A Party To Pathetic Running – Part 3





Do not condemn them – your neighbors. This might well be their paradise. Remember, forgiveness gravitates toward the mourners in this world … the mourners and the wayfarers. Only they feel there must be more – than just idol self, and more akin than engineering idle changeover. Only they burden themselves from tiny creature onward, fearful of every single drop of rain harshly drumming upon their sensitive cocoon. Forlorn the shower of rougher downpours to come, postponing the flight of true Monarch transition. Into a world of convoluted wings and intertangled antennae, the butterfly net is sure to fall.


You sigh, what a shame countries can’t get along. I sigh, what a shame couples can’t get along; for it seems both do their own decoupling in order that each may enjoy the run of their stay alone … in passing fulfillment of running over the lives of others. You sigh, what a shame my brown, black, and white brothers can’t demonstrate some family expression of fraternal respect. I sigh, what a shame real brothers — related by blood and natural birth — defy a fraternity of respect: steering the first-born to be more ambitious and arrogant, and spurring the second-born to be left jealous and leftist-conniving.

Plying the shocked looks of political scientists who query about all those democratic nations beset with turmoil and rebellion, disturbing the balance of our already upset world- seesaw, causing innocent people to suffer … then noting, “we would like for them to be more like us, and experience a government in liken to America, more aligned with straight-line votive principles and encapsulating of individual human freedoms”. Howbeit, they, too, are independent countries, and take our advice begrudgingly, on consent of home-legal counsel, and scrunchingly like lemon juice poured on a sore. They must be given the chance to determine their own destinies; never realizing overall, that the struggle between freedom and slavery is universal, regardless of borders, and that (one) bothersome yoke tugs and shrugs on everyone’s less-than-volitional shoulders.

On a similar par with the foreign curse, social scientists view the current American malaise, with its prevalence of divorces, besotted academics in education, and high levels of youth drug abuse, and, again, with a sigh and a sign of surrender …. “my, my, all these marriages on the rocks, buckling the stone of once hard-rock canyonland, overburdening the basin step(pe) of its once pastoral prairies. All these outliers of children lying out in the dreaded piles of bedded stubble beneath shaky families’ downfall. But these are all free individuals, and if they can’t live together in peace and harmony, in unison and security, what can we do?” There have been numerous trials amongst cases of workers, I would contend, who have endured for decades the tensions, tantrums, and tyranny of irrespective bosses, insomuch by doing this, have saved their jobs or gained provisional promotion. And there have been probably many, I suspect, who likewise have detested the trespassing, the calamitous goings on, and occasional bellicose actions of their nearby neighbors – for years on cul-de-sac end. No doubt, too, there have been many others who have debased themselves in order to stay in the good graces of contrarian elders, relatively or religiously speaking, with their orneriness and spite, but also inherited will. If all such fortune-seekers could submit themselves to contempt and rash-burns of discountenance, if but for the sake of vanity reason or greedy season, or in the humble sparing of dependents’ lives, why can’t others endure the scorching personal relationships of marriage tie, for the children’s sake, for their family namesake; then for the sympathetic rope-climb of surmounting your infirmity and their earth-bound enmity? Then, too, if the shank be pulled and the course-coupling be tried elsewhere, there is still no guarantee of success hobbled by new strains of even stronger ball and chain.

Next, they bring retort, “what if any of these situations are beyond toleration? Would it not be better for everyone that the individual partners separate rather than submit the entire family to troublesome lifelong weathering and damage, and the neighborhood to the bickering noise of division, and society to cultural disassembly and generational disfigurement? For is it not said, “where there is no love, there is no life; and where there is no blessing of life, there is only the curse of endless desolation”? Have we not also crossed in check, “Love ye one another!” regardless – a solemn rebuke or romantic purge of: it is easier to love the lovely and look scornfully upon the hateful? While in obtusely eyeing, does not the wheelchair-ridden senior look with envious spite upon his own kind provider and earnest caretaker … being free to walk freely in dutiful service around him? A person may love (in) whom he chooses to love, or to hate whom he chooses to hate. One may forgive a slander in arguing slight as easily as another’s full ‘brace of treason sleight. One may impart baptismal washing (blessing) on the grungiest Baptist. Need it, there also, as becoming your fate, should it unspeakably happen that a loved one – caught within some physical failing or befalling, trapped by some falling into depression, or else by some other mental illness, making bitter and erratic the spouse’s flow of pleasant character, such that it seems a life-long prison sentence and spawns a desire for desperate  (un)faithfulness and escape; … wearied by her very touch, invoking a (un)kind of repugnance, waxing hard the very sense of her needed caring softness. Who will take solace over you or apply contrition of her and your conditions? Carry the sick to the doctor, if you can bear it; or to the church if you can spiritually wrest it, and will a moving healing. Swallow the medicine of remorse with your digested repentance. But if that person will not submit to either hospital or retreat, then virtually mark the patient with the slashing of Cain’s head, and resign the congregation to mark her “cut off” and no longer a member thereof — with the outlawing of its graces. The whole family shall lose its sanctions, though not its safekeeping. But if they be taken captive beyond the rescue of any remedy of wholeness or treatment of consolidation, then let the legal, the medical, and the spiritual guides give reproach of they from the sight of the Lord. For the whole church, let it be everyone’s cross to bear.

