A Party To Pathetic Running





Do not condemn them – your neighbors. This might well be their paradise. Remember, forgiveness gravitates toward the mourners in this world … the mourners and the wayfarers. Only they feel there must be more – than just idol self, and more akin than engineering idle changeover. Only they burden themselves from tiny creature onward, fearful of every single drop of rain harshly drumming upon their sensitive cocoon. Forlorn the shower of rougher downpours to come, postponing the flight of true Monarch transition. Into a world of convoluted wings and intertangled antennae, the butterfly net is sure to fall.


No matter where mankind goes, no matter what it does, it carries with it the seeds of its own destruction. I am reminded of a “Hostage Flight”, repeating the message, wherein there is an expected and courteous siding with ordinaries like ourselves (the passengers), scripted to sympathize with their terror, and sharing their accompanying hope of imminent revenge; but by episode’s end, strained to project a different identification with the terrorists instead, whose sanctimonious takeover and detour of the plane and the story had at least this one meritorious comeback, “You (the United States) are the cause of most of the world’s problems”, recognized or not. The extent of the West’s unrestrained expansion and America’s resultant contamination of other flourishing cultures and their distinct tribal expression lays much of the foreign abuse at our feet. Sometimes our distant and unseen ‘children of sorrow’, like the Vietnamese fruit, come back to haunt us … as the spawned progeny of our wanton liberality.

When the history of Modern America is written, giving sanction to the much-used quote, bearing repeating … assuming there abides a historian left with the wisdom and impartiality to write it … moreover one literary person with the capacity to read and heed it … it shall be said, “never has a conscious society tried so hard, so calculatedly, and so forcefully to destroy itself, in backlash of its own humanity, exulting in extraction and the undermining of everything that is of beneficial resource and yet so detrimental of its wholesome being”. The Roman Empire lasted for more than half a millennium, the British Empire lasted for nearly three centuries; yet in a matter of decades – since the fall of Nazism and Japanese Imperialism at the end of World War II, the U.S. has declined in prestige from superpower to animal kingdom — fraught with invectives and invited violence, political corruption, and various sorties into assorted strains of depravity.

Never has a country been so suicidal, or its people so debauched, so fully dedicated to the path of self-destruction as these boorish people are. Why did our ancestors come to America but for to escape the bonds of serf indenture under castle Lords and palace Kings, only to be taken captive by new masters of political domination, progressive idealism, and the commercial slavery of material hungriness? To paraphrase historic Prime Minister Churchill, buried in another blitz, “never have so few (pioneers) done so much (wrongdoing) to diminish the lives of so many (well-intentioned and goodly-striven people)”. Not even a Nuremburg will rise in courted judgement to spare this generation of children (and grandchildren) … or lend forgiveness … for their continual mass roundup of unsuspecting humans like cattle … taken in ancestral shame and in trained steerage for the slaughterhouses.

At the risk of appearing hard-hearted and cruel, perhaps even seditious, I occasionally find myself wishing for a plague to strike America. Maybe this is just sub-conscious remorse and disgust over the state of America’s economy – in personal terms of having lost the family farm and of bountiful integral agriculture entirely. However, I’m so tired of fools saying, “You got a financial problem? That’s alright; the government will help you out.” “A little discrimination bothering you? We’ll take it to the highest court in the land.” “Have AIDS or some other disease? Don’t worry, science will concoct a cure for you in no time; meanwhile, take these birth control pills, with a little sex education, and call me in the morning.”

What mal-adjustment must next befall society: naked men walking into girls’ locker rooms unhalted? Too late. Every-day people cursing and arguing openly in the streets, then pulling out guns and start shooting wildly? Again, too late. Police and first responders being harassed, then mowed down by gangs serving as the vigilantes of justice and the fire-starters of neighborhood ghetto decimation? Again, too late. Queerly-painted clowns frightening little kids and parents in reconnaissance of family-friendly parks and pools? Politicians singing and miming to a crisscross routine dancing over the border, listening and laughing to the wicked music piped in by our foreign enemies? High-class businesspeople forcefully dealing in transactions mafia-like style, beating the heads of their competitors? Again, so much too late. Continue teaching the children to hate ‘Christian’ morality and any religious paradigm, so as to kill the ‘white’ light of truth lest we “let’s” our beloved “darkness” die. What do you think should be the punishment for a boy who slips on a girl’s dress (literally and figuratively) and enters into the bathroom to rape one if his female classmates? What should be the punishment for teachers who not only permit such actions, but condone and propagate it … going further to promote sexual perversity and the raping of little school children of their innocence? What should be the punishment on a social science which reclassifies all sexual abnormality in order to rape society of its logic?

I suppose society’s helpful advisors would like to think of themselves like masons working in simple maintenance to replace our foundation wall’s missing or fallen stones of diverse size and equity; or perhaps like plasterers covering over graffiti writing by carefully adding more embellishing layers of resistant protective coats. It may yet be more truthfully assessed, they are just smothering individual responsibility and freedom with blue-collar reassignment. Instead of envisioning a mason or a plasterer, perhaps a better work example would be that of an electrician who, while in some out of the way historic location, is trying to splice the ends of two wires together; but, as it happens, in the process of skinning the casings, the inner metal wires become too frayed or damaged, so the electrician must cut further and further back on the old line to a stronger but shorter length. At some point he will reach the end of feasible line (for a higher power connection). Shall we pray to our government inspectors and overseers, the Deep State officials, all those arrogant workers seated like valueless wonks in artificial jobs performing virtual tasks for the virtue-less … for salvation? 

What took the Natural Environment and the Lord of the Heavens millions of years to develop in human acumen – namely a conscience – may be expunged in less than a single generation. O Lord, why is it left for the handicapped to recount the history of social evolution: these be thy people … and what a stiff-necked lot they are. Nothing less than a Noah-like flood can bring ember clearance to their long history of inflamed rhetoric, their pointless rescue backburns, smoldering faith in immolation, and a fiery heart with no avail of final rapture.


Politicians and communications staff stare directly at the camera and tell the American public that the border is not open, even as millions of illegals cross over, and tons of dangerous drugs enter the U.S. killing tens of thousands of American citizens every year (Yang, 2022). Democrats who lie about being tough on immigration don’t really care what happens to our country, our culture, our children, or our future. Republicans consent to the destruction of America by their silence. Neither party hardly realizes or can scarcely fathom that they are committing suicide at the same time. Little concerned about the present, politicians only care about enriching themselves now and amassing wealth protection for the future. Expressing nonchalance about the need for a border or the construction of any border wall, government officials are almost paranoid about putting blockades around the Capitol for every major ceremonial event in Washington lest, God forbid, visitors appear wanting to peer over at our great Democracy at work, and riot their outrage. By exclusive coincidence, at their home residences, politicians, celebrities and corporate bigshots are positively maniacal about constructing high security walls around their properties to prevent envious onlookers from admiring their sacred, overstated, and ultra-prosperous lifestyles, paid for, of course by the convoluted and jostled masses, whom they call filthy, unworthy “Americans”. 

