CD Media

CD Media is a catalyst for the process of industrial mutation that revolutionizes the economic structure from within, destroying the old one, creating a new one."

CD Media Articles

Based in the United States, the mission at Creative Destruction Media or CD Media is to provide breaking domestic...

DoD Controlled Covid ‘Vaccines’ From Start Under National Security Program – Lied Entire Time – Were Never ‘Safe and Effective’

Decisions concerning COVID-19 vaccine research, materials acquisition, distribution, and information sharing were tightly controlled by DoD, not FDA, CDC, and Fauci.

BREAKING: Forensic Experts Find Mathematical ‘Red Flags’ In First Round of Brazilian Presidential Election.

Dossier by experts well-versed in election statistics and electoral anomalies find mathematical ‘red flags’ in first round of Brazilian presidential election.

Brazil: The Most Important Election Battleground Against Global Communism In 2022

Bolsonaro's are moral bulwark for the free society of Brazil. They've become the symbol and representation of and for the fed up electorate.

Proven Election Fraud In Georgia!

Petitioners in a lawsuit organized by VoterGA to inspect Fulton County ballots have added stunning claims in their amended complaint and provided new evidence...

150 To 1 – Trump Enthusiasm Reverberates Across America

As my family and I drove from Virginia to Seattle and back in June, I noticed something very peculiar...
MAGA Business Central

WARNING: Military Officers Supporting And Enabling Marxism In DoD Will Face Accountability

U.S. military officers betraying oath to Constitution by enabling Marxist infiltration in DoD, Nuremberg defense will not hold up in court martials.

This is what will happen if ‘Greatest Voter Fraud Operation Ever Biden’ becomes POTUS

With Biden, US will continue down path of an oligarchy. Rich will get richer, poor will get poorer, middle class will continue to disappear.

The Mechanics Behind The Electronic Vote Steal Operation

Forget about ballots, the vote can be stolen electronically! The mechanics behind the electronic vote steal operation are revealed in this interview with powerful source, Russell Ramsland.