By now it is obvious that former President Donald J. Trump as well as his family and business are being stalked and targeted for harassment by litigation. Americans from both the left and the right see it for what it is. They agree this is not the American way of how we do things in this country. New York judges Juan Merchan and Arthur Engoron violated the Judge’s Canons of the American Bar Association (ABA).
A judge shall uphold and promote the independence, integrity, and impartiality of the judiciary, and shall avoid impropriety and the appearance of impropriety.
A judge shall perform the duties of judicial office impartially, competently, and diligently.
A judge shall conduct the judge’s personal and extrajudicial activities to minimize the risk of conflict with the obligations of judicial office.
A judge or candidate for judicial office shall not engage in political or campaign activity that is inconsistent with the independence, integrity, or impartiality of the judiciary.
Some are openly speculating this could lead to political assassinations at the least or outright war at the most. But seeing how rapidly Americans spoke with their 53 million dollars to the Trump Campaign 24 hours after President Trump’s conviction in the New York Supreme Court, perhaps there is a better way than violence.
What would happen if the Trump legal team started a GoFundMe account to file a class action lawsuit against all the Democrats in Congress and partisan Democrat attorneys and justices for stalking and harassing a former president most Americans want in office again? What would happen if we demanded term limits for Congress and law license revocations in lieu of monetary damages?
It seems this would be a pretty rapid method to put an end to the two tier justice system now in place and end the careers of multiple partisan Democrat attorneys serving as District Attorneys, State’s Attorneys and judges on the benches around our country. After all, these people did not attend law school for all those years to chuck it for a cause to bias the law in what is now termed “lawfare”.
Some of those people who would be out of their law careers would be found in; Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Wisconsin to name the obvious ones.
Malicious prosecution has been defined as wrongfully instituting legal proceedings against a person without grounds of wrongdoing based in law. Litigation is maliciously filed to harass, defame, intimidate, cost, or otherwise injure a victim. The term selective law enforcement is sometimes used as in the example where Hillary Clinton was not prosecuted for the same thing Donald Trump was prosecuted for. To be blunt, if the left now wants to call Donald Trump a “felon” that makes Hillary Clinton a “criminal at large” to the right.
Donald Trump got tried over the matter of $130,000 in a hush money payment he did not even know about while Hillary Clinton and the Democrat National Committee (DNC) paid $160,000 to Christopher Steele for “opposition research” in developing their bogus Steele Dossier (Trump–Russia Dossier) she did know about. Thereafter Clinton and the DNC got fined $113,000 by the Federal Election Commission (FEC) with no criminal charges while Trump got no charges or fine by the FEC but ended up in a criminal trial. Both Trump and Clinton were in New York. The implication is Trump was selected for prosecution as a Republican while Clinton was given a free pass as a Democrat and this constitutes selective prosecution which is unethical if not illegal.
When Democrats like Joe Biden stand up and say, “Nobody is above the law,” it is like they are openly mocking today’s judicial system. Obviously, Democrats are above the law as so few have been prosecuted on the national stage. Perhaps Hunter Biden is about to be their human sacrifice.
This week a 75 year old grandmother, in declining health, was sentenced to 2 years in prison for praying at an abortion clinic protest in 2020. She was then mocked by the Clinton appointed judge for her religion as a Christian by this leftist Federal judge.
“Federal judge sentences, mocks religion of pro-life grandmother | Chris Plante The Right Squad”
Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly sentenced Paula Paulette Harlow, 75, of Kingston, Massachusetts, to 24 months incarceration for praying outside an abortion clinic. Then, after Harlow’s husband begged for mercy expressing his fear that his wife would die alone in prison, the judge mocked them saying Paula should “make an effort to remain alive” because that is a “tenet of [her Catholic] religion.”
Prior to this ruling this week by this judge, this was reported a month ago:
“Justice Department violates religious rights of pro-life Catholic” – Washington Examiner
At some point all hell is going to break loose in this country. People are fed up with the hypocrisy and double standards the socialist Democrats have put in place.
For example; I found out writing this article our High Tech lefty gatekeepers are again engaging in election interference in 2024 in their search algorithms. I asked the straight forward question, “How much did the Trump hush money trial cost the City of New York?” Instead of getting what I was looking for, I got all kinds of links to, “Trump hush money trial may cost him the election!”
I finally found the answer in several posts on “X” sharing an article of the National Review:
“The six-week trial likely cost New York City $1 million to $2 million, w/ roughly $50,000 per day in additional security costs. The Manhattan DA’s office does not spend seven-figure sums to chase down false business records from 2016 unless the defendant’s name is Donald Trump.”
If nobody is above the law, I would expect Democrats Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly as well as New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg and New York Attorney General Letitia James to soon be prosecuted for prosecutorial malpractice. They are all guilty of discrimination and that is why black people and minorities are switching from left to right.
Black Americans have been getting pulled over by the police for many years for (as they say) DWB, “Driving While Black”. Now President Trump is suffering much the same treatment for CWT, “Campaigning While Trump”!
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