The Thinking Conservative

The goal of THE THINKING CONSERVATIVE is to help us educate ourselves on conservative topics of importance to our freedom and our pursuit of happiness. We do this by sharing conservative opinions on all kinds of subjects, from all types of people, and all kinds of media, in a way that will challenge our perceptions and help us to make educated choices.

Video Playlist: Lara Logan In The News

Award-winning journalist Lara Logan turns her fearless investigative eye to America's political, social and economic war zones to reveal the truth behind the mainstream narrative of today's most divisive issues.

Video Playlist: Above Inspiration

With God all things are possible. Above Inspiration offers this wonderful collection of inspirational and motivational videos will inspire...

Video Playlist: GOP War Room – Dems Said What?!?

GOP War Room brings us Dems Said What?!? This is content that comes right out of the mouths of...

Video Playlist: Lion of Judah

The Lion of Judah YouTube channel is filled with motivational videos originally scripted and the narrated and brings some of our favorite speeches to life.

Video Playlist: Answers to Your Questions

Experts discuss topics of interest to Christians and non-Christians including Heaven, homosexuality, life in the universe, the old testament, and dying with dignity.

Video Playlist: Questions About Healthcare in America

This video playlist gives answers to many of the questions asked about healthcare in America including government healthcare, Obamacare,...
MAGA Business Central

Podcast: American Conservative University

American Conservative University is commercial free, entertaining, and informative, offering the best conservative talent in the world.

Video Playlist: Uncommon Knowledge

For more than two decades the Hoover Institution has been producing Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson, a series hosted by Hoover...

Video Playlist: Educate Freedom

Each episode of The Freedom Records is a powerful discussion with a survivor (or their family member) of socialism,...

Video Playlist: Liberty University Convocation

Liberty University Convocation is North America's largest weekly gathering of Christian students, and each year it plays host to...

Video Playlist: Young American’s Foundation On Campus

"AMERICA IS IN NEED OF ADULTING!"~ JERRY VANDIVER, THE JERRY VAN SHOW Young American's Foundation has your favorite On Campus...

Video Playlist: Billy Graham’s Classic Sermons

This is a video playlist of some of Billy Graham's classic sermons preached throughout the years by the Reverend...