The propagation of your commonwealths is exceeded only by the proliferation of your many fabricated and false faiths. And hence, the world is barraged with conflicts, personal frights and universal terrors, fired by your indolence, your ignorance, and non-recognition of the right, far from centrally broken-down, to be left stranded on the side of the road, next to all the shattered parts. A world-engine replenished with love shall more easily idle away its fear. A secular nation weighted down with indifference and the darkness of war shall only find merit-labor enlightenment through faithful work and the inward proselytizing of a contentious heart. Unless truth be man’s master, nothing ever shaped and aligned by man shall ever appear true.

Haven’t we always played the fool, wandering about life like an oaf, believing in the integrity of science, and academia, and statesmanship, as would a sucker under the spell of a con-artist; believing in the inherent honesty of all men as would an unsophisticated voter – in trust of the speeches of a constantly lying and promising senator or representative? Dismay, gullibility, and weariness aside, it is the bearing of another burden of truth. It is the lottery, the door prizes, and the contests you can never win, though few register; not even when the first-round results are already known. It is the orders that never arrive and the exchanges never in rebate. It is the broken furnace or ancient vehicle that no one seems to be able to repair correctly — because the mechanics are ill-trained and the crew at the service shop don’t really care. Too far gone, it’s a society which does not equate honorable workmanship with morality, economic responsibility with a job well done. It’s a government which considers deception and the manipulation of crimped numbers as the critical calculation of political machinery; which in all labs of examination, live in chemical dissipation of sincerity and the non-ventilated exposure of the facts. It’s the clergy which in its own missionary way manipulates the masses, wagering their tithes on a wild-shot bid for salvation, while skimming away their personal share of Godly expense account. Where are the disciples of Christ in voluntary service of His glory, sacrificing themselves in humility and indigence in order to more clearly preach the Word of God and supplicate for the poor? Where are they who call themselves “ministers”, the healers who actually heal, the prophets who forcefully announce Heaven’s dreadful warnings against a forever sinful city? As it is now, destruction will come despite them, or in spite of them; though in the announced dismissal of firewalls and firefighters, the downtime will be surely hastened.

Be still! Calm myself from these riling complaints and the trifling reset of human rows. Hearken to the pains of every animal ever killed or slaughtered without proper cause or preparation — their sacrificial atoning wasted and crying from without me! The anguish of every crippled soldier from war, the bleakness of every downtrodden beggar, in a threshold, lowing for crossover. Pity the child disabled since birth, the healthy made frail and disheartened since the taking on of famine or disease! The injustice of every innocent person sent to prison, housed in a political gulag, awaiting the silent spout of chamber gas! The temper of every abused wife, the less hearing of jailed apostates, and the re-calling of apostles to be martyred! Let nothing forestall their scheduled revenge, or bring merciful disconnect to their electrified shouts — wrought in echoed stereograph from under the throne.

In liberal shyness of a pacifist answer, what shall be done with all these false magicians of wonder and tribulation? What shall be done with all these theatrical-going people, who envy what they are not owed in daily performance, who applaud what they have only deafly heard and deftly dismissed? Allow the suffering to end, and the curtain to fall on this staged tragedy. And when it does, let the rigging sandbags draw taut the wound cord, to slide speedily and bloodily through the winded grip of man’s hands succumbing.  


Was it not Thomas Paine who sagely deliberated, “I prefer peace. But if trouble must come, let it come in my time, so that my children can live in peace”? Yet has it not always been our fellow countrymen who seem to be fanning world dissension, pouring salt in regional lacerations, always taking sides as between Iraq and Iran, between China and Taiwan, between Russia and Ukraine? So be it, for the most (stolen) part, that so many rich so-and-sos and political SOBs can take technical, material, or resource advantage of both sides? They count on the primitiveness of the parties abroad and the stirred divisiveness of Americans domestically, created by the taking in of so many unwarranted (uncertified) war refugees and problematic diversity of migrants, to prevent any cohesive objection and the splaying forth of yet a single heart and democratic mindfulness, an assimilated solution for peace. I am reminded of the reported shrills of terrorists in some films and threats in real life (e.g., for 9/11), when (another) hijacking occurs or another embassy blows up, “America is the real cause of (much of) the world’s conflicts and problems”. By our always taking sides (at times ideologically) and by our overwhelming gluttony of the earth’s resources and disproportionate consumption of goods, the United States (the Western Countries) leech humanity from the second- and third-world nations. They also set the groundworks for territorial unsettlement, conditioning of factory worker-slaves, and the consequential depletion of its native material extractions. ‘Earth globalism’ is just another name for stealing the earth from beneath their globe-trotting feet.