Seeming accursed and beguiling to us today, years ago the cigarette companies tried to explain away through clever advertising — they didn’t mislead the public for decades or enticed teenagers or encouraged naïve adults to become addicted to smoking. About the same time, people of a similar mindset cursed officials for trying to shut down pornographic sites and publications, infringing on a person’s free will and on a corporation’s freedom to commercialize everything. Thus, it may be concluded, beyond the hypocrisy, that the goal of society (evil) is to bring everyone into the fold of degeneracy – a mind set on the spasmodic – in howling bestial outcry of human life … caged.

At a PETA and “animal rights” adjustment rally, the activist grabbed passersby aside, sporting leaflets and programs, plastic funding and glass bidding jars, saying “the world is ours, and for each (One) to protect” … from the earth you till to raise your bounteous crops to each and every animal you shear and slaughter for your clothing and your food, I suppose; from the wood forests you cut down to build your too-many oversized dwellings to the sky you pollute to transport your crossover vices and armories of iniquity. Meanwhile, the prophets stared and listened, and heard them, saying nothing about all that is naturally made, human-like as well — the natural family — the men, women, and children whom they have brainwashed to be their ‘unnatural’ slaves. All that the Earth has naturally provided for survival and for a continuation of body and reason, has become a blessing forsaken.

In unraised reflection and voiceless honor, the women said, “to hell with all men who claim to want – for they are the real animals. So much for living, the Lord responds, and supporting earths of crafted kitchen design for fools to bake crescent rolls into queer shapes of transgender ginger-men. To Hell with their canine bitches also. To Hell with their preservation offspring trying to tell us how to live outside loving restraints. The Lord reckons his own spelling of temper duration and proper roasting of human flesh. “All that is Natural is mine, for My mind is One” … to purify a generation of child-like rangers to enclose a better parkland, to construct a more wholesome Church, a humanity, and a paradise of wildlife restoration. Thereto the Lord bids the prophets say to these knaves, “To Hell with their commercial posters, their celebrity drag-races, their run-ins of driving campaigns. Away with you literally, away from My temples and synagogues, away from My mountains, grasslands, and deserts; away from the doors of My solemn altar … and into the dark tarpits where you belong. Let spark the lightning strike for oblations of all their guilt offerings tendered in their name, oiling the shoulder-haunches of their burnt vanity.”

By conjecturing forward into politics, what harm is there in selling leaks to the media? Or for that matter to foreign countries? Shall it not be pessimistically asserted that if some bold person (traitor) in government here didn’t do it, surely other vying infiltrators, or secretive spies working for foreign entities, would get their information elsewhere anyway; hence, why not allow some ambitious American capitalist (inside) make a profit on it? Isn’t that the reasoning behind cigarettes, alcohol, and indeed all narcotics? Somebody either clandestinely or by dint of the black market will make money on these transactions anyway, so why doesn’t the law or government just authorize everything under official auspices and excise their greedy share? You can’t legislate morality, remember. In the offing, the official certification behind all social evil is to inject governance and to levy tax on lucrative wrongdoing, be that gambling, cigarettes, drugs, etc., wherefrom, if only by forced excretion, the entire public may find nosegay benefit.

Glad to help bring alcoholism (and the rest) into collusive harmony — for a society whose ready perspective is all too easily intended to espouse the intriguing virtue of most human vices: from addiction to gambling to overeating — lodging their collateral damage by loan to some other destitute repository, relying on some future generation to handle the dismantling of deified structure, holding in pervasive limbo the continuation of just some (really) preventable mental disease. What a joke? Not a day goes by that another media article declares that people (clients) who smoke, drink, take drugs, overeat, over-gamble, over-sex, etc. are victims of some kind of illness or disorder – in need of a medical cure (or forgiveness-pardon), not ever social reproach [and tearing asunder the simplicity for a greater emphasis or push towards a more concerted effort for the maximization of increased social/personal responsibility]. Further down the road, when the person or sickness becomes cause celebre, amazingly, the cool affliction becomes no longer a contractible disease, or even a personal or social problem, rather merely a chosen lifestyle like homosexuality. If mankind (men) aren’t willing to take responsibility for their own innate weaknesses and ingested faults and commonplace troubling misbehavior, how shall they ever manage matters at the governmental level? Or how shall they ever take credit (autonomy) over international events and diplomatic exercises? Beyond logistics, won’t it be just a matter of time for all sicknesses to assume some category of induced dis-ease – existent or ‘invented’, having some blamed reliance on quasi-psychological underpinning?

  • Infested political roguery – having an irritant cause that is generously endorsed and deemed legal by the government’s grand overseer policy (offering), as with gambling, marijuana, hard drugs.
  • Social/personal vulnerability – when the individual is presumed affected (effected) through psychological weakness or willfulness, conventional misguidance, peer pressure — lending or availing himself as the irritant cause.
  • Religious/moral radicalism – when the full range of factors for personal facility have not been exercised, where family upbringing, community support, and pious tenet have not been enacted prior to or in conjunction with additional associated medical (chemical/physical) prescriptions.

Paraphrasing the old maxim, once a society accepts aberration as holiday normal, it becomes extremely difficult to deny any person his season’s gift of perversion or to prevent further descent by childish snowflakes under storms of convulsive fits and suffocating avalanche drifts.

Shall there still be time to make metaphor of struggling humanity? About a century ago, much more logical social observers than myself thought to advance the theory about the benefits of game-playing, such as would be for baseball, how it brought people together into unity of operation, maybe diverting attention away from the dreariness and dangers of military life, and generally improving the outlook of irascible community life. Baseball relies on social cooperation and assimilation, increases physical growth through effort and teamwork, while encouraging rule-abiding, coordinated sacrifice, and interactive responsibility. More commonly of late, when I took my handicapped brother to his ball game, there were no umpires or defining rules as usually prescribed. The players, according to the nature of their handicap, took turns at bat or resorted to the T (ball), in order to strike as often as needed inside or outside of the box, somehow accomplishing upon the slightest touch, be allowed to run around the bases, moving from one position to another at will and at any pace; whereupon they would not be tagged or designated ‘out’ for any reason. As long as everyone got to hit once in their half of inning and completed their circuit back to home base – altogether – such success would then signal the other side’s turn ‘up’. At season’s end, each player would get a participation trophy — having no bearing upon the status of his/her performance or glorious winning pursuit, had they known of such aims, nor for exceptional fielding, throwing, catching or even good sportsmanship. Could it already be argued that, expanding the analogy to the big-game arena (professional level), little significance can be applied to any sport because of increasing technology, anti-patriotism, and the commercialized interest (lack of enthusiasm) of most of today’s ‘human’ players, relative to their more enthusiastic ancestors – from decades past? The analogy borders on profundity or on analytical absurdity as yet we consider that ourselves (humans) are just the handicapped in solemn overview (parade review): the mentally or physically challenged pretending that our activities, our existence, have any real import on earthen progress, much less ever winning some universal effervescent triumph.

