A Party To Pathetic Running – Part 2





Do not condemn them – your neighbors. This might well be their paradise. Remember, forgiveness gravitates toward the mourners in this world … the mourners and the wayfarers. Only they feel there must be more – than just idol self, and more akin than engineering idle changeover. Only they burden themselves from tiny creature onward, fearful of every single drop of rain harshly drumming upon their sensitive cocoon. Forlorn the shower of rougher downpours to come, postponing the flight of true Monarch transition. Into a world of convoluted wings and intertangled antennae, the butterfly net is sure to fall.


After battling for more than a month trying to salvage my healthcare without simultaneously losing a great portion of needed Social Security and any substantial chance of housing, I began to despair in great accord with what people decry as the futility of ‘battling against the wind’. Critics might say, “what do you expect; you’re fighting against a huge bureaucratic system: arranged by design to be unsympathetic and grossly inefficient, precarious and somewhat pernicious, finicky and uncaring and irreparably disjointed?” Nonetheless, it is more than just the impersonal nature and the ‘wall’ of cretin culture that upholds it, the life-appointed officials and affirmative-action staff stuffing its overweight roster; its unreasonable rigidness that must be obeyed, it’s its relentless nature of caustic rule and punitive enforcement — unless of course it suits the administrators of the Deep State not to comply. Upon visiting a local branch and trying to explain the urgency of my personal situation, the Social Service workers would just smile or chuckle, perhaps thinking, this guy must consider himself someone special or is seriously misinformed or just unsound. Nothing they said or offered by way of suggestion was of any help. Back at home, and trying to reach an agent in Baltimore, numerous conversations were spent (lost), drudging through hours – broken only by simulated elevator music, pursuant to a succession of persons with even sterner attitude. Next, it revolves back to square one, and a barely intelligible person with a grumbling voice saying with words to the effect, “You’re not listening to me — is that your Social Security number or your Medicare number?” And it was not at all unexpected, or of a slap-facing painful revelation, that the agent I was talking to was not suffused with pertinent knowledge or personalized with employment concern, being bereft of any accent of an English-speaking nature: in foreign being, still homely-gifted, and acutely resentful of any individual American-born (naturally) and/or from birth domiciled in this country.

 All American governments, when analyzed operationally, present themselves as no more than welfare states at their core … they being held in state (post mortem) to the institutional funerary celebration of a public bureaucracy. Merely dressing the part of beneficiary workers, they likewise give only lip service to their honorary positions, where very little actual work is done, but which still translates into greater-than-average commercial pay, and an even greater status-per-mile of sweat effort in the lifetime marathon travel allowance of rewarded federal benefits. Behind its protectorate walls, racial, sexual, and other forms of discrimination are not only tolerated, they are fomented and embraced. “Customer service” is by definition an oxymoron of mis-directed origin and ‘work order’, now lost in shipment. The ordinary customer (citizen) has no ‘appeal’, subject-wise, to the dispatcher, and even less (avenue of) appeal to the slavishly hierarchal line. The plethora of packagers and handlers … domestic, foreign, or barely legal … guarantee an intentional mission and process installment that will be biased against the contortions of the ‘lowly’-bound, be that particularly irritating and irreverent to the poor, rural-born, white, cisgender, and strongly liberal-disliked in joyous preference for the minority, the resident alien, and any alliance member of LGBTQ+.

Wherever ‘program’ support is concerned at the upper administration level, the path is to magnify the progressive march through plowed hilly terrain and without the harrowing of comfort relief. Its self-ennobling end-game is to dramatize, in system miniature, inherent worker differences and the greediness of incessant pay and program raises during the annual legislative budget fight. When it comes to efficiently handling any department’s program’s usage and intended distribution of resources, for example, as befitting children’s education, these federal and state agencies are more concerned with using the power of the purse to establish a permanent lifestyle for the unionized and the tenured. More calculatedly and less affordably, the aim is to set a predetermined liberal agenda on universities, colleges, and public schools, thereby making ‘compulsory education’ a redundancy of structure and in practice more a technical matter of compelling them to conform to the government’s own self-provocation of over-appraised market value and under-principled morality. With scant sense of irony, causes related to socialism, communism, and fascism are bolstered over conventional capitalism and democracy or honoring the American way (Roche, 1994). What nation, except a communist one, allows its educational system to replace its natural heritage and forefather founding of invested generational trust, with its own state-enforced, loyalty-mandated, revised ‘patriotic’ history? Where else, but in a Nazi Germany, a Stalinist Russia, or a Mao Tse-tung China, would there be allowed cultural and religious denigration — blindsided (hind-slighted) by components of the racist-inequity doctrine, leaving their progeny gasping for dignity, and all-but morale-paralyzed; furthermore, without a voice for complaint out of fear of arrest for insurrection? Shall the youth of America ever rise up for their own sakes, much more find the gumption and moral backbone (like the WWII generation) to free the oppressed, to uplift the downtrodden peoples across the globe? Whenever a society reaches a point that the truth, past or present, cannot be openly spoken and reviewed, then it has lost its credibility as a people, and sent its spiritual soul into purgatory decline. Then vulgarity, chaos, and devastation will soon follow, in the wake of its wildly-barbaric culture and its honey-stealing bearing for grizzly attraction.

Has it not been frequently warned, ‘those who consort with the Devil, become his bitches – breeding children of demon Evil’? Are there any dutiful practitioners of government left; which equates to the question, are they any sincere ministers, scientists, executives, layman and professionals left? How many urban beatdowns can the young withstand and still grow up sane, beaming to stand righteously on a hill and shine, still believing in the advantages of democracy and in the capacity of individuals to work together for the common good? Each (aware) child now questions the true fairness of a government that persecutes political opponents, a mass media caught in massive lies, the high courts overtly judging by the lowly double standard. They no longer trust their internet sources, their elected representatives, nor especially the intelligence agencies … who are constantly caught spying on them, threatening their friends and family members to become their agent-informers. From an obverse argument, can a government spy who cannot be faithful in his marriage — be thought ever devoted to his job or with fidelity to his country? Remorse and repentance, we accept as Christians, but only when accompanied with spiritual regret and material restitution. Hence, cast not your Grace (either) before swine. So much for adulterers and for less-than-honorable representatives and senators who legislate on promiscuous grounds of duplicitousness and in wicked beds of covered savings and shanked by hedonistic loan withdrawals, all according to the government playbook on prerequisite stealthy lying, in venue of crossed-over cemetery burial plots. Come next election day, they who vote for crooked politicians and who abet (abed) the favors of hooker pimps shall pay the sadist price of their chamber masters. They who raise banners of support for impropriety and devious child education shall take locked training sessions in their own chain-posted concentration camps. They who vote for self-interests shall discover all interests wind-blown in a gale of lost self. As has been memorialized many times before, you get what you pay for; Americans deserve the political riff-raff that they vote for, taken in ballot harvesting of the sticky and the ill-informed. And the Heavens shall give reign to those of teary downpours — for to gather in pale — all your sickly longings. It is well-earned, therefore, that grown (groaning) teenagers remember the lessons well-yearned of their forefathers, now spoken against ascetically by the resentfulness of their God-less parents.