Back when South Africa was still an apartheid nation, forces here at home encouraged boycotting the geo-political situation, and angrily insisted that economic censures and financial sanctions be imposed upon the government. Needless to say, free spirits and liberty-loving individuals here in America never questioned their anti-democratic motives or how they used the hyperventilating super-media to paint every attempt of the South African government as futile for trying to come up with a separated (culturally distinct) but amenable social arrangement suitable for all sides. Every iconic picture taken of protesters was interpreted as an act of injustice, racial disparity, and tribal persecution. Eventually, the apartheid system was procedurally overthrown in the early 1990s (Britannica, 2024). With the Black Majority takeover in 1994, public emphasis realistically shifted to ‘ordinary people interests’ like real-life personal improvement and economic equality (better housing and jobs, improved schools, and the institution of critical government services). However, much of the capital and property ownership remained in white monopoly hands. This provided the incentive for populist mobilization, meaning the acquisition and communistic distribution of the land and capital by any means necessary (Daley, 2023). Were it not for the comportment of the South African people and the legacy of their Nelson Mandela heritage, much of the socialist world would have expected and supported an unruly resurrection in the offing (literally of all white colonists), with a bloody seizure of farm land and all mineral resources, not just ‘human rights’ and the harsh reins of government (African National Congress). Numerous incidents involving the murder of white farmers, including their children and infants, and their women being raped and tortured, have been substantiated, if underreported by the crassly-disbelieving and covertly-supporting Leftist West (Newman, 2012). Other nations, before and since then, have been caught in the grip of (black) genocide when the Hutus of Rwanda sought the elimination of the Tutsi minority, causing a massacre of about a million people in just a hundred days (Cowell, 2019). There is nothing taut or much unwound what manages the unprincipled and the disenfranchised child to rebel.

More particularly, has there been any hindsight revelations and gain-worthy analytical reformulations by the American government and the liberal media on the subject of South Africa? Have any of the celebrants of the revolutionary victory bothered to research personal statistics as to the possible ‘dark’ nature of the takeover, then and thereafter? Well meaning, how many of those blacks now in government-absolute control were even born in South Africa, and thus entitled to its innate privileges, or who claimed ancestral heritage to the ‘fatherland’ … at least as great as the centuries under white colonist (Boer) and later British rule? Shall it not further to be criticized, polemically, as another short-circuiting of achievable human equity (if fair-play and justice were actually achieved), that power and, ostensibly, property were forever to be given over and divided up purely on the basis of skin color? This equates in some measure to America’s own (slavery) reparations problem, whereby little historical documentation presented and an even less evidentiary matter requirement would give favor to those of today’s mixed, tarnished, uncertain or uncontrite slavery background. Also to be thrown into the moral hybrid mix is the proportion of South African blacks underwritten (backed) by foreign communists, pushing for discordant change. The socialist notion of ‘peaceful’ transfer of power has long been known globally as that of complete jailing or annihilation of their enemies — a desire and trait anxiously associated with many conquering ethnic groups — a condition long cataract on the winning side.

Indeed, it may well be only a quibbling sophistry to observe that ‘justice is blind’, since most judges and ‘justices’ are also resolutely mute: unable or refusing to speak up for the legal and political protection of the downtrodden, and having little aversion to a circumcising revolt or beheading insurrection in certain racial accompaniment. Regarding the oppressed everywhere, home-citizens demand the natural rights due any people of dignity, not otherwise deprived by systematic or official neglect. Their dream is simply to be given a natural opportunity to govern themselves; and, afterward, to become a nation in equal symbolism and stable transaction with others on the world stage. And so it shall be theirs … inexorably. But when all these freedoms are given or won by the masses, they must hold incentive whereby their newly-found liberation may liberate (also) the addled adult imprisoned inside. Let the State’s first official proclamation be one of Christ-like forgiveness, though it may have been furiously fought and uncharitably given over in the coarseness of their enemies’ earlier lashes.

What if those among the members of the abolitionist movement in the Northern States promoted a Spartacus-like uprising in the Southern States just prior to the American Civil War, inciting the slaves to an all-out massacre of their masters and families, calling on them to take their land (which was never theirs), and divide it among their freed brothers and sisters: herein locally, or in non-related coincidental gifted association elsewhere in the North, or to their racial brethren just coming in from Africa? Would a similarly-invoked white bloodbath in the South (Africa) be considered just and deserving in modern times? Is it ever ‘right’ (i.e., a human good) to counsel violence and cruelty, to court subterfuge and total seizure, or to sponsor a Sherman campaign of scorched-populace extinction in order to achieve the overthrowing a government system … ever piously deemed justifiable? Or knowing, in prelude consideration, once generated and initiated, even maybe genteelly at first, and the organized gritty revolution has run its course, there would be a high probability of civil unrest, property confiscation, murderous vengeance, and probable holocaust all but certain to follow?