Correlating next in story-telling sequence, the reported incident of a rugged ‘star’ compulsively driven to take a vacation trip into the mountains — who accidentally falls off a treacherous ledge, but lucky enough to land, seriously hurt, yet energetically alive, on a lower cliff. Immediately, his guide yelled down to him from the top of the precipice and ordered the injured star to stay still, remain calm, until he and his companions could descend on a rope rescuing him as quickly as possible. However, in the star’s confusion, or imbibing state, or dazed confusion, he rose up and blindly tried to climb back to the top on his own, whereupon he fell even further down the slope, causing much more serious, life-threatening, physical injuries. Many aspects of this ‘story’ boggle its simple commentary significance, even considering all facets to be relatively minor, as far as the world is concerned. There is the social sin of why was he, this rich star, clearly an inexperienced climber, risking his life, not to mention his time and fortune in prospective recovery, on mountain climbing. Had richness and free time (idle hands) spurred his desire for ‘high’ adventure? Was he intently and adequately prepared (physically and mentally) for the rigors of climbing? Was his guide, while maybe being well-experienced and apt, nevertheless subordinate to the hiring demands, hence not adequately qualified for the caretaking of this famous novice; was he aware of associated problems like his enjoyment of beer, his wildness, his carefree attitude and hardheadedness? There is also the (willing) risk of circumstantial sin, venturing out on loose rocks without surmising the full dangers. Was there not a safer route or passage-way? Finally, there is the personal sin relative to this incident wherewith any person of rational mind would go through the motions of showcasing pretended cautiousness, then flouting the rules, drinking or otherwise; but worse still, ignoring the paid subscription of ever heeding his guide’s advice by remaining still until rescued.

It may seem that any such incident is trite, regardless his suspected failings. However, many incidents upon investigation and analysis, especially involving an unfortunate turn, have somewhere in their makeup these three possibly contributing factors (or else falls short its summary). Take alcoholism as a test case. It has the social implications of being legal, intoxicating, and readily available, perhaps even extolled throughout much of communal life and featured in commercial adulation. It has the circumstantial implications of being by co-incidence (probably) genetically related, and subject to its unique chemical solubility and intensity of effect per individual. And it has the personal implications, that is to say, the deliberative willingness of enjoying or the haughtiness of allowing oneself to fall sway to its unhealthful intoxicating temptations, while at the same time discounting its more sinister (psychedelic) side-effects. Further measure of discernment could be assessed toward a socio-personal or religious commitment (e.g., wine at mass).

A man will find errant excuse … somewhere … for everything he does personally out of balance, whether that be in the rocking bough of ‘religion’ or in the swaying branches of ever-changing ‘scientific knowledge’. Religion is just sociology giving substantiation to the less-than-virtuous; or conversely, sociology is just religion giving critical premise to the abnormal. How little we know how little we are, how little it matters what becomes of us.

Regarding, again, the influence of seemingly benign sins, whenever a parent ignores the pleading of a child through indifference (caused maybe by many other social distractions and influences); whenever a teacher ignores (bereft the promotion) a student’s engineering talents or athletic prowess; whenever a priest is ambivalent toward good works, sinless propriety, or takes the position that service mass is merely a waste of time … these all reflect in cumulative wear and stretch of the latest fashion trend its prefabricated failure of worn elastic band. Doubtless, ‘America’, the country, thinks well of herself, coming from her long and dramatic affair of compiling liberty’s booty, so much so that she can weather un-licensed driving, its stock market unhitching of secure and real assets … becoming detached … supposing we shall all just hike away from the jackknife tractor-trailer crash unharmed and uncharged, with insurance intact. Doubtless, at numerous other times She thinks she can lie down with her male-socialist gigolos and rise up the next morning venereally untainted. Whereas, everything she felt, it shall be left inscribed – upon her fractured body and soul — for radiologist’s eyes to spot or for medicinal vaccines to questionably treat. Timid drivers, lifelong prostitutes, and incidental believers in Heaven share much in common: none shall ever stumble into fond Gracious consideration by their lack of personal commitment. Everything America touched must be borax-cleaned and bleach-stricken from her memory. In order to be reincarnated, forthwith, she must change her attire; she, too, must rise up combatant — a warrior — and shake the yawning daze and frilly draft-dodger gowns from her spread of closeted battle-gear.


Suppose your every action were to be judged from moment to moment, whereby your continued state of granted existence depended on some all-too-human subjective (supervisory) evaluation. Consider now, high-society acquaintances whose friendship and/or assurances of mutual assistance, easement, and indulgences of employment reservation rested on a conformity to racial ideology and pure social collaboration, on strict scrutiny and perfunctory adherence to elites. Consider now, husbands and wives whose compatibility and enduring love as mates for life was assessed on a standard at roughly the same likeability rating as your fluctuating favor for musical artists, such that those unappealing to current listening tastes are divorced or left behind like scratched records or split jackets. You do not have to suppose what is already countenanced and insipidly discharged.

Easy excuses can be extemporized for all the street violence in America, for the rampant store shoplifting and car thievery, for the experimentation with all manner of drugs — and for the senseless masquerading of selves in various forms of sexual deviancy. With so much dependence on machines and robots, what uplifting dignity and sustaining hopes of compensation would be pursuant to professional work, much less hard labor? Once great American female sports champions must now relent their athletic titles to physically-compact Asians, to transgendered men, and to whatever science comes up with to redefine or cynically replace ‘feminine’ females by fiat. Lost to scheduled practical schooling, as much as the study of Latin or a concentration in the field of Egyptian hieroglyphics, are the dreams of necessary skill in tomorrow’s training — for what might have imagined and creatively produced, to be another Shakespeare, another Da Vinci, or another Taylor Swift — all gone with the electronic wind, that is, the assault by Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). Children must now pretend ‘originality’ by becoming the first sectarian to some appointed task: the first woman, the first black, the first black lesbian to be Presidential spokesperson (Karine Jean-Pierre), the first gay, maternity-taking, transportation secretary (Pete Buttigieg), the first non-binary fashionista Department of Energy official who steals women’s clothes from airports without repercussion (Sam Brinton), the first cross-dressing admiral, assistant secretary for health, pediatrician in model service performance for the saving of children from all manner of physical and mental diseases (Rachel Levine) … ongoingly, never to be repeated as ‘first’ again, or worth repeating. None of these people were born this way, or were destined to become in otherwise psychological default, or because they were ruptured by some catastrophic events in their lives, or infected with some terrible disease. They became this way because they were bribed by a corrupt society to think this way — in a pattern and mode not that different from a morally upright judge being bribed by a mafia boss on trial, or threatened by his compatriots, to render an agreeable decision. Only, instead of taking off their external robes of honor, they are revealing the wrappings within of their mummified lives and comatose reasoning.

