American Freedom Alliance Conference: World War III – The Early Years

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Watch Speakers from the American Freedom Alliance “World War III: The Early Years” conference in Los Angeles, April 22 and 23.

That we are under attack by global threats goes without saying. We’ve been in a Cold War on several fronts for some time, and the increasing hostilities and take-overs around the world indicate that these threats are on the brink of going “kinetic” in the not-too-distant future. In fact, the war in Ukraine is already a global kinetic hotspot, a proxy for tensions far beyond that Eurasian region, and the alignments and re-alignments are in fact being played out globally.

Not only that, but the “enemy within” has been undermining every government, cultural and civic institution for longer than we care to think about, and has been exceedingly successful.  

We expose the tactics and strategies of globalist organizations like the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organization, and the UN and reveal where their tentacles are apparent in our own lives. Our expert speakers describe how these organizations have subsumed elected governance over the years, not only in the US but throughout western nations generally; that nations are increasingly ceding their sovereignty to these entities is a development that must be thwarted. The impact that these unelected but supremely powerful organizations wield must not be overlooked; they are one of the most dangerous threats to Western Civilization, and our freedoms, that we face today.

And the reach of the Chinese Communist Party also ought not be understated – nor can it be overstated. Their commitment to “unrestricted warfare” is another of the most dangerous threats on the planet, and is as pervasive as it is cunning. In fact, even as this conference has been being developed there has been a tectonic shift in the CCP’s tactics and strategies. Their continued taunts, and our continued demonstration of weakness have created a scenario that gives students of history a sense of deep foreboding. Many of us are adherents of “Peace through Strength;” what we are seeing is its opposite, and anti-freedom actors around the world are, one might imagine, gleeful at the daily projections of weakness by the United States of America.

In addition to these threats, we discussed the deliberate vulnerability of our national and global economies, the rampant and increasing energy insecurities, and several other aspects of how deep and pervasive the threats are, not dissimilar from global wars in the past.

And, most importantly: given these threats, what does the future look like, and how can we prevent World War Three from advancing? We’re still in the “Early Years,” but our knowledge of history reveals that the path we’re on is one of supreme concern.

ABOUT American Freedom Alliance (AFA)

The American Freedom Alliance (AFA) is a non-partisan, non-profit organization which promotes, defends and upholds Western values and ideals. AFA hosts a wide range of events to educate, build alliances and advocate for the defense of Western Civilization.

Watch the Speakers from the American Freedom Alliance “World War III: The Early Years”

Read Biographic information about World War III – The Early Years Speakers

Joe Allen: Artificial Intelligence as a Weapon of Mass Destruction

Gordan Chang: China Prepares for War

Stephen Coughlin: WARNING! an up-to-date national security briefing

Ed Dowd: Signposts of The Sovereign Debt Bubble Popping: What Comes Next?

Frank Gaffney: The Myriad Fronts of World War III

Brian Kennedy: The CCP vs. America: The Threat of Nuclear War

Dr. Rima Laibow: Globalists’ War on Sovereignty and Humanity

Trevor Loudon: From Mao to Mayhem

Col. John Mills (U.S. Army, Retired): Defeating the Deep State from DC to Your County 

Douglas Murray The War on the Westy

Dr. Michael Rectenwald: China and the Great Reset

Brigadier General (Ret.) Robert Spalding: War Without Rules – China’s Playbook for Global Domination

Robert Spencer: World War III on the Homefront: Crushing Resistance

Dr. Bradley A. Thayer: Thinking Like a Communist: Understanding the China Threat

Dave Walsh: Energy as a Geopolitical Tool in World War III

Patrick Wood

Round Table

Roundtable: World War 3 – What Now?

Mini-Clips – Dr. Bradley A. Thayer

Mini-Clip: Communism is an inhumane ideology

Mini-Clip: We Created – and Funded – China’s Rise

Mini-Clip: Communism has the Midas Touch in Reverse

Mini-Clip: Communists want to Kill You

Mini-Clip: Revolution Through Seizure of the Ideas Industry

Mini-Clip: Goal of Communism: Kill Political Liberalism and Replace it with Totalitarianism

Mini-Clip: Chinese Totalitarianism Very Similar to Current US Progressivism

Mini-Clip: Will Totalitarianism or Freedom Win? That’s the Question of the 21st Century

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