A Party To Pathetic Running






Do not condemn them – your neighbors. This might well be their paradise. Remember, forgiveness gravitates toward the mourners in this world … the mourners and the wayfarers. Only they feel there must be more – than just idol self, and more akin than engineering idle changeover. Only they burden themselves from tiny creature onward, fearful of every single drop of rain harshly drumming upon their sensitive cocoon. Forlorn the shower of rougher downpours to come, postponing the flight of true Monarch transition. Into a world of convoluted wings and intertangled antennae, the butterfly net is sure to fall.


As acknowledged and bitterly held in remorse on numerous occasions, but most recently in the 2022 article on the modern-day Deep State, what honorable (or at least rectifying) last institutions that may still exist, are quickly succumbing to the intentional and insidious framing of a Master-Slave plantation-style oversight of government and the malicious techno-social conglomerate. By elemental definition, the Deep State may be described as any wholly or partially obscure housing of individuals (stations) that is self-serving and has institutional influence over the American people and the public to the extent that it cannot be amended or propitiated without making itself appear conditionally vulnerable, dysfunctional, or in default. Not all elements are equally capricious, ominous, or treacherous. At their slightest, an analogy from the 1800s could be made that some of them are like the carpetbaggers, only with far more power, far greater numbers, and a far stronger desire to steal and commit harm. At their most heinous, they have updated the techniques used by Fascists during World War II in the running of their assigned Deep State programs, and have deployed cruel Gestapo-like tactics against anyone who complains, toward cleverly and deviously appointing blame for all their faults and errors on the innocent. Since the workings of the Deep State were expressed more fully back then, I shall only organize and relate their terrorist outline herein.

The first Deep State operatives, or squatters as I have been want to call them, became apparent in its vitriolic form as a working part of the federal government. Mostly they should be considered squatter-like in the catabolic sense that they seize and occupy (as might happen to a rich family’s summer home) and obtain property usage without the conferring of the owner’s direct permission. Once originally intended by law to bring comfort and succor to the poor, the handicapped, and the elderly, the department-agency aim is now to impel hardship upon disadvantaged or disparaged groups, instructing them with travail and the promotion of provisional roadblocks. Those who would resist or try to dislodge these executive squatters would suffer the wrath befitting (in their minds) an invading trespasser of any habituated estate (now vainly assumed as their own). To the effect that operational (government) services are delayed or disrupted, the expected and necessary response from on high is to incur even more systematic control and tyranny in order to restore (retain) smooth delivery and status quo. The more hapless or overbearing they (these operatives) are in the performance of their duties, the more it resolves to the benefit of their being there and in charge; much to the frustration and dislike of the general public or to the human complement supposedly being served. A rash of “socialist opportunism” is the result, taking every opportunity to spread ever more unease, more unrest, more discomfort, with the consequential remedy of imposing even more of the same type of unsatisfactory domination and medicinally painful and dismal control.

No law should be arbitrarily or selectively enforced, otherwise it is civilly indefensible from a civil rights perspective, for which the Supreme Court (of Justice) has been too blind to notice. Nor in America should any one branch of government: Executive, Legislative, Judicial [horizontally referencing] or Federal, State, Local [vertically referencing] hold absolute power (sway) over another; not as long as we have Federalism in restraint and what Constitutionally checks and balances. This basic premise of righteous formation and (justified) government began to collapse (at the federal level) when Congress (besides foregoing term limits):

  1. Stopped holding itself to account for ethical violations of behavior, lobbying, etc.
  2. Stopped doing the background research and failed to engage in the proper steps for passing only needed bipartisan legislation;
  3. Left most delineation of the law to the Executive branch and its regulatory agencies, without proper oversight and rescission — abstaining from its duties to employ its own capital guards and strict enforcers of the budgetary finances to make sure the administration was held in obedience (e.g., for congressional searches, submitting to official subpoenas, and responding to contempt charges).

The resultant power shift created in absentia the rise of the Deep State, giving it free rein (reign) over what agencies alone would determine to be in legal satisfaction of the law, while simultaneously depriving the American voters of compensatory (alleviating) appeal.

A throne had thus been established for dispensing unequal justice, depending on ‘who’ was doing the applying (submission), to whom or what agency you were applying, and more and morally important, to whose back pocket flowed personal funds or cash-barrels of greasy corporate bribery. “Justice”, like a continuous rain, should fall evenly across the meadow, not in spotty showers or gulley-washing downpours. This bureaucratic rule should apply to money coming in (revenue) and to money going out (distribution); as well as to the executive-handling process of exacting duty (conformity to justice) and to the process of dispensing sanctions (extent of justice).

Over time, the parameters of executive control became more a critical (criminal) investigation into American’s everyday lives. The FBI, the Department of Justice, and the Attorney General and all their other CIA and Homeland Security cronies (comrades) would actually strive to work against America, not to preserve liberty and law and order, … excepting of course their holistic interest in “pre-serving” the inner sanctum, meaning the bellicose workings of Deep State aristocracy. Behind it all, whatever the radicals suggested (usually the Leftist elites), it dictated more over, stoked by bureaucratic power, stroked by media’s ability to belittle, reward, or ban; enforced through government tracking or tricking, ensconced in threats of fines, loss of property, or imprisonment (in effect, concentration camps). Every government agency from the IRS to Social Security to Health and Human Services is an “instrument of potential reprisal, hence repression” — garnishing your liberties or holding your every benefit, paycheck, or due compensation; while gloating with PRIDE over the color-blindness of justice that curiously treats Antifa, the BLM, and protestors of Hamas and the other truly domestic terrorists laxly, while marshaling vigilante forces of the Nazi SS to roundup mysterious and unproven outlaw bands of “white supremacists”, mostly imagined, even prodded, to exist.

The rank complicity of the government’s involvement in fascist control is exemplified by the January 6 persecution. The hidden story extends much further back than the date itself, or the mysterious placement of the pipe bombs on the night before the Capitol attack, which the government intends to stay a mystery (Barr, 2022), the November election itself, or even, going further back to when Donald Trump rode the escalator down in 2015 to launch his campaign run for President. A forensics expert might say that it started with the government’s and media’s deliberate and brutal hassling of the senior citizens of the Tea Party in 2010 and thereafter, while sparing, by contrast, even glorifying the actions of highly leftist groups like Priorities USA (Altman, 2014). However, America’s “Democratic” form of government already had more than its historical share of drunk (Democrats) partying, of sleazy elections, and crooked politicians. Candidates have always fought (dueled) over campaign slurs, vote-buying, and the dubiousness of the vote-count. The first substantive case with evidentiary proof about fraud was perhaps the Kennedy-Nixon election of 1960. After all, Richard Nixon was a well-known, well-established, vice-president of a very popular President (Eisenhower) — a World War II hero and bringer of peace, tranquility, and prosperity to the nation. The ‘only’ thing John F. Kennedy had going for him was mostly his youth, handsomeness, his family name, wealth, and publicity, and, of course, the Democratic voting bloc and its political machinery (literally).

Supported legend has it that the man, who would become one of America’s most beloved and legendary Presidents, would not have attained office had it not been for the Chicago Mayor Richard Daley voting machine whereby the city in 1960 threw almost a half-million votes Kennedy’s way rather than Richard Nixon. Consequential stories gave credence to the old Democratic anecdotes: “vote early, vote often”, “enjoy the travel benefits of poll busing”, and “even the dead vote”. In some districts, more people cast votes for Kennedy than the total list of citizens registered there. Eventually, some precinct workers pleaded guilty and served jail sentences, but that was two years after the election (Lucas, 2016). Whatever the backstory, rigged elections are assumed to be a tortured and oppressive fact of modern human politics. No matter … since the only principle that ‘counts’ is (according to history) “it’s not the people who vote that count; it’s the people who count the votes”, a saying usually attributed to Joseph Stalin. From this quaint appeal to and adoration of Communism, we can be fairly certain that neither the honesty of George Washington nor the sincerity of Abraham Lincoln subtends the character of today’s trickster politicians.

Moving past all the other intermediary instances of election interference, recall again when the media and the tech companies, together in conjunction with government agents of the IRS, Homeland Security, the FBI, and the rest of unstable Deep Statists, participated in their own genuine conspiracy to keep harmless senior citizens from founding and sustaining the grass-roots efforts of the Tea Party, confounding their ability to organize legally and then to speak out against the rise of socialism: painting them as violent, gun-toting radicals? We can now look back on that time period as when the State then moved beyond mere internal corruption unto the formal beginnings of fascism (Deep State) in America — expanded today to the point of arresting anyone who dares question the legitimacy of an obviously rigged election (unless it’s a liberal like Hillary Clinton moaning over her contested Democratic loss).

Conviction by semantic denunciation is nothing new (as in calling Tea-Partiers = Tea-Baggers). Back in 2008, when Proposition 8 was up for vote in California, naturally the leftist in the media supported the (unnatural) gay protesters in the streets – crying that anybody who believes in the strictly traditional marriage between a man and a woman was hateful and bigoted. Together they hounded and Doxed, indeed purged from existence, every person or group which made donations to the nurturing of the male-female-child ideal family. How many work-lives and personal lives were destroyed simply for believing in scientific truth and the biological procreation (procession) of humanity? (Saletan, 2014) Liberals repeatedly exercise the lessons and tricks they learned in World War II, where the press, propaganda, and the movies were first used to dehumanize the Germans and the Japanese, making it much easier to atomize their beliefs and atom bomb their homes.

Many commercial adventures and their popular commercial outgrowths, which we may think of as socially beneficial, valuable and wholesome to the state economy; for example, movie-making, may have pre-scripted for themselves a predilection for the dark side. Initially, the film industry helped to galvanize people’s feelings of anger and retribution against the Nazis during the 1940s, compelling Americans to take up the fight for freedom. By the late 1960s, however, anti-American sentiment began to fester alongside the anti-Vietnam War protests. As a result, kids and young adults started to become disenchanted and diverted from love of country or from performing any type of patriotic service for the nation. Spoken out loud, and taken to heart, was the Timothy Leary expression of “turn on, tune in, drop out”. An affable sense of supporting civil rights quickly degenerated into riots, burning down cities, tearing down all social structures for the continuation and safety of the human community, including churches. Inevitably, that would soon be followed by gay rights and the promoting of any queer activity for the diminishing and disruption of children’s lives and the downgrading of Christian morality. Other forms of senseless ‘equity’, e.g., transgenderism, would eventually follow. A simple example of the socialist takeover of America and its cruel mind-bending efforts is drag-queen story-telling time. Behind it all have been the effete capitalists and the fat fascists getting even more rich and overbearingly obese by the dissolution and downfall of American society. Anything for money or for self-gratification has become the only moral imperative. Scary movies from the 1930s and 40s about mummies, vampires, and Frankenstein monsters have evolved into the slasher movies that are more terrifying for children like Friday the 13th, Halloween, and the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Unstudied and unresolved, how many children have been enticed (compelled) to leave home at too young an age because ‘rebel’ pictures told them not to compromise or communicate with their parents — moving out on their own, relying on prostitution or drug-running to survive, whose lives ended as murder victims in a twisted real-life fulfillment of those torment-glorifying features — killed by even more sickened (now murderous) adults? As a modest calorie takeaway, audiences generally are fed the ideal of ‘getting all you want’, even if that means risking death or committing homicide to get it. The real ‘horror’ behind horror flicks is not simply and visibly their bloody displays and assaults, but in their derailing of actual lives, their real assault on human mentality, lost in horrific confusion, tied and strangled inside basements under great torture by impressed monsters imagining themselves, glorifying themselves after a Michael Myers or a Freddy Krueger.

Keeping with the dramatics of conspiratorial thrillers, the FBI and the Justice Department covered up its FISA abuse and manufactured false treasonous narratives against President Trump for four years, even conducting secret surveillance of his premises, and acting as patsies and evidence-contrivers for the left’s push for impeachment. The FBI had the entire Hunter Biden laptop story for months prior to the 2020 election, but refused to divulge its telling information about the criminal history of the whole Biden family. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerburg deliberately suppressed the story (Gans, 2022); which isn’t all that out of character since the Facebook founder spent $400 million dollars in worker bribes to nearly 2500 counties in 49 states in order to make fulfilled the harvest of precinct returns to the Democrats’ satisfaction (Nelson & Golding, 2021). Adding in the fact that Facebook either bans or reports to the government what it considers as ‘misinformation’ or political extremism, this marks but one of numerous strikes against Zuckerberg who masquerades himself as a legitimate member of the passive communications industry, instead being an unholy violator of free-speech, in Nazi goose-step with our Socialist regime. Not so unexpectedly, Facebook also banned the “stop the steal” (election) movement which it labeled as disinformation — fully knowing they had clandestinely contributed to the foul play and behind-the-scenes rigging as part of their plan to steal the election (Bond & Allyn, 2021). The lamentable media, like the deplorable sciences, have little loyalty to their intended function: exploring truth (in government). By hidden design, peradventure they already know the real ‘truth’ – and are complicit with sustaining the lies.

Over the course of the Trump administration, the media did everything they could to defame the President, to falsify evidence against him, and to impeach him through treasonous political diabolicalness. The media expurgated the details of the George Floyd incident to set off a protest rage across the country lasting one to three years depending on particular locations, filled with retributive burning and encouraging the killing of numerous (deliberately unnoticed and curiously now-forgotten) far-more-innocent civilians and police officers than George Floyd himself. By contrast, to this day, we have been given no serious investigation into, much less conclusion for, the Mandalay Bay killings in Las Vegas of five years ago — the largest mass shooting in American history with 60 people killed and more than 800 wounded. Why? Either the local and/or federal government didn’t want certain evidence to come out — or — they didn’t really care about the people being shot and killed (mostly right-leaning country bumpkins). Chalk this killing up to just another incident in the cultural genocide of our Western-leaning, civilized society.

The power of the press (as they used to call it) is not confined to merely making visible to public eyes what they would otherwise be ignorant of or distracted from seeing. In practice, the media is never idle and detached, and even less dissuaded from providing its own influential input, be that truth-spinning or outright lies:

  1. Proactive concern or attention is paid to ideologies and co-incidents toward which they (themselves) are biased — to be presented strictly in a good light;
  2. Negative concern or little to no attention paid to beliefs they disagree with, while giving grievous distortionary effect to simple side-events, or anything that might assist in making their enemies appear in a bad light.

Consider how the media reporting of the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri, ginned up riots across the country. Neither forensic nor physical evidence (and ultimate testimony) confirmed that he had responded to the order to put ‘hands up’ by complying and gesturing “Don’t shoot!” On the opposite side, the dastardly media exclusively spent the four years of the Trump administration dissecting and criticizing everything Trump did: from official actions to off-hand comments and obvious jokes — in the toxic aim of manipulating popular opinion or to the extent that half the country would be bored (dual meaning) senseless by the constant focus on his (alleged) constant miscues.

Likewise, the Justice Department doesn’t feel it has an obligation to protect all the children now being made subjects (guinea pigs) of sexual grooming, perverse indoctrination, and misguided health advice (temptations) into unnecessary hormonal treatments and body mutilation. Instead the Attorney General Merrick Garland has labeled the protesting parents of these children who are being psychologically brainwashed and physically operated on — as domestic terrorists — subject to investigative harassment, libelous prosecution, and potentially crushing imprisonment. We will never know the extent of the FBI’s involvement in the sanctioning and handling of the clearly fabricated Steele Dossier, the FISA abuse which prompted their secret surveillance of President Trump, plus numerous other criminal acts, including the government’s part in provoking, instigating, and abetting the January 6 incursion into the Capitol. Subsequent trials have revealed that the FBI had at least eight informants (agents) inside the Proud Boys prior to and probably involved in the storming of the Capitol (Feuer & Goldman, 2022). 

The media attack against a single conservative or pro-American is irresistible and, afterward, its condemning stain irremovable, no matter how erroneous. Compare how the January 6 protestors have been treated — versus all the civil and criminal complaints against the BLM for its many violent acts, misuse of charitable funds, and other illegal infractions. Just mentioning this discrepancy will get you bounced off the internet and perhaps ruin your career, thanks to militant media’s racist and discriminatory power of enforcement. Harsher methods of condemnation are reserved for parents (above) who protest the assault on their children — making them even more vulnerable to being arrested by the local police or maybe the Justice Department and FBI in Washington. Nothing journalists, the media, and the tech giants do should ever be considered above-board or broadcasted with passive impartiality. Working hand-in-hand with political parties and/or agenda-driven corporations and secret organizations, is it not to be taken for granted that even (advertised) indifferent poll takers assume a role for themselves which will affirm or at least make possible the results they were paid to find? Over-weighting a pre-election poll with more or more-select Democrats, for analogy, can have the effect of stymieing resistance or depressing Republican turnout.

The collusion between elected officials (former and current) and the embedded Stasi (past and present), in arranged contract with a conniving media, can bring about its own epic retelling of an American “War and Peace”. This is a story that is well-known, so I will only recount it in summary. The Democratic party thought they had an absolute lock on the 2016 Presidential election against outsider Donald Trump because of (1) the overwhelming repressive control exercised by the Tech companies, whose functional motto is, “What we don’t like, we ban”; (2) the influence of the legacy mainstream which could spend all day and all night literally denouncing Trump and his family while glancing over or covering up years of Clinton malfeasance and overreach; (3) their pervasive control of the election process — from restricted polling places to the overuse of absentee and mailed-out ballots resulting in un-certifiable mailed-in vote-casting, to the fallibility of the physical (tabulating) machines which were not beyond being easily reprogrammed at will. When Hillary Clinton didn’t win outright as planned, immediately she and the media began to dispute the legitimacy of the election owing to Russian influence, irregular use of technology, and a dozen other reasons, spurring the Democrats to call for Trump’s impeachment – something they had been calling for even before he was officially nominated, much less seated in office (Chumley, 2019). After months of temper tantrums, the media hacks switched to Plan B, which was to conscript Deep State swamp creatures to go after each Trump aide or supporter, hoping to find or make up something illegal against them, especially Trump himself. Every White House meeting and every phone call had its moles reporting back to the liberal media establishment. Every financial expense, justified or not, became grounds for impeachment. Not satisfied with the prying and preying of Washington insiders, Hillary Clinton and her cronies took it upon themselves to manufacture evidence against Trump in the form of the Steele Dossier (mentioned above), which was passed on for endorsement by the FBI who then passed it on in a roundabout (treasonous) way to the media (McCarthy, 2021). None of this will ever find conviction, however: the powers-that-be and the prejudiced juries in Washington ensure that. The FBI also falsified their own records (another violation) to lie to the not-so honorable FISA court (aforementioned) in order to obtain warrants enabling them to spy on various (innocent) individuals, including Trump (another violation).