While others heed the messages of Biblical reform and chant the proud, metaphorical verses of “America, come home”, what would it take to truly bring America back home again? What would it take for America to stand up for justice once more among the nations? What would it take for Americans to call sin ‘sin’ again and ‘goodness’ a Good thing? What would it take for Americans to form a prosperous country deserving of a better future? I wonder, what would it take for Americans to let raise their own children with beholding, to let raise an alarm allowance by government that taxes cautiously and sparingly; instructing both creation and operational requirement with fair-mindedness and a heart sensitive to human need. What would it take to bring families back together again? What would it take for neighbor to love neighbor once more. What would it take for Americans to come home again — if not to a home measured in peace? War! Famine! A blight upon your crops and a plague upon your houses? Riots! Chaos! Replete with genocide and utter social breakdown? The blood of your fellows flowing in the streets, your children’s heads dashed against the walls? For some, these words of dread and frightful accommodation are merely a sidebar … an eyesore next to a beckoned blood-drenched battlefield: a wasteland prescription for the biological demise of accorded liberties and the spilt savoring of assorted vanities. For others, they are in bequeathal of a welcomed gift … the keys to a new kingdom.

Though a liberal provenance would declare: ‘a tolerant society is better than a retributive one’, it is not by this self-serving hypocrisy that America will be preserved from judgement and condemnation. We spot in fate why Jesus did not speak out against the Romans and the other externally oppressive dominions and injustices of His day and time. He had in mind to transform a people and to transfigure a theology — being they who were entrenched in ideological captivity and buried in a single earthen dugout. Displaced is the shelter for any storehouse means … taken crib in Ancient Rome reside.


Along the major roadway heading into an incorporated city, a contractor was hired by the municipal government for some sewer work. On both sides, the curbs of sidewalks were torn up and the metal bracing and concrete blocks left exposed, creating two great holes in the traverse for pedestrians. Then, upon some unannounced date, the work halted. All this didn’t transpire over a period of just a few days or even weeks, but over numerous months in full work stoppage and apparent neglect, in continual ill-repair and coverup. The winter rains began to deteriorate what remained of the stone-filled base and grounds. Even the orange cones and the strapping of yellow tape (meant to keep passerbys some distance away) eventually were washed into the chasm. With little available pedestrian blocks to maintain stability, and a steep slope on the outer rim, walkers began to detour by way of the roadway itself, taking their lives into their own hands. Imagine if this had been a private contractor working for a commercial enterprise what had left ‘open’ literally this great excavation of public endangerment (for kids and taxpaying citizens to fall in). They would probably be sued angrily and expeditiously at the first drop of a hat — or some child befallen by an accidental slip and claimed by its six-foot depths. Ah, but you can’t sue governments for the most part, not even in cases of negligence and obvious public disregard. And even if you could, most states and local governments and particularly the federal government have unlimited funds for expunging legal lawsuits and defraying their punishment and detriment costs. They — the administration and the administrators themselves — don’t have to pay out-of-pocket charges — the taxpaying public does. Ergo as I wrote many years ago and subsequently published in the article “Holding Government Righteous” and in other sites, at some point during lawsuits for which management is clearly at fault, these officials, whether selected, appointed, or hired, must be held personally responsible for their own actions of malfeasance. After all, America is not a monarchy with its ruling elite claiming the right of kings (eminent domain) over their petty serfs. America is in loan of a constitutional democracy, and having an American constituency of people as its presumptive owners, with officials as their vicarious republican representatives. Since the 2005 Supreme Court decision unraveling what should be a narrow use of eminent domain, many independent states have delimited government’s right to seize property by simply claiming an autocratic municipal need or purely by devising a reformed public use with a higher billing of urban assessment (Cornell Law School, 2022).

The mole of the Deep State pokes its mangy head from out of the pot-hole again. Why are all these indictments against former President Trump or any of the government’s political opposition mostly coming out of three locations, all about 90% (liberal) Democratic and 100% dishonest and disreputable — forcing, in this case, the former President to run the gambit of executioners up and down the East Coast, lest he be tracked down and hanged like an escaping antebellum slave? Why have some right-wing political candidates dropped out or declined to run this time around, or refrained from participating in what must be for America a rebranding? They all know the system is rigged. Therefore, all (who are Left) must be discretely involved, befouled, and supportively treasonous. Forget about testicles; I just wish some of these politicians had a brain. Tear at her, you forever enemies … for being such a respected hypocrite. “Republicans are all bad; Democrats are all good”. If we are deplorable, then what level of despicability are they? Less than deplorable; beneath our contempt? Purely parties of pathetic running, with rarely an accurate signifying of special-needs notification stamped across their foreheads. Displacers of stout vision with collapsible telescoping lies; never vowing, if elected, to fire all those who fail in their duties or in matters to get things done … ordered rounded up, roped like maverick calves … including themselves.