When America’s liberal progressives take up the cause of ‘freedom’ somewhere in the world, how is it they ignore so many other troubled locations — places and circumstances just as worthy of their masterful intercession — but of different ethnic concerns? Was the spotlight geography such that their religion be not grievously white enough or their skin be not ‘dark’ enough to bother about? Upon recognizing their good deed in South Africa with apartheid and patting themselves on the back, what sanctimonious ceremony did they give themselves for the renunciation of the Germans concurrent to their persecution of the Jews before and during WWII; or in castigation of the Russians for their centuries-long persecution of the Jewish faith; not to mention so many other third-world dictatorships contemporaneous with those time periods? Could it have been that spotting ‘black’ dictators overseeing and subjugating dark-skinned people, they were not so much deserving? Have they not, instead, by their permitting of selective persecution on some color-brands, ethnic-holders, religious orientation, and political beliefs, made their repression acceptable and normalized? Consider that to be “anti-Semite” or “anti-Catholic (Christian)” in many countries today is a winning celebration theme, even in America (Quilantan & Wilkes, 2024)? Where was the liberals’ nearly millennia-long denunciation of the British for their invasion and conquering of Ireland (Paxton, 2016)? The Irish story – of losing much of their homeland, and then suffering a million deaths due to an inflicted famine, and then surrendering at least a million more to immigration is well known to us in America, but not so much as to outgrow our own outbursts of anti-Irish sentiments (Klein, 2023). No need going back centuries in vaunted remembrance. No doubt for every living dictator and scandalous oppression today that manages to make the campus program of this year’s socialist protest parade, there are probably dozens more third-world countries aside — in South America, Africa, and Asia — many of them non-White authoritarians busy suppressing their populations and stirring up freedom fighters, none of which will ever gain popular (populist) coverage in the U. S. or global media. Who liberals hate ideologically, they vituperatively condemn (as tyrants); who they adore, they vigorously bless (as patriots). They also confer in patronage crown and sponsorship robe, and give them power to quell uprisings downplay the masses, and to annihilate their enemies. For with their long legacy of extended hanging rope, the American liberal’s sense of progress has always been one intertwined with poverty, slavery, and, now, global domination. Despite their current advocacy and promotion of ‘democratic’ causes, liberals never really find ‘identification’ and ‘identity’ with all the indigenous or aspire to achieve any real semblance of justice for the indigent (poor). Out there, as in here, they afford them only the opportunity and freedom to be little more than system servants and slaves of the elite. At their capitalistic mansions, their outdoor showers and pleasure pools must always be pressure-streamed with a constantly rebellious deluge. Palace grounds and summer gardens always require fresh side-dressing of bleeding torture to grow.

Modern Politics

Obliged to be a member of this progressive nation:

smoking and logic free.

Proud to be not quite the expected savage,


a flagrant observer of the centerfold of life –

being condemned for it:

a Peeping Tom of the Naked Truth.

All the while purveyors and splayers of ghetto hate

and distributors of criminal injustice

skillfully plot the discourse of political rancor

mixed with vitriolic episodes of fascist harassment,

made all the more disgusting and pitiable

by their elite racism

toward anyone who wants to curry a job

against the open-border establishment,

or who may want to feed his family over theirs,

or want to send his children off to school,

or maybe walk the streets alone – unafraid.

This is America!

We don’t serve the young, the old, or the veteran here …

Here within the walls of our fair and ‘democratic’ nation.

Another (smaller) metaphorical irony was overlooked back here in America, during South African apartheid times, by politicians, businesses, and human rights advocates, who might have thought their protests were blessed with righteous indignation and appropriate justification. Roundabout the time of apartheid’s dominion there, their American classmates were fervently advocating for sanctions against apartment owners and property managers for not treating all buyers equally. Their solution here was to institute a ‘fair housing’ program, thereby ordering by decree to whom persons could (or could not) sell houses. To some degree, this Draconian tactic was welcomed by civil despots and free-market proponents alike, even though it more or less directly controverted America’s freedom-loving notions of “use of property” right and contravened democratic aspects of affirmative congregation – the “ethnic prerogative of free community association”. Now there is no “American culture” existent, subsumed as it has been by the strongest, darkest, most radical, most anti-Democratic enforcers of irrationality and hate. Along the way, the most domestic virtues and prominent features of the American ‘human’ landscape, as independent, hardworking, self-determining people, have also been blasted into nothingness. All of language, music, and respectable behavior have fallen to their basest, most demeaning level. Was this the real purpose behind ‘fair housing’ and intersectional commingling? When the moral picture of the Middle East Christian is crossed out, and when English law and heritage are overruled, and when the last white European, or any truly free-thinking independent dies, then justice dies, integrity dies, and eventually humanity dies. Does that offend thee? Very well, the gruesomely offensive, the viciously abusive, and the purposefully treacherous – as the intended destroyer of humane society – should be offended against; wasn’t that the seditious underlying contention of your earlier rebellious (murderous) calling of deliverance? Nothing expulsed in cold winter blast is ever respired back in warm summer breath.