The respectability of the investigations which followed would be compromised by the prevalence of the corrupt liberal lawyers hired to do the investigation. Passing through the Mueller Report and other laughable pretenses of creditable scrutiny, it’s now 2020, and the New York Post, one of the few honest news reporting organizations still in existence, confirmed that the Hunter Biden laptop was real. Contained within emails were the explosive revelations of Biden’s family connections with China and elsewhere. But the legitimate NY Post was soon shut down by Facebook, Twitter, Politico, and the rest of Big Tech, most probably at the order of the FBI who already had the laptop (above) since late 2019, had interviewed reliable witnesses, and knew that what it contained was true and prosecutable. To seal the deal, the government worked with the media to get fifty former directors of national intelligence and “in-the-know” officials to sign (falsify) a letter that the whole Hunter Biden laptop story was merely Russian disinformation (Smith, K., 2022). Even after Hunter Biden reluctantly admitted that the laptop was real, the media ignored the truth until long after the 2020 elections. No one really expects the Democrats and the FBI to ever reveal its contents: their jobs, and perhaps their lives, depend on that. Much later, at the Hunter Biden gun trial, wherein the laptop was now legally introduced as hard evidence, by concession, its no doubt now-cleansed contents would still not be exposed, lest the entire Biden clan and its syndicate be made subject to prosecution (Robertson, 2024).

Attorney General William Barr, though appointed by President Trump, was no different a masquerader in his role as the country’s No. One Justice Advocate and Enforcer. With the Hunter Biden laptop in hand, he well knew how corrupt the Biden family was. But Barr couldn’t be bothered about the earlier tapping of Trump’s office, nor the run of falsified documents leading to his impeachment charges. Before, during, and after the 2020 election, Barr made no serious effort to investigate the tech companies, the media, and all the states which allowed insidious ballot-harvesting and other disreputable election procedures of fraudulent ballot-casting, ballot stuffing, and errant ballot-counting, all of which is in violation of the civil rights of U.S. citizens (Section 6) [political slavery]. Barr’s appointment of a special counsel to then ‘investigate’ the FISA abuse and other federal infractions, after three years, we know was just a show meant to exonerate his own lameness and carefree dismissal. No doubt, when the Durham investigation is long gone and all part of history, Barr will write another self-serving bio explaining how the corruption in Washington was so pervasive and overwhelming, “there is nothing more we could have done”; though he was in charge of an agency that was primarily responsible for either setting the fires or failing to douse them. Again, Justice is blind, we have been repeatedly told; and to a great degree we accounted Her indifferent as well. Experience dictating, therefore, that any investigation and satisfactory trial outcome shall hold very little connection or substantiality to the evidence being delivered; we must make upstanding what little groggy-blind Justice we can, seeing now, She is also deaf and mute.

The Democratic Party left nothing to chance in the 2020 election. Using the Covid-19 crisis as an excuse, nearly every Democrat-run state strove to push out as many ballots they could to as many people as possible, alive or dead, legal or illegal, so that the resultant mailed-back votes, checked or unchecked, certifiable or provisional, would dilute and taint the ultimate count. Just to make sure things went their way, drop boxes were stuffed with made-up packages of votes carried by ‘mules’; party organizers went out to make sure sick and senior citizens, some unable to write, in nursing homes and resident centers filled out their ballots properly — with their biased hand for guidance of course. The oddly unsuspicious and always strangely cooperative opposition party, the Republicans, didn’t seem to mind all this blatant malefactions, spuriously downplayed … until rioters met at the Capitol Building to protest the big tech repression, the FBI cover-up of Biden’s family history, along with all the fraud of election mechanics. Then Lindsey Graham and the other RINOS told the police to shoot the rioters for doing the job of correcting a wrong that they themselves should have been doing proactively from the start, namely securing the integrity of the election process (Colton, 2021). “RINOS” is too good a description of them; they should be called “RHINOS”, meaning Real Humans In Name Only. As a probable result, an unarmed, completely defenseless woman was shot and killed: Ashli Babbit, who was also an Air Force veteran, far more patriotic and justified than the police officer who shot her and got away with cold-blooded murder. In many ways, the relationship between the political parties is one similar to school-time bullies (the Democrats) who are having their way with smaller nerdy kids, while everyone else in the class (the Republicans) either ignore the beatings or just stand behind them laughing and making fun — which unfortunately reflects their true dedication to life and oath of office. From another perspective, the January 6th protestors were like the parents of children being sexually groomed and raped in Virginia schools: to complain about the crime being committed against them (re: sexual rape and voter fraud) would risk subjecting you (re: your whole family and patriotic conservatives) to retribution and incarceration.

Every day or so we hear of another riling of attendees to Washington, DC, on January 6 (some having never even participated in the protest), now being stalked, harassed, and abruptly arrested, even though the politicians in Washington and the local officials did nothing to make the 2020 election secure and stop the controlled rigging by the tech companies of the whole process. In fact, the FBI and the Justice Department did everything they could to make the process invalid by spreading false information and hounding the truth-expressers, by not stepping in to balance the machines and cross-check the mudflow of extraneous mailed-out ballot forms and thereby uncertified mailed-in voting (mentioned above). The essential (base) cruelty of the Deep State is to break every law, ensure every pain, violate every decency — so that by will of pressurized response, every subsequent act of survival is judged by agency and court … a mass uprising … another January 6th all over again, justifying the crush and initializing the need for more slavish repression thereafter throughout all eternity. Certainly, the FBI, the police, as well as the military will one day be looked back on as the Brown Shirts and the killer party-goers of the National Association of Socialists Initiatives in our day.

For approximately two years the media coordinators and repressors helped to incite and encourage the nationwide holocaust of our cities by Antifa and the BLM, and the harming of businesses and the killing of dozens of innocent workers and bystanders; they helped provoke the attack on the White House and the attempted burning down of the St. John’s church nearby (Barnes, 2020).  However, they have since cried like babies for more than three years because their ‘precious Capitol home’ (the house of sinners) was threatened by fanatic protestors on January 6 – who really were trying to prevent injustice by the deliberate repression of facts and access, and by the clever rigging and manipulating of our election system. Investigative reporters won’t raise a hand to expose liberal infractions and crimes, but will fall down in temper tantrums and raise the traitorous flags of magicians and forgers who strive to conjure up any slanderous evidence against patriots.

It is said that some mass murderers, like committed drag queens, have a compulsion — a duty — to inflict harm on other people, otherwise they can never fulfill who they really are inside (i.e., justifying their ravenous urgings). Likewise, some elites feel they have a similar right to hate and destroy anyone (they perceive) less than them and who doesn’t believe what they believe. “Conservatism and freedom-loving”, in their minds, are just euphemisms for sickening ignorance and belief-stricken chaos. Again, recall the scandal surrounding the IRS and the Tea Party, wherein Lois Lerner inappropriately targeted any politically patriotic group (by design); moreover, any liberty-faithful organization with even a conservative-sounding name. She was never punished, which is in accordance with Deep State standards, and was allowed to retire with benefits and a pension (Kittle, 2019). In the same way, the media has conducted its own targeting of normalcy by describing any scientific or religious group that doesn’t agree with Facebook’s life-guide (another Zuckerberg sin) of denoting at least 50+ kinds of genders as being small-minded and vicious. Next it portrays and punishes anyone who doesn’t believe in the unbounded gay, bi-sexual, transgender, etc., agenda as clearly bigoted and unworthy to live in modern (mixed) company. From once-upon-a-time allowance of accepted presence in schoolrooms has come the storied parades of queens throughout all story-telling time.


Nearly every Washington politician and ranking member of the upper military carries the odoriferous scent of a cozy backroom or hatcheck-ticket arrangement with their matching counterpart in the civilian contracting sector. Others hold probably similar conjunction with the energy industry or the drug manufacturing companies. Referred to on several levels of occupation and accusation, take Dr. Anthony Fauci, for example; not only did Dr. Fauci approve (despite his early denials) the funding of the gain-of-function debacle at the Wuhan lab in China, he lied about its purpose and spread (Dunleavy, 2021). Having his own strategic investments and rewards in mind, he knew that compensation would roll in from royalty payments, book deals, appearances and the like (Smith W., 2022). In sequence, he then took advantage of his collusive relationship with the pharmaceutical companies to prescribe needless (needles) shots at overkilling rates, and helped orchestrate calamitous rounds of lockdowns, restrictions, and job disenfranchisement. Millions died on his watch worldwide and at his hand (not just Chinese handiwork). Bureaucratically, however, we can sense that there will probably never be a full tactical reckoning and financial accounting or a thorough and adequate investigation into ‘who’ and ‘what countries’ are to be held responsible for the rise of the Covid-19 virus; then to be made culpable for the deaths and resultant suffering. Lesser political/bureaucratic ‘evils’ such as illegal lobbying, money transference out of supposedly ‘inaccessible’ accounts, and criminal cover-up, will obviously never be investigated either. Should a brave whistleblower ever come forward to expose these travesties, somehow the official ‘shock’ of ‘discovery’ will be quickly turned aside, which will then free investigators to return to “party as usual”. And even if there is overwhelming evidence, having now put an exposed witness in danger, and maybe many other innocents, the story will always remain according to agency inspectors, according to the court of law, and according the (media’s) court of public concern, in collusive bondage and regrettably “insufficient to convict”.

HR (Human Resources), as associated with government, is another vile instrument of confederate distortion and extortion. Should any agency get caught doing something wrong or overseeing an entire program which somehow goes badly (e.g., the Afghanistan debacle, the overthrowing of Libya, the IRS scandal), then the person(s) responsible are rarely punished; instead demoted upward, quietly transferred, or allowed to retire with full benefits and honor. Repeating another HR deficiency, the cohort of (federal) government employees is a rampart of guards merely working to protect their own overly-awarded, over-graded positions — while providing gateway employment to a 50% “family-friendly” surplus of listless hacks. The federal government may thus be observed as a cafeteria lounge for soon-to-be retirees, for the lazy, the inept, and any other deceitful diversity claimant waiting for their next undeserved upgrade.

Donald Trump, when coming into the Executive sphere, didn’t have a prayer, much less a chance, for actually cleaning the ‘swamp in Washington’ — because Deep State rebels knew that, even if such was his (unlikely) sincere intentions, as a novice, he would have to hire from the same cesspool of official stackers and placeholders that have always run Washington (into the swamp). No matter how prominent or independently aloof or morally incorruptible some well-vetted candidate might have seemed to Trump when he first selected him from out of the cow pens, that ‘righteous’ standing would soon sink like his personal reputation into the quicksand just beyond the stable margins. Should anyone thus hired ever defy expectations and actually perform well under grace and with professional courtesy, then that person’s life, as well as the welfare of his/her family, would soon be worth less than two cents. No gruesome godfather with his mafia gang has ever been so family motivated, vengefully endowed, or underhandedly equipped as the most moderate hitman of the Deep State Confederacy. Moreover, every congressional politician whom President Trump may have counted on for sweeping legislation, legal clean-up, and executive household support would be actually already in the Deep State carpet-bag.

Generally speaking, for the public, seeking compensation from (or retribution on) our federal government for harm done and civil rights violation is a virtually impossible task, accessorizing itself as it does with all the shielded armor of a (brutal) monarchy. In this disguise it has three tremendous legal advantages (protections):

  1. The power to charge you (the ordinary citizen) with any foul, on any evidence (contrived or mischaracterized), which naturally requires you to expend exorbitant resources just to defend yourself — in a court of ‘justice’ which is albeit another snake-pit of the Deep State. Toward the goal of arrest, they can use their own crooked agents, compromised field workers, or hired mercenaries, to provide fabricated proof. As presented and re-presented legally, it’s your flimsy word and rambling make-shift evidence against the hyper-sanitized browbeating (blackmail) and impeccable reputation of the glorious United States Government.
  2. The right of eminent domain which allows governments to take what they want and yet be immune from lawsuit when they obviously do things in gross negligence, or with partisan intentions, or even flagrantly illegal. Unlike a commercial lawsuit, you can’t sue them for, say, medical malpractice. During the Covid-19 crisis, they even extended this immunity exemption to the pharmaceutical companies for protection from lawsuit under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act regarding any possible side-effects of their vaccines and boosters (Halabi, Heinrich, & Omer, 2020). Hearing appeal must be filed with the Department of Health and Human Services, which allows very narrow exceptions on injury compensation.
  3. In rare cases where lawsuits are feasible, the government (Deep State) has unlimited legal funds [all the tax money and all the printed-up (made-up) money from the Treasury they need].

These make all legal cases forwarded by government tarnished samples of even more surreptitious experiments (subtle encroaches) against unaware citizens stupid enough to give them, by implicit voter approval, expressed leeway.

The spectacle of the Covid-19 crisis doesn’t even compare to some of the tragedies and flagrant atrocities that the government has committed in the past, usually conducted on often non-volunteering, unsuspecting citizens:

  • Tuskegee Syphilis experiments (1932) – wherein 600 African-American men were given placebos (instead of penicillin) for the venereal disease and were then tracked until they eventually went blind, insane, or died (Nix, 2023).
  • Beef blood transfusions (1942) – wherein a Harvard chemist conducted experiments under the auspices of the military on initially 60 persons (later more) using beef albumin as a possible replacement for blood loss during battlefield conditions. Although some of the early results looked promising, the subsequent appearance of serum sickness and other side-effects caused the experiments to be discontinued.
  • Penitentiary Malaria Study (1944) – wherein over 400 prisoners were illegally injected with malaria in order to test experimental drugs for a cure (Comfort, 2009).
  • Numerous other experiments during the WWII and Cold War era included Mustard Gas Exposure on our own soldiers, plutonium injection, releasing biological weapons onto the streets of San Francisco to test their effects on unaware residents, the Willowbrook experiments on mentally-handicapped children who could not give their consent for being injected with hepatitis (Henson, 2017).
  • Not ever to mention the nuclear explosions performed on the Pacific Ocean Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands and other locations, which vaporized entire islands, displaced local people from their homeland, and subjected generations to future radiation poisoning (Rust, 2019).

Change is not likely to come any time soon, however, to the cruel government and military/scientific overreach because the bureaucratic system is now in control of every institutional agency: repulsive truth is now racked up in the bowels of the Deep State. Just the recent proliferation of transgender operations by government-funded hospitals and clinics is ongoing proof enough. For years, institutions like Vanderbilt University and the Mayo Clinic engaged in unnecessary surgeries such as mastectomies on women and scrotectomies on men because of gender dysphoria and which often caused more harm by pushing these patients (i.e., minor children) toward committing suicide. Vanderbilt confessed online that it performed these surgeries mainly because they were lucrative now, in the present, while cleverly roping in a guaranteed lifetime patient in need of further refinement and expensive adjustment (Nerozzi, 2022). These universities had no operating (dual meaning) scruples about possibly committing medical malpractice, nor any concern about what such physical mutilation and psychiatric brainwashing might be doing to their mostly innocent children’s brains. Does this remind you of the earlier Tuskegee experiments et al? The most horrific and deadly experiments imposed by Dr. Mengele on prisoners during World War II only reflect what many Nazi scientists alive and working today in America would do if given the financial incentive and opportunity.

Ever since the Obama era, incoming candidates for the justice department, homeland security, the military, and even the Census Bureau have been inveigled to swear allegiance to their Marxist overlords, not to their Constitutional duty or in provisional accordance with prevailing American delineations of rights and freedom parameters. That’s a major reason why the borders are open, the police won’t touch BLM, and why the military is more interested in providing transgender surgery or in using the proper pronoun than how to fight and win a real war. More currently, syndicate boss President Biden has utilized the tactic of forcing all federal employees to take the Covid shots as a means of weeding out the ‘rebellious’, meaning the non-compliant “undesirables”. A refusal would spark an inference of a free-thinking, freedom-loving, and independent American, which is exactly the kind of person a Deep State cabal of brainwashed, America-hating, deadheads cannot tolerate. Should the country and its inspirational being ever survive this deliberate decimation of our founding and original belief system, or any one of us is left alive to recount history, we shall be left only as token humans, inspirational thinkers suited only as the captured combatants of a predatory Thunderdome.

Extreme disregard and arrogance also explain why President Biden and the military didn’t have to answer for the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster. Tyranny needs no justification. Historically, such perniciousness and arrogance provide solemn segue to why Eric Holder wanted to give former felons immediate voting rights (Goldman, 2014); why crack-smoking DC Mayor Marion Barry wanted criminals to vote from prison and now can (“DC to allow”, 2020); and why several states and cities, including DC, have pushed for illegals to vote in local elections. Evil, like an ingrained infection, serves its own suffered fever. Despite his acrimonious behavior and many run-ins with the law, DC residents would continually vote Mayor Barry back into political office, even though he was known to take bribes and to reward his closest friends with contracts and special positions of authority. Extending beyond corrupt arrogance, there is the added (current) hypocrisy — after years of tearing down so many honorable statues and monuments to heroes — Washington DC has the gall to then dedicate an entire block to Black Lives Matter (BLM) leading up defiantly to the White House (upon the radical excuse of justifying racism and murder) (Barnes & Finch, 2020); then also to name a new street after the always Right Honorable Mayor Marion Barry (Silverman, 2023). As for the justifiable hypocrisy of so-called ‘election credibility’, recent reexamination of the recount in the 2020 Georgia Presidential election has revealed more than 140 violations of election laws and rules — as what now entraps Trump’s current legal trials there — including thousands of missing or unsourced ballots which were supposed to have been scanned and saved, but now are mysteriously ‘lost’ (Rough Draft Atlanta, 2024).

All governments and institutions, whether at the federal or local level, even state-funded universities, are susceptible to hiring family (nepotism), liberal friends and contractors, often at big bucks, to perform extraneous do-nothing jobs — especially if there is no adequate oversight. Entire projects can be boondoggled when unethical arrangements are made using government workers and personal relationships: witness New York Mayor De Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, wasting (un-accounting for) $1.8 billion in supposedly mental health-related funding (McManus, 2019). Pocketing taxpayer money is easy when the officialdom in charge is “Democratic’ and therefore, by racial gratification, decadent. Lack of ethics, transparency, and auditing controls often leads to the bloating, the financial corruption, and to the bastardization of true government service, while allowing untracked dedicated funds to be dispersed or waylaid to their compatriot racketeers. To be added to the already extensive list, and glaringly uninvestigated, and to other numerous federal thefts of budgetary funds, such as the (2009) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act under Obama and the Inflation Reduction Act under Biden, we can now submit (surmise) as much of the wasteful 2021 National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure program. After nearly three years of service enactment, Department of Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, admitted that only about seven or eight charging stations have been installed across the entire country thus far under the $7.5 billion 500,000 station-installation plan … most of the money being “distributed” out to the 50 states as formulaically and apparently partisan-entreated to use as wanted (Taheri, 2024). Political neophytes ponder the same tired questions in each of these cases, “Where did the appropriated funds go?” “Why wasn’t their dispensation tracked?” “What became of their accounting waste?” the answers to which they already know. None of the funds initiated by these acts of appropriation and laws of budgetary disbursing were ‘wasted’ or ‘unaccounted for’: they all went to whence they were always intended … into the pockets of their sponsors, the unions, and the business associates of their political promoters. Now you know why Obama sneered when he announced there were never any ‘shovel-ready’ jobs. Apart from the departmental dishonesty at the top, as someone who has worked at or with various levels of government, I will reiterate the inefficiency that most agencies are internally weighed down with excessive (useless) or redundant employees, probably close to 50%. But DEI and union protection, much like protection money paid to the mob to ‘protect’ you from them burning down your store or restaurant, is self-appeasing and organizationally irresistible.