Dictators and tyrants have we always, even in America, masochistically dedicated to the strangling of the poor, to the stealing of wealth from the earth and the health from anyone who opposes them, all that by way of eroding the historic educational foundations of society. With the arsonist’s determination to burn every good thing they abjure or in reprisal for what does not belong to them, they infiltrate and corrupt the legal enforcement systems, mire the legislative process with lobbying, pork-barreling, and deal-swapping, affix and stack the courts with their own ‘appointed’ judges and jurors. Whenever possible, they revel in the closing of churches and religious institutions — in dread that something else (more honorable) aside from government is seen as the basis of life’s ultimate authority; and having at heart only the interest of molding and (de)forming their own utilitarian workers and captured citizens. Regions of America which were once settled for the purpose of establishing a new order of religious freedom, whose people then set up universities of higher learning, sent forth missionaries, and established charity outreaches, have since set about giving away their souls to government rule, for clandestine grant funding, and for settlement of secular (profane) endowments. Today, the Government has become our God, or at least our pretense of a god in the form of a Caesar, with the power of property control and takeover (whether or not eminent domain), over our speech and other modes of expression, over our healthcare, and over commercial licensing and any other permission to act. Greedy presidents and their ruthless cabinets regularly exercise obscene domination over their federal agencies, creating a crucible of terror for their opponents and for those inside the mob who do not support them. Acting in coordination with Central Intelligence, the Military, and the Media cabal, they muffle or derail departmental and employee intent for the sincere performance of their rightful duties, create avenues of internal corruption for the spider web of the Deep State to restrain whistleblowers and curtail honest in-house investigation. They co-opt the resources of budgets for their own nefarious purposes, thereby squeezing dry the proper distribution of funds to deserving citizens; or, contrarily, dispense support to illicitly feed, clothe, house, and educate unsightly hordes of the population, like illegals, prisoners, and deadbeats, having no real entitlement to such benefaction. With directed disguise, once vigilant and autonomous agencies of science and bodies of technology like the CDC have been hijacked and their discoveries/rulings made prisoner to serve the terrorist powers of the pharmaceutical, environmental, and scientific-industrial complex. Using broadcasting oversight and other instruments of intimidation, they bully the social media and the internet world, targeting the freedom-lovers of society whom they call radicals and misfits (Molloy, 2022). A hapless and ignorant populace soon falls sway to official extortion and brainwashing. From the hands of the bridled citizen are taken away the handlebars of medical control, entertainment, communication awareness, and political participation. Behind the seizure of the military, science, the medical and financial sectors, and such, is the severance of personal responsibility and the bitter intrigue of waning social connectedness and believability.

Conceptually, then, Simulation Theory is no myth; and government provides the network for Mad and Menacing people to create self-serving glitches in their egomaniacally-designed matrix. As an extension of the human psychology, government (federal or state) vainly strives, at all times and in all ways, to satisfy the needs of itself, even if that means killing and cannibalizing the lives of everyone around it. From its selfish, unlimited-confines perspective, every other external power must appear strange, offensive, and threatening. Never is this more easily seen as in science and technology: the Covid-19 epidemic, enforcement of global warming changes, and the push for A.I. Under wraps, Politics never keeps lone company … assuming effective and applied control over all communications, engineering, law, education, accounting, and business … forcing in totality a totalitarian lament for funeral procession, wearing their own flags as veils in facial cover-up of the massacre.

Soon realized, the tendency of government is to taunt and intimidate all who oppose the system — to keep others from becoming strong and challenging, in open castration of the remaining diehards who are made to appear publicly weak, indifferent, and silent. Nothing the government does behind the scene is actually available for review and reprimand. Even under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), very little is authorized that is not quarry deposed, highly predisposed, redacted, and barely legible to interpret and accessible for digest; or when finally and reluctantly released after a long, drawn-out show of foot-dragging, ever truly processed for all but amenable public consumption. Of that which is eventually made ‘suitable’ for public viewing, how does the submitting party know that this is ‘all’ that was formally requested or how much more relevant data and documentation was vacated or deliberately ‘misplaced’ or deleted? The government is ‘alone’ and ‘preeminent’ in this regard: it being seen as righteous caretaker, information organizer, archiver, storehouse maintainer, releaser, gate watchman, not to mention the only assurance the public has of true documents access and investigation upon grievous matters of legitimate request. The ultimate execution of system material and for the institution of penalties, if slated, come slaughtered at their festival point of lance control or ridden over by steeds in heavy protective armor.

Americans like to think of themselves as independent, free-thinking individuals, instinctively opposed to tyranny. They glare in abhorrence of commendable survival only under the behest of authoritarian duress. What government delivers beneficially by way of national defense, police and fire service, a unified commerce system, and such, it also restricts or delimits through excessive rules and tax/levy extraction, often enacted in defiance of civil rights and according to arbitrary discriminatory standards. Wrongly, it is prudent to repeat, what religionists and some philosophers over the centuries have generally ascribed as the most telling elements of social structure (for determining balance of power in society) — that being the great dialectical debate of good versus evil; and what sociologists and some political psychiatrists have alluded to as the learned (informed elite) versus the uneducated (ignorant and destitute) … in most instances, could be more basically explained, and in much simpler (evolutionary) terms, as the strong versus the weak. This concept is not decided by any sense of competitive contest: one nation against another, one social status against another, one ethnic race against another, not even necessarily by the economics of the rich withholding from the poor; rather in facilitation of bullying power, copying the animalistic tendencies within the primitive struggle for life to exist. As depicted in nature, on the battlefield, or on the social playground of adult sports, those of greater physical strength, mental aggressiveness, or just injury recovery, have always sought to dominate the more fearful, the less able, and the less enduring. Whatever success that might secondarily drift down upon the relatively weak and subordinate also had its efforts checked (or vetted) by feelings of temperance, humility, and uncertainty. Even the open market rules lend themselves to the intellectually quick-witted, insider connected, and the financially astute … conspiratorially or otherwise.

How shall government’s arbitrary and force-driven taxing capabilities, its lunging and slicing aptitude of fencing bureaucratic overreach, any different from the street crimes of assault and battery or the commercial sins of price gouging, usury, and extortion? After a devastating hurricane (many years ago down south), business con men and crooks started hawking a single block of ice for more than $10. For those who believe in the ‘law of supply and demand’, there should be an automatic cross-trimming on price control, where the market settles its own deficits and temporal shortfalls by reactions of reasonable accordance and cordial means. For those who believe no government is absolute, there must be safeguards holding tight the essentials of sacred human freedoms, with no relinquishing of life even at the level of ‘survival of the fittest’.

Are not both these beliefs (i.e., ‘Supply and Demand’ as well as ‘Survival of the Fittest’) merely self-ratifying episodes of tyrannical control? If you believe that the forces behind ‘supply and demand’ work in conjunction (contra-action) to bring equity of need and balance of satisfaction to all parties, then no price jump is too high, no excessive blundering is extreme, for, in the end, things will rectify themselves automatically in idles (toggles) of overages and shortages. Likewise, no matter to what extent evolutionary forces breed strange creatures or cruel manifestations, the staging must be to the benefit of ‘some’ environmental condition, need, or scheme – brought into nuptial visit or paid fornication, regardless the lack of any visible reproductive good. However, it is not always evident that the ‘fittest’ obtain survival via natural setting (like rugged stones made smooth by the abrasion of the churning waters) or by romantic exhaustion of some forced life-or-death greyhound race (like urgent antelopes made faster on the predator-filled plains of Africa); but rather, thinking of most survivors like availing cockroaches, whatever has finished in un-bargained strait or in exploitation of leftover cleanup is awarded the trophy of ‘winner’, despite the fitting of crown, and whatever the emanation struggles of the component elements.