In the defiant deficit of true accomplishment, these children make-believe themselves ‘anew’ by the ennobling of outrageousness: alternatingly bi-sexual, exotically queer, school-infesting drag queens – more royal, more special than you (the normal person) will ever be, hence by deference, by difference of status alone, by sheer force of affronting behavior, made supreme and far more deserving of the carnival’s consolation (booby) prizes. Reflect in subtle throw-back a similar kind of exploitation created for studio audiences years ago when Jim Fowler (Wild Kingdom) brought his menagerie of creatures to appear on Johnny Carson’s Tonight Show. To an attestable degree, the animal handlers, like the host, hoped to inject curiosity, interest, and cautious fright into the people watching. Come the charming antics and unexpected alarm of disorder … well, even better … of creatures stepping over or fighting with one another, running off wildly into the startled crowd, becoming agitated, hissing, or biting. With the camera designed and situated accordingly, the production was focused to catch every disruptive adventure, every circus-like display, every bit of raunchiness, every surprise release of excrement – all in technicolor splendor for everyone’s amusement. In somewhat reference to W. C. Fields and others about the problems performing with children … and with animals … elements of unscripted interaction with either party may actually be arranged and dramatized for the adults’ benefit, estranging the normative-designed or natural lives of children and animals.  Abuse of acting, like abuse in schooling, can then become sordid, creating as they (the adults) would, an assumed supremacy, not far removed from bordering on manufactured bestiality and virtual child sodomy.

From the time since society encouraged mothers to work outside the home, there has been no ‘rearing’ really, no heavy hand of moral guidance and temperament, no punishment for erratic or bad behavior — for children who now stare outside their computer toys with unimaginative eyes like catatonic zombies or porcelain dolls — inured and depressed at there being no morality warranting it, no heroes or heroines, nor any will or sense of ever earning recognition of effort, only notoriety (as street protestors) or infamy (as school shooters). Children, culturally, have been inundated for decades with stories about vampires, serial teenage murders, witchcraft and other cults, alien abduction, and wasteland apocalyptic survival. They ingratiate and imitate these fictitious anomalies in their social behavior (e.g., academic rebelliousness and mob violence), their clothing and appearance (e.g., goth, tattoos, piercings), and in their material possessions (e.g., low-riding, tricked up cars and pickup trucks). The Left and Hollywood producers have designed it this way – long practicing the game of twisting the storylines to promote evil, anti-establishment, anti-moral rebels. Movies like “Twilight” which aggrandize vampires, would, if straightforwardly presented, portray them actually as merely blood-sucking murderers. Only of a slightly different genre, films and sponsors give highlight and comforting commercialism to notorious pirates (e.g., Captain Morgan), depicting them as benign, happy-go-lucky, fanciful adventurers. Robin Hood was a merry and reputable thief who only sought favor by stealing from the rich (even bigger thieves) and giving it to the poor. Long before films, pulp books characterized the likes of Jesse James, Billie the Kid, and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid in a similar pleasing light; i.e., trapped in expeditionary service of rather noble quests. In the 1960s, the blockbuster film “Bonnie and Clyde” championed the ‘romance’ of outlaw life quite literally, framing the pair as totally likeable highway bandits somehow compelled by unfortunate personal circumstances and harsh economic conditions to travel across the Midwest on a robbing/killing spree. In the process the film mostly diverts attention away from their many victims, essentially dehumanizing them, while focusing camera time almost exclusively on the escapades of America’s most-wanted couple and their misguided lovefest. By training the audience’s attention on the robbers’ ambitions, hardships, experiences, and feelings, Bonnie and Clyde’s melodramatic death at the hands of the law (coming at the end) was taken as, disturbingly, like ‘overkill’, rather than deserved justice and retribution. Liberal executives who subsequently decried the use of passion manipulation during World War II which sought to dehumanize the cruel and imperialistic Japanese and the vicious Nazi Germans, have since expressed no remorse for promoting and applying this same propaganda technique upon gullible Americans and their offspring. Neither do they ever express regret for treating ‘humans’ as mere tools of deceptive and derisive ideological manipulation. Ourselves (the audience) are now the playthings in their wartime propaganda, their specialized pamphlet edition of Mein Kampf

Pushing the boundaries of self-hatred and the angling of the hermaphrodite agenda, media magnates insist that any young person, teenager, or child who dares to associate, to date, or, God forbid, to marry any single person of the same race, same sex, or same trans-fluidness must be by definition a racist, a sexist, or a transphobic heathen. Hence across the numerous and nefarious channels, and spits of social media, are concocted creatures of assorted despicable sci-fi grotesqueness – glumly strung together with the peculiar intent of taunting the sensibilities of the average middle-class (white) child or adult. Executives at Disney and other (once upon a time) child-protecting, family-friendly studios currently make sure that every new project release or box-office feature that premieres are exploited (laced) with oppressive minorities, gay queens, even MAPs, so as to titillate and emasculate young viewers – providing for a Mad Max childhood nightmare of dark befuddlement and wanton and sordid entertainment. The more strange, the more strained; the less honorable discerning by youthful players caught in the industry’s setup of society’s XXX games. Unlike, say, that much lauded television series of old, “The Ascent of Man”, with Jacob Bronowski, it is the expressed goal of the Hollywood studios today, and of the New York “established” and the Washington. D.C. “entertainment” industries, to sequence “The Descent of Man” through intentional infestation and mite perforation — thereby tearing asunder the long-quilted and finely-crocheted, framework-positioned, pattern of one unique tribal cloth.

Can there ever be a single commercial of late, a television program, or some other show or sporting event that does not have by station design a Shaq, a Charles Barkley, a Frank Thomas, a Kevin Hart, or a Patrick Mahomes in iconic projection of their street-smart, socially belittling, characterizations or narrative salute to urban sensuality and crass barbarism … being intentionally meant to upset the solemnity of Christian rural attitude, to intimidate most Western philosophical minds, and to especially belittle most suburban white men —  to make them feel physically inferior, non-athletic, culturally humorless, clumsy, and, worst of all, white-female repugnant? So then, if by some awkward chance, a po’ boy does get to meet and to mate with a white woman, but (such that) the relationship will certainly dissolve as though ridden with a flesh-eating skin disease, and by the injected contrariness culturally infused within women (a coke-fed mind to never be satisfied with anything a man does) to never be feminine-satisfied in their desires to find “perfect satisfaction”; howbeit, at least the fading European line of his individual descent might carry on for one more generation, if only at a lower rate of birth than minorities combined (Cohn, 2016).