The topic of electioneering and the misdemeanor of Election Boards and state election officials is too vast to discuss in detail here. Conceptually, their channeled responsibilities are very straightforward and quite achievable, were it not for their own endearment to chicanery:

  1. Make sure each person attempting to vote is legitimately eligible and validated
  2. Make sure each ballot is closely held and if (when) sent out, only as necessary, that it is accurately tracked and returned in tamper-proof, qualifying condition
  3. Make it clear to each member of the elector staff and overseeing body that they will be definitely and painstakingly punished for illegally mishandling or deceptively misdirecting any ballot.

The constant occurrence of so many close elections in strategically-important battleground states — the bulk of which almost always go to the Democrats’ favor in Democratically-run administrations — automatically belies the statistical chance that the results are happening by fairness of probability. If you (in your innocence of the Deep State) think to question, “Why don’t the Republicans ever contest these long-drawn-out counts which, despite expectations, always turn against them?” consider, more cunningly, that some grand Leftist force (the truly Red Communists) is paying for the bloody (Blue) Democrats to win, while the Republicans (the merely Pink Communists) are preemptively fated (and fabulously paid) to play the venous-loser antagonist; and so, as directed, must fake satisfaction in being second place.

If you, the chronicling audience, having a brain and the power of discernment of these ‘fixed’ circumstances, then remark in futile disgust, “if the depraved Republicans in Washington are so ‘bought’, so ‘bagged’, so totally unconcerned, or just too lazy to investigate/corroborate the polling sites and operating machines beforehand, thereto confiscating the faulty ones promptly and holding the rest in quarantine after the election  — the way athletes are tested for drugs before and after competition; or the Republicans are just too inept to file suit against states for mailing out directionless (point of fraud) ballots in violation and desecration of the civil rights of legitimate citizens; then let the Nazis have at their agreed-upon ‘final solution’”. Our seeming infirmity about the voting dilemma stems really from our own lame appearance (vision) of the facts and the known villainy of the characters involved, and our own cultured spinelessness to resign ourselves to what happens.

For decades, both parties have advocated for more and more illegal immigration. The rich Republicans, so they behave, are “victims” of their own greed — as capitalists pressure them with lobby money for evermore cheap labor and ever-looser human rights enforcement, which is all coming at the sacrifice of the welfare of existing low-income Americans, together with the decline of the education system and the destruction of the cultural and natural environment. The Democrats have a much grander ambition, reminiscent of the Old South, of overturning the demographics of America and creating a permanent underclass of (racially-inferior) serfs and complete government (plantation) dependency. It little matters to these heartless bastards that rapists, thieves, and murderers are being graciously welcomed in — to incur crimes and instill misery upon the poorer Americans. How does it affect their rich lives if a 12-year-old girl is strangled and her body dumped into the bayou (Taer, 2024), or a mother of five on a hiking trail is raped and murdered (Pereira, 2024)? Nothing shall ever change until their own young daughters are tied up like ragdolls and slowly strangled to death. Nothing shall ever substantially change until their own wives and mothers are raped and brutally murdered. Even then, nothing shall ever permanently change until their own wicked selves are pulled down from their white plantation porticos, tied hand and foot, then dragged face-down across the stones and rough ground. So then, no one will ever have to see that evil smirk upon their faces anymore … since there won’t be enough of their facial identity to write it, or for any decent person right after to read it. And as for the officials, the government agents, and the storm troopers, who protect them, and the sociologists and scientists who assist them in this deception, their guilt by trial and death sentence will be far greater than any Nazi caught carrying away Jews into concentration camps.

Accordingly, going along, politicians have continuously advocated for the extension of fraud by allowing illegals, those under 18, and even criminals to vote. The Federal Election Commission (FEC) should be on the frontline preventing politicians for abusing campaign laws; but they seldom do, especially in regard to leadership PACs which lawmakers often use like personal slush funds to subsidize their lavish lifestyles. Even after losing an election, politicians obviously seldom ever return the leftover money; instead, they continue to access the funds as an ongoing personal bridge and possible starting seed for their next campaign try (Campaign Legal Center, 2021). The FEC should also act as security agents preventing the ‘Big Shots’ in California and New York sending bucket-loads of cash into small less-affluent states trying to turn them from red to blue. As a matter of ethics, this is equivalent to Saudi Arabia or Iran contributing money into our elections in order to curry support for their own Islamic, infidel, or non-American agendas.

Throughout any given year, elected officials receive millions of dollars in unaccounted for and easily covered up lobbying money (i.e., bribes). To a large degree, this explains how relatively pauper-politicians upon entering their political life in government leave from office super-rich. President Obama, himself, conceded that when he and Michelle entered the White House, they were essentially broke. Not long after leaving the White House eight years later, having conceived accounts and built a rat’s nest of unsavory favors, then gloating in the contract terms of their prominent Hollywood afterglow, they were multi-millionaires with numerous residences presently scattered across the country in charmed locations — despite being surprisingly close to oceans — having kept his promise for halting the global rising of the water, now no longer surging onshore to engulf them. As much could be said of just about every politician in Washington, but particularly of Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, and many well-known Republicans as well.  

Apparently, no resident voter in Wyoming, for example, knows (knew) who Liz Cheney is, or what her counterfeit beliefs are, or even cares about where she lives full-time (in the DC area) – strangely not in her ‘home’ state, even though she is (was) Wyoming’s one and only Congressional representative. Of this mis-address she is not ashamed, any more than all the false addresses she gives (gave) in Congress against the palpably more honest and true Americans who participated in the January 6th protest (which the maniacal media still insists on calling an insurrection). Neither do the Wyoming voters seem to care from where her recent wealth has evolved. Over her six-year term as a representative, her personal wealth increased more than ten-fold from her original four million dollars (start-of-term), despite a government salary of ‘just’ $174,000 per year and scarcely any other earned income reported (Husebo, 2022). For all her questionable finances, some derived from her husband working amicably for and collusively with Communist China, she still sits on the Congressional committee pretending to be holier than thou (her constituents), proudly denigrating former President Trump and all of his crazy followers. But how can you criticize Cheney for just simulating the actions of her heroine, Nancy Pelosi, who has amassed a tremendous fortune over decades through leveraged gains on her position and conflicts of interest (stock and insider trading) involving companies and financial sources over which she is given fiduciary charge or else assigned with providing congressional oversight or vote-certifying legislation? Whenever Ms. Pelosi does venture to go back to endue her ‘home’ district in San Francisco, she carefully avoids those sections that — thanks to her and her party apparatchiks — have been turned into a progressive’s dream (A Nightmare on Pelosi Street). While travelling back and forth to California for politicking purposes, obviously she enjoys her flights of non-economy fantasy at the public’s luxurious expense. Just like Barack Obama did during his 8-year White House visitation lodging, his was an approach to Executive administration that was lackadaisical at best: seeing how he spent much of his time in office out of office, gallivanting around the world on the American dime(s) picking up awards, bad-mouthing America for being so racist, (fore)-telling how he was going to transform (destroy) society, and prophesizing how he would slow the rising sea levels. Relatively speaking, his wife, Michelle Obama followed his lead, that is, travelling widely and promoting herself, only accompanied by an entire entourage costing millions of taxpayers’ dollars (Chapman, 2012). These expensive gas-emitting flights were taking place even as the Obamas constantly derided the average American’s un-thriftiness and damned the energy-wasting habits of the poor and middle-incomed, vigorously haranguing them for supporting politicians and media fakes who didn’t believe in the imminent dangers (within a decade or so) of world-ending Global Warming, … which, in the absence of its appearance, we now refer to (tongue-in-cheek) as always Global Change … because apparently the Earth and the public did not quite warm to this nomenclature.

Thus do rich people decry the wastefulness of the poor, the wantonness of their lives, yet exclusively ride in hypocrisy-class their private planes, expose themselves bald in their convertible carriages of know-nothing nakedness. Lest opinion be housed with the homeless, society has never learned that welfare does not generally fare well for the people living under it. Government concern is to have no care for what is handled in sanctuary. Stratified forces work to create a sub-stratum of people who live merely to ingest and to procreate, who are bitterly envious of anyone who owns or receives more than they do, and eventually come to hate anyone whose color or color of thought doesn’t match their own. Knowing full well, the decades-long plan is for the rise of women, the fall of man-kind, and the death of the family. Where once creative artists dreamed and struggled, grit-turning scientists sought to collate facts, true heroes strode on knightly steeds for delivering human victory of life, only the belligerent Karens now stand — fashion-lauding amidst the contested runway rubble of childhood demise, pleased like vampires with the coffining of aborted lives.

There’s one thing you can count on from the elites … being not just contrary, selfish, and disabling … they are truly evil people. They go around everyday trying to pass themselves off as ‘ordinary folk’, good-ole-joes, and Jesus-like kind of people. When a reckless discrepancy occurs in their speech or mannerism, well, “that’s because we fight for the Good, and we are constant daredevils for the Truth, even if in our exuberance, we may appear like teenagers out on a joyride. Close … the Left are in reality like drunken wildcats, only steering their Mack Trucks like crazed drivers speeding down the highway joyously running over pedestrians and killing anyone they don’t like. They often masquerade themselves as victims, among the oppressed, like the Jews. Suddenly, they rear up to declare themselves fair and self-righteous by condemning all those nasty Israelis in the Middle East trying to slaughter the wonderful Canaanites (Hamas). Next, they are ‘horrified’ by all those college protesters seeking genocide of the Jews here in America. Always the pious liberal’s faithless militant cry is, “Pray for peace”, while advocating everyday with all their might for racial violence, thorny crowns to be placed on Christians, and for starting evermore civil wars internationally. No, pray for the arrest of your evil heartbeats; then maybe God will give you inner peace and righteousness.

Has not the Left’s whole position against their political opponents been one of calling them ‘deplorables’ (Hillary Clinton) and as ‘enemies of their faith’? Would not the Democrats, if they could, throw all these jaywalkers and cultist complainers into the gulags or line them up like captured defectives in front of mass graves? And so, as it has been said, tis better to run with the scurrilous and rule with the ruthless than to be served up as God’s tribute at their victory feast. Shouting their denial and of their promotion of hate, “we know the other side is human”. Do they really accept this ‘saving’ annunciation? If the Left really thought of them as ‘humans’, that would reflect back on their feelings which would have an impact on their philosophy of vain beliefs. And if they really acceded humanity to their opponents, that would force them to acknowledge that what they believed in and apparently held so dear must be in some respect ‘believable’. Sensing as much, that would force them to reexamine their own errors, perhaps even to change in some measure. But why would they ever conduct soul-searching over what is, to them, obvious and self-evident doctrines? Upon this realization, independents and republicans know that they can never trust the Left since, as a party of favors, they have always been in the playful production of killing off their enemies, of destroying America through open borders, corrupt officials, bribed judges; of indoctrinating the patriotic dimwits through a vile academia and the persecution complex of a cruel media.

Aquarium life has reserved for itself constant aeration, limited temperature and contamination, and a balance of chemical salinity. A society can withstand only a moderate amount of exploitation and disruption – to still remain intact. No creature living in an aquarium ever consciously discerns its environment to be specially controlled or wholly contrived. All our wishful breaths and cleansing dreams find physical arrest in the administration’s stoppage of freedom’s flow.

Patronizingly (as proffered above), lawmakers often employ the fruitful time-tested, underhanded, collusion trick of passing legislation for the dispensing of billions of dollars to (friends in) corporations, banks, wall street firms, etc., which then on a personal or campaign basis, or at the combined union level, “refunds” a portion back to the lawmakers (politicians) to put into their pockets. It was some two years after Congress passed the nearly one-trillion-dollar economic stimulus act, or better known as the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, that President Obama confessed with a contemptuous sneer that there weren’t really any shovel-ready jobs out there “ready”, so they gave almost all of the stimulus to the unions and their Democratic campaign friends in state and local government (Pollack, 2020). No wonder politicians carry around their obese guts such hefty coffers when their rich friends can afford to back-bless them with these lavish donations of campaign contributions. More recently, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 was never intended to reduce inflation, as Biden later confessed; but rather to benefit the politicians’ own contributors and to acquire greater tyrannical control over the American economy (Morales, 2023). Rarely do politicians – whether Democrat or Republican – actually strive to fulfill the promises they made to the citizens who voted them into office. The only promises that have any compelling touch at all are those made to their largest contributors. Recently the Democrats have come “out of the closet” about being out-and-out Anti-American Socialists, countenancing only those causes which further their aim to transform society, destroy patriotism and the family, abort babies and distort even little school children who are easily made prone to becoming their supine sexual slaves. Stoned Republicans (dual meaning) are either hard-rock patrons of the Deep State Tower or highballed on the money coming in from China, Russia, and other dangerous command outfits. Slobbering in hypocrisy and nonsense, they constantly talk out of both sides of their mouths, which has always been their native language, their preferred manner of speech.

A misconception of current history that has prevailed in the global reporting is the reason behind the war in Ukraine. Supposedly, America, a Republic and the grand world-wide defender of democracy, must stand up for another democracy being overrun and subjugated by Putin, a Russian Communist bully. The question of whether America still is a functioning democracy aside … Ukraine has almost never been a vital one. It’s an oligarchy, often ruled by malevolent leaders, which geographically just happens to reside in a strategic location, and is blessed with significant resources like wheat and oil. Of late (the last few decades), its syndicate of lobbying motivations and money casting have netted (scandalized) figures the likes of Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, and Hillary Clinton (Dowling, 2022). Dozens more Democrats and Republicans behind the scenes have been using Ukraine like a cash cow to fill their campaign bank and charitable foundation accounts. When that sacred cow was in danger of being sacrificed like an oblation, Washington promptly stepped up to defend “democracy”. And as always, the American public is being charged (taxed) for the bill of providing weaponry to Ukraine, without their approval. Wasn’t President Trump nearly impeached for just making a phone call to Ukraine trying to investigate the origins and flow of the Ukraine-Washington money (pipeline) connection? Only the long-time gangster-family headed by President Biden could defile America’s good name by using Ukraine for years like a free ATM, give military support to Ukraine when its autocratic syndicate is attacked, threaten war with Russia because of its aggression, rebuke China for aiding Russia and threatening Taiwan — all the while helping Russia negotiate a nuclear deal with Iran (our mortal enemy), and ceding ever more trade agreements and economic exchanges with China.

Underlying these character flaws, elected officials’ hold the personal desire and logistical disclaimer to despise anyone who cannot help them get ahead or who does not support the things they want to impose. Be it a church-goer, a disabled veteran dying from Fentanyl, a special-needs individual, or simply a MAGA believer, … like the fetus in the womb, you are unborn to them. If they do not heed the pledges of their own foolish voters, how shall they hear the cries of those who either can’t vote or were smart enough not to vote for them because of their devotion to God, country, and American decency? Nevertheless, it is all smoke and mirrors anyway, since any expression of support for either illegals, for children, for nature, the environment, or the planet as a whole, has merely the incense of smoky substances (illegal payoffs) and the moving slice of sacrificial lambs (the electorally abandoned).

Whenever government agencies don’t like the narrative of any issue or how it is presented in current numerical argument, such as the economy, crime, the census, etc. they deviously take steps to reconcile their selfish view and to ameliorate the administration’s failed policies; i.e., to bend the truth to accommodate their own official sophistry.

  1. Redefine the elements involved, as in the legally-designated term ‘illegal aliens’ redefined as ‘undocumented immigrants’, ‘welcomed migrants’, then “newcomers”, which is intended to gradually soften their eventual (social and official) acceptance, while also making them eligible for welfare, health insurance, etc. (Shoaib, 2024). Misleading ‘social’ terms are also devised to give a comforting brush to truly harmful medical practices, such as the euphemism of the “gender-affirming process”, which, if translated exactly to action and form would be, “gender-stagnating” or “gender-mutilating” or even “complete sexual removal”.
  2. Restructure the factors within the elements to make the quantifying effect more in line with political policy expectations, as in, taking food and energy (gasoline) out of the inflation index calculations. Using this deception, the administration makes it seem as though their policies are working by keeping the more volatile components out of the “core” inflation rate (McMahon, 2021). The Justice Department likewise reclassifies crimes as inordinate, hence shuffling or shoving aside the locally-reported statistics on crime – making them appear convoluted or exceptionally low.
  3. Reassess conflicting non-truths to make them foldable into the composition of now “indefinite” categories, as in, ‘females’ include boys who think they are really girls inside, although they have no biological proof and have made no attempt at transitioning by medical or chemical techniques (i.e., the so-called ‘transgendered’).
  4. Ignoring or forsaking all pretense of adhering to actuality or even by creating new externalities of controlling parameters, government just does whatever the hell it wants, because they have the power to deem it the proper or demographical thing to do (as only they see fit): i.e., saving ‘democracy’ through fascist lawfare.

All these subterfuges help to surrender a passivity to their lame workmanship and bring refrain to any calls for improvement, ultimately justifying more institutional corruption and denial. As a sample excursion into the federal territory of never-never land, ask yourself this question: exactly how many illegal aliens, undocumented workers, migrants, dreamers, newcomers (whatever they may call them today) are there in America today? The government and the media have cited the number of 11 million (without adjustment) for more than 20 years now. In 2004, Senator John McCain reported Border Patrol statistics that showed four million illegals entered the country in 2002 alone. Only about one million of them were actually apprehended; some of whom may have been deported and some may have returned home of their own accord (Elbel, 2007). Evidently, even the liberal Time magazine calculated that about three million illegals enter the United States each year (Karmatz & Levinstein, 2004). Since then, fluctuations notwithstanding, repeated testimony tells us that likewise, illegals still enter in comparable numbers each year — how ever they may be variously categorized as entering: though maybe discretely (undercover), sighted but not captured, or not returned if contacted and/or captured (i.e., were arrested, given visas, or were legalized). The official Homeland Security reports are therefore to be taken as suspicious undercounts – highly sanitized and/or with misgivings. Many aliens are even allowed to bypass the land crossing entirely by being flown in directly to the heartland (Frudd, 2024). How can millions of new illegals enter the country every year for 20 years and the total number remain at 11 million? Under President Biden’s current administration reversal (relaxation) of immigration laws, virtually none of those endeavoring to enter the country are rounded up and deported. The Washington Examiner estimated that more than 10 million have illegally crossed over the southern border (as of six months ago) during the Biden era (Blankley, 2023). That means that even if Biden had a sudden enlightenment and turnabout and started retracting his cancellation of Trump’s previous executive orders (wiser immigration practices), his advisors could easily excuse his actions as that caused by innocence or senility (“I didn’t know I had the power”). In pretended deception, Biden would then be copying the deceitfulness of Harry Reid, who charged falsely that Presidential candidate Romney had not paid taxes in 10 years, only to admit afterward that he lied just to win the election: giving gloat in his typical McCarthyite fashion, “he didn’t win, did he?” (Rogers, 2015) Similarly, if by January of 2025 Biden is rebuffed (by his suddenly-awake Homeland Security) to admit that 12 million illegals had actually crossed under his watch: “Surprise! We got them into the country, didn’t we; that’s all that matters!”    