There is but a single motto ingrained, and a singular guideline recognized, concerning Washington politics. A Democrat (or Republican) never does anything good for others, be that the public, lobbyists, capitalistic beggars (domestic or foreign), unless the sacrifice is borne by someone else and the money drawn from another’s account (budgetary trust); or would elsewise foretell some agreement taken, some cut partaken, or in promise of (imminent) campaign return. If it seems probable at any time, then the implication must be one of buying future loyalty (as in “The Godfather”: ‘and that time may never come’).


How easy, it would seem, to just be able to live by simple moral rules. Just as we allow ourselves freedom to do anything we wish as long as it does not infringe upon our neighbors or offend others (those more powerful, more entitled than ourselves); likewise, we grant ourselves the gift of saying pretty much anything we want which does not disturb others (those of greater force and consent). As with elected officials, however, we deserve the FCC, the IRS, and the other branches of government’s regulating and elephant-swaying trunk — forasmuch as so many in society don’t even abide by the simple license of ‘thou shall not kill’, ‘thou shall not steal’, ‘thou shall have no other god beside me’, and so forth, pending the Lord’s wrathful intervention and His hellish specter of afterlife vengeance.

Heaving under a mountain of debt, the government assumes little carjacking and gives scant guideposts of emergency escape to void life’s truck scales and the depressing toll of an overweight load. Even more haplessly and disconcertingly, the government exhibits little or no interest (except for that which accumulates by attachment of voter blame) as to how monumental Washington is ever going to surmount the climb. Printing more money far in extradition of commercial tariff and citizen excise seems an easy fix; instead creates a fiat on budgetary control and economic inflation. Underlying the basic shortcomings is — not fully tracking where the money goes, and to whom or what, in the right dredge or sufficiency knoll of accommodation, or in verifiable precaution of deservingness. Behind these process/program administrative considerations are the legislators who establish the ground rules and vote for it, the budgeters who calculate it, the treasurers who give it lead and too much excess tolerance; the handlers, the distributors, and the manipulators of the harvest sharing. Missing, for the most part, or in any meaningful way, are the waste-boring efficiency experts, the inspectors with (pull-the-cord) shut-down authority, the gleaners of the overlooked and the seldom-tossed, and the provisioners for the future reinitialization of the system – were there ever to become the need for the sowing and germination of new seeds.

All totaled, there seems too much damage to effect a quick manufacture of system repair. Placating to the rhetoric of other government critics, I must admit that a great portion of this operational net loss and perpetual long-term deficit can be attributed to the inclusive and somewhat necessary social processing of human benefits and services. Forgoing the intermixing of debt-owed programs like Social Security and Medicare, which are presumed to have some degree of inputted (self) support, with the exception of catastrophic disabilities and veterans’ assistance, there really should be, for all other diversions, no guaranteed expectation of pay-outs for premiums and interest without prearranged conditions. These other services stand in contrast to, obviously, lifelong workers and veterans, especially those who deserve, as stated, some return on their investments, as well as a full reckoning of sacrifice due their complete recovery. But even here, a differentiation should be observed between those who enlisted and those who were drafted by unwilling conscription, in war-time versus peace-time, frontline action versus backwater or staff support, non-commissioned personnel versus (some) commissioned officers with handsome privileges, or most assuredly in recognition of orderly comportment versus less-than-honorable behavior. Similar conditional awarding of social benefits should be based on occasion of recognized and trying service-claim.

Within any sector of entreated or exacted government service, there should be an analysis of who truly is eligible, either temporarily or permanently, and by what parameters of eligibility persons are to be sanctioned or, upon review, de-sanctioned. Indiscriminate or incorrect application of any service benefits would be almost as abhorrent as the oversight or negligence of benefits to the truly deserving. On the other hand, exclusive application of privileges to a chosen group based on political partisanship would be far more repugnant. As a violation of Section 1 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, what serious and compelling reason does the government have for granting comfort and benefits to illegals who defy our immigration system, and break other laws besides, over and above those benefits given to bona fide, fully-registered, U.S. citizens (Camerota & Zeigler, 2018); more than that, who are also fully-vested in the coffers of the taxpayer Treasury (Jeunesse, 2019)? A further crime is committed by a government by so granting such unseemly and unwarranted treats and benefits: (1) are guilty of misusing or excerpting funds from citizens for illegal purposes, and (2) do so without directed universal approval of those citizens, and (3) do so without an appeal for the rights to which they are entitled. Along the same vein, the federal bureaucracy is guilty of cashing in and caching on taxpayers’ money by its nonchalant attitude toward operational certification, which would also infer a failed oversight on the preclusion of waste and abuse. Administrative ‘discretion’ does not include government theft, inter-department misallocation of funds, the nullification or withholding of dedicated expenditures for political-indulgent programs aimed at changing or transforming (as President Obama racially insisted) the demographics, hence voter-base, and the culture of the country (Kengor, 2017).

Fraud, or the mishandling of funds, can be implicated as much in the assignment of monies/goods as to their delivery transport value and couching. Not only are recipients sometimes undeserving of their paycheck (allotment), they may be unreserved as to the conditions of their appropriation and disbursement (designated use). SNAP cardholders, per illustration, as well as other allotments for food, infancy, and medical costs, should never be able to apply these card memberships toward the purchase (or free access) of alcohol, drugs, and related paraphernalia, which some states do as a matter of liberal neglect (free-wheeling). As part of the federal government’s Harm Reduction Program Grant in 2022, the Department of Health and Human Services sought to pass out smoking kits (drug pipes) to appease addicts (Patteson, 2022). More generally, the whole food subsidy program can be directionally bypassed when the cardholder chooses to (black-market) exchange nutritional purchases for personal doses of chemicals and drinks satisfying their addiction needs. To end this abuse, recipients should be made aware on an ongoing basis and at strict penalty, the critical guidelines of qualification and disqualification. Resembling the referendum on unemployment filing, a person having received six months (26 weeks) of unemployment compensation, should not be able to refile again in the same fiscal year or before they have paid in a sufficient installment of stacked new earnings. Limitations are also trained against ‘refusal to work’ and other conditions (Benefits.com Advisors, 2023). Continuous filing on an alternating basis should probably also be investigated. Given any default in (whatever) system, an administrator who doesn’t go after derelicts and fraudsters or who doesn’t maintain an efficient computerized tracking approach for overall control should become subject to immediate suspension and possible referral of criminality (bribery). Consonance should also be applied in all accounting aspects of upkeep and process reform, harnessing the department within the assigned budget. In theory, overall human services, as a collective expenditure program, should never extract more than 10% of the unified average-worker’s income. Altogether, the federal, state, and local governments should give more effort to extrapolation and preparation, rather than be caught flat-footed and on the hook for every conceived or unexpected event (e.g., natural disasters and economic collapse).

