Alex Jones InfoWars Ends, But Jones Goes On

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Alex Jones is a very popular streaming podcast influencer of alternative conservative news viewpoints. He was the host of a showed called InfoWars. The left labels him a “conspiracy theorist” to diminish and dismiss his alternative viewpoints.

Years ago he streamed or broadcast some shows that alleged that the Sandy Hook School shooting was a hoax. That shooting occurred in the Sandy Hook School in Newton, Connecticut in 2012. Jones was sued in 2022 by the parents of the Sandy Hook shooting victims.

Alex Jones’ personal assets to be sold to pay $1.5B Sandy Hook debt. Company bankruptcy is dismissed – AP

So on the one had you have the civil case filed by the parents which is pretty lengthy and specific and can be reviewed here:

But the flip side of this filing is multi-faceted and leaves the public scratching their heads asking a lot of questions.

The first question many people are asking is:

“Since free speech is protected as a First Amendment right, what exactly did Alan Jones do wrong when he expressed his opinion that this was a Deep State False Flag operation?”

The second question that came to many people’s minds happened in 2013 when the FBI released their national crime statistics for 2012 showing no homicides occurred in Newton, Connecticut that previous year. If the FBI reported no such serious crimes, how could the Sandy Hook have even happened?

All the other questions with links appear in this post to the “X” social media platform.

Another thought many Americans had was; Even though Alex Jones lost his first round in court, he should win on appeal. His case never seemed to be appealed which left many wondering if such a civil case could not be appealed or Jones and his lawyers accepted defeat. The damage amount Jones was ordered to pay was $1.5 billion which was many times what he was worth. The Sandy Hook families offered to let Jones settle the case for $85 million. Even though he filed for bankruptcy he was still required to pay the families.

There were also plenty of videos released questioning the narrative of the Sandy Hook School shooting. Interestingly, many of them got banned from YouTube but came up on alternative video platforms.

“THE SANDY HOOK HOAX…EXPOSED!!” – Deep Dive w. Denise Stephens

One has to wonder why these other people were not sued as well. Why was Alex Jones seemingly singled out?

So, as was discussed in a previous article of this week, the Alex Jones InfoWars show was possibly closing down Wednesday and going up for auction. That, apparently, did happen. A liberal satire news source known as “The Onion” out of Madison, Wisconsin, bought the InfoWars studios with supposed backing from the Sandy Hook parents.

“INFOWARS SHUTTING DOWN, The Onion Bought Alex Jones Network, Jones Launches New Network To Continue” – Timcast

Alex Jones is now carrying on with his new company, The Alex Jones Network online and on X.


As a retired educator of 40 years, with a father who was fulltime fireman/paramedic, who also served 3 terms as an Illinois municipal alderman, my knowledge-base tells me the narrative of the Sandy Hook School shooting story seems really sus.

The back story of the Sandy Hook school was that it had been closed since damage inflicted by Hurricane Sandy in October of 2012. The shooting allegedly happened in December of 2012. The supposed reason for the closing was asbestos in the building exposed as a result of the hurricane.

Having watched the news media I found it extremely odd, as the son of a first-responder, there were no ambulances or hearses leaving the schoolyard with bodies being removed from the school building. I also found it really odd the pictures and video of the mainstream media were so very limited after this event.

Another factor I found odd (since I wanted to be an FBI agent before I became a teacher) is the FBI reported there were no homicides in Newton, Connecticut in the year 2012.

Some local residents leaked information there was a known FEMA practice drill that was to occur the day of the supposed school shooting.

Another factor that occurred was many people who knew the supposed school shooter, Adam Lanza, a known special needs student, said he would have never had the mental and physical capabilities to carry out such a school shooting and it was truly not in his personality.

As a retired teacher and practicing patriot, I hope no school children died at the Sandy Hook School on December 14 of 2012 but, the truth is, I am just not sure who, or what, to believe in this matter.

One of the things I hope the second President Donald Trump Administration investigates is the Sandy Hook School shooting. Americans want to know the truth and they deserve nothing less.

If this was a Deep State False Flag, Alex Jones deserves to have his life restored for lawfare with grand theft larceny by litigation.

It almost seems as if the Alex Jones case was a practice run to the Trump case that would follow thereafter.   

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