Not long ago, Russia seized upon the opportunity to annex Crimea (2014) and later to seize much of eastern Ukraine (2023). Long before these conflicts took place, the West chose not to grant, in living memorial and overlook of partial guilt, any remembrance of the terrible Ukrainian famine foisted upon them by the Russians in the last century. The famine of 1932-33, or Holodomor, as the Ukrainians have over time called it, came about by mostly man-made contrivance when Stalin ordered the socialism transformation of the Ukrainian nation into a collectivized economic enterprise, depriving the population of individual private-land ownership. When Joseph Stalin then confiscated the grain harvest from the resisters of an already shortfall bounty, the effect was the intentional starvation to death of almost four million people (Kiger, 2019). As reported “unbiasedly” by the American media near to that time, however, in retrospective mining and discard, broadcasters were not altogether ‘sure’ if there had been a famine at all, or if the famine was real, whether it shall have been greatly exaggerated by the conspiracy junkies on the conservative right. One so-called ‘historical’ ‘documentary’ program on a major network more recently presented the famine story from this skeptical perspective, even commencing the program with a ‘viewer warning’ — not because of the graphic pictures of all the starving men, women, and children they were about to see, but because the sponsored presentation only gave witness from one side (the family memories and elders’ testimonies of the Ukrainians) and therefore lacked the diversity of a Stalinist (Russian) counterbalancing response. Giving serious academic dissertation to these events, therefore, would invoke campus screams of intellectual malpractice, and would only serve to bring credibility to all those wackos of history, the hoax-spreaders, and the anti-Russian, anti-communism, witch-hunters. Apparently, the educational standards of that station required them to say, the program (as produced) was one of political propaganda and obfuscation. The broadcasters’ own researchers were quite dubious of how such a famine was even possible, or, to the extent that it did occur, to be apprised at such a level of misery and counted numbers of dead. I fully expected that at the end of the program, the announcer would render a disclaimer — like those akin to political State-of-the-Union rebuttals — to give the story rounded context or antagonistic replay. Admittedly, the time-line (Great Depression), the geographic location (under Soviet-domination), and primitive technology (status) of the reporting agencies, made questionable any verification of solid independent facts, then and now. Should we just diminish the topic and declare that the ‘dark storytelling’ of history keeps hidden its numerous terrors, or, more precisely, that the ‘black death’ of historians keeps buried our Middle Ages verification, our adult learning from the past?

Is that ‘story’ or ‘history’ all that different from another hazy (hazed) fable from the past: the Chinese persecution of the Tibetans (1950-1959)? Caught between much larger and more militaristic nations, such as China and India, Tibet has always had trouble trying to maintain self-determination and political control over its much more spiritual and culturally unique society. The 1950 Chinese invasion effectively ended its existence as an independent feudal theocracy. Collectivization and redistribution of the land and wealth soon followed under the Mao government of the People’s Republic of China. In the aftermath of the Tibet uprising (1956-1959), the Dalai Lama would take flight and hundreds of thousands of Tibetans were either imprisoned, killed, or exiled. Thousands of monks were executed, their monasteries and temples ransacked or levelled. Since then, a China Development (“occupation”) Program has made sure that there shall be no return of (exiled) past and that ethnic Chinese will now and forever hold the vast majority of government posts (Szcrepanski, 2018). We may well ask, where was the United States of America then? Fresh from WWII victory and flush with economic wealth and military power, where was the great champion of the world, the savior of China from Japanese assault? But what we saved from the Japanese, we gave to the communists. Now America, one of only two superpowers, that great enforcer of international law, that great upholder of the creditworthiness of global financing, that great provider of world humanitarian aid, could do little more than concessionary grandstanding. Along with numerous other events that have occurred in near obscurity, neglect, or intentional oversight throughout history, what escapes without tumult, sympathetic strain, and induction, leaves without promised aversion, planned resolve, and vaulted nullification.

What good is ‘might’ if it remains powerless? Of what use is compassion that passes by the rows of headstones unnoticing, never culling out the perpetrators from their murdered victims; not even calling out the names of the martyred dead from among the many cemetery lots? Of what hope are we who only pretend to mean well while meaning to do as little as possible? Saving a small portion of people in a persecuted world … would have done much to save our reputation and bring repudiation to their persecutors.

In present times of ever-present disappointment, the politicians and the media have, in their smoky backrooms, already surrendered Israel to the Hamas and Iran. The base cutting of foreign policy and immigration-letting should not be eyeballed into accepted government embassy program; but derailed using the lead carpenter’s experienced reckoning of straight-line mitering. As it is, crooked politicians and activists cast their own evil eye on the taker’s cut. There’s your problem! At least, part of your problem: foolishly bringing into the country hundreds of thousands of pieces of broken driftwood from the oceanic wash … the derelicts of volatility … the wretched refuse, albeit from their troublous teeming shores, in refuge pose of huddled masses yearning to breathe free … only to kill and rampage freely. By foolish ambition of penitentiary reform, we merely give, in like time, only Attica rage to those who were never blessed with a trial marriage or an underpinning love for liberty, nor ever even taught an American appreciation for the compensatory dowry of meritorious hard work. Witness now only the anti-Christians and the Jew-haters who have an elite place-mat at the table … ordering the slaughter of infants by one Pharaoh, and heralding another bloody Pharaoh’s advance of charioteers for the cutting down of escaping Hebrews. Who is left to divide the waters and put behind them … the far-flung shouts of “Death to Israel – from the river to the sea”?

