

“Scott McKay has written an eyes-open manifesto describing how patriotic Americans can retake their country from the race hustlers, climate fanatics and diversity ideologues who aim to destroy it.  Mr. McKay makes no bones about the troubles we are in.  The anti-American coalition has taken control of vast areas of American life, including the schools, colleges, journalism, and even many corporations.  Yet he is convinced that Americans working together can revive and renew conservative principles, while dislodging the leftists from their cultural redoubts.  The Revivalist Manifesto is an important book for many reasons, but most of all because it outlines a path forward in a time of doubt, confusion, and despair.”
-James Piereson, President William E. Simon Foundation

“A compelling trumpet blast for a muscular conservatism with no apologies. Scott McKay’s The Revivalist Manifesto is a no-holds-barred huge helping of history and solid arguments for what a real resistance to the leftist agenda destroying America would look like. The Revivalist Manifesto takes on the RINOs and the apologists for the Left that explains where we are, how we got here, and what we need to do about it.”
-Daniel Greenfield, Front Page Magazine

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“Conservatives now have a fantastic blueprint for opposing, not only the leftists who work to hobble the people, but also the half hearted party members who simply serve as allies of the opposition. Scott McKay’s The Revivalist Manifesto establishes solid grounds to get us back, beyond the MAGA path, to improve the lives of every American. Thanks to his handbook we can go ULTRA MAGA.”
-Eric F. Skrmetta, co-Chairman (Louisiana), Donald J Trump for President (2016, 2020).

“Scott McKay has written a treatise on where conservatism has come from, but more importantly, where conservatism should go. His is an optimistic vision that will revitalize America if embraced. Conservative leaders take note!”
​-Melissa Mackenzie, Publisher, The American Spectator

“Kudos to Scott McKay for exploring the times in American history where revival has meant survival. McKay articulately makes the case for the revivalism needed now to ensure America remains the greatest country in the world.”
-Jeff Landry, Attorney General, Louisiana

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About The Author

Scott L. McKay is the publisher of The Hayride, an award-winning culture and politics site based in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, which has covered Southern and national current events since 2009. The Hayride frequently tops one million views per month in online traffic. In addition, Scott’s work can be found in the pages of the conservative mainstay, the American Spectator, where he has been a regular columnist since 2012.

Scott’s first political book, The Revivalist Manifesto, is the distillation of his work at The Hayride and the American Spectator, outlining the need and opportunity to form a new American political consensus in which a rethought conservative movement assumes leadership and creates a national revival.

A veteran of sports and political journalism and punditry, in 2019 Scott McKay branched out into fiction with Animus: A Tale of Ardenia, the first of four books in the Tales of Ardenia series.

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Scott’s writing career started all the way back in 1997 with the launch of Purple & Gold, a sports magazine devoted to college athletics at Louisiana State University. Over the eight years Purple & Gold was in existence it grew to over 15,000 subscribers and was known as one of the most comprehensive, well-written and insightful college sports publications in America.

Following a five-year hiatus from writing while pursuing opportunities in sales and entrepreneurship, Scott returned to the written word with the launch of The Hayride, an online publication devoted to Southern politics and culture. It was through that site’s coverage of life and political events in Louisiana and elsewhere that Scott found the inspiration to begin a secondary career as a fiction author.

Animus: A Tale of Ardenia, published in September 2019, is the opening salvo in a sage of love, hate, war, peace, civilization and savagery intended not just to entertain but to provoke thought about good and evil and the border between the two. Its sequels Perdition, Retribution and Quandary, completed the Tales of Ardenia series.

Scott lives in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

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