What planning will ever save humanity then? What academic inculcation and humane guidance can ever prepare children, much less society, in overriding malediction of a panicked theatre rehearsal in full escape its deliberate fire-setting recreation of Nero’s mischievous burning of Rome? What purpose would it serve for (traditional) teachers to try to in-form students through character-building and hard work, through rules of ethics and the courting of civics; through historical analog, home-made provisioning, and constructive improvisation — learning the lessons of stringing life’s music together come the blindness of its own lit artistic creativity? Selfishly, most modern radical instructors would rather bid the system ‘respond’ to these physical incongruities and misapprehended ethnic shortcomings by concentrating essentially on diversity (deficiency) allocations of more anti-white ‘equity fairness’, thereby giving virtual (imaginary) hope to the unimaginative and morally-impoverished deviant. Hardly a day goes by that the corresponding entertainment media doesn’t flood the airwaves with episodes of exhibitionism, dabbling, grappling, molesting, fornication, adultery, and ‘family’ homosexuality. Did they come from nowhere? Are they not leading us somewhere AWFUL (Affluent White Female Ultra-Liberals)? Will there ever come a time when you (the academician) will collect the chutzpah to stand up against the sight of brother and sister making love in their childhood beds, against the father committing incest with his offspring, against youngsters abusing animals in the field? No, you will not, owing to the way you have aligned yourself and brainwashed your “under-graduate” class with mental aberration; given that you have further tattooed yourself with the icons of aggressiveness, perversity, and internal queerness. A hailing thunderstorm of gully-washing proportions shall bring little cold rinse to they under the lathe of a boiling geyser — scalded, but still unbaptized and still unmoved.

By the despising of wisdom and the fouling of ethical standards, unaddressed hearts of naked waifs remain orphaned to communal love, and bereft any soft-spun comfort weave. Economically speaking, what product worth would you place on children who have been demagogued, psychologically traumatized, visually and bodily tormented? Short of their ability to make trouble, what shall be the market commodity value of these “goods” — being all stamped ‘void’ or cradle swapped for trolls with “bad” manners; and who have been deliberately trained to be unthinking, unfeeling, self-serving, and practically dysfunctional? No wonder corporations seek out highly-interested, much more time-invested, human crested, and better-cultured foreign workers over American employees. Come what may, even if society recovers, and manages to graduate a better class of human cadets, of what avail if our reconstruction does nothing to correct poorly-conceived and weakly-structured programs embedded within the dilapidated walls of long-battered wayward institutions? From what cohort of delinquents sentenced to reformatory school, followed by prison incarceration, shall arise a new generation of more freedom-fit, freshly-released survivors?

Just as the coming of the European settlers pushed out the Eastern forest dwellers, brought low the mounds of the Great Plains Indians, and drained the cultures of the Colorado tribes, so now the patriotic heritage of American democracy shall fall. People who arrive as immigrants today – carrying that same arrogant and incorrigible tone – now boast “This is my land; it belongs to me. Step aside all you who came here before me or were native from centuries past”. “If I can ‘dream’ it”, they will say, “then it is all mine by right” — no matter who currently occupies the country. I wonder, post the advent of a World War III, will the survivors or descendants of man casually stroll across the barren radioactive wastelands struggling against his illegal and truly alien brother for possession of its poisonous shrubs and neutralized resources? What are the vagrancy costs on cemetery lots?

As I walk in tinder across the dusty shavings of extremely-thin kindling, I await the strike of late arrivals with their variously-colored matches in burning touch of their imported hatreds. I am reconciled to the fate of life’s gameplay … that it does not have a fastball learning-curve … for achieving justice in America. At the construction site, Hispanics, illegal or otherwise, now take most of the jobs that some citizens have held for generations. At the courthouse and the DMV, free passes are given out to non-citizens for driver’s licenses and other once-exclusively domestic special rights equivalent to citizenship. At the schools, cultural indulgences, language privileges, free lunches, and extended social services are made available for those newcomers guilty of hating American natives, blacks, whites, non-Muslims, and Jews, and all else who stand in their way. Come election day, what a challenge has it become to see non-citizens non-voting! Before Social Security and Medicare or any other community allowance were instituted, every possible government leniency, sacrament, and amenity should have been afforded to the Native American Indians, given their priority of origin and place-holding. Yet I must still contribute on my own in support of facilities and supplies for the Lakota tribe — making sure they are clothed for winter, have enough to eat, and the children prepared for school. It was bad enough that the early Spanish, French, and English settlers stole the land from them, took away their tribal dignity, their health through disease, their natural means of support, we thereupon put them last on our list for graduation and training, sustaining, and acclimatizing them for the future. Here now, never learned, at the park or outside the Home Depot, aging veterans stir from their drug-addled state or drunken stupor to dumpster-dive for their next meal or comfort-blanket … of their never socially-afforded blessings.

Roundabout the time of the Olympics again and, not surprisingly, not a single elite cries out against the ‘inequity’ of favored nations taking the bulk of the awarded medals. Throughout much of the 20th Century, the United States alone took home between 15 and 20% of all medals, of the nearly 1000 — that being a number constantly changing by number of sporting events listed, individual sporting activities within each event, team participation, ties, and so forth (Myre, 2021). Together with the U. S., Russia and its Soviet Union states, the two Germanies, and late in the century, China, swept most of the gold medals. No one has ever protested that China and those rich Western nations give back their medals in the name of ‘equity and affirmative action’ — seeing they are also ‘privileged’ by international station and by dint of possessing the suitable equipment, the training facilities, and the financial support, i.e., the boats, pools, courts, gyms, weights, etc. that less-favored nations in the Third World cannot possess or afford to maintain. In more recent times (the 2024 Paris Olympic games), nations such as France and Great Britain have greatly increased their share, mostly as a result of greed than a concern for equity, by allowing unfettered immigration into their countries. Time is quickly approaching when the announced competitors from Ireland or Sweden, for example, won’t be “allowed” to have red or blond hair, those children having been “passed over” for scholarships passed out to much darker-skinned athletes from Nigeria or elsewhere beneath the Northern Hemisphere (Donlon, 2024). Undisturbed, at the same time, these same nations are ‘immigrating in’ more social unrest, racial protests, and splits in their cultural teamwork.

All of this will only end when the real machines take over — becoming the peerless managers and stainless dream-holders — the job providers and muleskinners of every (inhuman) endeavor. Then the abusive power of the Wall Street bankers, the haul of tarnished gold bars stolen from the ship of government treasury, and the motions of the lying press with their army in tow of overtaken freeborn slaves with leg-irons … shall finally be redeployed. By desperation dispersion, children formally raised under Roman legions and in the cradle-warranty of death, shall only find like rebirth in the aftermath of the crucified.

