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Best Of Web

Best Of Web on TheThinkingConservative.com includes video playlists, RSS feeds, speeches and much more that help people understand conservatism.

Glenn Greenwald: “Edward Snowden and the Secrets of the National Security State”

Glenn Greenwald, best known for his series in "The Guardian" detailing classified information about global surveillance programs based on top-secret documents provided by Edward...

President Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address (1865)

'The Judgments of the Lord' Abraham Lincoln delivered his second inaugural address on Saturday, March 4, 1865, during his second inauguration as President of the...

General Jim Mattis brings insight and clarity to the nature of war

In this episode of Uncommon Knowledge we are honored to have retired four-star General James Mattis to bring insight and clarity to the nature...

China is angling to replace the United States as a global superpower

In the bestselling but controversial new book "The Hundred-Year Marathon," author and former Pentagon official Michael Pillsbury argues that China is angling to replace...
Misceláneas de Cuba

The Cuba-Iran-Venezuela Relationship: Implications for the United States*

President Barack Obama’s announcement on December 17, 2014, about an improvement in U.S.-Cuban relations will have little, if any, impact on General Raúl Castro’s...

The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower

Hudson Institute hosted a discussion with Dr. Michael Pillsbury, director of Hudson’s Center on Chinese Strategy, Representative J. Randy Forbes, Chairman of the Congressional...

The Allure of Scientism | Ben McAllister | TEDxSMU

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. We live in a culture that worships data. In...

“A Time For Choosing” by Ronald Reagan

A Time For Choosing is a Ronald Reagan stump speech that was given at speaking engagements and was given on a memorable night in...

The BORDER STATES of AMERICA with Nick Searcy

The Border States of America tells the story of human smugglers and drug cartels, of American citizens whose lives are at risk; and the toll on our communities and bring the truth about the border crisis and illegal immigration.

Ronald Reagan’s Remarks Marking the 40th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising

Remarks at a White House Luncheon Marking the 40th Anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising August 17, 1984 - The President. Your Eminence and members of the...

Obama or Biden should have attended General Harold J. Greene’s funeral

I was disturbed albeit not surprised after reading the article “General Killed in Afghanistan Laid to Rest in Arlington Rites” (Aug. 15). It was...
American Conversation Essentials

Video Playlist: American Conversation Essentials

American Conversation Essentials is brought to you by The Hoover Institution which encourages discussions, generate ideas, and disseminate information, which will help secure and...