The apparently intractable problem related to the strategic handling of welfare authorization and distribution on an equitable basis may be compared to the analogy of transactional restaurant tipping. We may well hypothesize on the why and the when a server (waitress, waiter, attendant, etc.) deserves a tip. Ideally, the premise underlying tipping should be to award the server with performing expedient or exemplary service, or otherwise for actions honoring the customer’s wishes beyond the normal call of duty and somewhat limited remuneration of the business owner. Tipping should not be based on an ostentatious showing of a wealthy patron, in accordance with some officious standard of high-level professional ranking, or even in premonition of recompensing the downtrodden or underpaid workforce caught in the middle between a demanding (elite) clientele and a parsimonious, profit-motivated (only), employer. By comparison, society should not conduct its welfare system with a false sense of humanitarianism or on misguided feelings of charity … covered under the guise that this is coming out of the government’s piggy bank, and not strapped across the public’s back. In the design of and designations for welfare, it should simply be charged to assist only those unfortunate persons who demonstrate an honest job search, practical enlightenment, and a deliberate undertaking to escape extreme or repressively negative poverty … that too … having personally already underscored or refined serious attempts to better educate themselves, incur re-training, and obtain labor/license fulfillment (when able). In the current context of tipping, this would equate to an outstanding incumbent performance. No person who avoids courteous socialization or obliging service should be rewarded extraneously. By the same token, no person who resigns himself/herself to permanently depressing conditions and halfway measures of self-help should be rewarded with any (disproportional) form of welfare support. At all points of signing and accomplished registration, the recipient must always convince society (government official) that his/her situation is merely health incidental, or temporary, or provisional; and that all such handouts should be interpreted as investments toward future growth, extension, or improving the tenor of his/her work effort. What is it that the critic once said after attending another opening of a Broadway play: “Never tip your hat to a bad performance, but always tip your hat to the star performers”?

This restaurant shop analogy, while it may have its comparative limitations, still invokes criticism upon anyone who despises the system and yet still expects reception rights of any kind, or who insults the conditional rules of granted benefits. At its most abrasive (abusive), such a person should be terminated from the welfare roll. There must nevertheless be an acknowledgement of exceptional cases, such as those persons with handicaps or with contract-settlement of promised emergence from desperate conditions, even if this makes them wards longer than originally anticipated. Somewhat similar circumstances in the business analogy may make amends for, say, especially-crowded restaurant activity or convention celebration, which might rightly distract the server’s attention and individual customer service satisfaction. The relevant decision factor should always take into account worker dedication over time and willingness to provide worthwhile support; i.e., which in welfare terms means a willingness to impart interest in the restitution of their personal/commercial lives.

Come the hardline implementation of such an earnest welfare program, some sympathy may be extended to individuals and families already in distress or are made indigent or untimely deprived through no real fault of their own — maybe by some association or (blame) consignment through social outlandishness (e.g., legal immigration). A failure by a nation to instill order and accountability to the welfare system will someday cause such a drain on the country’s resources as to make itself a sloven, not a sovereign, nation among the independent and self-sustaining global community. Adding amplification to the enforcement needs, system officials charged with efficient administration must be:

  • Honest in their assessment of recipient requirements and qualifications;
  • Vigilant witnesses and trackers of the distribution and appropriate use of funds;
  • Agents of the general accountability regardless the prevailing politics and the media cries for insinuation — providing further investigation of system malfeasance.

The parallel link, commercially, would resemble the rich tightwad who refuses to tip regardless the order. Or conversely, it could be like the careless person who might tip without adequate corresponding purview of the value of service rendered. At no time should a worker or welfare recipient lose his or her stake in the goings-on of business or society respectively. They both must feel within themselves the passion to be sowers in life, not just harvesters; as tough masters and overseers of their own destiny. The primary lesson is, as usual, personal: never lose sight of the connection between actions and the consequences of those actions.

I marvel how many folks … hardly ever self-conscious folks … still believe that the whole world revolves around them and that fate favors only their way of thinking (how God loves only them). These people are probably the first to complain when the Pentagon is bilked out of another tens of billions of dollars, or when massive welfare fraud is detected, or when representatives vote themselves another pay raise in the midst of a recession. The citizen balks, “How dare they waste my hard-earned money!”

Repeating the proverb, doesn’t the government have an investment in us all? Does it not provide defense, public protection, and fire subsidence? Does it not build roads, construct bridges, create and maintain public parks? Does it not try to educate you, supply you with imaginative works and material, offer you the accumulated wisdom of centuries – hoping that at the receiving end of this long road of intellectual exposure, you might become a better person than your ancestors, hoping that you might become an informed citizen who will contribute something to the betterment of humanity … that you might even make the world a safer place to live in? But forget for a moment an impersonal government, what have you ever done for others? What have some of you ever done but go around defying custom and authority, partying and carousing, disrupting and rebelling, thinking only of your own selves and your own twisted sense of self-pleasuring and self-coronation, saying, “Rules are made to be broken”? Taken together (over all persons), this kind of selfish life leads to a lack of social harmony and cooperative work benefit. Are you not, then, another one of government’s failed investments? Are you not just another layer (larder) of excess fat on the government’s already hefty budget (waistline)? You think the world was made just to serve you. You enjoy destroying the conventions of conservative society and wrecking the rails of the free-market express system. Always rustling the concert goers from the park and the gentle bathers from the beach; always burning down the cottages of the humble and the Just — just to make room for your mansions of the Ungodly. You completely reject society’s rules on common decency and mutual respect as unnecessarily restrictive, mock their MAGA concerns for a pending fallen nation, cast as prudish, cultish, even racists their concerns for children and disdain for the AWFULs’ (Affluent White Female Ultra-Liberals) setting up of a lithely-poisoned future for them. Meanwhile, their return call of voluntary and honest discipline, for, God forbid, no longer tarnishing society with your vulgarity and molesting the children as your playthings, these calls you ignore as interferences on your boundless selfish lives. Others (the Good) must endure the tensions and frustrations of working alongside people like you every day. They are obligated by law and by the gun-barrel of economics to send their children to shameful sadistic schools to be tormented, bullied, and in some cases medically mutilated in body, soul, and spirit. They must ride the same frantic subway as you, travel the same roads with you, eat and participate at the same restaurants and theatres, and in all manners corrupt and secular, abide by your unholy wishes and repressive commands. Historically, it’s been because of people like you that there ever was a war (hot or cold, civil or jihadist). Liberals are so afraid that someday a less-than-brainwashed population, a less-tightly controlled group of citizens shall band together demanding universal liberty and justice, thereby causing intermediate-class rebellion, politically devastating chaos, economic failure, and religious insurrection — against the prospect of which, they are quite willing to continually mislead the world, denounce capitalism, perpetuate a global warming, undermine democracy, to keep matters in their fascist hands. Russians and Americans share this much in common: as beguiled citizens they don’t realize they are being manipulated and the promise of a free tomorrow wholly stifled.

