Cool It (2010)

Contact Your Elected Officials

Director Ondi Timoner’s film documentary that takes an alternative approach to dealing with the global warming crisis. The film is based on Bjorn Lomborg’s book Cool It.

Cool It (2010)

From Bjorn Lomborg, the controversial author of the best-selling “The Skeptical Environmentalist” comes this “engrossing” (NY Times) documentary that challenges green movement scare tactics and is called “far more convincing than An Inconvenient Truth”

Bjorn Lomborg – Director, Copenhagen Consensus Center

Individuals in the documentary include (alphabetically):
Hashem Akbari – Head of Heat Island Group, Berkeley Lab
Joe Barton- Representative, Texas (archive footage)
Ed Begley Jr. – (archive footage)
Jagdish Bhagwati – Professor of Economics, Columbia University
John Boehner – Representative, Ohio (archive footage)
Larry David – (archive footage)
Leonardo DiCaprio – (archive footage)
John Dingell – Representative, Michigan (archive footage)
David Duchovny – (archive footage)
Freeman Dyson- Professor Emeritus, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton
Myron Ebell- Director of Energy and Global Warming Policy, CEI
Kerry Emanuel – Professor of Atmospheric Science, MIT
Tom Foreman (archive footage)
Newt Gingrich (archive footage)
Barry Glassner- Sociologist, USC and Author, ‘The Culture of Fear’
Al Gore – (archive footage)
James Hansen – Director, NASA Institute for Space Studies
Zsuzsa Horvathf – Bjorn Lomborg’s Assistant
Jay Inslee – Representative, Washington (archive footage)
Daniel Kammen – Professor of Energy, University of California at Berkeley
John Kerry – Senator, Massachusette (archive footage)
Dennis Kucinich
Christopher Landsea – Science and Operations Officer, National Hurricane Center
Lee Lane – Co-Director of the AEI Geoengineering Project
David Letterman – (archive footage)
Richard Lindzen – Professor of Atmospheric Science, MIT
Bill Maher – (archive footage)
Ed Markey – Representative, Massachusettes (archive footage) (as Edward Markey)
Nathan Myhrvold – Founder, Intellectual Ventures
Ralph Nader – (archive footage)
Daniel Nocera – Professor of Energy and Chemistry, MIT
Barack Obama – (archive footage)
Rajendra Pachauri – Chair of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
Peter Pagh – Professor of Environmental Law, University of Copenhagen
Roger Pielke Jr. – Professor, Environmental Studies Program, University of Colorado
Gwyn Prins – Professor, London School of Economics
Paul Reiter – Professor of Medical Entomology, Pasteur Institute
Arthur Rorsch – Molecular Geneticist, Emeritus Professor, Leiden University
Jon Sader – Construction Director, Make It Right Foundation
Stephen Salter – Professor of Geoscience, University of Edinburgh
Mtangulizi Sanyika – Project Manager, African American Leadership Project of New Orleans
Thomas Schelling – Economist, Nobel Laureate
Stephen Schneider – Professor of Environmental Studies, Stanford University
Vernon Smith – Nobel Laurate, Economic Sciences
Marcel Stive – Chair of Coastal Engineering, Delta Committee
Nancy Stokey – Professor of Economics, University of Chicago
Jeffrey Tambor – (archive footage)
Richard Tol – Professor of Climate Change Economics, Vrije University
Jonathan Trent – OMEGA Project Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center
Ivor Van Heerden – Founder, Hurricane Center, LSU
David Vaughan- Glaciologist, British Antarctic Survey
Henry Waxman – Representative, California (archive footage)
David Young – Director of Communications, Copenhagen Consensus Center

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