The collection lives. Society breathes in with effluence the bio-emissions of life. When upon being caught in the licentiousness of the less-than-purified and in the bruised ego of the contaminated composite, a reaction of defcon status is inaugurated. As a means of unlikely response, the assault will take the form of official sponsorship, although issued nicely, without any personal resentment; so when delivered on target, creates impersonal ends.

Factors which help to defer or extend the cultural extinction of society … these have already been enumerated in discussions past. Given a highly centralized and weaponized bureaucracy, with its many god-like Vishnu limbs, there is the misconception of having indwelt a handy drawn-out stability during times of crisis. Marching alongside in military step and inferred mesh collusion are numerous corporations, contracting and dragging their many john-crates of wealth-creating capitalism, in extradition of valuable imports and exports, pending total mineral extraction, assembly-line slavery production, the logistics of infrastructure, and the supervised information system of satellite connections. Previous bonds in provision of social services, churches and schools, charities and philanthropic/missionary foundations have mostly been abandoned, taking with them the workings of common (ethical) harmony and inherent ethnic closeness (proximity). Whatever intricacies and inconsistencies of system survival that once established our strengths and weaknesses … dissipate … having Left ourselves very little hope of (Christian) appeal — since cursing God, our Justice, and repudiating our neighborly chance of international assistance. Just as those we neglected in concentration and mass-buried in wartime, feeling little need of encamped salvation for the starving children of the spiritually misled, the wasted tentacles of a severed Godless mankind — that being the endangered species — not animals, the environment, or earthen ecology: giving us no intermission of spoiled plot for the resuscitation of our late humanity. We are all Trumps (chumps), whom Biden gave to rancid cities like New York and Washington, to illegality and lawfare, knowing their jury-finding by racially-biased citizens would convict, and make us convicted felons for life.

As always, from a philosophical perspective, belief precedes believing. No one who does not believe in the “right to believe” need (in truth) to accept this proposition. In order to believe, one must initially discover ‘belief’ as a preliminary requirement, which then establishes the subsequent ‘right to believe’. And who has bequeathed us this ‘right’? Imperfect beings cannot construct a perfect world, let alone conceive in mind … that which is thought Absolute.

THE 99% RULE [or 1% (virtue-all) rest]

Ofttimes I have recited and reformed a lesson, spilling far less blood by cause of failed compatibility, and surrendering self and time for only minute incisions of future suffering, that would otherwise inflict, in full flogging, a definitive scarring afterward. In life, you have no real family and friends, only blood-kin and acquaintances. When I was young and naïve, I really worried about this, about acquiring friendship and respect, to the extent that anyone gave notice. As I got much older, I proceeded not to give much of a damn in return, or at length not to care so deeply. And knowing this, reconciling a simile of human being, I stalled at life – a defeated wisdom perhaps becoming safer in solo. But I must still react to others at some times with resolve. When I confronted a neighbor whose dog he allowed to defecate all over my yard, he merely stared back at with me with astonishment, in a kind of feigned ignorance and fostered indifference, as if saying, “what’s the problem?” It is thus to be sadly presumed, as coming as a result of many more interactions, that 99% of the people you are ever going to meet in this world are not worth knowing – mainly because they are selfish and cruel, and just waiting for the opportunity to impart their contrariness and dislike, to drop on you their problems and defecations; to steal from you, to threaten you with the lethality of backstabbing, literally and deliberately. Relaxing the 99% rule by the more wanted affection of intimate relationships, I then learned a more heart-breaking lesson: everything condemning toward society must apply twice over (Biblical theft rule) against the opposite sex, only with greater fervor moreover in the falling out. Parsing the ‘few’, who do on most occasions may seem to show concern or affection, they are only pretending to care. The remaining actively despise you outright, and await only the stealth and opportunity to gladly evict you from their lives, to dispose of you and claim whatever inheritance therefrom. Think of this, next time, all you who claim propitious faith in your ‘fellow man’, who declare with such vigor and open support for the sanctity of DEI – having naively made friends from another home range … with those who have been taught since exclusionary childhood to hate all not in good standing of their false ‘race’ and, furthermore, deriding and declining their present company of self-serving politics.

Two middle-aged white men are sitting at an outdoor restaurant table having lunch, which they have been doing regularly since becoming business associates and, later, modest friends. In the pause of conversation, the first man makes mention of an article he read in the local paper (2016) and confirmed online that the birthrate of non-white parents has now exceeded (in the collective) the birthrate of American-born white parents. Beyond this passing reaction, nothing more was said on the topic. A week later, before the second man had arrived per their usual schedule, another (mutually-known) business associate (this one black) casually walks over and confronts the (first) white man sitting there, saying, “I heard you said something racist about black people last week”. The (first) white man, somewhat stunned, responded, “I don’t know what you’re talking about”. Then the black man recounted his conversation with the (second) white man about the 2016 article, the uncontrolled and exploding birthrates of blacks and other minorities, inferring that they must be breeding like rabbits, and so are taking over the country. After trying to deflect his concerns and accusations, the two men passively settled on the issue and parted. When the second white man finally arrived moments later, the first man promptly scolded him for (1) relaying their private conversations to a comparative stranger, and (2) exaggerating and misrepresenting what they were actually talking about. Blushingly, the second man apologized, begging that whatever he said to their mutual acquaintance about birthrates must have been misinterpreted or taken out of context.

The “white race”, to the extent that such exists, is the only membership which gives other races permission to discriminate against them, and incidentally to brand their entire race as evil (CRT). It is the only ethnic group which allows others to ‘degrade’ them conversationally and litigiously. Only the white man (in particular disgust) must be judged guilty merely for growing up to think what he (rightfully) thinks, for what he feels or suspects, for what he tries to do, for what he morally abides, or who he loves most dearly. He is taken to task for merely how he looks at someone else appreciatively or, conversely, how he looks to someone else outwardly (i.e., a whitey or just another ‘cracker’). He must apologize for how he talks, how he dresses and awkwardly dances; for what movies, music, and books he enjoys. Enter now an appraisal of the other (second) white man’s bonehead actions. By talking off the cuff … or unthinkingly … to someone apparently already of a suspicious nature and perhaps of a highly sensitive prejudging personality (the black man), he supplied him with the explosive grist to strike out on racial grounds over what most probably was a simple misunderstanding. By being stupid, he gave spark to the listener’s own powder keg of antagonistic prejudice. Never give matches to a child, or pour gasoline on an already lit charcoal fire. What the second white man did and said, in other words, wasn’t just mindlessly inconsiderate – irrespective of the target audience – it gave evocative social complaint to other unthinking members of this highly race-conscious, DEI infiltrated, CRT-indoctrinated kindergarten of a world. By being stupid, in essence, he became a traitor to his ‘race’ and to his ‘humanity’ — in a similar treasonous way that a white woman might spit on, denigrate, or scorn her close (from teenage on) white boyfriend in order to vengeance-date, coddle, and have unsafe sex with a black comparative stranger, expecting this black stranger to be more considerate, if not more gratified of this once-upon-a-time novelty. She, like him (the second man) is a traitor to her biological makeup, to the dignity of her family origins and future generations, and to the blessed gifts of divine providence. Her ignorance was symbolized in a television car commercial detailing a blond-haired white woman’s apparent love and tryst with a black man, but her car license plate carried the (abbreviated) notation of “Goldilocks” (praising herself). Does anyone understand genetics and the basic scientific laws of cause and effect? Extra-extra! Ignorance and social indemnity aside, there is yet little thought-bearing for the conventions of that woman, having left her white boyfriend (above), exhibiting any caring whatsoever — whether she has (had) any preference in her venge-driven mind of that black stranger being a man or a woman, boy or girl, a sheep, or a truly ‘dark horse’.