 The actual proof for what is happening to our country is to be found in the school registries. In many counties of numerous states especially in the South and West, the largest single ethnic group of very young school (i.e., elementary) students is not white or black or Asian-Pacific, but Hispanic, legal or otherwise. Nationwide, Hispanic and Latino students of any age will constitute about a third of all U.S. students in just a few years, thereby projecting a similar proportion in the entire population some 10 to 15 years following. As adults, Hispanics are already the largest racial or ethnic group in states such as California and Texas (Krogstad, Passel, & Noe-Bustamante, 2022).

The fools that are so mule-headed about keeping the parks pristine – their own private playgrounds (free of those nasty American citizens), are adamant about correcting global climate change, who want to shut down all the oil pipelines, and are desirous of promoting sexual diversity at the expense of the common man, are the same fools who advocate for open-borders immigration, letting everybody in, inviting with them all their gangs, drugs, and violence into America, callousing inciting environmental overload and educational degradation, and preaching the indoctrination and mutilation of children. They would favor socialism and disrupt our system of democratic politics and undermine our colors of red, white, and blue patriotic service in order to radicalize the world and destroy our Western culture and science; and portray our beliefs in Mosaic obedience as immoral and demeaning.


False conservatives in Washington politics are as prevalent and flashy as false eyelashes at a Hollywood movie gala. Traditional (sexist) advice is given in Hollywood that an actor must do whatever she has to do in order to get the part; traditional advice in Washington is, likewise, that a politician must do and say whatever he has to in order to get elected. Note, morality is never an issue or instrument of observance for politicians. Morality has no meaning for the vain and the desperate; no formal travel-wear for those used to skipping out on hotel rents and for managing quick escapes ahead of the law. You would think that informed voters should know (by now) that the person, the party, and consequently the policy position they think they are voting for aren’t really encased in bodily righteousness and faith or critically bonded to the track of their campaign promises. Among the many obvious faux Republicans exposed in prior years have been Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, Adam Kinzinger, even Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell, and, of course, anyone involved with the Lincoln Project, which was gratuitously named after the first true Republican, Abraham Lincoln, and appropriated so as to underlie any real genuineness and concern. More recent imposters and impersonators – being Republicans in drag – include Nikki Haley, Larry Hogan (of Maryland), and all those congress-people who took the coward’s way out by retiring early (2024) in prospective fear of a populist wave coming this fall (Orton, 2024).The list of arguably faux Democrats is not nearly as extensive, since treason to the (Fascist) Party is suicidal and family threatening — being adjudged and treated more militarily and integrally like desertion in time of war; and therefore carrying a sentence of execution: consisting of a firing squad of their once-friendly comrades. But figures like Joe Manchin and Susan Collins come to mind as those occasionally rebuked. At other times in history, past and future, stalwarts like Joe Lieberman and Tulsi Gabbard have declared their Independence from slavery, having satisfied themselves that a true “Democrat” no longer exists. Converts from the Republican to the Democrat side spark less offense to their former teammates, except insofar as they usually join the media hacks to complain about how the Party ‘left them’, not the other way around; and then venture out on a jihad against innocent Republican voters, their formerly-beguiled loyalists and now just voter-ingrates. Really, there are no honest-to-God, freedom-loving, stirringly patriotic Republicans in Washington, DC. The proof is literally and biblically true, as in the saying, “Ye shall know them by their fruit”. Dedication to the cause and fidelity to voters would otherwise, censure-free, compel them to start accomplishing what they have been promising to do forever. When the opportunity arose in the first two years of the Trump presidency, with Republicans holding the White House and both houses of Congress, this manifest list of obligations went deliberately undone and untouched.

  1. Put a halt on the radical left takeover of our universities, schools, and sciences; the academic, legal, and journalistic policy-enforcers who are destroying all concept of Truth and foully corrupting our children;
  2. Close the open border and stop illegal immigration, which is exhausting our public resources, endangering our national security, and destroying our environment; changing our demographics, and crippling our cultural mainstays;
  3. Restrict relationships with countries like China who steal our technology, confiscate control of global resources, hamper Western economics, and continually corrode the democratic form of government through the lobbying of politicians and by making underhanded payoffs to our agencies, corporations and educational institutions; while buying up crucial American farmland.
  4. Clean out the swamp, whether internally fomented in Executive spouts of oily administration or inveterate to the tar pits and drowned victims of the immoral Legislative branch. Trump’s failure to clean Washington would come back to bite him when Benedict Arnolds in his administration invoked surveillance against him, master-planned the FISA abuse, embedded moles, snitchers, and betrayers to watch his every move with the aim of contriving evidence for his impeachment, and hired an army of mercenary agents to go after Trump’s supporters;
  5. Failing to expand and/or follow-up on the IRS violations, the Hillary email scandal, the corruption and bias in the Civil Rights Division and other sections of the Justice Department and the FBI;
  6. Put limits on the social Tech companies forbidding them from platforming only liked ideology while banning or deemphasizing the disliked, describing their ideology as (dis)information, conspiracy, and slander;
  7. Failing to make the whole election process more forthright and legally honest — the nefarious schemes of which the Democrats would elaborate and amplify, as they did using Covid as an excuse, foiling Trump’s attempt at re-election in 2020.

At the very least, they could have cut off funding for propaganda and progressive machines like NPR, PBS, and Planned Parenthood. More disgusting, even when Republicans still (2019) had the power or influence to build the border wall and to stop obviously unjust laws from hurting the country, even if that meant resisting budgetary overruns into massive debt, shutting down government for a time; instead, they just rolled over and played dead. Be it semi-Republicans or RINOs, or as I repeatedly like to label them with a corrected spelling: RHINOs (Real Humans in Name Only); be it Democrats or Fake Libertarians or so-called Independents; they all come from the same stock of expensively-educated, poorly learned elites who only care about themselves, their impressive status, and their ultimate push for more power. The Bush dynasty typified this felonious ‘commercial’ appearance. Coming from New England to Texas, George H. Bush sought to ingratiate himself with the southern throngs as a kind of down-to-earth cowboy Republican. His sons, George W. and Jeb Bush, would attempt to carry on this legacy, through 9/11 and the bursting of the housing bubble. But always, their only real goal in life was to maintain the status quo and further aggrandize their family name — like the Clintons, seeking to destroy or kill anyone who posed a threat or tried to “run them out of town”. Vice President Dick Cheney (in defamation of his military service) and his daughter Liz Cheney have also unabashedly revealed themselves as a mafia-led family of virulently anti-conservatives, if not totally Anti-American.

The inspected track record of Trump’s accomplishments while in the White House had him doing “Republican” things like passing tax cuts, weakly trying to build a weak border wall (2019), and promising to strengthen our national defense while staying out of foreign entanglements. Where he started to reveal himself as a wolf in sheep’s clothing can be seen in his less-than-urgent-need (suggested above) to clean out the Washington swamp, his ill-use of agencies like the Justice Department to overturn years of malfeasance against the under-privileged, and like the Department of Education for its ongoing abuse of children in favor of confessed perverts and transgenders; his warding off of any social highlight or downspout he deemed unpleasant or untouchable (unimportant or beneath his attention). Much of the opposition against him, moreover, could have been shut down (“dried up”) had Trump not let his ego go on CNN, or his lust for preeminence elevate the (dis)likes of a Bob Woodward or a George Stephanopoulos — known enemies of Republicans and America — which in any event would never bring him any complimentary notices. Though Trump could be assessed as trying to do worthwhile work internationally and in attempting to bring permanent peace to North Korea and the Middle East (for all the good that did during the Biden era); in domestic issues, he never pushed to stop the crime epidemic, the riots across the country, the increasing racial aggressiveness toward Christians, Jews, and conservatives (here and worldwide). Never freeing himself from the sin of being a personally rich, unrepentant narcissist, he retained his New York playboy attitude of detachment — concerning matters not really mattering to him unless they concerned him personally or stirred up dust on his campaign trail.

 Which of these fostered traps did Donald Trump fall victim to, beyond his own lapse into foolish ambition? All we know is that Trump, a white businessman, never seemed to mind it when the media and academics bad-mouthed the entire white race or promoted the looting and burning down of shops, restaurants, and workplaces or urged a racial aggressiveness against Asians and other minorities, while advocating the defunding and the jailing of the police. When judges immediately put a stay on Trump’s executive orders, unlike Obama’s orders which were rubber-stamped, well … “that’s just the way the system works, no use pressing it”. When the Supreme Court decided issues against the Good of society, such as for gays, transgenders, the border wall and DACA, Trump wasn’t outraged or even seemed upset. He spoke often of his love for (and personal use) of migrants and Dreamers; only rarely in languid tones and zero gestures did he show his genuine love for the American family. At the very least, a rough and gruff New York businessman like Donald Trump should have used his four years of presiding to expose acquired (uncovered) insider information (e.g., the actual gold shortage, the global bloc conspiracy, medical experiments on unsuspecting citizens, or just the infamous JFK assassination, and hundreds of other covert anomalies and corrupt administrative actions) and to transfer fighting leverage/retributive blackmail to him should he ever, ever, ever suffer a personal lawsuit, office wiretap, an impeachment rebuke, or a Mar-a-Lago invasion. For greenhorn Trump, ignorance about the consistency of the government concrete mix would indeed become captivating lawfare bliss.


Does the media merely reflect ‘life’ as they claim (disreputably), or do they project outwardly like dangerous reefs beneath the incoming tide of unaware human surfing? We all remember the daytime or late-night DJs of the 1980s and 1990s who became iconic by cursing over the (air) waves, the shock-jocks trying to tear down the system, or who gained popularity by defaming and belittling American standards of virtue. They would tell stories about all the rebellious things they did in their youth like committing crimes, experimenting on drugs, engaging in all forms of kinky sex … with no consequential sense of guilt or regret. Hence, they would be all-for anything the current ruthless generation might do, be that sodomy, oral sex, masochism, transvestism, transgenderism, or whatever else may come along: “live and let live!” The political bias of news publications like the New York Times and the Washington Post is legendary and embarrassingly obvious; but with no chagrin, their writers spew out open contempt for the American worker, for the lower middle class, for the truly ‘poor’ trapped in unavailing hopelessness … Americans whose ideals created and continue to sustain this country. They deride anyone and dispute any idea with a sense of patriotism, self-sacrifice, and morality; they hold in repugnance all religion (except Islam, for their own security). Compare how they treated the Reverend Jesse Jackson in the past versus how they treated the Minister and one-time Presidential candidate Pat Robertson. The elitists betray their predilection for chaos, establishment mayhem, and for social violence by the manner they support any activity that undermines Christian peace and white male civilizing patriarchy. Any pretense of media concern for society and giving hope to the future and to our children is betrayed by their love and endless bolstering of illegal immigration, of economically-debilitating crime, and of letting the fascist rioters and the mentally sick and recurring prisoners go free. It’s too bad that the production executives, the editors, and their working staff are so lazy and so “poor in spirit”, themselves, that they cannot realize the hardship this places on the rest of society — the real hard-workers of America.

Other miscasting or blatant misrepresentations of events or occurrences in society over the past several decades include these.

  • The media focusing on the faults and abuses of Catholic priests, cardinals, even popes, with scarcely any mention of the biases of Islam, the proliferation of witchcraft, tribal cultism, or for that matter, Wall Street’s ‘worship’ of financial monopoly and Treasury Department’s and Federal Reserve’s money manipulation.
  • Having recognized with vile upset all the priests’ abuses of altar boys, calling it a ‘crime’ deserving of strict immediate punishment, they then dismiss as prejudiced anyone who says the same about (general) society’s acceptance of child-subjugation through open homosexuality and pedophilia, giving media passes to anyone of NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) and the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Highlighting in entertainment or commentary only those events which titillate, excite, aggrandize opposition; or conversely bring about dissension among social and political groups, such as disregarding higher rates of crime among blacks because it “unfairly” stereotypes them as immoral or more prone to criminality or diverts attention away from systemic racism (Kramer, 2024).
  • Showing body bags, explosions, causalities from conflicts, and, internationally, hordes of rebellious citizens protesting; but not the sincere efforts of universal peace activists attempting to save and rebuild those countries’ foundations.

Commercial affronts or turning a blind eye to social events include these.

  • Allowing advertisement for false cures regarding diseases or obesity or baldness; or which increase muscle mass, that mostly do not work as promoted.
  • Airing shows with provocative sex, violence, bad language; then employing those same actors to appear in infomercials telling/scolding parents that they must exert parental control and prevent the teaching of ‘racism’ to their kids.
  • Exhorting society to give more opportunities to blacks (e.g., in business or sports like hockey) or to women (e.g., in science and politics) while not reporting their existent disproportionate dominance in most sports, the music industry, as front-line ‘posters’ and presenters in commercials and broadcasting, and as background providers of accredited writing, casting, editing, producing, etc.
  • Ignoring the street crime, the operational neglects, corruptions, and racketeering of (local) governments because they are democratically/minority controlled.
  • Giving credence, assistance, and tax breaks to organizations which are clearly biased or expressly racist by their own declaration, such as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, the ACLU, and the Southern Poverty Law Center.

One obvious national conspiracy is the media’s constant assertion (pretense) that the system is unbiased, that it presents all topics fairly, and for the most part works just fine and for the benefit of everyone. However, the symptoms of an adulterated democracy as manipulated by an unscrupulous media are to be recognized in their complicit and yet fully accepted ‘rigging’ of elections year after year. Would not any serious scientific study show, when asking subjects, an approximate 99% of the population would declare they wholeheartedly ‘like’ a particular candidate, whom they will give money to and work in grass roots effort for … yet probably have never met the candidate in person, or thoroughly read about, or researched his/her history with comprehensiveness. Such people have not an inkling of what participatory democracy really means: voting for someone who clearly stands up for what you believe and tightens the throttle of intellectual clear mindedness and faith-filled logic. So many people rely purely on (Hollywood/New York) media endorsements, commercial slogans, reiterated hype, and biased favorable (negative) reporting — buffered only by mass (viral) emphasis on peer pressure (sponsored hearsay) or other internet implications.

The anchors, commentators, and analysts in media are constantly making a case against “white privilege”. However, just consider all the “beautiful” white and black personalities held in esteem on their broadcasting stage (rarely the ordinary). Just look at all the talk show hosts regaled in bling and dressed in captivating, sexually enticing garbs. Comparing their ‘expertise’ with the height and talents of a basketball player, for example, what more than superficial “looks” and social contacts have rendered them any worthwhile apparent deservedness? The same people who rant against the racism of old movie stars who played ‘blackface’ try to destroy the reputation of anyone suggesting that they were playing a kind of musical homage to blacks. In current times, they now say nothing about a boy putting on a woman’s dress and going into a woman’s bathroom to rape a girl. These same people scarcely remark on the hypocrisy of past he-man actors like Rock Hudson who became popular and grew rich over the course of years playing macho characters, fooling the ladies, while in real life having gay sex with his many boyfriends. These are the same people who now say nothing about men who enter the military for the express purpose of getting a sex-change operation on the taxpayer’s dime, then usually and promptly leaving the military because their continuous supplemental treatments and long recovery time now make them unfit for performance of what the military expects of them and for which they were inducted.

Faulting any straightforward (anchor-style) news program is easy. The supposedly impartial anchor reports on a large-scale tragedy, or a comparatively-minor human injustice, or a recently-uncovered corporate violation or government extortion. Only, occasionally, some modifying news becomes appended or some update attached much later, or maybe nothing at all; mostly, once announced and capitalized on, all media interest is lost, the all-becoming turns all-begone, and the media is on to something new (i.e., depending on time, it’s on to a commercial, another topic for another day’s presentation, and/or utter forgetfulness next week). Recent examples of important stories that are reported then basically fall by the wayside are the evidentiary proof of ballot-stuffing and election fraud in 2020 and the invasion of drag queens and aggressive transgenders in the classrooms across America. After a blockbuster hyper-announcement to tantalize, maybe one or two pertinent shows on highlighted presentation, the station assumes a “don’t sue or pursue” mode; the world’s currency on the topic has expired, and those who may still be interested in the subject aren’t told where they can go for continuing updates or where to carry on the fight or, who knows, maybe actually engage in a follow-up prolonged effort to save America from these savage and sorrowful wrongdoings. Overall, timing and favor may be given to the Republican guest for being on point, but is often stereotyped as shortsighted or mocked as narrow-minded; whereas the Democrat guest may be well out of left field but is granted sanction and praise to rant on about bigotry (otherwise that person wouldn’t have been invited to make an appearance and counter-play). These political talk shows are beginning to look more and more like hostage situations wherein some people get taken, held, and hurt by terrorists; but when the police (independent host) arrives to ostensibly chronicle the situation, i.e., to give color commentary and/or closing synopsis, all the intermediate cries and pleas and suffering of the victims are simply cast aside like historical backdrops (being ‘remotely’ unseen by the police); hence, putting aside past intensities as regrettably now-forgotten present tense. “Now we must assume the impartial view that you (the hostages) and the offenders (the terrorists) are both victims of circumstances, both survivors of a terrible ordeal together; now therefore shake hands and go home”. The commercial value of this media attraction was in the controversy — not inherent in the peculiar exacting of a truth or taking affront at the decidedly right or wrong motives of individual events.

Back when Jon Stewart was the original host of “The Daily Show”, a sample late-night exclamation of fairness occurred when a lame guest tried to defend the ‘nature’ and ‘virtue’ of the traditional “family”. Jon Stewart, early on in his career – a staunch anti-conservative and anti-American, began to immediately lambaste the guest’s arguments. Cleverly he argued a contrasting best-case/worst-case scenario, with homosexual couples being presented at their most productive and delightful level, while heterosexual couples being presented at their most sexually incompatibleness and marital contentiousness. “Can’t gay couples be virtuous, too?” these hosts (together) often press with the media and the power of the press behind them.