In caricature, the question an unmarried couple living together never bothers to ask themselves anymore is, “Who are we hurting?” convinced as they are in their own sense of holiness and social propriety. But I ask, how do they know they are not hurting others, which brings provocation to the distinction between living together and committing true sin? In the past, their answer was typically one of, “We’re not hurting anyone else; we’re consenting adults, and it’s nobody’s business but our own”. And previously, it would have been argued, contrarily, on the grounds of how a subsequently born-fruit, a child with human rights from this temporal love interest, this contract unmade in Heaven, might be ‘hurt’ by dint of no promise of similar contract with the child itself for its sustaining support and rearing guidance; hence, in program default, no real future for the suddenly realized and surprisingly ashamed child. But today, with birth control and the welfare system, government is the father (and the mother) holding social statism over life and death. Therefor, my disclaimer must turn to psychological and sociological effects of living together unbonded. How do you know you’re not hurting your mate by just occupying the same space together rather than procuring the benefits and assurances of marriage? Each partner comes into the relationship with certain expectations. Does an open-door policy of ‘come in if you like and leave when you want’ truly meet these expectations? [Analogy of an unmonitored, open-border society: come in if you will – leave when you want.] Subconsciously, everyone wants to be loved for themselves (personally) — to know that he or she is special, a one-of-a-kind, a unique treasure, a small but brilliant light in an otherwise dark, humbling, nasty, and begrudging universe. Proper marriage would alight this more poignantly, or at least it should if committed to by two mature adults; plus, they would be asking God to bless their love and companionship, their efforts to strive for lifelong happiness.

How do couples know that they are not hurting themselves? Living together, whether in love or not, cannot overcome the doubts of and feelings of distrust that maybe he (or she) doesn’t really love me all that much, that the partner is just biding time, waiting for someone better to come along. Where is the contractual (mandatory) commitment to bind one’s heart with this relationship, or to improve one’s rose garden, so to speak, even if or in spite of the appearance of a sudden interloper? Lastly, how do you know you’re not hurting society! What kind of patriotic fidelity can you expect from a person who won’t commit to a single persona of love (suggested earlier)? Taste if you will other philosophies (boyfriends and girlfriends); experiment if you must with other systems of governments (unemotional and self-satisfying relationships); but eventually you will realize that marriage, like a supported, dedicated, and nourished kind of government, is best for all participants involved.

With the absence of the marriage link … literally, the wedding ring … comes the new and overwhelming proliferation of single motherhood, fatherless children, and hence the recursive need for government welfare support. According to a recent Census Bureau report, more than one-fourth of all children in America live with a single parent (usually the mother) or neither parent (Census Bureau Release, 2024). This statistic of the general population belies the seriousness of the problem when broken down by race. Nearly two out of three children in the Black or African American community live in fatherless homes (Wise, 2023). In many urban areas, that figure has jumped to much higher levels of single-parenthood (NewsOne Staff, 2011), increasing over time from 70% to nearly 80% (Mac Ghlionn, 2023). The effects on children being raised thusly are well-known and well-studied; too many to fully recount in reference here. In short, children who grow up absent their fathers tend to perform poorer in schools, are more likely to drop out more and end up in poverty; they often become addicted to drugs, have their own children out-of-wedlock, and/or end up in prison (Brewer, 2022). No doubt, the damages could be life threatening (suicidal). Unwed, unsupported mothers are themselves a disadvantaged group, many of whom live in poverty and without health insurance and food security, despite receiving on her child’s (or herself) behalf a more-than-majority share of the government’s SNAP, SSI, Medicaid, Housing, or other Public Assistance programs (collectively) (Foster & Rojas, 2018). Sociologists across the decades have proposed that a great contributor to family breakdown has been the welfare program. Beginning especially in 1964 as part of (President) Johnson’s Great Society, benefits were greatly enhanced through federal operational control, which, in effect, discouraged support for homes with fathers present (the ‘man-in-the house’ penalty rules) (Krumholz, 2019).

As a further aside, single-parenting provided the stage for insincerity in human relationships and an indifference toward the need for careful (watchful) compelling child-rearing. Lack of ‘family’ oversight and concern inevitably led to a sublimation of child’s interests (e.g., disregard of sports and academics), a deference of morality and corrective supervision (to nanny/day-care providers), and, even worse, doctoral and spiritual guidance (to the liberal academics and psychologists, the perverted social media, or ‘street’ prophets). This in turn set the groundwork for children to venture (i.e., experiment) on their own as a means for discovering ‘who they are’, what their purpose is in life, and even how to frame their own identity and sexuality … having no one around with strong parameter-setting and sufficient maturity to guide them. Consider this one incidence of forsaken culture alone. Reflectively, the loosening of morals in the 1960s and 1970s enabled ‘science’ to declare homosexuality completely normal (Drescher, 2015). Queerdom, transgenderism, and the other exasperations of social hooliganism and dysphoria would eventually ensue (Heleniscope, 2022). Of these, perhaps homosexuality is the most threatening to human civilization, being its gateway, and separating as it does heterosexual love from the family with its naturally tranquillizing and reflexively substantiating male-female cooperation. Just considering the loss only from the male psychological side, the natural proclivities and focus of men primarily on sex (debauchery), aggressiveness (violence), and erratic (unstable) behavior would have been stayed, perfunctorily challenged, or at least tempered, by the feminine (wifely) influence … now separated and predisposed (indisposed) with her own lesbian pursuits. Life is not about breaching your heart’s capacity for sinful aberrations and palpitations, or satisfying your tastebuds for bagging the daily legal limit of conservative kills. Come the lament of a single school child you allowed to be, or consorted to have, beaten or raped, your life must be determined in forfeit.


