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Best Of Web

Best Of Web on TheThinkingConservative.com includes video playlists, RSS feeds, speeches and much more that help people understand conservatism.

America's Wealth

5 Ways America’s Wealth Undermines Our Character

Too much of a good thing can be very bad indeed. “Middle-class society is being strained to the breaking point not, as Marx predicted, by...
3 Character Traits that Undermine Prosperity

The Poor Get Poorer: 3 Character Traits That Undermine Prosperity

Gluttonous, slothful, irresponsible and entitled: Today's "poor" are the "rich" Jesus warned us about. By Kathy Shaidle - PJ Media  . . . the way many...
John F. Kennedy’s Address U.S. involvement in the Race for Space

John F. Kennedy’s Address U.S. involvement in the Race for Space

On September 12, 1962 at Rice Stadium University in Houston, Texas, President John F. Kennedy announced the United States participation in the race for...

Media’s Abortion Distortion Plays into Planned Parenthood’s Abortion Industry’s Deception

51 percent of Planned Parenthood’s yearly clinic income – their only self-sustaining revenue source – comes from abortion, 329,445 abortions.
Obama's America 2016

Showtimes for ‘2016: Obama’s America’ unavailable on top movie listing website

“I was interested in seeing the new movie, ‘2016: Obama's America’ so I went to Yahoo! Movies and found that you cannot search for it on Yahoo! Movies.”

Ronald Reagan’s Address to the Nation on Federal Tax and Budget Reconciliation Legislation

President Ronald Reagan gave his Address to the Nation on Federal Tax and Budget Reconciliation Legislation on August 16, 1982. My fellow Americans: There's an old...

Mark Steyn: Obama the Great Disabler

The other day, I passed a Republican Party county office here in my home state, its window attractively emblazoned with placards declaring "Believe in...
Oscar-Winning Producer of 'Schindler's List' Slams Obama

Oscar-Winning Producer of ‘Schindler’s List’ Slams Obama

Gerald R. Molen is an Oscar-winning film producer whose credits include "Rain Man," "Minority Report," "Twister," "Schindler's List,"  "Jurassic Park and "2016." My fellow patriots, As...

Milton Friedman Speaks – Is Capitalism Humane?

Dr. Friedman speaks on the morality of capitalism. The question is irrelevant. Capitalism per se is not humane or inhumane; neither is socialism. If...

Defending Slavery: Abolition of Abortion

We look back one hundred and fifty years and shake our heads in wonderment and disbelief as to how a “civilized” society could have justified enslaving others in order to advance their own social and financial situation.

If I Wanted America To Fail . . . From Obama to Biden

"If I Wanted America to Fail" summaries how the policies of the Obama administration, and it's extension, the Biden administration are destroying America.

1984: Grace Commission Report under Ronald Reagan showed IRS is a fraud that collects...

"100% of what is collected is absorbed solely by interest on the Federal Debt … all individual income tax revenues are gone before one...