All Our 2024 April Fools are Democrats 

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Today is April Fools’ Day, April first. This unofficial holiday dates back to as early as Geoffrey Chaucer’s “The Canterbury Tales” written back in 1392 when it was called “All Fools Day”. So today is appropriate to offer some of the most foolish stories, not reported by the mainstream news media, that will not so much make you want to laugh and smile as much as hurt somebody. Of course, because they all stem from the root causes of the Democrat Party, expect some hypocrisy.

For convenience and limited space available, these 4 stories will be limited to the state where the author lives.

Illinois Governor Wants to Disarm Law Abiding Illinoisans

A recent mass shooting in Highland Park, Illinois, gave Governor J.B. Pritzker (D) exactly what he wanted to enact a new unconstitutional gun law. The Protect Illinois Community Act, or PICA law, bans certain firearms and extended magazines. The law covers what some term “assault rifles” and “extended magazines” which hold 15 or more rounds. The law was signed by Pritzker January 10th of 2023 for owners of these guns to be in compliance by January 1 of 2024. Only those who currently owned them are allowed to keep them if they register them with the Illinois State Police (ISP). Pritzker is required by Illinois law to hold two public hearings before any bill is passed and signed into law and he and the Illinois Democrats failed to do that which essentially making the law null and void.

“Proof that Illinois Really Does Hate Its Citizens”

Illinois Governor Wants to Make Illegal Aliens Cops

So as the old expression goes, “But wait, there’s more!”

Also on January 1, 2024, the date that Illinois gun owners were to come into compliance with the unconstitutional assault weapons and extended magazines ban, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, D., had a new law take effect to allow non-US citizens to become police officers!

Illinois House Bill 3751 no longer requires U.S. citizenship as a qualification to become a police officer in Illinois. Critics slammed the idea of foreigners arresting American citizens as “a fundamentally bad idea.”

Imagine an illegal immigrant coming to your door in Illinois to tell you in broken English they want to confiscate your unregistered assault weapon. Again, as the old expression goes, “And that is when the fight started.”

Woke Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker allows foreigners to arrest US citizens in shock law shake-up

Illinois Judge Rules it is Okay for Illegal Aliens to Bear Arms

A federal judge in Illinois, U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman, an appointee of former president Barack Obama, earlier in March ruled a Mexican man, who was living in the U.S. illegally, had a constitutional right to own a firearm for self-defense. Heriberto Carbajal-Flores was arrested in 2020 for violating a federal law that prohibits undocumented immigrants from possessing guns.

“Carbajal-Flores contends that he received and used the handgun solely for self-protection and protection of property during a time of documented civil unrest in the spring of 2020,” the Democrat Illinois judge wrote in her ruling. She cited the summer of 2020 when unrest and violence swept across Chicago and other U.S. cities amid protests over police brutality neglecting to point out that those riots were perpetrated by Democrat-backed Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa agitators.

 “Illinois judge rules illegal migrants can carry guns”

This story begs the question, “Since when do judges start believing the stories of criminals?”

Chicago Makes Illinois Blue But That May Change in 2024

This story comes from Real America’s Voice (, a worthwhile alternative news source. It illustrates how our open southern border is an organized conspiracy by the Democrats.

A video short that came to us on the Facebook feed is titled “BIDEN ILLEGAL ALIEN WELCOMING CENTER EXPOSED IN CHICAGO!: DEMOCRATS HAVE SOLD OUT AMERICA, TRUMP 2024!”

In this video journalist Ben Bergquam walks a location he found on the west side of downtown Chicago where he discovered a tent camp put up by the U.S. State Department where illegal migrants are welcome but he, as a U.S. citizen, is not!

Commenting is permitted on his Instagram page found here:

The residents of Chicago (both native and legal immigrants) are beyond livid at this development they lay blame on with Democrat president Joe Biden as well as their new Democrat Mayor Brandon Johnson. They have threatened to vote red this fall and that may actually come to pass as Illinois has been going more and more red with each of the most recent election cycles.


What the Democrats are doing in this country of ours is nothing less than treasonous but when you got both the DOJ and FBI in your back pocket, I guess you don’t have to fear prosecution. In October of 2023 Joe Biden had the topic of the millions of dollars he has been paid by foreign interests brought up when he quipped, “Where’s the money?”

It is time for independent investigators and a special prosecutor to find out for as Joe Biden would say, “This is no joke. I’m serious!”

Oh, and by the way, both D.C. Brandon and Chicago Brandon are asking for some 60 million dollars for increased security for their Democrat National Convention (DNC) to be held in Chicago August 19 to 22. This would be the perfect time to do as the Democrats wanted back in 2020 and “DEFUND THE POLICE” (just for these 4 days). We could call it an “experiment” and Congress should get right on this. The same way Pelosi saw no need for extra security on January 6th at the Capitol, America does not see the need for extra security in Chicago on these 4 days of August!

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

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