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Liz Yore, founder Yore Children, exposes the Vatican’s upcoming “mind, body, and soul” conference for what it truly is: a séance to one world religion.

The Vatican’s upcoming “mind, body, and soul” conference is a “who’s who of devils,” said Stephen K. Bannon.

Liz Yore, founder Yore Children, joined War Room, Friday, to expose the conference for what it is: a séance  to one world religion.

“It’s a who’s who of devils, of demons,” Bannon said.

“The Vatican through Pope Francis is serving as the launching pad of the one world religion,” Yore explained. “The transhumanism, the Gaia, the interfaith dialogue that Francis keeps promoting. This is what’s going on.”

The “psyop masquerading as a health conference” kicks off with Dr. Tony Fauci and a host of pro-abortion celebrities, like Cindy Crawford and Chelsea Clinton.

“This is very critical because people need to have spitualism,” Yore said. “When you replace all the traditional religions, which is going to happen in the new Great Reset, unless Catholics and the Judeo-Christians of the world in the west push back.

“It’s going to be replaced by a new one world religion, which is environmentalism which promotes population control,” she said.

Bannon said it’s fitting to have Fauci lead the Vatican conference because he’s the “new high priest of Scientism.”

In addition, the National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins will appear, who is “one of the biggest” promoters of transhumanism.

The logo for the Catholic conference is the LGBT rainbow for children, Yore noted.

“This is about the murder of truth,” Yore said. “There has not been one dissenting voice in the Vatican in the last 8 years. On environmentalism, on globalism, on  climate change, on vaccines, not a one.

“And before that the Vatican was always the platform for dissenting voices for debate,” she said. “Because to find the truth you need to debate.”

“Not in this papacy,” Yore said. “They are performing in lock step with the globalist agenda.”

Organized in partnership between the Pontifical Council for Culture, the Cura Foundation, the Science and Faith Foundation (STOQ) and Stem For Life (SFLF), the Conference will bring together the world’s leading physicians, scientists, leaders of faith, ethicists, patient advocates, policymakers, philanthropists, and influencers to engage in powerful conversations on the latest breakthroughs in medicine, health care delivery and prevention as well as the anthropological outcomes and the cultural impact of technological advances.

Together, within the halls of Vatican City, they will focus on advances in medical innovation and seek to catalyze the creation of new, interdisciplinary approaches and partnerships for curing disease and improving health, wellbeing and understanding human uniqueness. The 2021 event will be moderated again by renowned journalists. The participants will explore the role of religion, faith and spirituality, and the interplay of mind, body and soul and look for areas of convergence between the humanities and the natural sciences.Together, we will focus on advances in medical innovation and the creation of healthier communities and create bridges to catalyze the creation of new, interdisciplinary approaches and partnerships for improving health, wellbeing and understanding human uniqueness. The 2021 virtual event will be moderated by renowned journalists and together with participants, they will explore the role of faith and spirituality, and the interplay of mind, body and soul, searching for areas of convergence between the humanities and the natural sciences.

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