You must make yourself alone:

              ‘lone to wander the long way ‘round,

              to resort in draping the unpleasantness of abiding


You must lead-guide with reel dealing

              the casting of lost feelings unreal:

              catch quick glimpse of winter seal,

              gain land-scent of blood prey … icily beneath

                             snowdrifts of meaningless somber floes.

By dead reckoning or accidental mishap,

per the calling of travels far away … recall only … vacant piers,

and You … strung out … bemused and bygone …

              who left me dying here alone.


Inconsiderate or corrupt treatment of government duty may result in the shanghaiing of citizens into immoral servitude or unfair bondage. Taxes that are applied unevenly or arbitrarily against individuals and businesses are not only discriminatory, but when enacted without recourse or remediation, have the effect of handcuffing the citizenry and holding them in ransom for posterity. We are all aware of how counties are obliged to maintain the roads and police enforcement in high presence to the north end, say, because that is where the bulk of the urban dwelling resides, while leaving the south end potholed, facility deprived, and virtually (civilly) unpatrolled. The vast majority of their local budgeting is dedicated toward these ‘upper end’ (literally) sectors as well (for their betterment). States like Virginia, which are enthralled with the highly-populated regions surrounding the city of Washington, and of course the federal government, allow these suburbanites to exert great influence over the lawmakers in Richmond. These wealthier jurisdictions are a great source of taxes to provide funding for roads, schools, parks, and other services, which, in turn, provides incentive to pass engineering measures and to dedicate building projects designed specially to assist (make life easier for) residents in eastern Virginia. Historically, residents in counties west of the Blue Ridge could only complain that the state, by taxing (western) farm land and agricultural goods, (but never seeing a government agent), it was essentially taking from the poor to benefit the rich. The 2021 median annual household income in Loudoun County (DC metropolitan area) was $142,299 while the median annual household income in Dickenson County (far west) was less than $30,000 (Sauter & Stebbins, 2021). Internationally, during the colonial period, the Western Powers blatantly acted to impoverish their colonies by uprooting their resources and to some degree their slave labor. But even today, when Western countries grandstand on their amount of foreign investments, the actual trade flow between rich countries and poor countries is actually in deficit (taken from the poor to the rich) through interest on debt, garnering profits from oil, gold, and other resources, and by spiriting out money on trade (mis)invoices and sheltering them in corporate tax havens (Hickel, 2017).

Back here at home, politicians still take the view that “citizens owe taxes”, and that the ‘stingy’ ones must be forced to pay, even if that means creating a whole new tax base to attack and confiscate (e.g., particular trade licensing, online shopping, special levies on phones, cigarettes, and alcohol) … without ever bothering to go back and examine if the levies are utilized as intended (e.g., lotteries designated especially for roads or schools) and if the funds were spent wisely, sensibly, and free from administrative pilfering. Under the republican form of government, (federal) government representatives and administrators derive their powers only from the great body of people (the body sovereignty) which they serve. The hard-labored earnings of American citizens should never be described as virtual conscriptions or potential ‘taxes owed’. At most, they could be interpreted as compensatory-payment due for services/materials rendered (like all capitalistic exchanges), even if you, the citizen, never actually receive notice (e.g., fire and police) or acknowledge in full concurrence of their worth through the principle of democratic compromise (e.g., foreign aid and foreign wars). Taxes (laws) should never be employed to exploit the citizenry or just to satisfy the peasantry, and explicitly not to fulfill the buckets of the freeloader.

The potentiality of government to cause great harm through its imposition and misuse of taxes has already been referenced herein and in parts-previous (other articles). The power to extract wealth and exact penalties should not be used as a means to transfer (redirect) the resources of one group to another group; for example, the scraping of the masses into the tipped hands of politicians, lobbyists, and to the member-associates of their elite party through taxes, levies, and/or exceptional favors. In legal parlance, conservatively, laws, court orders, and administrative rulings should not be used to dishearten, disband, or draw funds from conservative groups, for example, in benefit of abortion clinics, illegals, NGOs, and amoral and highly-biased organizations like LGBTQ+, the ACLU, the KKK, and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Government, hereby, is not just intent (intensified) on crying out for “a piece of the action”, they are knife-bent on carving out their own succulent pound of flesh (literally) from the poor, the minority, and truly estranged.

As with all fatuous bureaucracies, there will always be abuses, tampering, inefficiencies, and wastefulness. Using the FISA of 1978 to spy on American citizens, or even the campaign of the President of the United States, is a clear violation of constructive intent (Gans, 2023). Continuing to pursue the classified documents case against former President Trump, who had the presumptive power to classify, declassify, or retain for judgement at any given moment, while dismissing the case against President Biden over his many years of non-entitled stealing, is a clear case of bias and partisan discrimination (Jacobs, 2024). Standing by, unmoved, for more than two years while rogues, cutthroats, and arsonists roamed the streets, ravaging and killing citizens and police, burning down neighborhoods and public facilities, attacking the White House … then turning around to charge the one-day January 6th protesters as insurrectionists and sentencing them to years in prison, is obviously a planned third-world device for infuriating, trapping, and destroying one’s opponents (Kamioner, 2022).

Many take as honorable (on the level of an Abraham Lincoln) the likes of a Barack Obama who long swore against the liking of American values and its overly-blanched smile. Obama, who was born half-white, half-black, was nevertheless blessed to lead a bless-ed and wealthy life, better than 99% of his recognized teammates (other blacks) and 99% of his renounced counterparts (other whites). As he thus twisted government authority and used its power to destroy his enemies, he would also strain the system and train his successor (President Biden) to be even more cruel and crustily manic. Together, they will go down in history as the destroyers of democracy and of America. A people and a place once known as the ‘land of the free and the home of the brave’ now cowers like peasant serfs under drug cartels, illegal gangs of violence, oblivious police enforcement, an all-but-untenable justice system, ceaseless war involvement, a contentious and perverse drag on the military, and from a Big-Brother, politically-suppressive government tyranny.