Those like Jon Stewart, and who emulated Jon Stewart, loved to spend their days making fun of normalcy, of the commonplace, of groups and people they don’t like (farmers, construction workers, the hard-working faithful, the poor white trash, and I’m sure many others if they ever dared to confront or debase any of their fellow members in the justice league we now refer to as LGBTQ+). Whenever the discussion came around to actually taking a ‘human stand’, i.e., between right and wrong, good and bad, they would languish and with regret say, “You can’t legislate morality!” Thus, our society’s children must grow up thinking (in the deficiency of parental balance) there is no morality, no guidelines, and no role models to imitate in attempting to become ‘good’ citizens. No wonder when they become adults, they themselves become even worse than their parents – a perpetuation of self-fulfilling downturn. Already the product of delinquent or straight-jacketed parents, from this shall we ascertain and extract superlative parent-material? More non sequitur, if morality can’t be legislated or contested, how come the purpose of all these liberal shows is to insert (promote) ‘gayness’ as a quintessential virtue?

How many times have you watched interviews regarding either side of the political spectrum and when the guest is confronted with a very important and trying question, the guest is allowed to just spin it or brush it aside; or, when at other times the guest responds (in part), but the host is either too ignorant, too inattentive, or too ‘seduced by the dark side’ to ask an obvious and exceedingly pressing comeback (follow-up) question? Slightly contrasted in the circle-gathering format, the liberal is often given the last word — a 5% rejoinder — added to enjoin permissive temporal stay to the 95% impressive truths having just gone before: their earnest meaning and pertinence now lost or evaporated on broadcast air. Fox News’ operating premise of “controversy and conflict being everything”, not truth-interpretation or audience-realization, is slated within this bed-and-breakfast model-setting of what equates to a prisoners’ last meal. Many stations operate on this basis of ‘no real facts delving’, no ‘truth-checking’, not even an audience-informing service of what constitutes genuine argument analysis. Accordingly, the most striking and radical view (usually the left) is often granted the ‘benefit of a doubt’, so as to commercially preserve (literally) the argument onto the other side of the commercial or into another days’ worth of debate. Keeping parity among the ‘hearing’ of even unequal political opinions seems to give justification to the premise announcement of ‘fair and balanced’ programming. It is like saying, “I may be a Republican and you may be a Democrat, but we are all Americans underneath” as though that makes ‘worthwhile’ and acceptable either view you the viewer end up walking away with. The modern decadent truth, however, if we freshly green-bag it straight from the bowels of the Deep State — is that the Socialist Left does not have good and noble intentions; and should the Right ever yield ground, it is destined to be ground down as a people by imprisonment, torture, murder, and genocide under the kind eye and graceful vision of political correctness and required conformity. As a matter of fact, it could be said that the bountifulness of most media is to make certain, or find contentment in the trick, that Goodness is never served up delectably or fashionably on a plate (at meal or anytime). To wit, it is better for them when Republicans don’t win the elections they should have won easily, when the Supreme Court rules against the family, when the administration does everything it can to hurt the average Joe or Jane, thereby stirring up resentment. Whiners and those who are distraught make loyal audiences, even if made personally disenfranchised by the bullish reporting.

One of the reasons Bill O’Reilly was so popular during his stint on Fox was because he claimed his show was a “no-spin zone”, that is, free from rants, the sitting on or soft pedaling of issues, or applying poison (racist or personal attacks) pills to verbal transactions. Such shows, like the Factor, might claim to bring sapience and integral ascertainment to the political discussion table, though Bill O’Reilly himself often allowed his guests to spin all the time, probably as a concession to entertainment (in-house) production value. Even when guests were making utterly outrageous assertions and staggering accusations, O’Reilly seldom intervened to call them on it, seeing if he did this, relentlessly, all the time, he would never have any (radical liberal) guest willing to come on his show ever again (fearing the beat down). On his show and others like it, if the host thought that the guest had struck a contentious nerve (especially against his audience), and he jumped to confront him about it, the guest usually had a standard (pat) answer: “Your side does it, too!” or “I have my opinion (or official bank of unnamed information sources), and you have yours”. Surely we all have the right in America to express our (exotic) opinions, even unsubstantiated ones, even deliberately misleading ones. But for every right there should be a corresponding responsibility. Unless and until speakers become willing to justify their opiniated statements, logic dictates that observers (the audience) should always categorize their claims as subjective and potentially void of critical meaning. On a similar parallel stage, the teacher who spouts in the classroom something on the order of “The President is an evil racist person” or “America is the worst, most violent country on earth” should know if he/she had half a brain, that there are hundreds of nations out there, many of which have dictators and tyrants in charge, and their people living under repressive conditions, with officials whose response to that kind of treasonous talk would be to imprison him/her. Cast your eyes only slightly northward to Canada and how they treated their perfectly legal trucker protestors, banning their reasonable gatherings, jailing them, and seizing their crowdfunding assets (Cecco, 2024). At the very least, the American teacher (i.e., the media) should back up his allegations statistically or by actually visiting every single country on earth at his own expense to verify his impulsive and inane charges; afterward, the teacher should be forced to apologize to the educational establishment and to every single student … or face whatever demotion or suspension (repercussions) deemed warranted.

Nearly every night on The Factor, O’Reilly would in fact disconfirm his preface (No-spin) and exploitative showmanship. His show and others like it often permitted the guests and contrarians to put a spin on their viewpoints or to story-tell their own special obfuscations. On another program, a sharp media example occurred regarding the controversy in Europe over the publishing of cartoons which many Muslims found offensive. The resultant uprising was side-dressed by one notable (ostensibly reasonable) Muslim who proposed a resolution — that countries like Sweden and France could easily end the terrorism by simply accommodating (i.e., acceding) themselves to the wishes of the Islam community. By ‘accommodating’, to be sure, he meant acquiescing to their religious demand (no other response would be acceptable). This was the first spin the host overlooked. Eventually, it was discovered that this was the same man, together with his band of heretical followers, who sent the (augmented) cartoons back to all the now protesting Islam countries precisely because they wanted to stir up hatred and rioting. As a matter of religious and demographic policy, most of these countries acknowledge only one true faith. In Lebanon, a once-majority Christian country, persecution by the Muslim radicals has led to emigration and severe population reduction (Kotoulas, 2023). By contrast, Muslims living in England and other places in Europe are allowed to practice freely and openly … even while some of the jihadists declare it their mission to take over Europe and to cast out, convert, or enslave all Christians and Jews. Nothing ‘logical’ or ‘amenable’ or ‘compromising’ could ever satisfy their malicious desires, nor satisfy their ravenous conquering appetite. Only reason-able persons can reach reasonable agreement (for peaceful co-existence). Because this host and others like him (e.g., like O’Reilly) were reluctant to impose rational parameters and clearly speech-binding ramifications on each of the involved parties (all having their underlying motives), they were wittingly or innocuously putting a spin on their ‘honest’ and contested debate. Where were their intervention announcements that both sides were not using equal standards of forethought or not giving the other side’s beliefs equal consideration: in this case, making them pushovers for their Muslim desire to bring an end to other faiths and to Western civilization (not to mention all shows like this one being broadcasted)?

Before Europeans (and eventually Americans) ever concede to their differences and insidious intentions, Muslims (and all other prospective immigrants) must demonstrate on a universal basis their willingness to abide by American conventions, to forgo their murderous jihadist attitudes, and their hatred of other faiths, to inject compromise into their negotiations, accommodating themselves to the respective (respectful) needs of the greater human community — just as the various races, nationalities, and ethnic groups have come (or used to come) to America heretofore to assimilate and adjust their particular beliefs in somewhat smooth synchronization or at least abidance. As it stands, it is we (Americans) who are the cartoonish people, not the figures in European cartoon publications, for failing to demand some assurances of conscientious interplay from ‘invited guests’ married to (marred by) their underhanded and murderous scheme of tyrannical takeover:

  1. They must denounce all violence and whatever acts of intolerance and intimidation that is embedded in their ethnic grouping and ethical philosophical congregation;
  2. They must promise to work in cooperation with other co-equal groups here in their new homeland — putting aside their covert or veiled threats of coercion, terrorism, and treason, and begin to reason all forms of operation/communion from a patriotic and democratic point of view.

This is the only no-spin payment option that our nation can afford.

Regardless the truer sincerity of the more iconic and honest Bill O’Reilly for aspiring toward a fair and straightforward debate, that all came to an end in 2017 when he was fired by Fox News for failing – himself – to adjust (submit) to the sensitivity designs of the political feminist ideology of his fellow employees. Women groups constantly enjoin how they just want to be treated like “equals in the workplace”, but respond with rancor whenever they are not given special treatment and (exceptional) settlement for any unsubstantiated offense or consternation they or the office could have resolved at the personal level. The ‘poor’ (literally) working man undergoes work harassment every day, for which he must still await a pending remedy from management.

The basis by which most businesses operate, not just the media, is generally to serve their own self-interest. Solving society’s problems on ‘fairness’ or bringing true ‘balance’ to human thought is crucially not to media’s benefit … since solution implies satisfaction, and the satisfied are appreciative of the present given … without the controversy or further hassle of taking the gift back for exchange. No doubt, any media sterling (e.g., Fox News) is in actuality a political organization, relative to the left or right of mainstream entertainment (on cable or on social-tech media). We cannot put aside the realization that many of these hucksters of the journalistic and communications profession have been serving as the handmaids and water-carriers of the Democratic agenda — cursing, criticizing, and at times reporting to federal-law officials anyone with patriotic feelings or disagreeable expectations for their America. Not enough, for the past several decades, the media has acted as the hammer (and sickle) of government by banning, shutting down, destroying the business, and wrecking the lives of anyone not of their Fascist Regime, to the end that no counter-opinion or regime denier has been allowed to exist. “Fair and balanced”, as Fox’s original motto inferred, and were it to be taken meaningfully, does not suggest simply wearing a T-shirt saying “Peace on earth” on the front and “God loves you” on the back while on your way to a highly-anticipated, too-little-contested necktie party for those you claim as ‘friends’. For Fox to claim middle ground in the midst of a killing field is itself irreligious, as well as gutless for sanctioning bloodshed. Modern churches typify this heresy in the television commercials as they endeavor to attract fresh churchgoers by advertising “Jesus loves everyone” (so come one, come all). As warned many times and in many ways before, ‘to accept with pride the PRIDE-filled into your family is to deny the dignity of FAMILY’.

Truth in appearance would have us say about Fox News and similar organizations what we might say about a sign (notice) I saw posted on some businesses or residences in our area proclaiming “Save our Democracy … VOTE!” [not far away from another sign saying, “Honk for Dr. Fauci”] With little investigative warranty, we may impart a certain alarming nature to this sign from two aspects: (1) either the persons residing there are illiterate, having never bothered to study and appreciate American history, or have thus far lived cloistered lives, never having viewed any programming aside from the highly liberal media; or (2) the business owner or resident therein has sympathies only for the Democratic party, since this is one of their commonly-heard slogans and shuffling of blame projection by those who are the real culprits trying to destroy America. Despairingly, what the sign meant in reality is that they only want to save their elitist hold on democracy by voting for them – i.e., their domination over the underclass, their non-voting slaves. Their real intentions are more accurately (more honestly) expressed in the message “Scourge our land of Democracy … for people like YOU!”

Visualized from a single program perspective, on a recent episode of The Five, the liberal swap-in of the day was a first-time, fairly well-dressed, young bearded man. Early on, he of course announced he was gay by making reference to his fond and loving boyfriend. No one on the regular panel batted an eye or even raised an eyebrow at the visiting member’s announcement … heretofore having already declared (in PRIDE) on numerous occasions previously, “We don’t care whom you sleep with or what you do behind closed doors or with whom”. Hence, they had all but lost their credibility-judgement on any such sexual matters. Argumentatively, now, they could say nothing about the proliferation of gays, transgenders, queers, et al, invading all the television shows, sports programming, and all other aspects of the media, infecting our classrooms and turning our naïve children into disgruntled perverts. Having consented to the drag-queen storytellers, they had in effect already given up the ghost — all sense of moral-divining or any social indignation, in the human wake on natural propriety — for criticizing what must come next: a program MAPPED out for training babies next to do toddler catwalks. Referring back with belated cognizance, drag queens are just gays who have learned through indulgence and society’s lax oversight to “let it all hang out”. So why worry now what comes out of the proverbial closet? Fancy people like those in the media (The View) live guarded lives through an excessive garnering of wealth and privilege. Unforgivably, it is their view that the world is now a better place — after having ‘educated’ the cattle stock on the castrating of boys and the de-breasting of girls — which makes them happy now. They are content and have no regrets over the horror. Professionally, too, they have gained another victory. By supporting queers and transgenders and the mutilation of children, they preemptively rid their industry of all human competition, leaving only freaks and the abnormal for them to compete against. Given their performance visibly on the camera day after day, they literally survive by siphoning all the air out of the room, strangling all forum for real contravention. In forecast of the future, which they intend to destroy, they should, therefore, learn to take the time, the money, and the effort to inject some of that glorious atmosphere back into the lives of their desperately asphyxiated audience [regarding their refusal to speak up against child abuse, sexual grooming, and the incessant corruption of the young].

Immediate or enduring reactions to fairly recent events allow us to ascertain the media’s true stance and internal crystalized leanings. As soon as the results of the 2020 election were known, or mindfully forecasted into their (dumb) audience’s dumfounded brain, the All-American, supposedly conservative members of the Fox News team started coming out (their own liberal closets) to announce and accredit a major victory for Democrats, that is to say, Democracy, such that no one had better deny or dispute the win lest they be station-labelled as anarchists, white supremacists, or plain-old conspiracy nuts. Subsequent pundits blared out their feigned disenchantment with the election results as a matter of required acrimony or empathy with the audience — bucking like horses at the cutting bit — but never translating their anger into something beneficial like fighting to reform the election regulations or investigating the fraudulent actions of board members: spotlighting where cheating is most prevalent and who most conducive to fraud. The January 6th protests were as much a reflection – an incitement or call to action by the casual dismissal and pretentious reaction (lack of support) from supposedly non-liberal stations (like Fox), and their failure to scrutinize the results, as well as the hard-hearted dismissal of anything inordinate and process-untoward by the shady Republican politicians in Washington. Fox hosts, reporters, and commentators literally charged out of their seats to describe what was spontaneously happening as a heinous “insurrection” — horrific and despicable — causing the violent beating and death of numerous capitol officers. As reported earlier, some Republican leaders shouted out their real feelings by telling the Capitol police to “shoot the rioters” (Colton, 2021), which they did to one female protestor (a patriotic veteran). Even the much-corrupted and negligent FBI admitted up front and afterward that there was no compelling evidence of an organized insurrection (Carroll, 2021); and, again, the only person who was shot and died was an unarmed female veteran (never moaned or eulogized in the press or protested about on the “streets of civil rights”). A similar reaction occurred more recently with the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago, saying “they (the FBI, the DOJ, and other fascists working on Biden’s behalf) must have had legitimate concern for the country; we must give them benefit of a doubt; our national security is at stake”, as though, when have ‘they’ ever given conservatives the smallest benefit of a doubt? Even today – with recent (open court) filing disclosures revealing that the Justice Department had authorized “use of deadly force”, if necessary, on the Mar-a-Lago raid. Where was fate taken aback or a scarce shushing of dread for the possible Secret Service agents that might have been shot or killed resisting what they may have rightly thought was an assault or possibly camouflaged assassination attempt on the life of a former President, who could have himself been hurt? All this was undertaken in defiance of set protocol rules written (precisely) in protection of former Presidents, and even knowing that negotiations for transfer of the classified documents were still ongoing (Christenson, 2024). Little of that comparatively lax discretion they gave to President Biden, in several locations no less, was even contemplated for President Trump. Biden would himself walk ‘free’ from even being charged with the devious mishandling of (or revealing to a ghost writer) classified documents as a Senator/Vice President.

Earlier as well, remember, nothing irregular or improper was imputed about a candidate who did most of his campaigning from his basement, because he could never attract a crowd or spark energy enough for a single rally, yet who managed to receive millions of votes more than the much more popular and deified Barack Obama. Biden, himself, let slip in October 2020 that his campaign “team” had created “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics” (Fordham, 2020). This is just, as they say, the superficial ‘tip of the iceberg’ for a genuine conspiracy, not even factoring in the overuse and miscounting of mailed-out ballots, the stuffing and harvesting of votes, the mishandling of the polling machines (without appropriate opposition oversight), the concealing or withholding of evidence by government against the Biden family, and of course the overwhelming predominance and censorship of the major tech companies. Upon this reckoning, let each reader determine the extent of any one Fox personality’s urgent concern for America or who would stand up at risk of losing their job and maybe their life to defend the nation.

Try as I may, I cannot likewise ignore the arrogance of the media personalities for their upturned cradling of censorship of any-thing or person they don’t like. They spend their days telling other people what is good for them and they earn their living exposing the slightest faults of other people, yet themselves reject any form of self-reflection or in the case of the media establishment – governmental or even self-monitoring. Offensive comments like “from the river to the sea” or “destroy all Israel” or “let us exterminate all Jews”, or otherwise condoning the killing of an ethnic group, you would think that would invoke some reaction from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) ideologically-laden authorities; but not in the case of promulgating antagonistic and racist propaganda of several American Muslim politicians and their nationally provoked (rioting) Hamas supporters so kindly presented and host-supported in the media (Bekker, 2023). “Because community standards constantly change”, their argument goes, “there is no prompt for us to intercede and judge (our favorites).” But it is precisely because of American society’s unbridled openness, its permissiveness toward all types of affronteries, holding it in prevaricating acceptance of crudeness and cruelty, that tends toward the reordered (altered) changing of mutually-assumed natural (holistic) standards. Think of all the horror pictures which once frightened you as a child or young teenager, but which, upon today’s watching, seem tame and mild, even hackneyed. Consider the romance and sentimentality once prevalent in old plays and shows, but which now seem sadly saccharin and silly, dramatically overdone, even somewhat comical now. You may reflect back wistfully at attending amusement parks or riding on carnival (fair) rides which once thrilled you and filled you with exhilaration; today you seek your kicks on even wilder, scarier adventures, or else more nauseating chemical trips. I wonder what would it take to currently offend the media (the public) to incite a call for censorship: “send all the mentally-sick people to the gas chambers!” like the Nazis did. Maybe these media trendsetters would begin to see (feel) the harm they retch upon others if the next time they go out into the ‘real’ world, the townspeople come mobbing after them, demanding to treat their bodies, their families, their visitors any sordid way morally pleasing to them by city of Sodom standards. It will be too late, then, to push for moderation, discretion, and censorship forbearance.

