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Best Of Web

Best Of Web on TheThinkingConservative.com includes video playlists, RSS feeds, speeches and much more that help people understand conservatism.

Trump speaks at the 2019 National Prayer Breakfast

President Trump delivers remarks at the 2019 National Prayer Breakfast. Vice President Pence and the Second Lady, Melania Trump attend.
Feminist speaks out against trans movement

Feminist speaks out against trans movement

Julia Beck weighs in on the trans movement debate and the argument against trans people in female-only spaces after she was ousted from a...

2019 State of the Union Address

In his 2019 State of the Union address, President Donald Trump focused on the idea of “American Greatness,” urged citizens to unite behind a...

VICE Talks With The Young Black Conservatives of Trump’s America

In October of 2018, hundreds of young conservatives of color met up in Washington, DC, for the first ever Young Black Leadership Summit: a...

Martin Luther King Jr – I Have A Dream Speech – August 28, 1963

I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the...

How a border wall with Mexico brings security to a small Texas community

Star-Ledger columnist Paul Mulshine explores the border wall in the Texas town of Los Indios. Mulshine met with the mayor who supports President Trump...

President Reagan’s Farewell Address to the Nation

Farewell Address to the Nation January 11, 1989 My fellow Americans: This is the 34th time I'll speak to you from the Oval Office and the last....
Gavin Newsom and his aunt, Nancy Pelosi

Gavin Newsom’s keeping it all in the family

Gavin Newsom is succeeding someone who could be considered his quasi-uncle, since his inauguration continues the decades-long saga of four San Francisco families intertwined...

The Anti-American Dream

The quickest way to create a captive society is to educate children to hate their own freedom. Nobody’s feelings were consulted during the making...
Uncommon Knowledge

Video Playlist: Uncommon Knowledge 2018

For more than two decades the Hoover Institution has been producing Uncommon Knowledge with Peter Robinson, a series hosted by Hoover fellow Peter Robinson as an outlet for...
McKinsey & Company

How McKinsey Has Helped Raise the Stature of Authoritarian Governments

McKinsey's clients have included the Saudis, Turkey, Ukraine, China and Kremlin-linked firms in Russia. The company defends its work around the world, saying that...

Brian Kilmeade Presents “America: Great From The Start”

Fox & Friends co-host, leading nationally syndicated radio host, and New York Times bestselling author Brian Kilmeade brings his well-known humor and commentary to...