America is About to Get Kicked by BRICS

Contact Your Elected Officials

The same way Vladimir Putin went into Ukraine with the objective of the “de-Nazification” of Ukraine, he now seems to be on a mission of “de-dollarization” of the world. The United States Dollar (USD) has been the de facto standard for global trade ever since the end of WW-II. The Council of Foreign Relations explains on the Internet:

“How did the U.S. dollar become the world’s leading reserve currency? The dollar’s status as the global reserve currency was cemented in the aftermath of World War II by the 1944 Bretton Woods Conference, in which forty-four countries agreed to the creation of the IMF and the World Bank.”

But that appears to be about to change this month. Russia took over the BRICS chairmanship January 1, 2024. The main agenda of the meeting was to exchange views on key areas of BRICS cooperation and the schedule of activities throughout the year, and officially launch the preparations for the 16th BRICS Summit. BRICS is meeting this month in Moscow to move things along further.

BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The term was created by Goldman Sachs economist Jim O’Neill in 2001 as BRIC (without South Africa). He believed by 2050 the four BRIC economies would come to dominate the entire global economy outpacing the United States. South Africa was added to the system in 2010 changing BRIC to BRICS.

And for those who think this is some kind of joke, you better wake up and look for the signs. Here is one:

“African Countries Repatriate Their Gold and Foreign Reserve from the US” – Africa Reloaded

Investopedia explains on their website: 

“In August 1971, Nixon severed the direct convertibility of U.S. dollars into gold. With this decision, the international currency market, which had become increasingly reliant on the dollar since the enactment of the Bretton Woods Agreement, lost its formal connection to gold.”

Now, investors are openly speculating that BRICS might be another gold-backed monetary system in the future.

The Global Henley & Partners offers a scholarly article by Ryhor Nizhnikau, a Senior Research Fellow at the European Union’s Eastern Neighborhood and Russia program of the Finnish Institute of International Affairs titled “Russia, BRICS, and the Multi-Polar Future”. In that article he explains:

“The military conflict between Ukraine and Russia has underscored Moscow’s ambition to change the rule-based international order and re-structure the system of global governance. It is grounded in Russian leadership’s belief that the current state of the international system is unfair and that it unilaterally favors the collective West, through which “neocolonialism” imposes Western values and serves its interests.

Building upon the assumption that the era of Western domination is over, and the global order is in transition, Moscow’s strategy particularly emphasizes the need for creating alternative centers of global governance. Russia’s foreign policy thus aims to utilize the rise of non-Western regional powers and increase cooperation between multiple integration centers in Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

The idea of the ‘integration of integration’ — as a loose unity of alternative regional orders — is seen by the Kremlin as a natural step towards the substitution of old formal and informal institutions, including the International Monetary Fund and G7, and the re-establishment of a ‘democratic multi-polar world’”.

Henley is part of the New World Order globalists as one can see in this intro video here:

“Henley & Partners – The Firm of Global Citizens”


Joe Biden never ceases to amaze me. This month I have heard that under Joe Biden’s leadership we have had almost 1 million drug overdose deaths since he took office. I have also heard that we have over 100,000 Chinese national men of fighting age who have torn up or discarded their Mexican Identification Cards, after entering the United States southern border, and disappeared into our nation. Now we are learning about the upcoming collapse of the dollar, globally, which will ultimately collapse the stock market and our economy under Joe’s watch thanks to the power of Russia and China working collaboratively in BRICS.

In 2020 BRICS caught up to the trading status of the G7 nations. Once they take over the global petro-dollar in trade, America will really be screwed. That is anticipated as happening this year yet since most of the crude oil comes from BRICS areas of the world now, unlike when Donald Trump was President.

“BRICS Will ACCELERATE Launch of Its Financial System Following Russian Asset Seizure, Sanctions” – Lena Petrova

It is to be noted that Lena Petrova offers some of the best content on the Internet about BRICS developments.

Many Americans are talking about Joe Biden’s failures as president after stealing the 2020 election and now weaponizing our justice system against Democrats opposition. But are these failures actually “his” failures or is this part of a larger conspiracy to topple the United States intentionally by those controlling him?

I find it pretty unlikely that somebody could make so many consecutive bad decisions so detrimental to their own country in such a relatively short amount of time without doing so on purpose.

“Russia Just Said BRICS Must Be Prepared For Dollar’s Collapse!” – We Love Africa

It is time for every American to become aware of what is going on, discuss it, ask questions about it, and be prepared to take action. As an American, I have never been more concerned about our future than I am right now. 

Bottom line, Trump understands global economics and making money while Biden has never worked a day in his life!

Copyright © 2024 by Mark S. Schwendau

Rise Up 'Deplorables': Rallying Round Pro-America Businesses