For all those many current and historic invasions, those numerous massacres and atrocities conducted over the centuries, America can yet give no memorial to those victims deliberately dispatched and conscientiously stricken from sealed history textbooks. There are no moral-civics classes in universities giving lessons of good graces, huckster hustles, and treaty violations. None to give counterweight oratory to a dead Caesar; none to give chemical catalyst for a Gandhi over a Hitler. Pleading ignorance and for ‘trust’ funds, they invest little concern in sky-high tuition and big-brother deficits, hold to no account the instigators of social perversion and personal discrimination, give back-lit promotion to dealers in open hate and political assassination. Had Americans only a margin call on their mistakes or at least a safety deposit box for their memories. Had Egypt only another Moses today, and Israel another Solomon, and Palestine another Christ; maybe only one gene bank on the Jordan River would be enough.

No matter if the loaded research grants come hair-triggered and heavily fired by foreign hands; no matter if the overseas bribers and donators, filling the pockets of politicians, come from both Ukrainian and Russian sources; no matter if the Chinese are pleasingly allowed to buy up American farms and to purchase land all around our military sites and experimental government projects. The Benedict Arnolds are all that the country have left to give warrant. Despite our promises of upright loyalty and scrupulous conviction to world peace and order, our allied projections of punishing embargoes, financial constraints on ‘militaristic’ nations, and the freezing of ‘enemy’ assets, are more likely to be imposed today internally on America’s political opponents and on peaceful, freedom-loving conservatives. Money talks … in words only the rich and the system-devious can interpret: you have to pay to play, and keep extra cards under the table. Our external enemies already know the rules of the game, and treat graft and sweet extortion of officials as necessary dues; and bankroll their corrupt exploitation of the citizens through easily-traded (country-betraying) available-for-sale securities (traitors).

Formal agreements of peace and consecrated mutual accords possess little degree of credibility and assurance when transacted with totalitarian nations and fanatic theocracies. Back during the Cold-War years, the United States and the (still) Soviet Union endeavored to enact several arms control agreements to cut down on missile weapons and so reduce the chances of global war. One diplomatic success was the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty which, on paper at least, would call for the elimination and the permanent forswearing of all of their (respective) nuclear and conventional ground-launched ballistic and cruise missiles with ranges of 500 to 5500 kilometers. After its initial implementation, thousands of dangerous missiles were reportedly scrapped or destroyed, ostensibly on both sides. Fast forward to 2014, when a Compliance Report first reported or alleged that Russia was in violation of the Treaty, having researched, produced, and flight-tested such missiles that were prohibited. Year after year, the allegations were made, until in 2017 the U.S explicitly confirmed that Russia had already begun to deploy the prohibited missiles. Finally, in 2019, President Trump, followed not long thereafter by President Putin on the other side, announced that they were suspending their compliance obligations under the Treaty (Kimball, 2019). As a sad aside, conditions were written into the treaty that Russia would civilly abide and seriously enhance their efforts for respecting human rights within the country. But to entreat allowances (regarding limited missile use and respect for human rights) is to indulge permission for treaty flagrancy. With what real hope did we expect Russia to comply or to change its treatment of its disgruntled citizens? How much does a signature mean — whether that be adhering or veering — to a communistic sovereignty whose foundational principles are that of freedom overlook and honor downfall? The most compelling evidence or forewarning of non-conformity to the treaty was always to be found in the population themselves then (that same time period) and now. Soviet athletes and renown stars, who were allowed to venture out of the homeland for sports contests or for attractive performances, had to be fervently and grievously watched by government bodyguards lest they be tempted not to return home, but stay in America or some other Western country wherein they had experienced much greater freedoms and potential riches. If a country’s own citizens have suspect-feelings about their own system of government and misgivings of their tyrannical master-watchdogs, how are we ever to trust them?

Hardly worth the paper-cut insult, nevertheless, should be our harsh review and striking rebuff of the diplomats and agents who conceived and concocted the INF Treaty. Judged from outside, was it the American government herself that moved in self-denial circles and diplomatic merry-go-round for fantastically dismissing the possibility of Russian default? More nonchalantly, it might be deciphered that our (America’s) only real intent was one of ‘bringing down our shields’ (comparable today to just opening the southern borders), not attributable to any urgent military need or dangerous new technology. By reason, also, notwithstanding the public’s vain weariness of financially holding them up. Thus, in process afterthought, the only real purpose and clever accomplishment of any such Treaty was in the convincing of the American people (of the Cold War) that there is no longer any threat (enemy) out there; hence, “go about your business without dread” – vainly dreaming like the old pioneers of California missions and fruited fields whilst passing through dangerous Sioux and Shoshoni wasteland.

Light apprehension, therefore, lifts the shades on all the Wizard’s deceptive authority (behind all the afforded and comfortable treaties). A morally-bankrupt society appeals to its struggling government to negotiate and accept the subterfuge of its own institutional collapse. “Oh, well, spies steal; so what? America still stands. What’s the problem?” Just as — “they have bombs and we have bombs. Who cares how many they have or how many we have”; mutually assuring ourselves: in longing that we both have enough to destroy each other, and the entire world many times over? The prospect overlooked in this mad man intellectual-less exercise is “what if one country attains such technical prowess and superiority (a priori rocket liftoff) as to debilitate or make faulty the other country’s engines of operation or firing? Or what if … what that pointless spy (above) stole were all the entry passwords for the fleet or nuclear sites? Such a prospect put aside, how much easier would it be for Russia or China or some other country’s spy ring to just poison our drinking water system or maybe take down our power grid?