Again, it bears repeating, another sampled proof. Poll-test the reactions of those Americans who take pride in always voting Democrat or Republican, who flatter themselves on their voting sagacity and discernment — having never attended a single rally or seriously researched their idolized candidate, certified his (shared) loyalty with policy adherence, or verified his performance and conformity to financial and personal integrity (though declarative of a 99% arrogant boast). 99% of your own personal value system, which you vainly hold so dear — owing to a conscious input of rationality and reason, you think — wisely devised, ordained, and inset over time; rather derived from an oppressive and subversive environment, coming mostly as a result of garbage landfill inhalation and mesothelioma contraction — and the imbibing of other scientific theories and developments. How naïve, therefore, it was to believe that I could wrangle a world away from its walled-in asbestos dreams.

Meanwhile, the Media is always a predator in life in search of injured prey. Artificial differences incite superficial arguments where no truth or understanding is ever decided, nor any agreement on future deliberations platformed. In the oratorical saving of America, 99% of what is announced for its curative powers … is frittered away in a litany of 1% talking points and discourteous finger-pointing. No one is ever berated for telling a lie; no one is ever punished for their decades-long conspiracies, just as no one in government is ever charged with grievous administration error (while in process) or with constitutional treason (determined afterward). Because the controversy is the ‘thing’: what makes the show work, and also pays their salaries. [“We are really great friends with the opposition behind the scenes.”] Talk show hosts who have been on the air for decades never provide a single-lifeguarding technique for keeping the country safe from drowning, or medicinally order any surgical healing, suturing, dressing and casting of the Law — in the case of suffering accident. They have no interest in therapeutically treating anyone or solving any political problem, for that would end their lucrative careers – of stirring the base in a constant brew of heated temper and simmering patriotism. As part of the rally-promoters’ secondary insurance, saboteurs are paid to cut the brake lines, planners and designers next set the course in a rain storm down a rubble terrain just right for instigating a fully-drenching mudslide. It should be in the interest of diplomatic drivers to forget the refrain about “killing the messenger”. Better to kill the message now before the messenger kills you.

Dare estimate to say, who is more disappointed in whom — myself in the world for forswearing its own sense of wisdom, giving voice to whatever comes out of its mouth accidentally; or the world in myself for betraying my own goodness, and not heeding the remonstrating Word? Both of us have just cause; neither of us view the other with head above water – a faith held high above the swamp in purified air exaltation. Our exaggerated bouts of shame and thwarted skittishness forever prohibit any relationship possessive of earnest deed, mutual respect, and justifiable trust.

Sometime during this (20th) century, the world began to die a quiet, deserved, and all but welcomed death. Sometime during the 1940s and 1950s the country sought to pursue labor over love; it sought domicile in a habit and comfort in a habitat of having; preached the acquiring of personal fortunes over the acquiring of personal relationships. The governmental-academic Babel – the skyscraper of shaky education – thought to grow us by building career instead of assembling human character. Meanwhile, at a point when the entire globe was drawing physically closer, the cliques of heritage heretics rose up to disband modern coexistence by the evangelism of ancient racist archaeology. Presently, every upstart dictator takes advantage of the resultant chaos and incited confusion to seek absolute power. Hearing now in this late hour, the sound of my own funeral knell, it is only right that two such antipathetic creations should go out together.


Flinted on less than human origins,

borrowing blue chalk from along the shingle trace

by act of tradesman license apportioned …

well-meaning to feel the blind buzz-saw in hand

rev and spurt and go offline:

unwilling to brush aside life’s true and wrongful cut.

Upon whose lonesome dream escape

near ocean city boardwalk — become buffeted by surrey knolls

or stuck soft-strapped in dry moats of castle sands — catch

tourist wolves – sounding deep their hollows unaware.

Long is the gate and crooked the way

thereto salvation …

for the few that find it:

unable to stave rejection – 

it being said, being worth the currier challenge,

while holding loosely its blurry passport stamp.

My mind is closing … still ….

Still I am moved by the salt of the covenant of your God

to stand upright …

to permit in chiseled harvesting of tender breastplate

what sanctions a damaged spine

and brings decommissioning of embrace;

sand even the uneven, pull taut the fully bowed in faith:

until so scraped, highly-singed, and lowly scored,

might slay blood sacrifice into oblation …

render sad prostitute her hallow love.

Frail is the touch of His Spirit that once has made us holy … and age replete. Frail is the heart and mind that disenchants its own dreams … while whisking away love’s guiding hand. At the Community Senior Living Center where I have been residing (imprisoned) for the past five years, the many long, cold, and dreary days of late fall and winter are belayed by the dreams of coming spring and the vacation season of summer. Yet, when the warm days finally arrive, the pleasure visions of travel, which I can no longer afford to take to a great distance anyway, are stymied by numerous dry days in the high 90s, halting humidity, and a heat index of over 100 degrees. It is then that the Center’s administration cuts back energy and powers down the air conditioning on residents, many of whom are disabled, and not all that outgoing in any event, but now become restricted to their studio apartments and grossly dependent on their own individual, shuddering one-room claptrap of an A/C unit. The fourth-floor apartment dweller might astutely turn on the system to its lowest reading level (61) in the morning, thinking that by day’s end, after such a long period of bothersome operation, she can finally shut off the noisy contraption at bedtime and enjoy a nice, quiet, and coolly comfortable night’s sleep. Quite the contrary, by 10 or 11 o’clock that night, she has only managed to reduce the room temperature to roundabout 72 degrees (as judged by an independent thermometer), despite the hours running — which may yet seem conducive enough for adequate perspiration-free repose especially after a late evening cold shower — until you remember that this is an apartment complex, wherein, heat rises; which has a flat black-tar roof and side brick-wall that has been baking in the straight sunlight for more than twelve hours. Within an hour or so, the room is already in the mid-80s and going up; so she can forget lying down in furtherance of a toss-less, unflustered sleep. On many days, when venturing to step outside their apartments into the hallways and into the stairwells, the residents feel as though they are walking outside already. Summer passes, then, as though in winter-like apartment hibernation. Without question, a long, hot dry spell can tax even a modern A/C system, but the power downturn takes effect on the first halfway-hot day of summer, affecting the apartments, the dining room, (of little benefit) the fitness room, the laundry room, and other convenient meeting places. Until, of course, on Visitor’s Day or on some party gathering of special events like the 4th of July. At any other time, the residents’ complaints about the temperature and the weather would be passed off like the many health grumblings of the aged; having no confirmation of family experiencing it themselves. You can bet on those special days, the halls, the stairs, and the apartments will be abundantly freezing; otherwise, families might catch on that their parents or grandparents are enduring stoically in an existence life not much removed or indifferent to sweltering in a sauna. On holidays, the staff and working maintenance would also be omnipresent and most helpful to answer any questions and satisfy any concerns.

