Bannon's War Room

On Bannon's War Room, Steve Bannon brings medical experts, politicians, business leaders and more for a look at the latest news, providing insider insights.

Bannon’s War Room Articles & Videos

Steve Bannon hosts WAROOM: PANDEMIC discussing the CCP, COVID-19, Biden Crime Family, Biden Regime's created crisis, U.S. elections and the MAGA movement.

Natalie Winter’s Articles on War Room

Natalie Winters writes for and co-hosts The War Room alongside Steve Bannon. An avid researcher, her breaking news articles beat the main stream media by years.

James O’Keefe EXPOSES BlackRock Employee, Revealing “Evil” Intentions Of Global Ruling Class

James O’Keefe founder of the investigative reporting network O’Keefe Media Group joins Steve Bannon’s War Room to discuss his...

Government Gangsters: The Movie

Government Gangsters: The Movie pulls back the curtain on the Deep State, revealing major players and tactics within the permanent government bureaucracy,

Hunter Biden’s Bio Firm Partnered With Ukraine Lab On Bird Flu Research Funded By Fauci, Pentagon.

Investment firm directed by Hunter Biden was financial backer of pandemic tracking and response firm that collaborated on bird flu research in Ukrainian labs, receiving Obama DoD funds.

Steve Bannon Must Report to Jail Judge Says

Stephen K. Bannon, host of the popular War Room show on Real America's Voice, must report to jail by July 1, 2024 after losing his appeal in Washington, D.C..
MAGA Business Central

FBI Admits: It’s ‘Standard Protocol’ to Set Up Political Enemies, Try to Kill Them

FBI followed standard protocol in search as we do for all search warrants FBI said regarding news they prepared to use deadly force in illegal raid on Mar-a-Lago.

Company Run By Daughter Of Trump Judge Repped Group Behind Attempted Trump Ballot Removal.

Company run by daughter of judge overseeing Trump’s NY case, works for legal groups behind efforts to keep Trump off 2024 ballot and CCP-funded influence groups.

BillBlaster App

The BillBlaster App has an intuitive interface which gives instant access to information about your district and ways to connect with your representatives.

American Neros: C.C.P. Biolabs + Unchecked P.L.A. insertions = Disaster

Can't overstate dangers from presence inside our borders of multi-division army of young adult males from hostile places whose allegiance is completely unknown.

RNC Chairs, Treasurers Held Meetings With Chinese Communist Party Officials To Discuss ‘Campaign Strategy’ & China Policy.

RNC Chairmen and Treasurers met with CCP officials and foreign influence groups to discuss “campaign strategies” and direction of U.S.-China relations for decade.

Julie Kelly Explains How Jan 6 Proves Democrats Were Planning Lawfare Attacks On Trump

Julie Kelly discusses one thousand January 6th witness interviews that have allegedly gone missing from the January 6th committee evidence pool.