About TheThinkingConservative.com

The Thinking Conservative

Welcome to TheThinkingConservative.com!

TheThinkingConservative.com shares news and conservative opinion on all kinds of topics from all types of people using different media formats to help people understand conservatism and its importance to our freedom and our pursuit of happiness.

The intent is to draw us closer together as responsible individuals. The articles chosen to be shared on this website are, hopefully, thought provoking and informative.

We want our opinion pieces based on facts. If the facts are wrong, please email us the information you feel is correct at info@thethinkingconservative.com.

TheThinkingConservative.com also publishes press releases allowing you, as the reader to interpret information and do your own research.

Another of our goals is to provide as many avenues as possible to listen to or read conservative media and therefore you will find our Best of “Web” offering RSS Feeds and Video Playlists with links to conservative voices on the web.

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TheThinkingConservative.com was built for educational purposes to help keep Americans informed.

“If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.” ~ Attributed To Thomas Jefferson

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”
― Albert Einstein

We also stand with Frederick Lewis Donaldson when he stated what he felt were The Seven Social Sins:

  1. Wealth without work.
  2. Pleasure without conscience.
  3. Knowledge without character.
  4. Commerce without morality.
  5. Science without humanity.
  6. Worship without sacrifice.
  7. Politics without principle.

~ Frederick Lewis Donaldson
From a sermon given by Frederick Lewis Donaldson in Westminster Abbey, London, on March 20, 1925.