Contrarily, most problems related to apartment repair may drag on unsettled, literally, for years. Unlike commercial apartments where the renters must pay for their own electricity use, their heating or oil, and their facility upkeep, low-income senior apartments receive much of their funding through grants from Housing and Urban Development (HUD). There is little incentive for the Center’s staff, workers, or management to keep the facility smart, clean, or in necessarily good working order. Once a year, a HUD inspector comes out to inspect approximately a dozen randomly-selected apartments, which is less than 10%, in order to maintain the facility’s “quality” certification rating. Given prior notice, no inspector will probably ever witness the faults and deprivations of dwellings (in sparing of any studio apartment) – having only one window which can’t usually be opened, of hard water that is seldom tested and high in calcium and not whole-house filtrated, having bathroom bowls which can’t be reliably flushed, nor discovering septic pipe lines leaking overhead on surprised stairway travelers. Besides these amenities, the studio apartments have no curtains, no bathroom towel rack or kitchen wash, no dish drain or waste receptacle, and very little sitting or bed room. Worse still for the elderly, they are fitted out to be void of a medicine cabinet, virtually no closet space or chest for blankets or keepsakes, not even such superficial luxuries as a soap dish, a cup-holder, or a toothbrush stand — although HUD is purportedly contributing more than $1000 per month on top of the occupant’s own portion (one-third to one-half share), plus paying for his highly-limited basic television and intermittently-working internet, if any resident can afford such extras. These aren’t ‘efficiency’ apartments; they are ‘deficiency’ apartments by design and implementation of non-existent service. It doesn’t take an accountant or a financial expert to acquire audit sense that — whatever doesn’t get applied at HUD expense (e.g., electricity), gets repaired (e.g., lights, windows, and pipes), or gets projected toward always-promised future community life improvement, goes to line the pockets of administration or to enhance upper management’s six figure salaries. In this way, the Senior Living Center has become just another agency within HUD, assuming a similar demeanor, in parallel bureaucratic framing, and creating a comely interest (self)-preserve. It screams also like a suggested metaphor for any government department: twisting and subverting the budgetary funds into a Treasury stipend for cozy nesting of their own embedded, extravagant lifestyles.

It doesn’t take a genius either to know that the Senior Center, like all government institutions, can disrupt your personal life at will and expel you from the premises at any moment: vis-à-vis by withholding your personal urgent mail, cutting supporting services by not complying to notices and not conforming to building rules and regulations; by charging “we never received your monthly rent (increase) back when or on time”, or holding you in ‘dementia’ — a common fear among residents always trying to avoid expulsion or placement in a nursing home or hospice. After more than five years, everything is a “used-to-be”. Everyone I used to know is gone now. Everything I used to love is lost and unremembered. Must I now share with the Lord this final vanity, and make payment on plots of Earth that used-to-be? With this prospectus on the 99% rule, how shall it ever be possible to dispute Christ’s proclamation of “strait is the gate, and narrow is the way … and few there be that find it”? (Matthew 7:14) By the tally of the eternal bookkeeper, therefore, how great is the number of travelers searching, or having stumbled upon the path, fell flat their failure of achieving ultimate rising faith, to expand the rider’s pneumatic flow? Wherefore, also, all those who you loved and respected and bent down in honor for, were merely hell-bent on destroying your life … as would be taken exactly to that place they most desired to present unto you (their own Hell).

Right thought, wrong analogy, as referred to Sunday Schools (like going to a great opera wearing earplugs). God’s greatest gifts … His peace and joy … come only when we do not try to limit Him to a finite set of dogmas or traditions. Rather, for you, it shall be spoken as though going to a 180-degree cinema playhouse with blinders on. Along with the joy, there is much work and regulation in keeping with the straight and narrow. How else is the straight and narrow to be, but bound by righteous living and tight rules? Freedom should be like goodness: in a limited vein. We (the aged) are, after all, what they wanted more but prepared for less. How many times have you travelled down the street and passed by a single crooked man, a homeless veteran, a lost vagabond, … and for-giving nothing, gave nothing … when just one drink, one blanket, one cotted night of rest, one word of solemn comfort, might have ameliorated his struggles, lessened his suffering, and thereby incurred a blessing on him and yourself? But you did nothing. So be it; nothing shall be added unto you, no claim partaken on your behalf from the Lord’s passel of courted favors.

Take solace in the deflation of how Lot’s strangers must have felt — being sent as God’s messengers to warn the city (the world) of the coming conflagration (Armageddon); but after a search of some duration, found not even 10 (which is far less the 1%) befitting the bill to bring out in convoked settlement and holy communion from the doomed earth. Therefore, the 99% (Evil) would have to suffer the consequences of their appointed condemnation that the 1% (Good) could have spared them. The fate of Sodom is likewise not just some social token, it is a personal parable of dire warning … insofar as it may signal the institution of our own leap day over execution punishment, whereby the self is spared daily and temporarily the designated (intended) consequences of every sinful act.


Cohn, D. (2016, June 23). It’s official: minority babies are the majority among the nation’s infants, but only just.
Retrieved from www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2016/06/23/its-official-minority-babies-are-the-majority-among-the-nations-infants-but-only-just/

Donlon, M. (2024, August 5). Rhasidat Adeleke praises ‘amazing’ Irish support in Paris after 400m heat win.
Retrieved from www.extra.ie/2024/08/05/sport/sport-extra/rhasidat-adeleke-olympics-400m

Myre, G. (2021, July 28). How the Olympic medal table explains the world.
Retrieved from www.npr.org/tokyo-olympics-live-updates/2021/07/28/1020780003/how-the-olympic-medal-table-explains-the-world

Yang, M. (2022, December 21). Amount of fentanyl seized in US this year ‘enough to kill every American’.
Retrieved from www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/dec/21/us-fentanyl-seized-2022-enough-to-kill-every-american

Walter Boswell
Walter Boswell
Retired professor of accounting, Dr. Walter Boswell, has written on various topics for more than 50 years including logic, behavioral science, and philosophical literature. Currently he is engaged in protecting children from sexual perversion and grooming in schools and working to bringing back conservative principles to society.


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