The ultimate strike of unsympathetic engagement occurred when our daily-viewed idols and acclaimed “American-loving” personalities joined with the liberal organizations and stations to denounce, degrade, belittle, or in any case un-defend the much-maligned MAGA crowd. Far be it for corporate media to throw their weight behind the ‘common’ people, the veterans, the farmers, and blue-collar workers. Far be it for them to investigate and go after Gestapo agents (administrators) like Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI director Christopher Wray. Where were the once noble revolutionary patriots pressing for liberty and family values? Why were they not rattled by the repeated notices of election machines and cameras being amazingly dropped or regularly shut off at crucial times? Was this not the election equivalent of a Jeffrey Epstein suicide-murder in a heavily-watched prison cell? Why didn’t they start a campaign for all mailed-out ballots to be warranted, justified, and verified both going out and coming in? Why didn’t they insert reporter-agents beforehand in known locations of ballot fraud and discrepancies? The ‘why’ is answered in ‘what’ they are: political hacks in service only to themselves and, financially aware, increasing their station’s share of the audience rating.

What would you say about a man who was always eating, from the time he got up in the morning till the time he went to bed; at home, at the office, in pleasure or labor, always eating? Always stuffing himself, maybe only allowing others less fortunate than him to eat the scraps from his table, sometimes even setting a plate for family and friends, but not really caring in his heart whether they actually had enough to live on, only that he might eat and eat and eat? What would you say about such a man? “I would say, he’s a very selfish, gluttonous man, and someone should tell him so; perhaps encouraging him to restrain himself, at least go on a diet or something.” Thus, have I gained your permission to speak? (After a silence) “Me? I don’t eat constantly; look at me, I’m not piggish and fat! How dare you!”

The food you eat and expire or excrete out is not organic; nevertheless, it is substantive and may become just as fattening. It is the overabundance of calories you obtain from speaking your words endlessly, openly, and without restraint, having your restaurant orders filled so readily, which is so largely full-filling to your ego. Everyone needs the nourishment of having opinions heard and some pounds of respect added to their bony substance thereby; whereas you, as assumed head of the human household, as publisher and editor of this widely-read newspaper, as chairperson of this, and with authority to do that, never stop taking whole bites of self-satisfying honor and bellowing allegiance, portraying your role as Citizen Kane; a.k.a. as an executive magnate and forceful community leader. You speak, and messengers go out, secretaries begin to record, presses roll, delivery vans take to the street. You yell, and reporters take heed, politicians waffle, even judges and officials conspire to submit. National agenda and international reactions hinge on the position you proffer or promotionally (monetarily) support. All this is heady stuff, all quite enticing and sensually filling. While in this context of giving orders and commanding respect, of eating and devouring the limited communication resources of the earth, wherein have you ever given ear to the considerable needs of the starving masses who have no sustaining voice, and no one to hear their cries, and no one to value their pent-up emotions and thoughts — in minds swollen from deficiency like a third-world child’s stomach swollen from malnutrition?

“Now wait a minute; my paper has always made space for letters (e-mail or hard copy) to the editor. The general public can have their say; all they have to do is send it in.”

And all the jobless have to do is to find a suitable job; and all the homeless have to do is find a suitable home and buy it. Does publishing a few letters a day in the back of your paper really give outlet to what millions of readers and community interests are thinking and feeling? More importantly, does it give your readership adequate expression of their own needs? And who decides out of the hundreds, or thousands of emails or letters you receive every day, which will be printed, in what order, and in accordance with which viewpoint? You do. What about those who can’t even write at all or at least not well enough with clarity and education? They still have worthwhile opinions also. You should have it in your heart, as might a reformed glutton or social ogre, to care enough for all the starving people in the world to seek them out and to give them from your own cupboards a banquet of your finest food beyond what they require to minimally survive, but transpire outwardly in decent human expression.

From faux presses, moving stations, and contrived television personalities I turn to the likes (dual meaning) of a Rush Limbaugh on nationally syndicated radio stations, the would-be last bastion of traditional pro-American expressionism and belief in America. At some vain point of fact and virtuous acclaim, Rush Limbaugh was a superhero to many conservatives and to those still left on the political right. After winning over converts and ruling the talk-radio genre for approximately 35 years, preaching the salvation of America, somewhat joking and being self-deprecating over his appearance, he yet anointed himself gifted by God, and personally appointed to needle the holy Left, which he claimed to know so well, even better than they themselves, but somehow never bothered to short-circuit their nefarious and degenerate plans for transforming America. Despite several decades of steadfast and inspirational broadcasting, Rush could never bring himself to throw down the gauntlet against his supposed enemies on the opposite side of the ring – to engage in a one-time, all or nothing grudge match, a fight-to-the-death contest. He was relied on by millions in the public square to keep them apprised of when the end was coming; i.e., when, so to fail, we as a nation had passed the point of no return, and what we could do about it in the interim to overcome the tide, short of military revolution. At first, I too was an avid listener and open admirer of Rush; but over the years I began to feel about him what I often grasped and gasped about many other “Resistance” persons and organizations. In Limbaugh’s whole professional lifetime, though claiming to know all the ins and outs of corrupt politics, ergo the next moves of the enemy, Rush did nothing to stop the bleeding of American freedoms. His ‘gig’ was to ‘bloviate’ about those losses in pitiable pitches of sorrow and exhibit a false hopefulness every broadcast day. Asidually, he wrote somewhat edifying works for adults and tried to infer patriotic guideship through children’s history books; but with little gain except in the personal profit area. He participated in golf tournaments and other charity events, but never as America’s liberty-or-death defender in the sense of a Patrick Henry or with chivalrous effort like a King’s knighted champion. Throughout his long career, he promised us in ominous but reassuring tones that he would be forthright in telling us when things have gone too far, and become so rotten, when the struggle for freedom in America has become so despairing and irrevocably lost, so insidiously overcome as to bid us run and escape (rather than to righteously take up arms in defense of our families and the nation). Yet even when Rush knew he was dying a year ahead of time, and once the 2020 election was certifiably declared a loss, he still reiterated his famous phrase “it’s never gonna be time to panic”, because “we’re not (ever) going to give up on America”. With death at his doorstep, Rush still couldn’t predispose himself to expend some of that $600 million in net personal worth he had amassed over his hefty and guzzling lifetime, not even to purchase cheap, corrosive papers like the Tribune, the New York Times or the Washington Post when they were selling like penny stock. Having never helped sponsor a bill (unlike Bill O’Reilly), never cogitated the prospect of a peaceful rectifying intellectual revolution, never started a holistic school of fierce and thoughtful warriors, never set up a trust fund to continue the fight after he was gone, never had a disciple (or even a child) to carry forth the ‘mantle of God’ like Elisha for Elijah; this was Rush in person, not in visage of his personal glorification. Obviously, not a fool, comparing Rush Limbaugh to other similar (would-be) grass-roots or parents’ organization, I should like to think he was not a ruse, a con artist, nor a bogus plant for the left. Far from being the only defector, listen to any right-leaning conservative radio-talk show host when confronted by a caller regarding step-by-step investigation and correction of any election fraud or call into question the integrity of the FBI, etc. Immediately the host (e.g. Chris Plant) will go down a litany of known atrocities committed by the Democrats over the last few decades — but can never bring himself to support any action or to defy the mainstream warning that any person who would question these affairs is anti-Democratic, hence anti-American. About their only response to the corruption is to say, “it’s good to be a Democrat!” and therefore able to get away with any sin, felony, or crime. Whether pliant stooge or media wonk, Rush Limbaugh nonetheless served the Left’s purposes as the desensitizing pablum of the great unwashed patriots (us in the US) — meant to hold our freedom and natural truth in still frozen musket hands — now dying at Valley Forge, for being so long neglected and overused and — misled now we see, in a Rush to fight, but being too long sedated by radio Muzak into deposed and cultural somnambulance. 



Of the day when going to the library was my fondest dream. Born in a shack roughly built before the Civil War, naturally to the serving class — the tin-roofed shelter provided little more than huddled space for more than a half-dozen and growing number of individuals, and scant being without the luxuries of such as electricity, running water, central heating or air conditioning. That amongst my first luxury item blessed, upon entering first grade, was entering an actual bathroom with a commode. Next in time, came by a newly-found love of reading – anything except the only book at home: my father’s book of Carpentry which he purchased after coming home from WWII, and studied well, leading to his becoming a professional carpenter. Throughout my early years, I could not afford to buy my own books, but could only ‘rent’ them from the public library. Slowly, as I worked my way through various levels of schooling and college, I acquired my own library of mostly (forced) articles and textbooks, plus certain personal reading material. Numbering more than 700 books, articles, and documents, I would eventually lose the majority of them when I lost my home.

In my early teens, spurred on by others’ spectacular examples, I chanced upon my own ambition for writing whenever I could somehow find paper on which to express myself. Excited by an overblown imagination, I wrote hundreds of articles, poems, and short stories … all to any publisher’s dislike and rejection … and most thus to be burned or tossed away over the decay of decades. With a return to college in the mid-1980s and with a new (forced) focus on business, accounting, and math, my interests turned to matters strictly of a technical nature. Still, I loved going to the library, searching through the card catalogs to find references, to cycle through the newspaper hangings, and ambling through the numerous shelves or drawers of current business magazines and relevant periodicals. It was easy to have dedicated an entire (Friday-Saturday) weekend in quiet research and pleasure-driven fascinations. Any noise or external distraction would soon be put to rest by one of the many staunch and stern librarians.

Reflect no longer on those crude and un-Modern Times. Even a small county like ours has several modern, fully-equipped libraries serving their populous northern/southern districts. Inside these locations today, not ever to be made visible are those once-upon-a-time card catalogs, racks of newspapers, or current magazines, annual reports, or business publications, not even on call or request from some warehouse storage. The library does have a vast backroom area, but it’s not open (accessible) for ‘public’ use. Coming into the library main itself, the customers must first pass through a lounge area for conversing and snacking, and for connecting their technical instruments (laptops, phones) to the numerous available outlets. Many visitors have little need for actually passing through the formal gates – the electronic glass doors – into the library proper. Beneath the grand dome, that is somewhat reminiscent of a pantheon, what immediately becomes noticeable are all the computers. Quaint notice is taken that there really aren’t all that many ‘books’ in this historically-ascribed “book’ repository. There are not many real librarians either anymore; mostly – just technicians instructing the customers on how to use the terminals for finding, checking out, or renewing (returned) books, videos, and disks. The entire library space is divided into special sections: for adults, for children, and for young adults, each with their own conversational spots and perusal of electronic gadgets, as rendered accessible. The very young have their own computer learning sets. Mostly, however, this section just serves as a large-day-care and play-time area, where toddlers and youngsters run around wildly and freely interact with each other — shouting and screaming at will with little parental restraint. On certain days, the toddlers and slightly older kids are graced with story-telling and music-singing – to be more or less intended as ‘enjoyed’ by all. Behind the special glass-sectional entryway, the toddlers and youngsters are also occasionally ‘treated’, it has been reported, to drag-queen hosts and other rousing narrators of biological showtime endearment (Yorio, 2022). Nearby adults, apparently comfortable with the burlesque, are more disturbed by the general noise, the crying, and the tantrums diverting their attention from their own serious computer work or academic research. Despite the presence of quite a few computers, the personal stations are usually packed side-by-side with only scant dividers separating each person from bumping elbows, and leaving no room for the cradled materials they are copying or entering, the tax forms they are preparing and organizing, or the special-adult (i.e., group-home) guardian who is in the midst of document processing. Little conscious of the positional discomfiting and social discomforting, many customers rage on their phones, participate on business conference calls, or conduct telemarketing orders — all with the same mindless jabbering and level of loudness as would be heard at the mall or at home. Bad enough two kids sitting side-by-side playing games and spouting excitement on their computers — indifferent to the disturbance their shouts and clamors cause; even worse I have witnessed a grown man sitting at a computer with headphone and mike contesting in full-throated rambunctiousness with his opponent on the telephone throughout the entire game.

The library technicians behind the counter follow the same (fluid) rules of protocol, standing by with little else to do, idly conversing about friends and events, online transactions, or merely planning their next weekend excursions, all in unmonitored voices, and with restaurant-like nonchalance. Occasionally, the tech staff from the back rooms will venture out to instruct the elderly or other patrons trying to get on the computer or who are having trouble grasping the ins and outs of modern communication. The session transpires at any available open table in high fidelity (enhanced for the hard of hearing) although the library has several ‘quiet’ rooms set aside, and rarely used. I feel sorry for myself and the other visitors, striving for a little solemnity and academic solitude, who must partake of the learning experience along with them, like it or not. Those more familiar with the library’s routine are smart enough to ‘book’ the secluded chambers well ahead of time for their private study or group gatherings. An entire bevy of computers sits temptingly dormant in a room that never seems to be open for anything but a (full) classroom lesson. Not far away is a modern 3-D engineering room, but, again, rarely occupied or resourced except by reservation, and assuming the right (backroom) personnel are available for instruction. All in all, this begs the question of why each district library has immense back offices often larger than their ‘public’-invitational showrooms, and exactly what are all those shuttered library technicians doing in the back day after day. Particularly, they can’t be cataloguing or inventorying since there aren’t any storage quadrants on site (for old books, newspapers, magazines, periodicals, or whatever); though were this to be the case, much of the tracking could be easily done at one off-site designated location.

Away from the flagship (showcase) location, the facilities are not as well-equipped and maintained. In the poorest section of the county, citizens use the public restroom of the local branch as a station for self-cleaning, change of dress, or for other unsightly physical and charmed uses; whereby, or because of, the library staff are continuously exasperated by always trying to keep the stalls open (un-shuttered), the counters, bowls, and seats immaculate; or making sure the paper is adequately stocked or rolled, or that the toilet is in operational service of flushing. Members of the adult (handicapped) group homes, the centers for life enrichment, ARC, and other special-needs organizations, also are obliged to use the library’s air-conditioning as a place of last resort for (free and idle) entertainment and escape from the hot spell.

The legend of the library as a place of reverential peace and quiet for relaxing and reading, for academic referencing and researching, has been replaced by comfort stations with numerous lounges and chairs where casual strangers just sit around jabbering over nothing or close friends and family converse ebulliently at room decibel level. About the only rule from the past still posted (if dishonored and sullied) is the admonishment not to drink their coffee on the (coffee) tables, or any other open drinks, but keep them housed or tucked away in bags or purses on the floor. Judging by the ever-present stickiness on and around the keyboards and computer terminals, however, it seems not many citizens abide by this rule. Remaining, also, is a nook or special section per use by patrons to print their screen-texts or special items of interest off their phones. Cheaper faxing is also available for customers who can’t or don’t want to pay the higher commercial prices. Technical assistance is likewise available here for proper document transfer and reception.

Way in the back of the library is an exit door leading to an outside play and musical area for the small children, should they become bored of being inside. Accompanied by their parents, the egress usually causes excited mayhem; and during the winter months, the incoming winds whip the inner room with cold awakening and a floor-drenching of important papers. Accordingly, the system user must also weather the change, and so, pull himself … as well as his scattered work … somehow back together.


Present is meant to be                 the final caustic wound,

              whereby individual concern takes none universal prisoner.

Just as well, letters were never sacred graphically.

Not first to graduate,                  even more the late-bloomer –

              whose yet growing up in a home without books

                             has become himself written.

              The struggle is done when it is already conceived.

Not spirits, not angels, not ever immortals:

              we are but underground reactionaries

                             in a Flanders Fields of war memorial.

              I must assume the ingenuous lost.

Discovered have been only scientists

              who dispute medical advancement,

              mathematicians who abhor truth-seeking,

even Christians who live in ignorance and roadblock of Christ’s way.

                                           Turn attention to Jesus!

              Was he too an ancient fable,

a social tale exaggerated into a lie by the telling?

For my admiration would be toward a figment

                             of strangers’ soulful imagination.

                                           I dare not think!

              I dare not dwell upon a fallacy

that would bring cause for my sudden self-conflagration.

It shall be impossible to prove that the Lord God exists.

It shall not be impossible to prove that the Lord Jesus exists.

              At Thy word, Thy Word takes me –

                             To find Him alive and living in me.

              Lord, help me to record the love, speak the truth,

                             carry the challenge, receive the message;

                             call change, make life, drink Spirit.

                                           I must not be argumentative.

Guide the ways of him who has shattered the breast-piece stone,

              and scattered the glories of conventional wisdom;

              whose walk is always over sacred grass

                             and shaking loose award-winning blossoms.

                                           Lead me into righteousness –

              for I am ugly and much rejected,

                             held to be of low esteem to men.

              I shall yet lighten myself of earth-bound rent

                             and become a sparkle in the stars of heaven.


The original concept behind (free) public education was to make citizens better-rounded and more-informed, thereby contributing more wisely and cooperatively to America’s (free) capitalist economic system. Reading, writing, and arithmetic, with perhaps a little history and civics thrown in, would enable a viable workforce having interest in protecting its own self-serving American freedoms. Reformers and transformers would occasionally affect (infect) the system; but it wasn’t until the supposed ‘refugees’ (transplants) from the Communist (e.g. Russian) Revolution came over and started proselytizing ignorant students in colleges and universities about the overwhelming benefits of socialism that this ‘disease’ started to take symptomatic hold. From thence, it spread into the fields of law, science, journalism, and of course business. Disciples of this immoral religion know that the best way to capture people’s early devotion, howsoever, is to start early, enslaving children as young as kindergarten.

Institutes of higher learning are not islands unto themselves. Up to two thirds of the funding for community colleges comes from state and local governments. Larger colleges and universities have further access to grants and other sources. Government agencies regularly use universities to conduct polling and statistical services and possibly research, occasionally in the fields of medicine and physics. Columbia University and the University of Chicago, for example, were both involved in the WWII Manhattan Project for creating the atomic bomb. Many prestigious private universities such as Cornell, Yale, Harvard, and Duke, are also handed tax-exempt donations and endowments — the difference being whether the money is stipulated or not. Otherwise, universities can apply these investments toward their own salaries, research, and institutional expenses, or hold them as a kind of community (treasure) chest. ‘Tuition’ for some of these prestigious, but hardly elevated, universities can be extremely high — though easily well-afforded by the well-heeled and classically less-than-well (mental) Ivy league offspring. Such high tuition, while seemingly foreboding for the average person, is merely extraneous for the institution’s operational revenue. Student input is comparatively minute next to some of the other sources (e.g., grants and funds) found on their income statement. Hence, some universities can actually offer free tuition to certain minorities in order to improve their look of classless and racial diversity. Conveniently and contradictorily, superfluous charges are often amended to the students’ tuition bill — to be liberally dispersed in scattered accounts and directed toward support of Leftist causes. These ‘activities’ include overtly advertised events promoting racial discrimination (against whites and Asians), religious discrimination (e.g., anti-Semitism and pro-Palestine), and of course the continued hegira for social decline through sexual perversity (e.g., against heterosexuality and for homosexuality or any LGBTQ+). Longstanding academic freedom for these universities affords them the power to deny the freedom of any ideology they don’t like (e.g., capitalism versus socialism).  Any social view that is politically moderate or conservative-leaning or by any aspect (respect) “pro-American” is taken to be in disturbance of their snobbishly immature thinking and in hobbling of the “safe place” they have diapered around their cradled radical students, hence must be forthrightly scorned, summarily disbanded, or kicked off campus grounds.

