ActBlue Under Investigation for Money Laundering

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses

The Democrats must be big believers in the old adage, “Go big or go home.” The problem is as Joe Biden left the presidential race of 2024 and Kamala Harris took his place, she immediately became flush with cash and soon was outspending former President Donald Trump 3 to 1. That level of “going big” creates suspicion as to the origin of her sudden campaign contributions by Republicans as it should the Federal Election Commission (FEC) and other Federal 3-letter organizations.

At a weekend Trump Campaign Rally in Juneau, Wisconsin Congressman Bryan Steil (R), reported on recent developments of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability looking into ActBlue. He took the stage to talk about the irregular ActBlue donations that have been taking place the past couple of years. He implied something big is coming in that ActBlue has not had the financial security in place that is required by law. He stated the information his committee found has been turned over to a group of republican Attorney Generals. Those AGs include the Republican attorney generals of Arkansas, Florida, Missouri, Texas and Virginia for further investigation.

Congressman Stiles said, “We looked into ActBlue and we called them into committee and we said, ‘What processes are you using?’ You’re using a CVV code, that’s that little 3 or 4 digit number on the back of your credit card you have to use when you buy almost anything online… We found out they weren’t requiring it, if you want to make a donation on ActBlue.

Then we started to dig further, we started to find more and more things where they don’t have the financial security in place that they need to. So we did a big review and we transferred it over to a group of Republican Attorney Generals from across the country and they’re digging into this information, Mr. Trump, and I think they are going to find a lot of answers VERY soon for you.”

That committee drafted a letter to Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen on this matter that can be read here:

President Trump spoke about “Smurfing” in his rally speech in Juneau, Wisconsin. Smurfing is structured campaign money laundering into political campaigns. ActBlue and others are using senior citizens identities without their knowledge. Wells Fargo is one name that has come up relative to bank credit cards in on this political criminal money laundering scheme.

I reported on this back in May of 2023 as journalist James O’Keefe became one of the first to reveal this story.

Investigative Journalist James O’Keefe Exposes Massive Democrat Election Fraud!

The allegations against Wells Fargo Bank are they have been failing to file required Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) on these ActBlue credit card transactions. Each offense can be a felony crime. Wells Fargo could be directly involved in criminal money laundering. Should these allegations turn out to be true, the DOJ and Treasury Department may have to call “strike three” after Wells Fargo’s involvement with Mexican drug cartels in 2010, or when they fraudulently foreclosed on people’s homes back in 2008.

ActBlue, which has collected millions of dollars for presidential candidate Kamala Harris, could be facing potential criminal charges in five states over allegations it fraudulently exploited unwitting donors (mostly elderly) to get around campaign finance laws. The GOP-led Committee on House Administration has been investigating claims that fraudulent donations are being laundered through ActBlue in the form of gift cards and prepaid credit cards.

Money laundering experts for the committee analyzed over 200 million Federal Election Commission records spanning the last 14 years to identify suspicious trends such as hundreds of donations of $2.50 from the same individual. Other anomalies they found included:

  • Donations far greater than the donor could afford.
  • Donations from registered voters of one party donating to candidates of the opposing party.
  • Unusually frequent donations from elderly people or first-time donors.

“This investigation has exposed potential criminal activity that should be investigated by an appropriate law enforcement agency, such as your office,” Steil wrote in letters to each attorney general, attaching detailed donor records.

Steil’s investigation was prompted by whistleblower complaints and has drawn on the expertise of the FEC, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, and the Office of Foreign Assets Control, as well as experts in money laundering, credit card fraud and terrorism finance.

 “I have faith that the five Attorneys General will build their investigations off the great work our Committee has done, and I look forward to seeing their findings,” Steil told Just The News.

“Through our investigation into ActBlue and the reported campaign finance law violations, we upheld our commitment to the American people to increase transparency in our elections.”

Last month, Steil asked the FEC to tighten donor verification standards so that political committees are compelled to verify the CVV security code of credit cards provided by donors and ban the use of gift cards for donations. Steil also has introduced legislation requiring further safeguards for online political donations.


This story really broke back in 2023 and Florida Senator Marco Rubio (R) was one of the first to draw my attention to it. Since then, in 2024, this story has really grown legs and taken off. A very good article on the website of the Ellis County (Texas) GOP explains how this money laundering operation is done.

ActBlue’s Multi-billion Dollar Money Laundering Operation

The Biden Crime family had over 170 SARs filed on them without much happening to them in the legal world. As I understand this story; Some 20 members of that family had some bogus 20 LLCs established to collect some 20 million dollars with no discernable goods or services delivered.

If Democrats are not held to the same standards of law as Republicans, we are officially a lawless nation. 

“Biden Crime Family EXPOSED PT1 | Verdict Ep. 175” – Verdict with Ted Cruz

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