America First Legal

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America First Legal

America First Legal (AFL) is a national, nonprofit organization that works to promote the rule of law in the United States, prevent executive overreach, ensure due process and equal protection for all Americans, and to encourage the understanding of the law and individual rights guaranteed under the United States Constitution and the laws of the United States.


We believe that all Americans deserve a government that puts their needs, their interests, and their country FIRST.  This is the sacred obligation of every elected leader.  This is the system our Founding Fathers established.  This is the priceless heritage of every American citizen.

Yet America First principles are now under attack like never before Our security, our liberty, our sovereignty, and our most fundamental rights and values are being systematically dismantled by an unholy alliance of corrupt special interests, big tech titans, the fake news media, and liberal Washington politicians.

We founded America First Legal to save our country from this coordinated campaign. With your support, we will oppose the radical left’s anti-jobs, anti-freedom, anti-faith, anti-borders, anti-police, and anti-American crusade.


The radical left is using its power inside and outside of the government to destroy our country.  It is opening America’s borders, shutting down American energy, trying to take over American elections, and violating the fundamental civil rights of the American People.

At America First Legal, we are building a team of some of the nation’s best legal, political, and strategic thinkers to challenge this lawlessness at every turn. We will use every legal tool at our disposal to defend our citizens from unconstitutional executive overreach. We will also stand up against corporations that restrict free speech and violate our citizens’ civil rights.

We are committed to fighting for all Americans–regardless of race, color, religion, or creed. We will defend the rights of all Americans from attacks by anyone, in any party, who would seek to attack their freedom, their dignity, and their equal rights under the law.

For years, progressives have used the court system to attack our founding documents, undermine the rule of law, and erode our nation’s most cherished principles and traditions. 

With America First Legal, we are turning the legal tables on the radical activist left. We will wage a forceful defense of our rights, our country, and our cherished American way of life.



Stephen Miller served as a senior advisor and White House director of speechwriting to President Donald Trump.


After representing North Carolina in Congressional District 11, Mark Meadows went on to serve as White House Chief of Staff for President Donald Trump.


Matthew served as the Acting United States Attorney General, as Chief of Staff to the Attorney General, and also served as the United States Attorney for the Southern District of Iowa.


Russ served as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget after formerly serving as the Deputy Director and Acting Director.


Gene served as Counselor to the Attorney General at the United States Department of Justice from 2017-2021—providing legal advice, counsel, and strategic guidance.


Ed is the C.E.O. and President of the Conservative Partnership Institute. He has over 25 years of leadership experience on Capitol Hill and in the conservative movement.


Wesley is the Chief Operating Officer of the Conservative Partnership Institute. He has nearly 20 years experience on Capitol Hill and is widely respected as one of the most skilled communications experts in the conservative movement.

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