Chart of the Day: Worried About Immigration Voting Demographics? – This Demographic is More Frightening

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It has been a common belief that illegal immigration is driving voter demographics against Republicans due to its policy of trying to stop illegal immigration into the US. The idea is that the Latino vote will all go to Democrats to support friends and families to join them in the US – hence changing the voter demographics accordingly.

The assumption is that Latino US citizens are all for open borders. Though partially true, it is not always true. Illegal immigration negatively affects Latinos as well. The populist GOP’s share of the Latino vote jumped by a third to almost 40 percent, compared to 2018, according to the exit polls. See this in the chart below and learn more here.

US Midterm Latino Demographics

Though ethnicity voter demographics are an issue, there could be another voter demographic that is even more concerning. The more concerning voter demographic is marital status. Married voters tend to vote Republican – in support of traditional family values. For men, it is about 20%, and for women, it is about 14% difference. See this in the chart below and learn more here.

US Midterm Marriage Demographics

So just how big is this change in voter demographics? The number of unmarried men has increased by 1.6 million from 2020 to 2021, according to the US Census Bureau – and potentially via recent woke policies, the trend is accelerating. It is similar for women, whereas unmarried women have also increased by 1.68 million. See this in the chart below and learn more here.

US Percentage of Men's Marital Status

Using the above data on the increasing number of unmarried voters in the US and the midterm voter demographic percentage breakdown in favor of Democrats, we can see the potential effect. Doing the math, this means in one year and assuming the current trend lines, there will be 320 thousand new Democratic men voters and 235 thousand new Democratic women voters for a total of 555 thousand new Democratic voters each year.

Getting ready for the elections in 2024 means there will be 1.11 million new Democratic voters in the next two years due to this unmarried voter demographic reality. This voter demographic reality could be far worse than any ethnicity voter demographics. The more we debase our culture with the attacks on traditional families via woke culture, the unmarried voter demographics are sure to climb, thereby benefiting Democrats.

All of a sudden, woke policies start to make sense if you are a Democrat.

See more Chart of the Day posts.

By Tom Williams

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