In a video confession of a child trafficker who was caught on Ukraine-Slovakian border, the trafficker admits that he had higher involvement in the trafficking of kids from a boarding school in Perechyn, Ukraine.
Child trafficker and ex-teacher, Denys Varodi, 43, had allegedly given a $1000 down payment for the 11-month-old baby. He was arrested on the Ukraine-Slovakian border and put in prison. In a video obtained by journalist, Vitaliy Glagola, Varodi’s cellmate recorded a video where he admits and exposes more child trafficking he was involved in at the school he taught at.
Varodi said that he and other traffickers were involved in various activities with a “charity organization.” The charity worked with orphaned students at a boarding school in Perechyn, Ukraine. According to Varodi, many of these trips for students went to places such as “Holland, or Germany, or Italy, or America.”
During the various trips of the students, lawyers working with the trafficker would falsify documents of the students’ travel and some were allegedly “adopted.”
In reality, according to Varodi “children and students of the Borshchiv boarding school were taken out for organ transplantation.”
“If twenty-five children were taken out, only twenty-three were returned… between the employees of the institution, educators and teachers,” Varodi continued.
Students started asking questions about where the other orphans had gone during the trips and some faculty in the school. made excuses for why kids had disappeared.
Varodi explained that as a general rule, children at the school were selected for “organ transplants.”
“They were mostly orphans who had no parents,” Varodi said. “Some of them have not returned to this day and it is not known where they are.”
One police officer with the name of “Sasha” had also allegedly taken several girls from the school on a regular basis. Other employees at the school saw him take “two girls… constantly.” He would take them in the evening and return them in the morning time. Glagola described the events as happening “systematically.”
According to Glagola, in the video, Varodi “accuses the director of the boarding school, Vasyl Koba, the institution’s lawyer, Olga Longwiser, and the director’s son, Vasyl Koba Jr., of involvement in the sale of children for organs.”
Glagola called on law enforcement to investigate further into the crimes.
By Jack Posobiec and Thomas Stevenson
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Google Translation
Vitaliy Glagola (official):
In Transcarpathia, a man who was selling was detained . . .
Child trafficker Denis Varodi shocking and sensational confessions from the pre-trial detention center.
“I got my hands on a video of the communication of the child trafficker Denys Varodi, who is now in the Uzhhorod pre-trial detention center. The video confession was recorded right there by one of Varodi’s cellmates.
Subtitles were superimposed (with errors). In the video, child trafficker Denis Varodi admits that he was clearly aware that he was taking children “to the organs.” Despite the fact that he told his parents that the children would be adopted into European families.
In this sensational video from Denys Varodi, it is said that in Perechyn, children of the former boarding school were taken abroad for organs in 2010-2014. As well as several cases about 2016-2018.
In the video, Denys Varodi also accuses the director of the boarding school, Vasyl Koba, the institution’s lawyer, Olga Longwiser, and the director’s son, Vasyl Koba Jr., of involvement in the sale of children for organs in EU countries.
In addition, the man told about how the girls were picked up from the institution in the evening by authorized police officers and brought back only in the morning. According to the man, this happened systematically.
Now it’s up to law enforcement officers and the court. I call on law enforcement officers and competent services to immediately investigate the information from Denis Varodi’s confession and verify the veracity of the accusations.
And in general, I’m just shocked. Even if we imagine that only 10% of these statements are true.”
Original Text
Віталій Глагола (official)
На Закарпатті затримали чоловіка, що продавав
Торговець дітьми Денис Вароді: шокуючі та сенсаційні зізнання із слідчого ізолятора
Мені до рук потрапило відео спілкування торговця дітьми Дениса Вароді, який зараз знаходиться у ужгородському слідчому ізоляторі. Відеозізнання записано прямо там одиним із однокамерників Вароді. Були накладені субтитри (з помилками).
У відео торговець дітьми Денис Вароді зізнається, що чітко усвідомлював, що везе дітей «на органи». При тому, що батькам він казав, що діти будуть усиновлені в європейські родини.
У цьому сенсаційному відео від Дениса Вароді йдеться про те, що в Перечині дітей колишньої школи-інтернату вивозили за кордон на органи в 2010-2014 роках. А також кілька випадків про 2016-2018 роки.
У відео Денис Вароді також звинувачує директора інтернату Василя Кобу, юристку закладу Ольгу Лонгвізер та сина директора Василя Кобу молодшого в причетності до продажу дітей на органи в країни ЄС.
Крім того, чоловік розповів про те, як дівчаток із закладу ввечері забирали уповноважені працівники поліції і привозили назад тільки під ранок. За заявою чоловіка таке відбувалось систематично.
Тепер справа за правоохоронцями та судом. Закликаю правоохоронців та компетентні служби негайно розслідувати інформацію із зізнань Дениса Вароді та перевірити достовірність звинувачень.
А загалом – у мене просто шок. Навіть, якщо уявити, що із цих заяв правда тільки 10%.