Uncensored, untaxed, and supplemented by research and scientific funding, Harvard has built up an endowment chest of more than $50 billion. Princeton University is a comparative pauper at only about $38 billion. Collectively, the University of Texas system holds an endowment of about $43 billion (Douglas-Gabriel, 2022). Sought-after schools within universities, such as Harvard Business School, can afford to pay popular professors more than a million dollars per year. That’s more than twice the salary of the President of the United States (The Best Schools, 2022).

Several profound changes in modern times have sparked turnabout interest in free speech and protest expression at universities. Many institutions that once bragged about “teaching students how to think, not what to think”, and even spawned the radical free speech movement (e.g., University of CA at Berkeley), now actively quash divergent thinking apart from their own socialist-driven agenda. To think, then, almost beyond contemplation, that these same (capitalist-funded) schools — are now the critical architects of overall capitalism’s demise by their emanation of purely Communist propaganda, it bespeaks of a cruel and insidious evil at their core. Except we can more than imagine … the power of what tainted money can exert … and what social languor passively condones.


Not much it matters whose slanted home I live in sorrow of.

No more it bequeaths whose gutted roof gets repaired,

              whose chipped columns get plastered and aligned;

If in the shelling of classic faith’s golden Parthenon,

              life sifts the rubble in restoration of

              only ghost-rescue of its pagan heart.


During the recent Covid-19 virus epidemic, the teachers’ unions conspired with the CDC to keep the children out of the classrooms (Levine, 2021). Before long, they were demanding refurbished schools in the name of protective health before going back to class, more pay for the claimed greater risk of future pandemics (and shootings), even while most learning became confined to a reduced schedule and sent via a closed system of remote learning. Upon threats from the National Education Association (NEA), the Biden White House, while ostensibly trying to spare middle-income families from the hardships of lost jobs and being forced to watch over the children from home, would always consider resolute union concerns before instructing the administration’s puppet doctors what to recommend next (in the name of ‘science’). Probably no decision of the CDC and the other health agencies was ever made without bearing Big Pharma, teacher union interests, and Democratic politics in mind. Fortuitously, during the lockdown, when the millions of (now) stay-at-home parents could personally witness what their children were being taught, they discovered for the first time (behind the denying or lying news headlines) the impressed indoctrination of Critical Race Theory (CRT) and its harmful discriminatory effects on innocent and subtly-influenced white children. This radical ideology professes that America is, and has always been, a fundamentally racist country and, in consequence, attributes (evil) moral characteristics to people on the basis of immutable skin color. Some jurisdictions took the scorching opportunity to change the names of ‘racist’ schools like “Abraham Lincoln High School” in California (Guzman, 2021). Both the NEA and the National School Boards Association (NSBA) urged the social media giants to stamp out misinformation by banning anti-CRT communications (O’Neil, 2022). The triumph of the wisdom on the Left is their cruel, merciless view of abhorred humanity and in their unscrupulous ability to attack on all fronts.

Additionally, parents soon discovered the not-so-hidden proselytizing messages of gender disjointedness and sexual perversion that school teachers proliferated against gullible children in order to confuse their still-forming personalities and turn them aside from normal biological sex. None of these leftist teachers had legal syllabus or especially parental-consent authority to lecture on such things — constituting professional fraud on their and the school’s part and a despoiling of academic integrity, and which in more refined times of law and order might have been grounds for charging them with “moral corruption of the young”. Eventually, some schools took advantage of the seeds of doubt they had sown to coax kids into changing their self-identifying pronouns if they wanted, and offered them advice on how to transition medically and tragically from boy to a girl or vice versa. As schools started to open up, they invited drag queens and queers (again without consent) into the classrooms to parade around in scurrilous and enticing fashion like a peep show. Libraries employed male gigolos and pedophiles (mentioned earlier) as their story-telling artists as though they were just benign modern-day versions of the revered Mr. Rogers. The forced guidelines of transgenderism giving open access to bathrooms and lockers turned these areas into prime breeding grounds for girls to be harassed and attacked. One aggrieved father who discovered that his daughter had been assaulted in a Virginia school by a trans-girl (really still a boy) — the boy never punished, but was simply transferred to another school where he did it again — stood up in angry protest at the school board meeting.  Brutally, the father was tackled by security guards, arrested, and his name sent off to the FBI. It was the NEA’s opinion as expressed in a letter to the Attorney General in Washington that any parent who protested against CRT or sexual indoctrination should be labeled as ‘domestic terrorists’ (O’Neil, 2022). Currently, the NEA, the largest teachers union, so flouts the morality of natural truth and the faith of simple folk, and so stands behind the wantonness of forced non-binary identities, that they give badges to public school employees who introduce perversion in classes and pass out to students how-to guides on queer sex which demonstrate how to perform anal sex, bondage, rimming, domination, sadomasochism, muffing, and fisting (Heleniscope, 2022). To this day, not one state outside of Florida has exhibited the emotional will to confront this kind of sexual barbarism; not a single politician in Washington will stand up in solidarity for defenseless children. The Biden Administration itself funds these atrocities through the Department of Education and other secret means. No court order for Justice in America imparts ‘defilement of the young’ as the imprimatur of contempt settlement. Over time, whatever journey society embarks on, it must not be preserved (under hideous reservation) one set of lavish coaches existing for the rich and the perverse while a more humble, slavish class of coaches for the poor and the abused. No voyage unto Truth shall have travel protection unless it is confirmed by stamped ticket and conducted by the promise of passage recovery.

Bathing in the hypocrisy, politicians and school officials who love to surf in the extra funding of their misanthropic government’s (undeserved) swell, and therefore can afford to send their children to private schools at the people’s expense, rise at assemblies to declare (public school) parents are too backward to decide the content and nature of educational programs, nor what perversion should be instituted and indoctrinated into the children next. The media wholeheartedly agrees. Might it thus seem wholly unremarkable that the least refrained and most materially-blessed in society is touched with such vile and intoxicated thinking as to put precautionary restraints and godless straitjackets on the most vulnerable? It has always been the case that evil people rule the world; but never so much in this country that the mechanics of scholastic revolution responded — took issue from their running open sores to spread the pus of leaking degenerative minds, with the intent of infesting everyone within their contact area — man, woman, child — be infected like them: putrid and leprosy-scarred.

And yet, every time a state even proposes to post (again) the Ten Commandments on their school walls for troubled students to emulate and find adherence, it is deemed an unconstitutional deviation and a civil rights violation (Rojas, 2024). What happened to the Israelites when the people corrupted themselves by fashioning a golden calf in rejection of the Lord’s Commandments which Moses gave them on Mt. Sinai? He broke the tablets over their heads, set the Levites to slay every man his brother, his companion, his neighbor; so then the plague of their sins that followed would be a saving grace (Exodus 31 and 32).

Equivalent to the need for safeguarding school children from intrusion, attack, and random gun violence, is the provision for protecting every child from intrusion by queers and drag queens, sex maniacs, pedophiles, masochists, and others of that ilk. There should be no disgusting displays by discordant teachers or preaching of sex habits that might bring about uninvited exposure to any vice causing psychological violence against the souls of innocent children. Morality-bending shall not be permitted upon any student by any teacher. Nor shall any ideology or doctrine be taught or addressed which attempts to defile, sexually groom, mutilate, or lead away students into another aberrant direction. For this purpose, every state and every county should have its own Department of Education personnel investigator. A teacher charged with advocating any of the above debaucheries should be immediately put on suspension until examined thoroughly or eventually cleared. The state office itself must have its own internal investigator to regulate its own conformity and to make sure all discoveries of violations are referred, free of bribery and laxity, and to be punished as necessary.

Previously, the educational establishment had festered its way into various other controversies. Being never on the side of religious faith, nationalism, or American pride, in more than a century, schools have long tried to exclude holidays like July 4th, Columbus Day, and Thanksgiving (having already succeeded in getting rid of Christmas and Easter). School districts which prohibited the wearing of American flag t-shirts or the waving of flags after rallies or football games, but would allow any type of foreign flag to be flown or worn, was ruled perfectly legal, according to the United States Court of Appeals. This means that foreign-born, even illegal-alien, students can flaunt their untidy status and heritage (from which their parents fled) in front of American-born students (whose parents now pay for their education) (Kloster, 2014). Arizona’s Mexican-American Studies has been traditionally festooned with lectured resentment for California settlers and all other (white) residents of the Old West — being as they were derided as colonizers and invaders — unlike the Spanish (Hispanics) who were just the infectors and cruel conquerors of the natives. Class instructors promote the idea of hating anyone not of your (Hispanic) race or class, thereby pushing the buttons of (Mexicans) one day to the overthrowing of the U.S. Government (Seidl, 2011).

A personal question then arises as to why supposedly genteel moderate teachers would engage in treasonous subversion and sexual perversion of little children. Now encased safely in the chrysalis of a self-serving union, the bound are sorely bound to strike out(side) against their compulsory surrendering — together with other generational unions — hating also anyone to whom they owe contrition. Like a syndicate of small, godfather-like mafias who are forced into contract for regional domination, they are thereafter obliged to do (sell/push) some things, perform unsightly favors, taken alone deemed distasteful and beneath family honor. But the Devil’s contract on their signed fiefdom demands that they keep their harlequin face and try to convince their other ‘organization’ brothers and sisters that everything they do (in the end) is actually ‘good’ and absolving. In the streaming of unitarian favoritism, teachers forsake all honor for the sake of a mutually-assured destruction pact against society. Referring back to the travesty of manipulative drag queens and malicious trans-gressives being allowed to permeate our schools and libraries, this is a problem that has been fuming in our own small Maryland county for several years now, for which no politician or lawmaker contested out of lack of interest in a non-voting constituency (children: who cannot hold them to account), and parents tied up like hostages watching … helplessly … as their offspring are brutalized by the system.

An implication is made in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” that (socialist) ‘pigs’ will always arise from out of their mud pits and wallows to terrorize (tyrannize) the quiet pastures of free-ranging domesticated life. Rarely is this treacherous sedition immediately spotted within less colorful livestock. Their preferred method of offense is through the social pressure of internal accomplices like the wealthy, the famous elite, the politicians, the media, the corporate executives (e.g., Mark Zuckerberg), legal forces, the university professors, the public-school teachers, the superintendents, and the regulatory agencies at the federal and local levels. Only a few education and state’s attorneys have arisen to combat the racist CRT slaveholder tyranny, and to counter the perverse notion that gays, bi-sexuals, and drag queens have the right to animalize and indoctrinate vulnerable children. As humanitarians and teachers, you would think they should know – the most sensitive skin of the body (society) demands the utmost protection. Since card-carrying members of the Democratic Party have automatic immunity from prosecution, the school liberals know they are exempt from charges of sexual grooming, legal arrest for molestation, and unlicensed medical referral advice.

At many times and on many occasions, I have tried to explain how the conniving Left endeavors to interject evil and social degradation into society, but to no avail:

  1. Aberrant acts of abusiveness, vileness, and depravity are presented by the powers (inserted) that they say must be interpreted as simply misunderstood deeds of psychological variance (errancy) and of sensual un-clarity, for which they request (presently) society’s indulgence and forbearance — to wit, to engage in their own self-corrective remedy.
  2. A compact is reached whereby their wanton ways are now re-categorized as alternative ways (of living), just as others in society have different ways of doing things. Neither experience is any better or more productive or naturally preserving.
  3. These abusers of life and issuers of horror and depravity now award their own doctrine a statuette of preeminence: ‘our way’ is the gospel truth; and any other way is heretical, and those who believe otherwise deserve to be eliminated.

Their impious end-goal, as it is for generic Evil, is Death, or the destruction of life-eternal and understanding. Muhammad, and the Muhammadans who followed him, practiced this abject tactic and mass-killing terror for centuries against the Jews, the Christians, and any other culture they wished to eliminate from the Middle East, across North Africa, along the shores of Southern Europe, into Spain and beyond (see Levy, 2016, and Burleigh, 2015, and other references from my Summer Treatise on Slavery). In modern times, the homosexuals, the queers, and the other members of the LGBTQ+ community have likewise exerted this strategy to effect education change and achieve school domination. What the Left cannot control, it seeks to enchain through media lies or impose through judicial lawfare. What it cannot control, enslave, or imprison, it seeks to destroy through assassination. The like formulation of guileful corruption in the educational system is pursuant to the same strategy.

  1. LGBTQ+ et al is a phenomenon that should be studied out of curiosity and as an act of beneficence by a concerned and open society, if only as an anomaly, though one worthy of scientific exploration and quasi-medical explanation.
  2. Next, when LGBTQ+ issues are discussed as a life experience in the classroom, it must be presented on an equal and sacred basis; however, ‘we’ will be lenient enough to allow normal parents to opt out from the more depraved sections.
  3. As the scientific establishment weighs in to the fray on the side of fulfilling contamination, parents are not even allowed to spare their children (under court order) from all this moral degeneration and torture. However, either a person who calls himself/herself/itself a male, female, a trans, a queer, and more – all within a span of a week is mentally crazy; or the person who deigns to call himself a doctor, ‘counsellor’, ‘psychiatrist’, ‘guide’ monitoring and okaying (signing off on) it – all within the course of a weekly diagnosis is medically crazy … whichever take it turns.

Recently, parents in Montgomery County and elsewhere in Maryland discovered that it was already too late to withdraw their K-5 children from graphic sexual exploitation (Dorgan, 2024). The powers-that-be, the Supreme Court, has subsequently refused to hear the parent’s plea or to step in – on the children’s behalf – or in weary salvation of America (Fritze, 2024).

Whose precedent has always been to follow the progressive’s dream: to haunt and despoil the socially undesirable, to drain the last drop of brotherly love, to isolate and harass, to persecute and arrest, and to appoint a concentrated place for final solution, torture, and death — which can all just be engineered now in a single Covid-19 downfall and victims dismissed in newsroom mass graves. Startled by the shocking lack of awareness among the elitists, be of whatever faith, it is simply a matter of natural course and bounty splitting. In a world without any remaining regenerative growth, the knowing gamers of the system proudly proclaim themselves the only generation which matters — unto this the tenth iteration — reveling in their placeholder-ship amidst the lying sheep. With no sufferance of conservator honor, no appeal to conservative values and foresight, they who think themselves deserving are merely spared temporarily their own skinning and tanning while wearing the gullible hides of them (the poor victims) haplessly or gladly slew afore.

What have tens of thousands of years of human history … of wondrous creativity and industrious invention, of repressive wars and long-suffering revolutions aiming for the tortuous and bloody overthrowing of tyrants … rendered unto us, but only, in the jostled mishandling of babes at a party for queers and half-dressed men for our classroom clowns — all presented with the blessing and enticement of psychologists and sociologists who have the audacity to call themselves “scientists”? Any institution that is involved in generation’s descent is an accomplice to murder, or in (dis)respect of its own existence — to suicide. As harped on frequently, a people that would continually vote for everything the Devil commands … deserves every desiccating resolve to skin poisoning, along with every evil branding iron being travel-stamped in officious “identification” and boarded in final notice of departure. It is as it was in the days of Noah: the earth was overrun with the disease of arrogance, self-gratification, and perversion, and so deserved to be wiped clean; all creatures were aggressive blasphemers and worshippers of morbid wrongdoing, hence became deserving of their own profanity of action, their own self-proffering of modelled violence, from which must follow their own collective fatality in marked fulfillment of their accumulated capital sins.


Called … not just to anyone’s profession … but to protect the developing flowers from being crushed under drunk society’s feet; and to spare the stems and the seeds from being methane-doused with flammable cesspool gases, then promptly set ablaze in pyromania frenzy by their friends of queer madness.

Does anyone else want to avert the Holy Spirit from His duties to save the children from your corruption? Does anyone else want to spurn God and die? Recount, it is always intent for those in soulless conniption fit to make the rest rant in like odorous chant, to vibrate the pure of heart with sympathetic flutter.


The primary cause behind the Great Depression of the 1930s is not obtuse or too difficult to comprehend. Putting aside the corrupt designs of individual corporations and business magnates, over-speculation by a mass of greedy investors in general urged an unwarranted run-up during the 1920s, followed by the nervous fear of not matching expectations at the end of 1929 – that they might lose everything (forget the country) – resulted in a massive sell-off and a sudden stock market crash. Self-obsession is the greatest cautionary sin of (unrestricted) capitalism. The wealth and power of Wall Street, plus extensive lobbying in Washington, virtually assures that the rich and the knowledgeable insiders will always find advantage and reward, gain hearing and healthy favor, overlook and redemption, in nearly everything they do (wrong). In reciprocating acts of ‘kindness’, bankers may reduce or deny financial resources to industries (e.g., oil and coal companies) which might, in some venturesome environmental eyes, be considered wasteful or passé, or which no longer serve their future investing interests, their accrediting by stubborn government regulation, or purely the green concerns of watchdog groups like the Sierra Club Foundation (“Wall Street banks face new pressure”, 2021).

Stock manipulation could be described as the financial system’s own form of corporate domestic violence. Traders may purposefully ‘ride-up’ or ‘buy short’ shares in order to achieve their own version of sarcastically-described profit-earning ‘work’. The resultant effects may make the stock being traded more valuable or nearly valueless — no tears cried. Long-time, fully-established companies may tactically move to ‘contain’ new startups through the application of regulatory roadblocks, financial prohibitions, and contested, but often baseless, patent lawsuits (e.g., tech companies). Private-equity firms and venture capitalists are the market’s version of nature’s wilderness vultures whose entire thrivance rests on purchasing majority ownership in a functional company — not for the purpose of improving motivation and correcting operational inefficiencies, but with the premeditated drive of just creating massive debt, from which these consultants benefit through recuperative pay, and then by offering sanctimonious advice on how to scavenge the company’s remaining assets in order to pay its way out of ludicrous (never-should-have-occurred) debt. The not-so-coincidental (purely intentional) results are that the company is often forced into bankruptcy or sold, thereby leaving the creditors in the liability lurch, and sometimes the tax-paying public on the employment insurance hook for its federal guarantee. Mitt Romney is said to have amassed a fortune via these crooked business takeover techniques (Taibbi, 2012). Such heartless and shortsighted methods have also been taken as the embodiment of extreme global operations: “take what you want legally or illegally, then leave nothing behind of value”. Known euphemistically as ‘creative destruction’, it’s the same justification that CEOs use to move proceeds or production offshore, then shrug with unconcern as the homes and towns their parents and grandparents built are shuttered, condemned, then burned down.

