Truth Be Told Podcast: “We’re All Truman Now” December 03, 2022

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The Right Wire Report presents the Truth Be Told Podcast with Bekah Lyons. The Truth Be Told Podcast discusses the important political and cultural issues of the week and provides analysis that will give a different perspective and how these stories will affect us all in the near future. Now, wake up and start acting. The topical notes for this December 03, 2022, “We’re All Truman Now” episode include:

  • All By Design:
    • Ricky Gervaise’s video at Golden Globes – see here.
    • Single-parent households stat, see here.
    • Rosa Koire, former executive director of the Post Sustainability Institute and Democrats Against UN Agenda 21/30 interview – see here.
    • Bill Maher’s video on Tik Tok – see here.
  •  Economic Kabuki :
    • Rigged report? 2.7 mill jobs gap – see here.
    • Revisions from previous quarters – see here.
    • What will the Fed do now? Pivot or tighten?
    • Is the Fed a sound institution or corrupt? See here.
    •  Chart of the Day: Is the 2022 Recession Ready to Accelerate into 2023? See here.
  • China’s Uprising a Harbinger to Come?:
    • Chart of the Day: Mass Covid Lockdown Protests – What is Happening in China? See here.
    •  CCP’s quarantine camps in Lanzhou, China engulfed in flames by those protesting lockdowns – see here.
    • Is Xi losing power? See here.
    • Watch Admiral Kirby spin Biden’s admin. response to human rights and China Protests – see here.
    • Apple Helps Communist China in Suppressing the Protests by Disabling Airdrop Feature Just Weeks Before Protests -see here.
    • FLASHBACK: Apple CEO says China aligns with their values. Can you believe these people? See here.
  • Quick Hits (round-up of important headlines):
    • Russia/  Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov alleged Thursday that the US and NATO are now directly participating in the Ukraine war – see here.
    • EU to set $ 60 price cap on Russian oil; Kremlin vows to ignore, cut supply – see here.
    • Two-thirds of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) have depleted their stockpiles by sending weapons to Kiev – see here.
    • Does Biden signal direct talks with Putin? See here.
    • Rasmussen – A majority of Americans and even femocrats believe the Arizona election mess affected the election outcome- see here.
    • Important updates on Election Fraud – see here, herehere, hereherehereherehere, and here.
    • Lara Logan interview – see here.
    • Life insurance payouts rise substantially – see here and here.
    • Covid – Senator Rand Paul’s startling claim that Dr. Fauci is responsible for 7 million deaths – see here.
    • Covid – Interview with Cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra loss of his father from cardiac vaccine side effect – see here. suffered a recent personal tragedy
    • Musk’s tweet says it all – see here.
    • CNN layoffs – Chris Zilla.
    • Mumford and Sons band member interview on woke culture /cancel culture- see here.
  • Culture Wars:
    • Watch the Pastor hand the microphone over to Drag Queen to sing “Peace On Earth” to a church filled with children – see here.
    • Follow up on Balenciaga, more evidence when stylist social media accounts show a long history of satanic ritual endorsement – see here.
    • Disney shoots a scene for the Christmas series where children hold up a sign that reads we love Satan – see here.
    • Dystopian: Canadian fashion company promotes suicide in Ad – see here.
    • Watch the Ad here.
    • Finally, let us think back on last week’s podcast on groupthink and mass formation psychosis. How do these cultural stories get little to no attention? We end the podcast tonight with James O’Keefe’s explosive whistleblower about the government (HHS) knowingly facilitating child sex trafficking – see here.

Truth Be Told Podcast: “We’re All Truman Now” December 03, 2022:

By Bekah Lyons

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