American Tech Mogul Millionaire Funds Pro-Palestine Protests

Contact Your Elected Officials

If you thought it odd that a well-organized pro-Palestinian protest occurred the very next day after 1,200 Jewish civilians were attacked, raped, slaughtered, and kidnapped in southern Israel by Palestinian Hamas terrorists you are not alone. It should come as no surprise to many that many of the massive pro-Palestinian protests offering faux-outrage by performance artists and other useful idiots, including the one on Oct. 8 in New York’s Times Square, were organized by bought and paid for influencers (a.k.a. provocateurs).

Multiple news outlets have traced this effort back to its apparent source of a social media profile belonging to The People’s Forum ( on X, formerly Twitter. There, people were told to go “all out for Palestine!” It also urged supporters to “stand with the people of Palestine, who have the right to resist apartheid, occupation & oppression.”

This same organization allegedly organized “Shut It Down for Palestine” protests on Nov. 4 to call for an end to U.S. support for Israel and Nov. 9. The latter protest had activists enter the lobby of the NYC headquarters of asset management giant BlackRock. The People’s Forum claimed later to “shut down” the company’s office” for that day.

The People’s Forum executive director Manolo De Los Sar criticized the recent “March for Israel”, which was held November 14 in Washington, D.C., calling it a “Pro-Genocide March” stating in a post on X, “This anti-Palestinian march, helped by the US govt, expects to gather a large crowd in support of 75 years of apartheid & occupation.” He went on to accuse speakers at the March for Israel of being “racists” and “fake progressives.” Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer and Republican House speaker Mike Johnson were two of the most notable speakers at this event that drew tens of thousands.

The People’s Forum is calling for more protests in support of Palestinians in opposition to Israel and its backers from around the world. Yesterday (11-19-2023) we saw one visiting the small town of Rockford, Illinois with a population of only about 150 thousand. So who is behind these well-orchestrated protests that ignore the slaughter of unarmed Jewish civilians in violation of the Geneva Conventions which defines the rights and protections afforded to non-combatants?

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), sent a letter back in August to Attorney General Merrick Garland calling for the Justice Department to investigate whether a Roy Singham and groups he supports are violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) through their support of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) affiliated organizations.

“It appears that organizations tied to Neville Roy Singham, a U.S. citizen, have been receiving direction from the CCP,” Rubio wrote. “Mr. Singham is the founder of Thoughtworks, a Chicago-based software consultancy, and for many years, promoted far-left causes. Mr. Singham reportedly created a dark money system that allows him to send funds to a number of far-left organizations.”

Sen Rubio specifically requested the DOJ investigate The People’s Forum, Dongsheng News and Code Pink for potential FARA violations.

A quote all over the internet by Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI), who chairs the Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the U.S. and CCP, offered “The Chinese Communist Party uses tools like Confucius Institutes on college campuses, TikTok’s addictive algorithm, and organizations like those that Mr. Singham funds to divide and weaken America.”

The Singham’s and The People’s Forum are suspected of having links to Chinese propaganda outlets, including Dongsheng News, which The New York Times reported shares an address with The People’s Forum. If the Singham husband and wife are funding protests that lead to street violence from an organization disguised as a social movement, it would be a violation of Federal anti-racketeering statutes. If these activities cause property damage or injure anybody, they can be charged under a variety of anti- terrorism statues. The Federal government could freeze all of their related accounts but that might be all the government can do to the millionaire if he is an American living abroad protected by the CCP.

In 1993, Singham started a software consulting company Thoughtworks in Chicago. In August 2017, he sold it to Apax Partners, a private equity firm, for a reported $785 million. Following the sale of his Chicago-based company, Singham issued a statement saying, given his “age and extreme privilege,” giving away most of his money while he’s still alive was “the best thing I could do.”

Francesca Block a reporter for The Free Press wrote, “But Singham is more than just a Marxist with deep pockets.” Block, citing a report in the Times said, “He is also a China sympathizer who lives in Shanghai and has close ties to at least four propaganda news sites that boost the Chinese Communist Party’s image abroad.”

Journalist Block is somewhat of an expert on this Marxist couple.  “Since 2017, Singham has been the main funder of The People’s Forum, which has co-organized at least four protests after 1,400 innocent Israelis were slaughtered by Hamas on October 7.” 

She reported, “One rally, in Times Square, happened on October 8 before Israel had even counted its dead.” This point she makes raises the more troubling question; Did the Singham’s have prior knowledge of the attack that was about to unfold?

Journalist Block reports “a review of public disclosure forms show that multimillionaire Singham and his wife Evans have donated over $20.4 million to The People’s Forum from 2017 to 2022 through a series of shell organizations and donor advisory groups—accounting for nearly all of the group’s funding.”

Block reports “That same year, The People’s Forum was founded and set up on the ground floor of a multistory building on 37th Street just blocks from Times Square; Evans was also installed as one of its three board members. As of 2021, the organization employed 13 staff members and held more than $13.6 million in total assets.”

Roy Singham was born the child of a Cuban mother and a father from Sri Lanka and was raised with far-left politics. According to Block at the age of only 17 he “joined the radical Marxist group and labor union League of Revolutionary Black Worker.” By 18 he went to work at a Chrysler plant in Detroit “where he took a central role with the league, helping organize strikes and partaking in ‘daily, intense self-criticism sessions.’”

Singham came to the attention of the FBI  in 1974. The Bureau investigated him as “potentially dangerous because of background, emotional instabilities or activity in groups engaged in activities inimical to the U.S.”  Singham posted the FBI’s report on a blog himself seemingly thinking it a joke.

Despite the obvious connections to the Chinese Communist Party, Singham has, in the past, denied he has any ties to the CCP.

“I categorically deny and repudiate any suggestion that I am a member of, work for, take orders from, or follow instructions of any political party or government or their representatives,” he wrote in an emailed statement to the Times. “I am solely guided by my beliefs, which are my long-held personal views.”

Meanwhile The People’s Forum website is promoting a book rerelease about to come out by author, “Palestine, Israel and the U.S. Empire”. Wikipedia reports author Richard Becker is also the National Coordinator of the ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) which was founded just 3 days after the attacks of September 11, 2001 for reasons that seem to go unexplained. To even the slowest thinking American, this is very suspicious.

As the old expression goes, “Timing is everything!”

Becker is also a co-founder and organizer for the Party for Socialism and Liberation.

Copyright © 2023 by Mark S. Schwendau

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