The lobbying of defense contractors, drug companies, labor and service organizations, and even the federal government’s own embedded unions has already been divisively told (tolled). Cogently expressed, it is probably safe to assume that no new drug gets approved by the FDA, no economic restrictions get implemented, and no overseas appropriation takes place unless unseen forces have intervened and, likely as not, co-opting money has exchanged hands. As an instrument of politicking, lobbying could be defined as a subset of the average pay-for-play schemes and the more typical back-door deals. As specifically applied here, it involves payments/services rendered for wealth/substance exacted (or favors accessed). There is no conditional requirement that this exchange be material, proportionally equivalent, or even adjusted to the same time frame. All (sizable) campaign contributions, it may be said derogatively, are for promises of relief (resort) to be fulfilled in the future. The purchase of an oil lease from the federal government only ensures the access and effort, not the outcome. Any law that is not passed suddenly, as in the case of an emergency disaster, has almost surely undergone an extensive amount of lobbying by parties seeking their own gains (games). A particular law’s true bearing, ambition and expectations, as well as its unobserved backers (back-scratchers), are often not fully known until the law has been passed. It is generally best not to assume that the supposed persons of need (hurt), that is, the legally-designated beneficiaries of that law, shall receive any desired benefit, any more than the hurt victims of a class-action lawsuit shall receive any real compensation of value from insurance winnings. Take the classic example of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, mentioned earlier. Desperate workers hoping to derive “shovel-ready jobs” from this nearly trillion-dollar bust (monstrosity) were foiled by President Obama and others who preferred that most of the funds go to their Democratic contributors (lobbyists) and their union friends in state and local government, with some scheduled winnings backpedaled to the politicians of course. The extensive list of payback spending included more than a half-billion dollars to Solyndra, controlled by George Kaiser, one of Obama’s largest bundlers. Nearly every ‘green’ company receiving funds from this Act lost all of its green and declared bankruptcy (another loss on the federal budget sheet) (Monterey Bay Forum, 2014). Had the lobbyists backing the solar and green companies been overtly and widely known beforehand, that would probably have pointed a guilty finger toward China, which owns about 70% of the necessary minerals and materials and is responsible for manufacturing most green products.

Beneath the honorable, ever-pleasing image that most corporations try to project to the world, too often lies the selfish, cold-hearted executives formed of socialist-educated Harvard, Columbia, or Yale pathogenesis. Talents notwithstanding, many corporate leaders have become activists who care only about enriching themselves and maintaining their membership in the Global Social Club of other international activist leaders, that is to say, house of prostitutes and drug dealers. The founder of the Disney Corporation, Walt Disney — that fatherly figure who created Disneyland and Disneyworld and whose movies and tv shows gave hope and joy to children all over the world, who sought to open their innocent eyes to the scientific wonders (world) of tomorrow — is now being run by executives whose only entertainment gift to the world is one of rehashed, shallow, and racist propaganda topped by activist political programs to bring rotgut sadism and swinging penises of drag queens into every schoolroom in America (Boquet, 2022). When Florida and other states attempted to pass local laws restricting teachers from going outside their assigned syllabus and qualifications in reading, writing, STEM or the like, Disney and other sick corporation executives embarked on a political lobbying (blackmail) campaign promulgating the lame virtues of the gay lifestyle, depicting procreative anal sex and the degenerative nature of transgenderism, applauding the love of pedophiles (MAPs). Thus, it became their announced goal as published online to make sure that every child is thoroughly indoctrinated, properly groomed and matted (mated) as tomorrow’s sexual slave.

Consider the business irrationality, not merely the hypocrisy and cruel insanity, of what these executives proposed (imposed) for society. If a supposedly family-friendly company like Disney succeeded in destroying their primary customer base of young, innocent, intellectually-adventurous children by turning them into sordid vampire creatures of the dark — without souls or conscience, without concern for natural being, without respect for biological truth, what would be left in prospect for their entertainment products? Can detours and deviant driving ever give common sense a straight path home? Thinking more propitiously, what will be the company’s hold on any sort of family attraction when existing parents no longer subscribe to the social model of indulging childhood fantasy and imagination; or in the case of potential parents, forgo the need to ever start and attend a biological family? I think you know what the ‘gentle folks’ at Disney would say, “program the child more freely, then hire him/her out for prostitution”. The utter criminality of what these corporations promote morally is exceeded only by their vain and tawdry desire to commit commercial suicide. It is on a socially treasonous par with a defense contractor, which, after helping the government produce its arsenal and discovering other military secrets alongside, decides to serve China’s and Russia’s interests, happily sharing all their knowledge of American weaponry and technology with the known and mortal enemies of America.

Corporate governance first began its excursion into local and state politics many decades ago in various parts of the country, but especially areas like California, whereby it might obtain favored status for itself regarding matters of location, employment, taxation, and much more. From thence, it branched into social politics wholeheartedly (un-heartedly), using its great pull or cash base to brainwash or foist upon the people (i.e., local leaders) ideas and beliefs they might not otherwise accept. The reason propositions either for or against certain headlined topics, e.g., gay marriage, got passed or alternatively were knocked down was owed largely to the campaign inflows of the entertainment, the tech, and hospitality industries. It is also the reason currently why very little cleansing or humane reckoning ever gets done in California about illegal immigration, and about the homeless encampments, the defecation and violence in the streets, the recall of clearly corrupt DAs and other officials, etc. West Coast influence now extends throughout the country, especially in the South, where some political candidates and disreputable attorneys receive the majority of their campaign funding from outside the state — much of it coming from social media sources and from Hollywood moguls (mentioned earlier). Since 2018, luminaries such as Melinda Gates and Leonardo DiCaprio have provided repeat-candidate Stacey Abrams in Georgia with nearly 90% of her campaign financing (Markay & Hurt, 2022).  The sickness, corruption, and compliance of the casting couch has now become the mental disability, moral debasement, and sexual filthiness of the entire country — thanks to malicious officials, or through the monetary blessings of the superrich, or under the guise of ‘noble’ corporations.

Where is the parallel for what Biden and the other hedonists are doing to America every day, or what that tyrant Minister Trudeau is doing in Canada? How can the heads of PBS, of Comcast, of Disney, and the other communications giants (or the heads of Ford, GM, and other manufacturing companies) not know what is happening to our despotic government? A teenager participating in a flash-mob robbery of a jewelry store knows perfectly well that what he is doing is legally and morally wrong, that it’s hurting people’s lives and livelihood; but he doesn’t care. He just wants everything for himself, and he wants it now … the neighborhood, the city, the country, the world be damned! Historically, families of billionaires such as the Reimanns, the Rothschilds; businesses like Seimens and BMW, all knew what was coming down the road in advent of WWII. They chose to profit from the slave labor and the repression by assisting tyrants in the committing of numerous atrocities (Elhassan, 2018). More discretely, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, J. P. Morgan, and others had a strong hand in the establishment of the Federal Reserve, which is essentially a private cooperative consisting of banks and other financial entities, with the power to print money through the Treasury and regulating its value. Its shareholders induce great influence over the public sphere, not just in money, but in the politics of who runs the country, including Presidents. Together with the Bilderberg Group, their aim has been to morph individual nations into a New World Order of Globalized Government. Hence, they don’t care if Americans (here) lose their jobs to overseas competitors. Like the Rothschilds have done for over 500 years, their aim is to encourage illegality, institute slavery, extract every natural resource, and commit any other detestable act of despoilment and economic ruination that might earn themselves greater profit (Hoyos, 2009). Long before Covid-19, CRT, and sexual indoctrination, behind the scene, they were also the active instigators for the “dumbing down” of the Americans (earlier) via the educational system (Vinson, 2017).

Under the heel of the Deep State, each reader of this article must assume (for the sake of one’s security) that every company, every billionaire tycoon, and every wall street wizard performs in a manner that promotes their own malodorous ends — which means in general, toward the end of the middle class, the helpless poor, and America itself. When billionaires like Warren Buffet and Bill Gates humbly concede that the wealthy should pay 70, 80, even 90% of their earnings in taxes, they do so either knowing Congress won’t ever do it, the IRS and the accounting rules can always be worked around, or they have some self-fortifying scheme of exclusion or moving offshore that protects their fortunes from being lost. Had they harbored such altruistic feelings religiously, then why wait to surrender their wealth to the government, do it today. Or at least be honorable enough to create a detached trust or untouchable foundation? Let them then walk away penniless, but with their heads held high; let them start anew from scratch, proving again that America is still the land of (unfavored) opportunity. Tricks and loopholes in the system, wily accountants and friends at the SEC, along with reimbursed lawmakers, should not be the (acquittal) order of capitalistic success, government regulation, and democratic enforcement. A fair appraisal also means that no one person should get away with financial crimes, judicial bribery, and venal electoral influence. George Soros, a counter cooking-stain on the notion that every person deserves to be called a ‘human’ being, could not exist in an honest society with fair-minded laws and integral law enforcement — even if that meant “getting him” on income tax evasion as they did Al Capone. How many gears has George Soros greased or inward rails sidetracked within the FBI and so-called Justice Department to leave this convicted felon, former Nazi collaborator, major proponent of the Bilderberg Group, destroyer of societies and financial systems, and celebrator of thousands of crime victims and deaths, … alone?

Exceedingly haughty corporate leaders have no reason to be proud of themselves or their profession. As only suggested in part above, after violating their company’s own core values and mission statements, after repeated lobbying, sometimes illegally bribing politicians, after using their corporations’ power and money to persuade the courts to alter rulings, they have the affrontery to enter into the public sphere to decry the narrow-mindedness of our family norms, the bigotry of our religious and social institutions, and the suppressive operation of our long-standing free elections. Is not the inherent error of ‘democracy’ and ‘equality’ summarized in: giving (some) people the ‘right to vote’, (some) people the ‘right to worship’, (some) nations the ‘right to exist? Besides exerting corrupt Satan-like influence on both domestic and foreign elections, many corporations, or their agents overseas, have been caught:

  1. Engaging in insider trading (early buying or selling) of their own company stock;
  2. Applying egregious tactics against other companies in order to destabilize them or drive them out of business, or prevent new, more efficient, companies from entering the market;
  3. Displaying great indifference or negligence to consumer victimization and worker repression (blockages and takeaways);
  4. Imposing slave-like working conditions in international branches of their factories and industrialized kilns; even the chemicals being used at their facilities may be harmful to workers and pollute the local water supply;
  5. Ignoring child-labor laws, depriving youth of adequate education, thereby perpetrating human rights violations;
  6. Conspiring and actually conducting business with known enemies of the United States Government (Assoune, 2022).
  7. Extracting rare minerals carelessly and devastatingly, harvesting timber relentlessly and making barren entire jungle regions, turning once arable land into non- productive wastelands (Alcorn, 2019) (“24 billion tons of land”, 2019).

Irresponsible companies have been doing these things, and more harm, for years — all the while proclaiming themselves as earning award and great nobility for abiding in accordance with corporate social responsibility (CSR) and following the expected duties of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), whose metrics they more or less set for themselves. Western liberal elites, in association with the World Economic Forum (WEF), have worked to depress and de-modernize third world countries by financially pressuring them to cut oil and natural gas production, close down coal plants, and ban the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, toward the impoverishment and starvation of the people and the bankruptcy of the nation (Raleigh, 2022). Corporations constantly express their sympathy for the plight of the approximately two billion poor in the world — all the while dancing in their backyard piles of driven leaf-blower wealth and despoiling perverted lifestyles. They are so moved by the green revolution and trying to prevent climate catastrophe that nearly everywhere (foreign) they operate, they clear-cut or dig up the environment, dam the rivers and drain the aquifers, and asphyxiate the animals, besides endangering the local natives.

A final sickening attitude of corporations, which should be interpreted personally, is how they advertise and glorify themselves in front of the public while doing everything they can behind the scenes to strangle cohesiveness and to deteriorate the foundations of American society. Always patting themselves on the back for their support of the military and their love of veterans while forever encouraging refugees from Ukraine, from Afghanistan or from any one of the other Muslim “stans”, and of course here in North America from anywhere south of the border, to come in and imperil our national security, to strain hospital and health services, sometimes even displacing aged veterans and other needy citizens. Their continual pledge of “we’re here for the heroes and the first responders” is gainsaid by their monetary and legal support for riotous groups like Antifa and BLM which aim to destroy vibrant communities, create crime and suffering by the defunding and badmouthing of police. Currently, they advocate for Hamas, the Hezbollah, and other Iran terrorist agents, toward the ultimate genocide of the Jews. From out of the same breath, these corporations claim they want every child in America to have an absorbingly intelligent and basically equitable education while giving praise and political clout to unions who are teaching sexual deviance, sexual mutilation, and the racist cancer known as Critical Race Theory (CRT). It’s just these kinds of inequities, travesties, and ploys that heroes – much more aptly referred to as true humanitarians, like doctors without borders, the Red Cross and other good Samaritans, the police, and the military – have been giving their time and risking their lives trying to overcome for society’s benefit.

Seeing the contradiction, corporations have collaborated with the U.S. Government to turn our soldiers into wimps or, conversely, Democratic Gestapo agents. The middle and lower class in America can no longer depend on the military or the police or the justice department to do their duty for a free country, rather than a Communist state. And just as these former stalwarts of law and order and national protection have long since contracted their souls to the Dark Side, so the former hallmarks of Americana: country music, racecar driving, and all the other primary sports companies have sold out America — regardless of how many times they play the national anthem or inundate the air waves with patriotic award shows. When LeBron James supported Chinese enslavement of the Uyghurs working to create his sportswear while simultaneously speaking out in protest of the legitimacy of our elections and lives here in the U.S., he showed which side of Heaven or Hell he really served and cared for. Likewise, when team players in baseball and football knelt down in respect of the BLM but not the American flag, they proclaimed their true Master allegiance to moral nausea and racial disparagement. Sour minds and upset bowels encapsulate their board rooms. Like every law they constrict … and every regulatory allowance they urge to pass, they putrefy the free air, making it morally breath-taking (literally) and culturally distasteful.

The takeover of the American representative form of government did not begin with the clandestine embedding of government insiders, the regular and continual bribing of political officials, or the waterboarding of truth under the table (tyranny) of media moguls and tech executives. Long before these infestations, pimps and conspirators had already entrenched themselves within the educational, legal, scientific, and commercial fields (more or less in that order). In the fielding of those seeds, and after the produce were left for the creepers and the poison ivies to entangle, then the thistles and thorns proceeded to spawn their wickedness. Today, the liberally taut and the backward progressives no longer have to meet secretly, or gather themselves in sponsored (paid) rallies or rowdy and bloody protests, or skyrocket themselves into frenzied fits and epileptic displays just because one election or one appointment or one court ruling doesn’t go their way. They care not who sees their red and black arm-bands now, their bed-post bindings, nor the dog leashes and the whips of their Communist overlords. Like the German-Russian invasion of Poland in 1939, they have taken it all and divided the spoils between them. Everything from kindergarten education to university science to medical postgraduate developments, from media communications to manufacturing factories to government bureaucracies, they have seized them all and tenderized them for easy digestion. Slippery and slimy corporate executives make sure that everything wholesome and good about America appear on the political landscape as grossly infected; about which they have been carefully bandaged and iodine treated – but must be now regularly untied, shaved for cutting and pus-draining, followed by painful cauterization. Meanwhile the boot-heeled and straight-jacketed police make sure words and arms are restrained. The footpath unto the future has neither crossing guards nor side-rails. In the absence of a God, a society, and the understanding of fellow being, … all must descend the uncharted slalom having dismal gate-array and only partially spotted flagging of its haphazard dangers.

Your politics is against you. Everyone is a liberal and a conservative: liberal when he wants others to change or give up their rights; and conservative when the time comes for him to change and give up his rights. Hence, nothing in your halls of Congress or your courts of justice or your markets of finance can spare you from personal conviction and ruin.

An observer of society in limbo, too starched and numbed by materialism to counsel human want; too stupefied and enamored by vain rationalization to determine right from wrong. Patience not practiced for the child to learn the fine art of becoming angelically human. Bored with excitement, wearied of even mild restrictions; disturbed by honest work, and disenchanted with meritorious effort; fat, dull of senses, and dimwitted: a calf ready-set for the kosher plating of today’s grilled Levitical slaughter.


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Walter Boswell
Walter Boswell
Retired professor of accounting, Dr. Walter Boswell, has written on various topics for more than 50 years including logic, behavioral science, and philosophical literature. Currently he is engaged in protecting children from sexual perversion and grooming in schools and working to bringing back conservative principles to society.


Why The Silence About The Slaughter In Syria?

In Syria, the Islamist regime conducted revenge killings targeting supporters of Assad. Militants killed innocent Muslims, Christians and religious minoritie.

“Trump to BAN the COVID Vaxx?! mRNA in Your Organic Meat?!” with Kim Bright

In this eye-opening episode of Man in America, host...

Transphobic Spa Nazis Establish ‘Phallus-Free Environment’

“The only winning move is not to play.” It was talking about nuclear war but the same received wisdom applies to modern culture war with the trannies.

The homebound hustle

A workplace is a well-designed and organized entity where co-workers collaborate to be productive, but COVID changed such a time-honored tradition.  

Democrats Now Appear to Be On “Auto Pile It”

Last month I wrote an article trying to help...


Columbia Vows Action on Anti-Semitism After $400 Million in Federal Funds Revoked

Columbia University is addressing concerns raised by federal agencies after $400 million in grants and contracts were revoked over anti-Semitism on campus.

China Intensifies Pressure as States Pass Laws to Counter Beijing’s Growing Influence

Chuck DeVore remembers when the FBI visited him some 17 years ago as a California lawmaker to tell him that he was under surveillance by the Chinese regime.

CDC Alerted of Hantavirus That Killed Betsy Arakawa, Considered ‘Notifiable Disease’

CDC says hantavirus is a “severe and potentially deadly disease that affects the lungs” and is contracted when exposed to rodents’ urine, droppings, and saliva.

H-1B: The Scourge of American College Grads

Federal Agency Oversight: DOL, DOS, DHSDependents: H4 The Basics: The employer-sponsored H-1B visa is reserved...

Missouri Judge Finds CCP Liable for $24 Billion for Hoarding COVID-19 Protective Equipment

Missouri judge found the CCP liable in a multi-billion dollar case over the regime’s hoarding of medical supplies during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Judge Declines to Block Policy That Lets Agents Arrest Illegal Immigrants at Schools

A federal judge on March 7 declined to block a new federal immigration enforcement policy that lets agents enter schools to arrest illegal immigrants.

Ryan Routh’s Attorney Seeks to Test Firearm Involved in Alleged Assassination Attempt Against Trump

Defense for Ryan Routh, suspected of attempted assassination of Trump, would like to test fire gun found at Routh’s location near Trump’s golf course.

US Warns Foreigners of Visa Ban for Backing Terrorist Groups

U.S. State Dept said it reserves the right to revoke or deny visas of any supporters of foreign terrorist organizations, including international students.

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