Authoritarian Messaging By Biden Must Stop

Contact Your Elected Officials

Dr. Robert Malone on War Room: Pandemic with Steve Bannon and Peter Navarro discussing Covid-19 vaccines and the authoritarian rule of the Biden Administration.

Dr. Robert Malone . . . I really want to underscore what you just said. We’ve got to stop this authoritarian messaging. It’s driving people into their foxholes. It’s making them less likely to accept vaccine. This is absolutely counterproductive and it doesn’t work with the science. We’ve got to get back to evidence-based medical practice, and it’s quite clear that, from the CDC’s own slide deck, if you have a reproductive coefficient, like chickenpox, about 8 for an are not, our current vaccines plus rigorous masking will not stop this virus from spreading. It’s in the CDC’s own slide deck. That’s what’s got the media in such a tail twist is when you look at those data, we can’t get there from here. So we’re doing stuff that is going to drive viral evolution to be able to further escape vaccines, we’re doing it in an authoritarian fashion where rules are being broken. The fundamental rules of of clinical ethics have just been thrown out the door and it’s not good science. . .

Peter Navarro: . . . What we’d learned today is that the policy which the United States of America is pursuing, and basically as a leader in this space, other governments from France to Australia are pursuing, is fundamentally going to take us to a place where we’re not going to be able to manage this risk properly. People are going to suffer, people are going to die, unnecessarily, and as they’re doing it, the great irony of authoritarianism here, is that the likes of Chris Cuomo and Morning Joe and the President and the Director of the CDC are going to be ordering us to do things which are fundamentally against [which are] bad science. I can’t tell you how grateful we are here in the War Room that you would come here into the studio and share this with us. This is going to be a fight. They’re coming after you, they’re coming after us, they’re trying to censor, ah, but we’re going to fight back cuz I believe that the science ultimately will win here.

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