In admonishment of a simple people, and as a consolation present to our enemies, arrogant American historians declare that we (the descendants of the original settlers and colonizers) don’t deserve any better (from our leaders and officials) — being actually only invaders and dishonorable thieves ourselves — having arrived here relatively recently, ready for conquest, and rounding up the aborigines for jostling and removal. Thereby do the historians attempt to acquit themselves of questionable ancestry, but try to give conscious (conscience) cover to modern-day ruthless tyrants, warlike cultures, and belligerent countries. Isn’t every nation on earth guilty of committing ignorant evils sometime in their past? About which, they strive to extort redemptive forgiveness from the insincerity of an innocent confession. By way of aggravating that acquittal, they also hustle to stir up hypocritical contempt for that other ‘white’ meat (the unsettled poor), upset about all the Johnny-come-lately migrants: the drug-cartel illegals, the Hispanic criminal gangs like MS-13, the Islamic jihadists, among many others. I know it shall serve no enlightenment to remind them of some of the historical facts already exposed in my 2022 Summer Treatise: For the Preservation of Freedom and Natural Truth. But here goes. My own ancestors (mostly North American Indians) were not natural saints — rather, engaged in numerous battles and civil conflicts with their neighbors and all but genetic ‘blood brothers’. The arriving European English were not the primary authors of most of the evil that befell the New World natives. Cultural decimation did not begin with the Vikings, the red-haired Irish and Scotch, or the ethnically impure WASPs. Much of the terror was introduced by the Spanish and Portuguese Conquistadors (ancestors of today’s privilege-seeking Hispanics) who came to America primarily out of greed for gold, land, and (semi-religious) conquest (as per their name). Their tactics or aims included stealing native property, spreading disease, inflicting slavery, and causing civil and cultural upheaval. Not to be the primogeniture’s lonesome second sibling to all this forsworn domination and destruction, the Aztecs had ‘migrated’ south to the area we now know as Mexico, on conquest aims of their own, scarcely a century or two before the Spanish arrived to conquer them in prophetic karma (The early history of the Aztecs, 2018). All of this extermination and despoilment in the New World merely mirrored what Muhammad and his Muslim marauders did throughout the Middle East, North Africa, and ruthlessly the whole Spanish peninsula, in their attempt to commit genocide against the Jews and Christians (Burleigh, 2015). Long before the Crusades even transpired, Muslims raided the European Mediterranean coastlands, causing havoc, and carrying away countless Christian slaves (Levy, 2016). No empire, no nation, no tribe, no one person stands in full requital of its past. At the perigee of this human disaster, the orbit of seasonality included not just mutts and mixed breeds, but also those who considered themselves chosen or pure (e.g., the Hebrews and the Nazis), the homogeneously unique (e.g., the Chinese and the Japanese), and the super-dedicated disciples of world hegemony (e.g., the Mongols and the Muslims).


Weighing the controversy over certain types, amounts, and directional purpose of foreign aid, I am struck by the government’s hypocrisy and its hyperbolic pressure — or could it be merely my disingenuousness and naivete. “Naturally, we all stand behind (whosoever’s) struggle for freedom – being poor, backward, and relatively helpless next to (in opposition to) (whosoever’s) attack. Just don’t ask us (America) to send materiel and ammunition; or if we do, only in small, almost trivial, under-the-radar quantities. Just don’t ask us to send troops, should the situation expand and things become more explosive; we mustn’t shed our precious American blood for these ‘savages’.” Hearing such an attitude from an obscure source, I am similarly reminded of what some (so-called) Christians will spout: “naturally, I believe in Jesus  Christ, the only son of God; except, I don’t quite agree with all of His passive teachings, you understand; and I don’t really believe He performed all those miracles or whatever; or that He actually rose from the crypt after being dead for three days, and perchance now sits at the right of the Father Almighty in heaven (Romans 8:34). Except for those things, I am a Christian through and through”. That kind of Christian we all know well, since he speaks with our own contrary (contra-logical) voice and forked-tongue (personally) from time to time.

Excuses give leave to denial (e.g., for foreign aid). “It isn’t really our fight for freedom; that will ricochet back on us (the West)” or “It’s really a contest for local supremacy between essentially ignominious and equally discredited forces, or between proverbial power brokers and claim jumpers, between perpetual troublemakers and derailers of peaceful progress”; or saying, “Either side, winning, the outcome would be just as barbaric and reprehensible”; or “again, the risk is too great of being drawn into another Vietnam”. Alternatively, the spokesperson might say, “whatever seriousness or validity we may render to this drama (conflict), of what importance or value would it be to American interests?” Closer to home, “why send aid thousands of miles away overseas when there are so many people here in America in desperate need of food, housing, and services?” More crucially, “would any amount of vital substance aid really change the conflict?” “Isn’t it obvious, both sides are losers, if only because they abide in an abysmal land and won’t abide by any treaty or negotiated peace settlement anyway?” At a limited, purely rational, financial level, others would have us looking more parsimoniously at a cost-benefit analysis, or more prolifically and slyly for some kind of return-on-investment, while — at the street-level, trying not to look like Johns in search of a hooker with a filled-out vaccination card. These are all ploys, whatever the course, meant to soothe reticent consciences about commitment to any real romantic attachment. “In culinary terms, they have our purchased and unbounding support; but in the shortening of the baker’s pantry, they have only the longing mince of the heart’s unsifted flour and evening’s cooked batch of unleavened (unprocessed) facts.”