At its most egregious, governments threaten all opposition with losing their business, their licenses, and their liberty; churches with losing their tax-exempt status, and parents with losing their children if the parties involved don’t abide by transformative and ever-changing moral standards or who don’t bow in obedience to their corrupt and corrosive will. Some politicians argue that all monies given to churches and charities should be taxed. To whom do the tithes to the Lord belong? Far more personal than an individual’s earnings are the favors, contributions, and oblations to the House of God.


Every spiritual windfall must chafe its winnowing tithe. As written before in suspected coverage, the implementation of grace combines the modest broadcasting of informational seeds with the narrowest cultivation of a self-serving harvest. Beyond gift-giving and the tithing of first fruits, much must be left from outside the simple storehouse for the servant workers, as well as the wayfarers, and for the beasts of the field to share in God’s holy bounty.

From every man you shall accept the contribution that his heart prompts him to give (Exodus 25:2). This collection is for My House. All sacrifices, such as they were yielded, were for themselves. But gifts of tithes are in salute of Heaven. Mean-times, the ways of exceptional goodness are a freewill offering. Without this freewill offering, there can be no correspondence (response) of grace.

3rd Commandment: They shall make a sanctuary for me that I may dwell in their midst (Ex 25:8)

5th Commandment: An altar of earth shall you make for me, or an altar of unhewn stone. And order the Israelites to bring clear oil of crushed olives for the sanctuary light, so that the lamps may be kept burning regularly. On each sabbath day, showbread is to be set out afresh before the Lord: offered on the part of the Israelites by an everlasting agreement, but eaten in a sacred place, by Aaron and his sons.

Each year you shall tithe from all the produce that grows in your fields. You shall bring it to God’s dwelling place and eat in His presence the tithe of grain, wine, and oil, as well as the firstlings of your herd and flock, that you may learn always to fear the Lord, your God. The tithe may be exchanged for money, if the distance is too great or too difficult for you to manage; even so will you exchange the money for sheep or oxen upon arrival that you may enjoy the Lord’s feast with your family. At the end of every third year, you shall bring out all the tithes of produce for that year and deposit them in community stores for the Levite, the alien, the orphan, and the widow to eat their fill, and the Lord will bless you in all that you undertake. I have assigned to the priests all the best of the grain, the new wine, and the new oil. Whatever is doomed in Israel shall be theirs. Every living thing that opens the womb, both of man or beast, shall be theirs, although the boy’s redemption takes the form of a ransom. But they shall not have any heritage in the land of the Israelites, not hold any portion among them; I shall be their portion and their heritage. The tithes of Israel are the Levites’ recompense for their service in the meeting tent. Of this harvest they shall contribute a tithe of the tithes to Aaron. No matter where a Levite may go, he may minister there in the name of the Lord, his God, and is so entitled to receive the same portion as the rest. Concerning this, you shall declare before the Lord, your God, I have purged my house of the sacred portion and I have given it to the Levite, the alien, the orphan, and the widow; I have hearkened to the voice of the Lord. Look down, then, from heaven, your holy abode, and bless your people Israel. Take care also that you do not neglect the Levite as long as you live in the land. Out of the Israelites hereditary property, they shall give the Levites, besides the six cities of asylum, forty-two cities for homes, as well as the pasture lands around them. These shall extend a thousand cubits from the city walls in each direction.

When you take a census of the Israelites, each person of twenty years or more, as he is enrolled, shall pay the Lord a set amount of tax to avoid the plague of registry. The rich need not give more, nor shall the poor give less. Let this donation remind the Israelites of the forfeit paid for their lives. The fruits of combat are to be divided evenly between the soldiers and the rest of the community. The levy tax is two percent; for the fighters, a tenth (.002) less. When the tithes of your herd and flock are counted, every tenth animal, good or bad, belongs to the Lord; exchange is impossible, otherwise both the original animal and its substitute shall be forfeited. But if someone desires to buy back the tithes of the land, cost is required plus one-fifth additional value. Note also, that nothing doomed may be sold or ransomed. Even human beings when doomed, lose their right to be redeemed; they must suffer death.

Whether a vow to do good or a pledge of abstinence, a man must fulfill exactly the promise he has uttered. While in her father’s house, a maiden’s vow or pledge, though permissible, is subject to her father’s approval, and should he nullify the vow, the Lord releases the woman from guilt. If her vow extends into marriage, her new husband has but the day on which he learns of it to express his disapproval, and so release her. A vow or pledge made while married is subject familiarly to her husband’s one-day approval. If later he countermands the vow, the Lord releases the wife, but now the husband is responsible for her guilt. Any vow of a widow or a divorced woman is valid. When you make a vow to the Lord, your God, you shall not delay in fulfilling it; otherwise you will be held guilty, for the Lord is strict in requiring it of you. Should you refrain from making a vow, you will not be held guilty, but you must keep your solemn word and fulfill all that you have freely promised.

The Nazarite vow for a man or a woman is this: he shall abstain from all strong drink, from wine, or any kind of grape juice. He shall not eat anything of the produce of the vine. While under the Nazarite vow, no razor shall touch his head, but he shall let his hair grow freely. Dedication to the Lord prohibits him from entering any place where a dead person is, even for members of his own family. If someone should die in his presence very suddenly, his head becomes unclean; so he must again shave his head after seven days of purification, and on the eighth day he shall bring to the priest two turtledoves or two pigeons, one as a sin offering, and the other for a holocaust. The previous period is not valid because his dedicated head became unclean. At the completion of his period of dedication, the Nazarite shall bring to the priest one unblemished yearling lamb for a holocaust, one unblemished yearling ewe lamb for a sin offering, and one unblemished ram as a peace offering, along with their cereal offerings and libations, and a basket of unleavened cakes of fine flour and unleavened wafers, both spiced with oil. Then at the entrance of the meeting tent, the Nazarite shall shave his head, collect the hair, and put it in the fire that is under the peace offering. From this peace offering, one unleavened cake and one unleavened wafer and the shoulder of the ram shall be placed in the hands of the Nazarite as his blessing. The breast and right leg with its shoulder shall belong to the priest.


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Walter Boswell
Walter Boswell
Retired professor of accounting, Dr. Walter Boswell, has written on various topics for more than 50 years including logic, behavioral science, and philosophical literature. Currently he is engaged in protecting children from sexual perversion and grooming in schools and working to bringing back conservative principles to society.


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