Best Of Web

Best Of Web on includes video playlists, RSS feeds, speeches and much more that help people understand conservatism.

Donald Trump – Liberty University Convocation

On January 18th, 2016, at Convocation, North America’s largest weekly gathering of Christian students, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke to students about the...

Tucker Carlson to Keynote Speech at Heritage’s 50th Anniversary Gala

WASHINGTON—Tucker Carlson, the popular Fox News primetime host who started his career at The Heritage Foundation, will deliver the keynote address at Heritage’s 50th...

Politicians, It’s About Serving the People Who Elected You!

One of the most powerful speakers we know, Gov. Mark Robinson, tells it like it should be in Washington DC. It's about being of...
President John F. Kennedy speech on the Russian Missile Crisis

President John F. Kennedy Addresses The Cuban Missile Crisis

This Government, as promised, has maintained the closest surveillance of the Soviet Military buildup on the island of Cuba. ~ President John F. Kennedy

Hispanic Leadership Conference – Keynote Address

AFPI and America First Works, in partnership with the Hispanic Impact Panel and Bienvenido, concluded a historic Hispanic Leadership Conference.
Giorgia Meloni

Giorgia Meloni: Defending God, Country and Family

Giorgia Meloni is Prime Minister of Italy. She is a Christian, a populist who believes in God, her country and the family. She is not a Nazi, but an Italian patriot.

John Adams: The Building of a Republic

I see a new nation ready to take its place in the world, not an empire, but a republic, and a republic of laws, not men. ~ John Adams

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem’s CPAC 2022 Speech

The amazing Governor of South Dakota, Gov. Kristi Noem, spoke at the CPAC Florida 2022 Conference on February 24, 2022. Listen to and read...

Sen. John Kennedy Speaks at CPAC 2022 Florida

I'm John Kennedy -- I'm John Kennedy. Not that John Kennedy. This John Kennedy. Permit me, if you will, to tell you what I...

Governor Ron DeSantis’ 2022 State of the State Address

Governor Ron DeSantis delivered his last State of the State address of his first term in the Florida State Capitol in Tallahassee on Tuesday,...

The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society | John...

Address Of The President At The Dinner Of The Bureau of Advertising, American Newspaper Publishers Association, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York, New York, April 27,...
John F. Kennedy 1960

Senator John F. Kennedy: Today, as never before, America needs a strong economy.

This is a speech given by Senator John F. Kennedy, to the Associated Business Publications Conference, Biltmore Hotel, New York, NY on October 12,...