It should be said, again, not in principle but in parable, what inconsiderate excuse did Moses give upon saying “Who am I, Lord, that I should to go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt”? (Exodus 3:11) as if asking in this instance (and in American analogy), “Who am I to be police officer (savior) of the world”? That sprint of volunteering service for a needed sacrifice has already been run. In Moses’ circumstance, the reply was utterly simply: what does it matter who you are (as a person or a nation); “I am”. I am who sends you; now, like a marked Cain, be on your way. Not unlike the foreign aid sent in support for the Christian — singing out in power lines at the high places, giving grounds to work, and the lightning sense of sky to earth Spiritual contact. The things that we yield charity to, should not turn anyone destitute for love.

The reverse tariff on foreign aid, or consequential jolt, felt by generous Americans upon trying to assist some beleaguered or under-represented nation in the world, is the reciprocity backlash from the (dis)affected adversaries in that region. By helping Israel, we incur the wrath of Hamas, the Palestinians, the Syrians, the Iranians, and a host of other sympathetic Arab states in the Middle East; not to mention the Jihadists in America with their many troublesome and fiery acolytes like AOC and the rest of her homicide squad living in privileged rank, but irritated with itching powder for having left (abandoned) their disastrous homelands (wastelands). These saboteurs will do anything to cause racial chaos and social disruption, including sparking animosity and hatred toward our own lustrous American system of economics and equal justice. Brought with them are their more radical kinsmen intent on senseless domestic shootings, massacres, infrastructure wrecking, and cruel bombings.

Whenever an incursion does occur or an upheaval does bedevil us — would it ever be sorely possible or in their interest for officials to pinpoint and arrest the responsible groups, the sponsors and facilitators of the carnage, the skyscraper destruction, and massive hideous death? Wouldn’t it be easier to simply mark some lame patsy? One may rationally suspect (not just theorize as a conspiracy) that any attempted hard-nose investigation will surely be misdirected by corrupt official agencies, hampered by the contortionist reporting of their liberal comrades in the media, and defended by their lackey and diverse politicians riding the campaign-special money train. In broadcast tones beseeching sympathetic consideration, they will declare that those armed villains of (militaristic) nations have feelings, also, and have experienced their own atrocities in that region, and deserve to have their own pitiful story expounded as well, by force if necessary. Activists will take to the streets, raging against the police, bombarding the non-aligned people on the highways, and disrupting public services in fiery legal rampage. Of course, all of this will be reported in the liberal media as ‘mostly peaceful’. Should another horrendous disaster happen – in the historic sense – like that of a plane collision and the Twin Towers collapse, unlike then, we can no longer be certain that a comparable ‘9/11 cleanup crew’ will investigate with criminal/homicide efficiency, for fear of offending their now entrenched, comfortably-naturalized, rights-afforded, respectable citizens. Official reaction to the mangling and cauterization of the wounds will probably find clinician in one of three unhealthy reception areas:

At best – Government officials know the full story of what happened, but are too afraid to designate blame on (some) terrorist group, whose compatriots and intervening intercessors would protest and threaten even more ‘blow-up’ among the community, maybe even amplifying the confined event into a riotous revolt.

At midst – Too strung up on political ideology, no impartial and diligent investigation will ever take place; or should it be inaugurated, after much inquiry and much inefficient examination, the government will either claim paralysis, silence, or deferral that any such ‘poor innocent (known-terrorist) group’ should ever be thought responsible for such a monumentally horrendous attack or for giving leeway or allegiance support to such murderous operations.

At worst – Knowing the actual cause, authorities and investigating bodies have been secretly bribed (e.g., the Chinese or the Iranians), ethnically persuaded, or politically placated to soft-sell the disaster and snow-job any efforts for an adequate corresponding retaliatory response.

All diners receive nothing endearing when ill venison is brought in contamination to the international table. As Obama’s pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, sermonized his own hell-fire in 2003 about 9/11: “God bless America? No, no, no, God damn America … God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human … as long as she acts like God and she is supreme” (Geraghty, 2008). The war has come home and our own people made subject to the call-up of a national draft: partisan-driven, of course, with an evil affront and a decreed hatred behind. The Twin Towers collapsed and procured with it the death of thousands simply by affirmation of friendly fire and accidental driving.


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Walter Boswell
Walter Boswell
Retired professor of accounting, Dr. Walter Boswell, has written on various topics for more than 50 years including logic, behavioral science, and philosophical literature. Currently he is engaged in protecting children from sexual perversion and grooming in schools and working to bringing back conservative principles to society.


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