The battle for control of the Republican Party has been ongoing for decades; however, it has been especially intense over the last few years, the time period chronicled in this book. On the one side are the party bosses and insiders, and on the other side are the grassroots conservatives. Usually the party leadership battles and presidential nominations are won by the more moderate establishment wing of the party, which has all the advantages in terms of funding, endorsements and publicity.
After years of this ineffective GOP leadership, the 2016 election proved to be the time that the Republican Party finally returned to its grassroots and the conservative principles outlined in its platform. With the nomination of Donald Trump, it was the year the Republican establishment was finally defeated.
It remains to be seen whether Trump can defeat Hillary Clinton, and bring conservative values back to the White House. However, at least as a fighting conservative he will have a chance to defeat her. Only a Trump victory will provide our country the opportunity to recover from the incredible damage of the Obama years. A President Hillary Clinton could be the death knell of this country.
The stakes for a presidential election have never been higher. This political revolution must succeed. If not, the prospects for our beloved country are very bleak. In this election, it is imperative that all Republicans unite behind Donald Trump and his conservative agenda. Once that occurs, the Republican Party will reclaim the White House, and, most importantly, our country will be saved.

Back Cover
The 2016 election is “the last chance for the American people to take back control of their government.” ~ U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL) 2/1/16
2016: America is In Crisis
Debt Our debt now exceeds $19 trillion and our once vibrant economy is stagnant with 94 million Americans outside of the workforce.
Borders According to the 2015 U.S. Census, there are now 15.7 million illegal aliens in the country and 61 million immigrants overall. This massive demographic change impacts our language, culture and customs.
Terrorism Isis is causing havoc throughout the world and here in our country.
Weak leadership America desperately needs strong leadership and a new direction, not the same big government solutions which have created problems.
The presidential election of 2016 may be the most important one in our history. Progressivism has created the mess, and another eight years of it may be the death knell for America as we know her.
“This election may be our last chance to elect a real conservative or change agent as President. If we fail to stop the deadly march of liberalism, the negative consequences for America will be devastating. ” ~ Jeff Crouere 3/8/16
This is truly “America’s Last Chance.” And Republicans need to nominate an electable candidate who respects the Constitution, understands our role in the world, and is prepared to reignite American pride along with her economy and her standing on the world stage.
America’s Last Chance provides readers with the formula for victory in November and the type of change our country desperately needs to not only survive, but, in the words of Donald Trump, to “Make America Great Again.”

About the Author
Since January of 1999, Jeff Crouere has been a radio talk show host based in New Orleans, LA. His programs are dedicated to examining the top issues of the day on the local, state and national levels. Crouere offers listeners political debate, analysis, and interviews with interesting political leaders and commentators. Currently, Crouere is host of a morning program, Ringside Politics, which airs weekdays from 7-11 a.m. CST on WGSO 990 AM and can be heard on several affiliate stations and on the Internet at Crouere is also host of the TV version of Ringside Politics, which airs on WLAE-TV, a PBS affiliate in New Orleans. New Orleans area television viewers can also watch Crouere on ABC-26 TV, where he has served since 2002 as the political analyst and provides his insight on local, state and national politics.
The website for the radio and television program provides a web poll, political rumors, a schedule of guests, and links to a variety of Crouere’s columns. He writes daily, weekly, and monthly political analysis columns and editorials for a select number of print and on-line publications, including BayouBuzz, Townhall, Canada Free Press, GOPUSA, Kenner Star, The Daily Star of Hammond, and the Slidell Monthly.
He also is the editor of a weekly e-mail newsletter, which has a circulation of 7,000 readers. Once a month, Crouere hosts a local version of Politically Incorrect at the Eiffel Society in New Orleans called Politics with a Punch which includes a panel of comedians, politicians, media personalities, and news makers.

Crouere has served as moderator for political debates and forums featuring candidates contending for elective office, such as St. Bernard and Plaquemines Parish President, New Orleans City Council, U.S. Congress, U.S. Senate, LA Governor and U.S. President. He has been the featured speaker or emcee at events across Louisiana, speaking to over 150 clubs, organizations and schools across the state, such as Loyola University and the Alliance for Good Government.
He has held many leadership positions in the Louisiana Republican Party, including Deputy Chairman and Executive Director. In 2000, he served as the Louisiana Chairman of the Republican National Committee Catholic Task Force. For four years, he held the position of President of the Northshore Republican Men’s Club, a dynamic GOP organization in the state’s only Republican majority parish.
In March of 2009, he founded the Northshore Tea Party, which has sponsored over a dozen popular citizen rallies attracting presidential candidates like Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum as well as over 10,000 attendees. As a Louisiana Republican Party leader and talk show host, Jeff Crouere has been interviewed for his perspective by the New York Times, national radio networks such as National Public Radio, Talk America, Radio America, and Catholic Radio, and national cable television networks such as Fox News, CNN, CNN Headline News, CNBC, and MSNBC.
In 2016, Crouere served as Co-Chair of the Donald Trump Campaign in Louisiana and was elected as a delegate to the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

Currently Jeff Crouere is the host of “Ringside Politics,” which airs Saturdays from Noon-1 p.m. CT nationally on Real America’s Voice TV Network & AmericasVoice.News and weekdays from 7-11 a.m. CT on WGSO 990-AM & He is a political columnist, the author of America’s Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on For more information, email him at