
Best Of Web on TheThinkingConservative.com includes RSS feeds from conservative media on the web that help people understand  conservative thought and more.

Alma Research and Education Center Articles

The Alma Research and Education Center is an organization making in-depth geopolitical knowledge about the Middle East accessible to English speakers.
Naomi Wolf

Outspoken with Dr. Naomi Wolf Articles

Dr. Naomi Wolf is a bestselling author, columnist, professor; graduate of Yale with a doctorate from Oxford and cofounder and CEO of DailyClout.io civic tech company.
Mark Tapson's Culture War

Culture War Articles

Mark Tapson is a writer, speaker, podcaster, teacher, and screenwriter. Culture Wars is defending and preserving the endangered legacy of what used to be known as Christendom.
Power The Future

Power The Future Articles

With so many loud voices in the energy conversation, Power The Future's will highlight truth, unmask agendas, expose hypocrisy and reduce hyperbole.
The Babylon Bee

The Babylon Bee

The Babylon Bee is the world’s best satire site, totally inerrant in all its truth claims. We write satire about Christian stuff, political stuff, and life.
America First Legal

America First Legal Articles

The radical left is using its power inside and outside of the government to destroy our country.  It is opening America’s borders, shutting down American energy, trying to take over...
The Reese Report by Greg Reese

The Reese Report

Reporter, historian, author, and broadcaster, Greg Reese is a trusted journalists of the post Wikileaks era who created a new form of journalism with short videos.
Taking Back Trumps America

Peter Navarro’s Taking Back Trump’s America Articles

Peter Navarro started this Substack as an extension of his book Taking Back Trump’s America, the blueprint and battle cry for the modern MAGA movement
Breitbart News

Breitbart News Articles

Breitbart routinely features exclusive interviews and original content with and from American and world leaders. Andrew Breitbart and Larry Solov partnered to create Breitbart...
Americans For Public Trust

Americans for Public Trust Articles

Americans for Public Trust is dedicated to restoring trust in government by holding politicians and political groups accountable for corrupt and unethical behavior.

Victor Marx Podcast

The Victor Marx Show brings you real conversations facing life’s hard truths, stories of redemption and the latest from the frontlines. Welcome to the Victor...
Empower Oversight: Whistleblowers & Research

Empower Oversight: Whistleblowers & Research Articles

Empower Oversight Whistleblowers & Research (EMPOWR) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan educational organization dedicated to enhancing independent oversight of government and corporate wrongdoing. EMPOWR works to...